
nikolaj coster-waldau edition

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How can one man be so beautiful

HUGE nose

How can one man be so based

Queen of /ss/

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daddy edition you mean

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Cast him

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I’m the man who killed Jaime Lannister

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How can one man be so bearded

So fucking based

Is this what started the Maester Conspiracy? Apparently Balerion was the first dragon to be confined to the Dragonpit because of this, and Barth wrote his book about dragons (including how to kill them) because of this. Do the maesters want to kill dragons as a means to stop people going to Valyria and being able to bring back all the horrible shit to the Seven Kingdoms?
Euron has already been to Valyria and back, too, which is concerning in light of this story.

>Jon and Dany discuss the implications of his heritage and realize marriage is an option even as their relationship falters.
>Jon tells everyone he's a Targaryen and they're married in Winterfell by the tree. Bran watches creepily from afar, Dany notices.
>One on one between Dany and Bran discussing the mistakes her father made. As she turns to leave, Bran tells her that her story doesn't end well either. Says that their show of faith has shaken that of those that support them, planting the seed of doubt.
>The combined armies move south. Varys notices that Dany has grown distant from her advisors. He talks with Tyrion and says he fears she's too strong for Jon, that the marriage will not work. Tyrion disagrees but is unwilling to tell Dany, fearing it'll make her even more paranoid.
>Varys poisons Missandei. Her death shakes Dany and shows that her support has indeed eroded, a conviction that grows when Tyrion realizes Missandeis' death is his fault and confesses.
>Varys is executed by Jon, worrying the northerners but shoring up his support among the unsullied and dothraki
>Jon and Dany grow closer again; she no longer trusts any of her remaining advisors, and it's increasingly clear that she's in danger of losing it all
>The assault on Kings Landing is led by Jon riding Rhaegal and Dany riding Drogon. They destroy the iron fleet, move to the city, and are almost done clearing out the ballistae when one strikes Rhaegal, killing him and grounding Jon in the middle of Lannister forces.
>Dany torches the area to help him out and inadvertently ignites the wildfire caches beneath the streets, blowing out most of the city and presumably killing Jon. Dany and Drogon barely escape.
>Dany, enraged, torches the remainder of the city and levels the red keep, roasting Cersei, the mountain, and Qyburn (fuck cleganebowl)
>Dany is blamed for the wildfire by the northern forces but retains the support of the unsullied and the dothraki, setting the stage for the finale.

Jaime won't die in the books

Huge dick too

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How can one man be so brother

If Jon could properly manage his women could it have all been avoided

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How can one man be so brave

What Maester conspiracy?


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lovely jubbly

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>Maesters want to defend pure Westeros from Valyrian filth
Why are they so based? Are they secretly backing Stannis?

>tfw follow his instagram
this dude is such a fucking regular ass dad

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>If Sansa was a "political genius" why did she not purpose a marriage between King Jon and Queen Dany?
because the writers are hacks and don't understand "show not tell"

they have to constantly have characters talk about how smart Sansa is and how Dany and her are such great Female Leaders, rather than just showing them make smart decisions. End result is they come off as Fan Fiction tier self-inserts rather than real characters

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When Dany landed in Westeros there was four other monarchs in the seven kingdoms:


Can't marry Yara or Cersei so that leaves Euron or Jon. Explain to me why marriage, the most IMPORTANT FUCKING ISSUE IN THE FIRST FOUR SEASONS was never once brought up in the show for season 7 and 8

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How can one man be so brienne

How can one man be so braaaaap


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How can one man be so big

and that's a good thing

>Dany: killed millions
>Viserys: killed literally no one

Not with that Red Priestess. They'd like a Baratheon in charge, but maybe not Stannis.


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How can one man be so bold

It was, Tyrion and Varys lampshade it and it never comes up again.

After the shitshow of the last 2 seasons I just cant bring myself to rewatch the series knowing how good it starts and how bad it gets

>Lady Sansa Stark has developed quite the political acumen.

