Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
#547 BEACH'd Edition
Previous Thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Love you guys! Have fun and be safe!

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Bless this thread with Holy GETs, /comfy/ vibes, good discussion, fresh OC, free /healings/, and free /repairs/.

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Thread theme: youtu.be/JQz_WjTn68U

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Preemptive arrival of Based Boatman to rescue Rosa from any handcuffing

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Oh, shit. This is gonna become another pic related, isn't it?

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look at this cute face

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Can't see her hands, so they're as good as handcuffed.

Thread theme:

Hello new bread, please be healed by Arita!

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I watched that show only for Pamela Anderson. Thanks for the memories.

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Some Day!

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Found it!

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>two hours

I love you too, user

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CO anons are about 35 minutes away from Huntington I believe


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>cooler outside than in my air conditioned hotel room

The fuck, California?

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Oh thank goodness it’s not the cuckroller

>Me waiting for meetup news.

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Cuckcarts are banned on the beach under penalty of death.

Try telling him that....

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>11 posters
> dead thread
>page 5

The past 2 days prove that the CALI anons are the only ones that post in these threads

Now that the area has been made safe from handcuffing and cuckcarts, it's time to have some fun.

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AND the CO anons, thank you.

CO anons have hit the beach. Immortality is here! Take it, it's yours!

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A beach of taste and distinction.

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>Woah, woah, I was just joking about calling the cops on the meet, Alita! P-Put the sword down!

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Turns out Rosa, did make it to the meet after all!

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Ready to go for a swim Ali?

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>Sure, let's hit the rocks!

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might be a bit late but Northridge user and a guest my bro are inbound.

>Rosa with Alitadress

Attached: poncho with hat.png (865x1111, 302K)

There better be pictures of the meet

>Bro inbound?!

Attached: Alita Excited.png (177x240, 80K)

Expected it to be a lot colder honestly

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Hey dude, meet us at tk.

Look for a guy in a pink shirt if you are there

You guys still at tk or did you go somewhere else?

Don't worry, I'll give you a Damascus blade like this one too, Vector.

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You faggots better take a group picture. I want to see what all of you look like

Not been here long? There's already been like 4-5 meet's.

4K HDR torrent when?
wasn't it supposed to be this week?

BR's were announced this week, Digital on the 9th of July and BR's coming 22nd or 23rd at the earliest. I forget which

Yeah boye, gonna pick up water & beer when we’re close. Any preference?

wow, you guys really liked Alita huh?
not saying it's a bad thing

>califrens are missing the real beach meet

Attached: smug.webm (500x500, 2.23M)

We have an outdoor table for any stragglers looking for us

Blessed, and I'm not at the meet, so go ham

When does a decent copy of this drop?
I've seen recent films having their BrRips already.


Time's up for the meet up!

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the water is nice, lets take our clothes off

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One day, /ALITA/!

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Of course.

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There's 7 of us at the meetup so far, still waiting on 3 or 4 people

Ok, thanks, they took a shit long time

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2 anons inbound still. Traffic, big shock.

The Disney/Fox merger might have something to do with it. They fucked up the theatrical release and advertising too.

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>its BJ time...

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and a ching chong nip nong to you, young lady

cute lol

we need the little dog and edward norton

>Oh shit, I'm sorry

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Yo guys I'm at the beach where you guys at!

Tk burger!

burger king

How do we know of Rosa went and just told anons there to keep it a secret?....

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I don't know if BJ user is going to come

check behind the lighthouse

heh...heh heh

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is there anyone around in a red hat acting suspicious?

Looks like you need something to wash down that flan!

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OMFgmfmdfn, you know where this vod is from?!?!?

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Nobody in a hat yet, I hope he shows up though cause the more the merrier

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>So you haven't got the source?

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i found them on old twitter posts, it might be from an instagram live

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Oh ok thanking yous, take this cursed Rosa as a thanks.

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547 generals

of /healings/

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Looks like Rosa DID make it to the beach meet...