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>It was, Tyrion and Varys lampshade it and it never comes up again.

It wasn't. Them talking about it once and NOT BRINGING IT UP to Dany or Jon is the biggest fuck you to my intelligence.

How can one man be so bushy

Strip away the gold and the ornaments, knock down the statues and the pillars, and this is what remains: something simple... solid... and true. The Tyrells' finery will be stripped away, their lies knocked down, their hearts laid bare for all to see. And so it will be for all of us. High and low alike. What will we find when we strip away your finery? A young man came to us not long ago, broken in body and spirit. He had so much to strip away, so much weighing him down. But piece by piece he unburdened himself. Let go of pride, vanity, sin. Now his soul is so light, he will float through the Seven Heavens like a bird. And he has much to say about you.

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Name even one single thing wrong with the Red Faith. Just one. Protip: you can't.

>tfw uncle jaime will never come into your room at night to play under the sheets with you

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How can one man be so blissful

>After the shitshow of the last 2 seasons I just cant bring myself to rewatch the series knowing how good it starts and how bad it gets

Pretend the show was cancelled season 4, episode 10. After that read the books and fill in the blanks


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Why are Jonerysfags so fucking butthurt? Dany died, she never even got to sit on the Iron Throne. Fucking give up. Dany was a villain from the start, basically an entitled bitch who wanted a throne she never really deserved. Jon was an idiot, instead of serving the North and fulfilling Robb and Ned's legacy, he bends the knee to her. Also, the show has been a fucking garbage shitshow since Season 5.

I'm not disagreeing with you. Jon and Dany never addressing the issue themselves is a direct result of D&D rushing that plotline.

S8 is still enjoyable

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How can one man be so bathed


>never once brought up in the show for season 7 and 8

His death was so fuckin satisfying!

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>S8 is still enjoyable

episodes 3-6 was some of the worst episodes of the tv show.

Dany kind of forgot this scene


Where she planned to and understood that marriage is the best way to make alliances. D&D 100% dropped anything about marriage or kids between Jon and Dany because if they were married and Dany was pregnant they couldn't make her evil enough for Jon to still kill her and have the audience feel it's necessary

the first two episodes are, maybe

If you only listen to the score, sure.


How am I retarded? When did JOn and Dany talk about marriage?

How can one man be so be

>level 1 of asoiaf lore is R+L=J
>level 5 of asoiaf lore is patchface and aerea's sickness

>It was announced that Aerea had died of a fever, which was only partially true. Ser Lucamore Strong said that the princess's fever was so hot that he could feel it through his armor. She had blood in her eyes and her body had "something inside her, something moving", the knight said, until the king forbade him from speaking of the princess. Benifer left no account of Aerea's death, but according to an account in Barth's private papers, Aerea's fever was one unlike anything he had seen before. The septon described her as burning, with a red skin and having barely an ounce of flesh upon her bones, appearing gaunt and starved.

>Barth reported that "swellings" moved underneath the princess's skin, possibly searching for a way to escape and causing a great pain. He wrote "I pray that I shall soon forget some of the things she whispered", and that she often begged for death. It seemed to Barth as if Aerea was cooking from within. Her flesh grew darker until it resembled pork cracklings; smoke came from her mouth, nose, and her nether regions. Aerea's eyes cooked within her skull until they burst. When the princess was lowered into the tub of ice, "slimy, unspeakable things" making horrible sounds emerged from under her skin—one as long as his arm—but the "creatures of heat and fire" died from the cold of the ice.