Attached: 11250206_859027020857751_6900799979554081529_n.jpg (599x399, 23K)

Even got the fire pit up and going...

Attached: 11745480_859027037524416_5015261228185773182_n.jpg (600x899, 58K)

what i did was search rosa salazar on twitter and insta. there were like 1000 images

heres more rare stuff



No firepits open!

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Based Rare Rosa finder

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Take a fucking group photo. Are you too scared too? Too scared that we'll make fun of you? God damn you fucking pussy

>not taking a group photo
Confirmed to be a bunch of ugly nerds too scared to show us

Basically here. Picking up water and beer. Where will the group be? I ought to be easy to spot. Death metal longsleeve and a Mariners hat.



Nice work VA, they look good!

>Thanks for bringing a grill! That will save us some tiiiime.

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Someone can meet you at TK Burger and bring wood if you could

You guys know there will be one eventually. Let them have their fun and quit bitchin.

There's dozen's of pics from previous meets, retard. Post a pic of yourself, ya ugly neckbeard.

We're going to take a photo once everyone shows up and we'll have to shop our faces or anyways

>they shall sacrifice the holy queen to Moloch for an Alita sequel...

Attached: Moloch-followers.jpg (610x440, 87K)

where's Zalem?

That's an awful lot of bounty hunters in one place

>Death metal longsleeve and a Mariners hat.
we found bj user

Roger, fire wood acquired.

>What's it like to hold the one you love, interlinked.
>Interlinked with cells with in cells.

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excellent work, my compliments to your crew

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Here you go

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Fucking kek these edits are always so good

You've earned yourself a BIG coin, fren

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Any one know how to turn into a dog? Just asking for a friend...

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actually if you turned into a hot tranny you have a better chance.

You taking from experiance?

Spotted TK burger, parking.

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>Those don't go on the BBQ
> Silly user

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rosa has a thing for hot girls

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Look for metal band shirt dude with wood lol

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>that frosting
>that candy on top
>that soda

burgers really love their corn syrup

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how much wood do you have?

...must...resist joke

Anyone else notice as the Cali and CO anons got ready for the meetup the past 24 hours that the Jerome posting and low IQ trolling in these threads has tapered off? Really activates the almond.

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Does anyone have the screenshots of that user who told his gf her eyes are too small?

>Jerome going undercover
Does anyone on the meetup have a suspicious looking mustache and glasses?

>used to think her eyes were weird
>watched the movie and realized she actually looked pretty cute
>today I think it looks weird again
What did they do right and wrong?

Weekends are naturally the time when threads are the slowest, across the boards, across Yea Forums. People would rather spend their weekend doing things other than browsing Yea Forums, believe it or not.

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We have officially lit a fire

hahahaha, that was an absolute classic

Don't have the screenshot, though, sorry.

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She's perfect in the setting and in motion. The more you watch her the more the eyes are CUTE. Trust us it grows on you.

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thread is dead from the daily posters and the jeromes

jerome was a manufactured inside job all along to keep the threads alive....

Who the fuck is us when you're the only one in the room?

gay u2

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I mean you're here too. You, me, and my 38 alternative IPs

>a black

No mustaches


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>that thumb is touching that titty

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A treasured piece of history.

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holy fuck this was so good I remember this

beach looks pretty nice sad I can't be there

Good night, friends! I'll be expecting a full after action report on the meetup tomorrow. And to whoever put together the beach OC: you rock.

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any other thread would have archived by this much inactivity...

I feel like you're missing a pic here.
Sleep well friend!

I wouldn't be surprised if Jerome posters were at the meetup then. Quite a few of the insiders are there. That would explain the drop in trolling happening right now.

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how so? we bump it enough to keep it around

back when /alita/ was funny, now the only people left are fags who took the meme too far

this is clearly serious love user

we had zero shitposting last night and today, basically zero...
the meet up crew has a lot to answer for

I actually think this is about the usual cycle for trolling honestly.

no way, the neo evangelion posts drop, the brie posts dropped, the "kill yourself" posts drop, the posts making fun of her eyes gone...