The stark scum should be eradicated

The maesters have spent centuries trying to cripple dragons, eradicate or discredit magic, and remove as many Targs as they can. This is still an unconfirmed theory, but it’s emphasized that maesters in an individual level and the Citadel as a whole has motivations that aren’t well-understood by most people in positions of power. Barbrey Dustin (my wife) has a mini-speech about how everyone ignores maesters to their detriment, when really they’re in a perfect position to manipulate the most influential people in Westeros. The big Tully marriage alliance was a break from standard procedure (Great Houses don’t mix and usually marry their bannermen) and helped lay the groundwork for the success of Robert’s rebellion and the overthrow of the Targs. That whole thing was suggested by Rickard Stark’s maester. I think it’s one of the most plausible fan theories apart from shit that’s already confirmed (Gravedigger is Hound, R + L = J) or shit that’s blindingly obvious (Alleras is Sarella Sand, Pate is Jaqen with a new face).

People who didn't like it were brainlets who still think more books will come out and that the books were better than the series in the first place

Euron is also out since Dany was allied with Yara already. Jon is literally the only choice, plus he's the same age, is unmarried himself, and marrying him is the only way to keep the North in the Seven Kingdoms. It's fucking bizarre.

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How can one man be so behaved

They were pointless filler garbage

>They'd like a Baratheon in charge
I thought they have more links to the Hightowers? I’m not too familiar with that part of it but I was pretty sure they’re aligned more with the Reach than the Stormlands

and they still managed to be better than the rest of what we got.

Level 10 is Five Forts = Eastern version of The Wall.

How can one man be so bastardly

I miss her

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maesters are fags who want to eliminate magic from the world so they can grab more power

it's implied the reason the last dragons were small and stunted was due to maester's poisoning them

>Who do you think killed all the dragons the last time around? Gallant dragonslayers armed with swords? The world the Citadel is building has no place in it for sorcery or prophecy or glass candles, much less for dragons. Ask yourself why Aemon Targaryen was allowed to waste his life upon the Wall, when by rights he should have been raised to archmaester. His blood was why. He could not be trusted. No more than I can.

quote is from Marwyn, a maester with a chain in magic who is basically an outcast. He has a valyrian steel chain and staff, which implies he knows how to make it

the maester subhuman fears the Valyrian master race

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Reminder JOn's resurrection was not brought up at all in the show.

Where does this theory fit in with the mermen?

Cutest psycho!

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It's really not all that bizarre, as said it was a necessary omission to get the average viewer rooting against her in the space of two episodes.

Is it shitty writing? Absolutely. Does it make sense in the context of this season overall? Absolutely.

Episode 2 was the only good episode

Is that the Yi Ti shit? I’m pretty sure the situation in Yi Ti, as little as we’ve heard about it, is mean to give clues as to what will happen in the West after defeating the Others.

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The Wheel must be broken

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don't the spells for making Valyrian steel require human sacrifice? Maybe the maesters don't want that faggotry in the 7 kingdoms. Keep that degeneracy in Essos where it belongs.

Putting a random dynasty on the throne with no actual claim is show-tier shit. They'd get a Baratheon in with Hightower influence over him. Hightowers would take the place of Lannisters like during Robert's rule.
Valyrian shitters not only shat up their own continent so hard there is no remnant of their empire anymore, but also proceeded to shit up Westeros several times over. Maesters are Gods.

If you ignore how it absolutely ruins the story, episode 5 is a fun watch. I'll watch high-budget city destruction with a dragon and Cleganebowl any day.

go away boar

Go back to discord, boar!

She never saw it coming

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How can one man be so boar

Stay away from Bobby B

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>do slavery
>get assassinated and create the Faceless Men because you did slavery
>blow up the entire continent
>your shitty ancestors who manage to escape are all crazy
>even the decent ones like Egg do black magic and get their whole family burned alive
>”””master race”””


>no queensguard

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>Who do you think killed all the dragons the last time around? Gallant dragonslayers armed with swords? The world the Citadel is building has no place in it for sorcery or prophecy or glass candles, much less for dragons. Ask yourself why Aemon Targaryen was allowed to waste his life upon the Wall, when by rights he should have been raised to archmaester. His blood was why. He could not be trusted. No more than I can.
Bran's gonna be killed by the grey rats isn't he

>He has a valyrian steel chain and staff, which implies he knows how to make it
Nah, not make it. The Citadel has valyrian steel links and staffs, and probably masks too just as part of the specialty of things a Maester can become

Human sacrifice as the cost of magic is consistent with the Azor Ahai stuff too
>mfw the Others were right all along

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Early seasons Cersei...the most beautiful woman in all of Westeros...