All of these have dropped recently. we had more of them when people were still using this place as a refuge for GoT spam

this for

I hope everyone is having a /blessed/ day

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Nah. All the trolling and Jerome posting began dropping off as the CO anons hit Cali. Shortly after Cali anons started getting ready for the meetup baking cup cakes, rounding up BBQs and shit. That is when shitposting really began to drop off. I doubt this is a coincidence. Even Peaches turned out to be a Jerome posting janny a week or so ago. Other namefags supported the behaviour and said they had Jerome posted too so it was no big deal.

it's gay that this movie has a general. it's just one movie, get over it

Peaches is many things but that post wasn't actually him.

The stoner posting has dropped off recently too. I wonder if they are one or more of the meetup anons.

Sup old friends. So the Alita blu-ray seems to apparently be released in the middle of July, is it? I thought somebody here said it's supposed to release in May? Why is it taking so long? I only got to see Alita once before my local cinema took it off.

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the drop off in hate posting and doom posting is too big to be a coincidence.

all that hatred and constant insulting was allways coming from meet up newfags... how depressing

even lewd posting went down, what a disgrace

You're right it's pretty gay and I like that.

Here's an alternative suggestion: thread activity has gone down with them at the meet, so it appears less on P1 and thus the spergs see it less.

What are you talking about? Peaches admitted it when they came out of the closet as a janny.

Disney merger fuckery. 23 July seems confirmed for us though. Welcome back friend.

He's not a janny lmao he's just a guy who makes us webms.

These threads have been hovering between 5 and 7 for days now. Troll posting was heaviest then as it was manufactured to keep the thread bumped. The regular troll posters aren't casual drop ins from page 1. They are almost every thread posters. They are here all the time lately and poof it just stopped as the meetup came on.

he said himself that hes the janny protecting these threads

Add our little frens plz

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Heading to dennys soon

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What I think is more likely is that the meet anons are the ones who heavily engage with trolls. See: for example is still here but no one is biting because we don't really care. That's the distinction imo.

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(you) are wrong.

Peaches definitely came out and stated as much.
Pic related.

Attached: peaches the janny.jpg (704x426, 79K)

if that was the case the trolls would be mocking us for the low post count. the people that hate alita would be shoving it in our face that the thread is dead

it all points out to meet up anons

Reminder: flopped, sequel never

Now this is good and old-fasioned.

It's almost like anyone can use this name and post anything they want.

I never liked Alita, all those webms were to trick you into making threads about a movie. Ha ha ha, you all fell for my trap.

what the fuck was the point of having a pre-order if it sells out? son of a bitch I would've ordered it had I known it was a fake pre-order

This is exactly what I have been thinking. Last weekend was a shitshow of Jerome posting and false flagging non stop. This weekend has been very quiet. Jerome wouldn't miss the opportunity to shitpost leading up to and during the meetup. However many Jeromes there are, at least one or two of them should be here tonight shitposting if the past several weekends are any indication. Most of the trolling dropped right off though as the insiders going to the meetup began getting ready.

meet up guy posts pic of where he is:
shit post appears right away:
this is confirmed now....

Fuck you got us better believe you inherently now.

>on the road chilling
>shitpost confirmed
big brain

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pre-orders also gauge interest in the product so they'll produce more if they sell out

I sure as hell hope Best Buy puts out more, I have a gift card that I could've used towards the purchase.

They almost certainly will. Especially with the long release cycle you just hold out for it.

unless a real jerome was in the hospital, why would he miss on two straight days of mocking us or threaten the meet up or spam the thread to make fun of us,

i have a feeling that the anti pot user picking fights over pot was a meet up user too

the meeting is today and no one argued over the pot....

now everyone knows the insults and hate is coming from you meet up guys,
i almost wish a real jerome recorded everyone just to see who was hate posting all along

that guy stopped posting after people stopped reacting to it. this happens every single meet: people troll the thread and then the meet goes off without a hitch

>meet up guys
i'm sitting in digeridoo land posting right now so i'd be pretty surprised if i was a meetfriend

>still no group photo
Fucking CONFIRMED that alita fags are ugly and too pussy to post pics. Holy shit.