Literally why defend it?
S7 at least had a few scenes that felt like they belonged in the show (like that one where Hound comes back to the farm he stole from in S4 and finds skeletons of that dude and his daughter).
S8 didn't have any salvagable scenes at all. Any scene that wasn't an ACTION SET PIECE or sleep-inducing bore (because of how bad dialogues have become) was either so bad it was funny or so bad it was depressing.

What's the situation in Yi Ti? What will happen in the West after defeating the Others?


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the worst 6 episodes in GOT are every episode of season 8. I'm not even sure how it's possible to fuck up this badly with $100+ million budget and 2 years. I'm not sure how HBO even allowed this trash to air in it's present state

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>They'd get a Baratheon in with Hightower influence over him
You’re right. They already did that when they married that one Targ to Alicent Hightower or whatever her name was


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What did Jon mean by this?

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The Faceless Men and Meslisandre are right about everything. The Others are here to wipe clean the sins of man:
>There are only two gods in the setting
>The first is the Many-Faced God, who is the god of death, cold, darkness, night, rest, mercy, etc.
>The second is R'hllor, who is the god of life, heat, light, fire, magic, etc.
>Both gods go by many names across the world but everyone is fundamentally worshiping the same shit whether they know it or not
>R'hllor and the Many-Faced God, being opposites, are locked in an eternal struggle for dominance (a song of Ice and Fire, if you will)
>When R'hllor dominates, the summers are long, magic is strong in the world and sorcerers and blood mages
>When the Many-Faced God dominates, the summers are short and magic dies
>Eras of the world where R'hllor dominated were the Jade Empire, Old Valyria, whoever the sorcerers of Stygai were, etc.
>Civilizations who worship blood and fire like Valyria (R'hllor) tend to be very powerful but because fire is cruel, they are complete cunts that make everyone around them suffer
>Eventually when the suffering gets to be too much, followers of the Many-Faced God (like the Faceless Men) fuck them up and the cycle repeats
>There is a 3rd faction: The Drowned God/Black Stone/Cthulu.
>What Cthulu wants is explained by Dampair's vision of Euron: to murder the gods and take their place, and to drown the world in blood to do so.
>Anytime Cthulu worship threatens to overtake Planetos, the gods freak the fuck out because now they're physically threatened
>The Many-Faced God sends the Others to wipe out human civilization until no trace of the offending society remains (this is like God unleashing the flood on the world)
>Once this is accomplished, R'hllor allows champions to come forth that beat the Others back (this is like the floodwaters receding)
It's all very simple.


>sand snakes still rated higher than all but the best episode of the entire season

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He's just the sweetest guy

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A man of taste, I see.

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>The fight against the others isn’t going to be as simple as just letting drogon nuke the shit out of them.
Apparently it's going to be even simpler, just letting Arya assassinate the leader.


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Source needed

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shows you how the hate on this season was just a bandwagon
sand snakes and the wight hunt were infinitely more retarded than anything this season

He spent his retirement savings on some land in Florida sight unseen that he bought from Dunkacino because Dunk picked up that he might be gay and tuned his sales pitch accordingly. He has no room to judge.

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In the books, the Long Night is a global phenomenon. All throughout Essos there are legends of the Long Night, same in Westeros. Here is a quick rundown of what these worldwide legends are like
And then we have Yi Ti:
>Yi Ti: Yeah sorry that was us lol, the Long Night is our fault. One of our kings went crazy and started worshiping Cthulu so the Lion of Night (aka the Many-Faced God) sent a race of ice demons to wipe the slate clean before he could ruin everything

>Others just want to move south so they can close the gates of Hell and seal the demon god R'hlorr

*teleports behind you*

You would be defending people you've worked 10 years with as well.
And to be fair visually S8 looks amazing, so plenty of people clearly put a lot of effort in the show.
It's just bad all that effort had to be put in all this garbage writing.

Nobody is blaming the actors for a shitty fucking script.

snowballing problems caused by dropping plot elements from the books without understanding why they were put in.

e.g. dragonbinder got taken out, so Dany has to arrive in Westeros with 3 dragons. so season 7 has to be logic-free from start to end or she'd just instantly win. that kind of thing.

I want to watch Jaime and Cersei have sex.

Asshai and the shadowlands are probably the thing I want to learn more about most, that's where melisandre is from

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>so season 7 has to be logic-free from start

It's just breathtaking how stupid it was for her to burn down all the armies of king's landing, but her not just flying to the red keep, burning it to the ground, and landing her armies to march into king's landing never accrued to her?

Arya had the best arc of almost anyone this season, don't see why people hate that moment so much

Why did they ruin GOT bros?

Remember that one time when the Others are all about starving the human race to death and practicing necromancy? I remember. You know what fire is all about? Life, prosperity, progress, and vigor. Fire is your friend. Darkness is the enemy.

Anyone have the video where GRRM and Shae's actress meet and he's creeping on her the whole time?

They wanna get at them sweet sweet $tar Wars Bux

>tfw you didn't get on the Emilia bandwagon because she's been your waifu since S1

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Kit is based and anyone would say something like this in his position. he can't shit on D&D for putting him where he is today.

He was great in Shot Caller.

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niko is cute, but not as cute as pilou

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d&d are the antichrist

>that lazy eye

What is going through this woman's mind at this EXACT moment?

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There's no denying that the show made Arya more important than the books ever could or would.

resting rape face 2bh

>There are only two gods in the setting
I disagree. The Lord of Light and the Drowned God are distinct entities with differing levels of influence. Even the Seven are linked to accurate “prophecies.” The Many-Faced God is an amalgamation of different gods who may or may not exist in his own right.
Euron can’t be the Drowned God or a replacement for him because of the throne room vision Aeron has in the Winds excerpt. He’s not seeking to replace him; he’s seeking to destroy all of the gods and become the only one left, a new entity.

Fuck Clegane Bowl? Fuck YOU buddy.

He's just French, user

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You're a good man



Is Robert's assassination the luckiest assassination in history?
>Give the alcoholic particularly strong wine and just hope it's enough to let some pig kill him. Oh, and if it fails Ned Stark's going to fuck us when he comes home. This is our one shot

>kit is loyal and kinda simple just like our jon snow!

The only one of the Seven who is real is the Stranger.



FUCK Cleganebowl. The way it happened goes against everything he’s done since the very beginning of the story.

isnt he a dane?

Check the riot scene. Prison kino.


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Little finger will be king. Fuck you all

t. Melisandre
Any god who makes trades shouldn’t be wholly trusted. The Lord of Light has a lot of direct influence but the cost is high in order to access that kind of power. Benevolent gods would not have let some blood magic sorcerer chop off baby Varys’ nuts

>religion is real
there all fake

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The Arya hate predates this season. Her getting fatally stabbed but healed the next episode and it never being brought up again was probably the moment most people gave up on her and accepted it just plot armour

Only his grandmother is French iirc

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it turns out that fantasy writing is quite complicated and you can't just take out elements because you think they're too high-fantasy, or you want to simplify things for the audience, or you don't understand an autistic King's character and would rather give all his scenes to Jon.

I think D&D planned seasons after 4 basically by thinking about what big battle episodes they wanted to do and just wrote everything else as connective tissue. once it stopped working they were fucked.

So you killed a cripple who can barely hold a sword? Congrats I guess?

god i want pilou to rape me

Yi Ti experienced a Long Night after some asshole started communing with dark powers and taking on magical abilities that he didn’t fully understand. The Westerosi analogue for this retarded Asian man is Euron. They were able to defeat the Yi Tish version of the Others, but their kingdom dissolved into infighting, war, plague, and suffering, with tons of factions vying for dominance. This is the worst-case scenario we can expect for Westeros.