>all these fake excuses

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>this happens every single meet: people troll the thread and then the meet goes off without a hitch

>this happens every single meet

>people troll the thread and then the meet goes off without a hitch

>then the meet goes off without a hitch

do we need more proof? you are confirming it now.
meet up goes well and trolling stops... BECAUSE THE TROLL IS IN THE MEET UP

Oh my God, all this paranoia. Weekends, and Saturday nights in particular, are when there are the least amount of posters in general. Regulars like us who love Alita and /ALITA/ would be here whereas just visiting Jeromes would not be here on a Saturday night. Is that so hard to grasp? Fucking Hell, even when Jerome isn't here shitposting, we're at each other's throats. You're all actually upset that there's no spam or shitposting today?

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>anons are more concerned about proving something to Jerome than being in the moment and having fun.

Pics always come out late, late, late at night on the day of or on the day after, and it's always been that way the few meet-ups we've had.

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we already know, one or more of you really actually is jerome.
specially if every meet up is like this:

people secretly love the drama but they can't admit it to themselves so they need to find an excuse to talk about it

YOU might be Jerome, because you're employing a Jerome tactic of making people suspicious of each other and thinking there's a traitor in our midst. Have any ACTUAL proof of a false-flagging Jerome, (and not that proof like 'Peaches said he was a janny' proof when that wasn't actually Peaches at all)?

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>anons concerned people found out the truth
now it makes sense why jerome was so obsessed with this movie and these threads..
he was an /alita/ shitposter

Oh fuck this. Weekends are the highest times of shitposting. Yea Forums is heading into prime shitpost mode right now every weekend as theaters start getting out and tv/stream viewers finish their night.
>You're all actually upset that there's no spam or shitposting today?
Absolutely not. What is being discussed is that trolling and spamming is not happening as the insiders began having their get together. If anyone is upset about anything it is that those meetup anons are more then likely the ones responsible for the spam and trolling. That would make them responsible for shitting up these threads on a regular basis.

>no, you

the last two days have been jerome free, friday and today..... none of the chaos or attacks... the threads speak for themselves.
at first i always thought suffering user was jerome, but she was here last night and there was no trolling
I am willing to bet that if i go back and check every single meet up day and the day before, those pre meet up days are probably jerome free.
I might actually go back and check the meet up threads to see how much jerome posting there is. fuck you for making me do this, calling me jerome for pointing the obvious, what is your problem, jerome might be at the meeting right now

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we have to check past meet up threads.
if jerome is absent during the meet ups, if the day before the meet up or the day of the meet up is jerome free. that basically proves it.
it definitely proves it because if jerome was such a determined asshole he would be here today. if jerome hated these threads as much as he wants to he would be asking the mods to delete this thread for being slow.
if jerome had such a rage for these threads he would have made fun of us today.

is there any way to find the exact meet up threads of the past? we can prove it right now.

>What is being discussed is that trolling and spamming is not happening as the insiders began having their get together.

And this isn't all just a coincidence because...

Yeah, you go do that. Don't forget to break it all apart in a nice spreadsheet.

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Wtf fuck are you on about? Multiple namefags and other thread regulars came out as Jerome posters a few weeks back. Peaches absolutely came out as a Jerome poster and a jannie. Go dig through the archives if you want answers. Its not anyone's job to spoonfeed you facts.

your antagonizing attitude just makes it worst, seriously, your rudeness about it and antagonizing people for bringing up the lack of jerome yesterday and today only makes you look worse. even if for some reason jerome was busy today, your attitude makes you look terrible

tripfags and namefags are absolute cancer you fucking redditor go back

Or maybe, you know, these threads have more or less run their course already and there really isn't anything else to talk about on this topic beside meta-drama until blu-rays hit 2 months from now and the 30-60 people forcing nine hundred and ninety nine back-to-back threads to reach bump limit doesn't really mean anything other than these people like to post pictures of a character from a movie but don't really care to discuss that movie anymore because all that discussion has already been had but the threads are still getting made because of some arbitrary goal these people set for themselves.

how was the beach meet up user? was it cold? it is funny how the shitposting started up again as the meet up anons left the beach and it got dark....

I can tell by your post that you are not white.

Oh, look:
There's Jerome.

Lol, you're retarded. Occasional "Jerome-posting" as a lark is different from being a constant Jerome. We've all Jerome posted at least once.

>pic related

My antagonizing attitude? You're literally accusing several regulars as being mean-spirited shitposting spammers. Get your head examined.

>your attitude makes you look terrible

yeah, sure

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Who are you replying too?

the threads were close to dying recently. the meet up has about 7 to 10 people. those people are the ones posting every single day in here. these threads are kept going by 10 people basically. not 50, not 300 like they claim

Guys, which Denny’s?

He's just talking to himself, user. Don't mind him.

Speaking of the beach, realistically, how would Alita's cyborg body fair at a beach with all that pesky sand and water? Does she ever go to the beach in the manga?

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you are actually coming off as an asshole that was found out, are you seriously going to continue? even if the meet up has no jeromes in it, you are REALLY making it the case that there is.
no one was being rude or being nasty during th day. no one. there were no rude posts today.

you decide to show up and now is all N word this, and F word that. fuck jannies and bla bla bla
come on.....

t. nigger janny

Here are a bunch of the threads. Will need to do a little sifting through the results. A lot of the posts are in or near alita beach meetup planning threads. Also need to think of some other search terms that might be relevant to look for in posts.





nigger kys

wrong pic related.

this pic related is what I meant

Okay, let me tear apart your hypocrisy, just a moment.

>you are actually coming off as an asshole that was found out

I'm the asshole? Right, by saying you're all looking to deeply into this and there's no conspiracy, I'm the asshole, but not the guy calling me an asshole. Gotcha.

>are you seriously going to continue?

Yup :)

>even if the meet up has no jeromes in it


>you are REALLY making it the case that there is.


>no one was being rude or being nasty during th day. no one. there were no rude posts today.

Coincidence. It's our lucky day.

except for these two right here:

>you decide to show up and now is all N word this, and F word that. fuck jannies and bla bla bla

None of that was me.
You know what I did? I made the OP. Yeah. And I've been bumping the thread and helping out with each new beach edit.

Anyway, like I said, pic related is an example of a lark LARPing Jerome-post made as a parody that's NOT the same as a true Jerome.

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The entire Gunjack arc takes place out in a desert. Alita’s fine out there

...so, no beach?

Never any instance of Alita in a bikini?

...why go on?

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OP can't bump the thread you fucking brainlet

are you a woman? you argue like a woman, you sould like brie larson to be honest

well, I didn't mean literally. Posts encourage others to post, so the presence counts. I'm bumping in spirit, OKAY?

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>all those words saying nothing
>all that reddit spacing
nigga i ain't reading this shit

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That's a fucking lie you retarded newfag.

go back to plebbit

I don’t understand you people, the movie came out weeks ago and this is the 547th thread on it. The entire thread is just image spam. And apparently you are all having a meet up. Why are you still here and not on discord or telegram or some shit. Isn’t it just the same few Autists maintaining the threads? Surely your own discord channel would be a better alternative at this point considering your collective obsession with this film. And why haven’t the jannies deleted these threads yet. It’s all so confusing

It says it in the faq Jesus Christ make these newfags go back to 9gag

We see her naked, what possible benefit would a bikini have for her?

Are you retarded? You argue like a retard. You sound like my friend's downy kid brother, actually.

No, I'm not a woman. But you're still retarded.

>don't wanna be proven wrong
>I know! I'll just not read it and say tl;dr

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>false flagging this hard
get the fuck outta here


stop reddit spacing you disgusting faggot


Oh, user. Hahaha. Silly user doesn't know how the right /fa/shion can turbo-boost a woman's attractiveness. Oh, woe.

tl;dr have sex

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We're here because it's anonymous, if /ALITA/ moves to discord I won't follow. This thread is particularly shit, there's usually movie disussion and OC which jusifies our existence.





Sometimes I don't.
I do what I want.

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im the person you responded to
i have also been bumping the thread today and yesterday. i suggested the beach pic had the little dog and edward norton
okay you are NOT jerome, maybe there are multiple jeromes
but you keep crying "Coincidence COINCIDENCE" i understand there are coincidences but today and yesterday are too peaceful to be coincidences, i was never told to kill myself or told im retarded for posting here. that happens almost every day.
every day of 500 threads we have jeromes telling us we are shit
then these two days nothing? no.... no, sorry, no. thats just not a coincidence. no, it is too much
im not even saying there is ONLY one jerome. im not saying the MAIN jerome is at the meet up,
but someone at the meet up definitely fucks in these threads. thats almost guaranteed. maybe the CO anons. this thread was too pleasant till now. and now that the meet up is wrapping up from the beach we get the shitposts back?
no... sorry. no that cant be coincidence. no one said the n word today all day. now we have like 7 posts with N Word

>I don’t understand you people, the movie came out weeks ago and this is the 547th thread on it. The entire thread is just image spam. And apparently you are all having a meet up. Why are you still here and not on discord or telegram or some shit. Isn’t it just the same few Autists maintaining the threads? Surely your own discord channel would be a better alternative at this point considering your collective obsession with this film. And why haven’t the jannies deleted these threads yet. It’s all so confusing
how was the beach ? was the water cold?

tl;dr lol

>No, I'm not a woman. But you're still retarded.
oh, so you are gay or trans? okay good to know, lower the dosage of estrogen, is making you a little bit cunty

someone else will read it. someone else will realize the meet up has a jerome with them. they will know

>then these two days nothing?

Well, there you go. No other meet-up thread was like these past two days. They all had at least a few Jeromes. It has nothing to do with the meet-up. Hence why I say it's just a coincide.

It's also MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND. Hello? Jeromes are away.

>ONLY one jerome. im not saying the MAIN jerome is at the meet up

There's no ONE main Jerome. There's definitely like 3 or 4. I'm not even so sure if our first original Jerome, the troll we first dubbed as 'Jerome', still visits us to shitpost.

>but someone at the meet up definitely fucks in these threads. thats almost guaranteed. maybe the CO anons.

Sorry, but Occam's razor tells me it's simply a coincidence.

I'm not gay. Ask your mother.

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I’m a completely different person from whomever you were arguing with, if you didn’t notice the unique post count go up, which should be easy to do considering it’s basically same fagging non stop by the 52 of you. I really don’t care about your insane waifuism and the rest of Yea Forums probably ignored you too. Im just interested in your collective reasoning behind maintaining this. This General is a lot like katawa shoujo gens on /vg/, no actual discussion because there’s only so much content you can actually discuss. Are you guys planning on being like them? Sitting at your computers 5 years on talking about a movie. At least katawa shoujo arguably has more content than alita with multiple choices. What inspires you people to do this? Please explain, is it all one big meme? Are you all just so bored with your lives this is all you have? Is this just ironic shitposting? Or have you just invested so much time into this you can’t justify stopping now.

We just like doing it. Some threads are better than others, but there's at least a few solid discussions and a couple fresh OC every single thread. There's always new Alita news to be hanging onto Blu-Ray and sequel-wise. Sometimes people bring up something no one else had brought up before. You never know. We really just like the movie and its related OVA and manga and we all like posting in these threads. No meme.

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>reddit spacing
>insulting everyone
>your mother jokes
you truly truly are from reddit or a discord or something
are you a teenager? only an immature angsty faggy teenager would be this confrontational. you have a lot to mature and a lot grow up, get a summer job or something
stop sperging out on Yea Forums, you come off as very childish.



I'm convinced it's a viral marketing campaign by Fox (now owned by Disney, keep in mind). What else explains it?

>Thinking the CO anons would drive 1000 miles to a meetup with people that they just spend their time fucking with


Also, stay mad.

>insulting everyone
I ain't insulting anyone who didn't draw first blood with me.

Why would I when it makes you so mad?

That only encourages me.

Lol, stay salty, sailor

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>lots of retard reddit spaced blog posting tonight
>all of it defending the meetup anons who are more then likely responsible for the spam, trolling and jerome posting plaguing /alita/

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hello friends

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Right here I explain it:
I even got dubs.

the last time i said this and suggested the people posting here were connected to the movie, they deleted my posts. mind you i didn't said anything bad to have them deleted. it was like it was meant to be secret

Why would they spend money on marketing a movie for months?

The point is Jerome is an alitafag.

>this obvious Jerome false-flagging
>hurr durr I'll put a qt Alita to trick everyone into thinking I'm one of them

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i wish people had to prove their age to post here. kids like you deserve to stay out. you ruin the website to be honest.
go play fortnite or play with your funko pops or something. dont you have dinner to eat? be sure to thank mommy for making it
theres no way you are older than 16

>The point is Jerome is an alitafag.
>let me show you with my no proof

>Why would I when it makes you so mad?
>That only encourages me.
oh fuck off, you really were jerome, these are euro hours too. goddamn it. jerome was an euro trash from the start

>the lack of shitposting in 2 days are the proof

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The steel books are "limited edition", an Best Buy Canada said they did not expect to get more. They can probably get more of the regular covers though.

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>tfw realize /alita/'s most supportive posters may be its worst trolls
I really hope this doesn't turn out to be true. That would kind of ruin these threads for me. I am gonna take a wait and see approach for now I guess.

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I can't believe the meetup anons are all bullies ;~;

who else could be as obsessed about this movie? enough to fuck with it daily? the board always has shitposters but this thread was untouched by trolls as the meet up was happening

quiet jerome

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That is a violation of factory law and the hunter's code

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people are saying it was a coincidence, but lets look at Yea Forums today.
today Yea Forums had,
chernobyl trolling,
terminator dark fate trolling,
game of thrones trolling (as usual)
some porn threads
brie larson trolling
rotten tomatoes/ disney trolling
aladdin trolling
yet none of those trolls, dozens, maybe hundreds of trolls fucked with /Alita/? none of those trolls fucking about brie larson and fucking about aladdin and about terminataor came here to fuck with us? not ONE? the entire fucking day?

Welcome, frens.

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Thanks fren!

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>not making Zapan's face the beach

I'm 24

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lol why is the goose naked?


I ain't Japanese, dude.

>shitposts on Yea Forums
it checks out

He has red shorts on, user.

I'm also not Latino. Also not originally from nor am I now in California. Only switched state IDs for school


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new bread?

This is a sick colouring

Nah, I think we've had a good run and should probably call it here.

This, dead film that flopped, we should all go home and think hard about our life choices

>the meet up ended up killing the threads.

I was in several of those threads throughout today. You're spot on. I didn't even give it much thought but the trolling was fairly consistent to the norm on Yea Forums for those threads. None of the usual trolling happened in our general at the same time that I remember. Alita general is kind of an anomaly. Most of Yea Forums doesn't come here. Its just diehard Alita fans. That makes it even weirder that Alita general's more outstanding fans are coincidently not in today's threads much except to brag and egofag about the meetup while troll posting has fallen silent.

WOW, he said the thing at the end of the thread again.

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