I shupposhe

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Should have taken a page out of Aegon's book and married them both

show-watchers were convinced that Azor Ahai was Jon because they don't know about the sheer volume of prophecies there are in the books so overrated the importance of that specific one. Azor Ahai is Dany by the way.

in the original manuscript Arya is 1 of the 3 endgame characters with Jon Snow and Tyrion, she's going to play a pretty big role

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Is he autistic?

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Are you fucking retarded?

which is a stupid reason to hate her
she was really good this and the last season, from killing all the freys to giving up on killing cersei and the mountain in favour of helping the locals of king's landing survive

no just middle aged and goofy as fuck

Hi uncle Baelish! Why don't you take a seat?

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Baratheon house words are by far the most based
Everyone else's are fucking cringe like tyrell pussies and targ is too tryhard

>the book series will end in horrible catastrophe for Westeros and D&D knew this but refused to write such a depressing ending so instead had Bran become king
This actually would make sense.

>helping the locals survive

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Wonder how that world of no sorcery and magic is gonna work out when Euron comes knocking with kraken blood magic

you should try mixing more metaphors next time.

>but her not just flying to the red keep, burning it to the ground, and landing her armies to march into king's landing never accrued to her?
It literally did. That's what Ellaria and Olenna said. Later she wanted to go through with it and Tyrion and Jon told her no

>Enough with the clever plans. I have three large dragons. I'm going to fly them to the Red Keep.
>We've discussed this.
>My enemies are in the Red Keep. What kind of a queen am I if I'm not willing to risk my life to fight them?

They gave her the worst advisors possible so she wouldn't win

nobody cares about hard work, they care about results

I can try and dig a hole with a spoon and I'd be working hard, but it's smarter to just use a fucking back hoe

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peak Jaime

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Jon was azor ahai, he brought everyone together who were needed to win
Arya was his lightbringer

it's strongly implied in the books that "gods" are just a set of magical rules concerning sacrifice and prophecy that get misinterpreted as Gods.

Too bad GRRM abandoned his time-skip idea and instead Arya remains a little girl, making any importance she might have retarded as fuck.

>A-Auntie Emilia! What are you doing?
>B-but that's my no-no spot!

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she tried, that was the point
she gave up on death in favour of life

They did him so dirty bros, he'll definitely kill cunt Cersei in the books...choppp cersei leg

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she became more of a cartoon and has had the thickest overall plot armor of any character. I don't care personally but that's the basis of the hate.

Or the Seven Kingdoms will separate and the central power that used to rule them will no longer exist, which is more optimistic. I’m just guessing, George didn’t give us that much to go on with Yi Ti because he hates gooks

>The Lord of Light has a lot of direct influence but the cost is high in order to access that kind of power
Who did Thoros sacrifice to resurrect Beric? R'hllor only requires your faith. All else is window dressing.

you can't really hate the character for that, it's just shit tier writing

I remember that episode vividly because there were so many theories popping up trying to explain the retardation, nobody wanted to believe that she would just somehow survive being stabbed like that

when they just played that off as her healing just fine I knew GOT was fucking dead, there were a hundred cool ways to handle that but they went with the worst


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which is why the series is better, because the time skip was there from the beginning

>it's strongly implied
Please explain, this sounds really plausible

I want Jaime to shit his pants while I watch

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Reminder Littlefinger did the knife trick with the catspaw dagger before it was cool

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The fuck is a no-no spot? Burger lingo for asshole? You people try to deny you have assholes or what?

>Natalie Dormer (37 years old)
>Emilia Clarke (32 years old)

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No, just has a nu age publicist who's instructed him to be fun and quirky xD to help his post-GoT employment void

jon had much worse plot armour
arya got stabbed in the stomach, but jon died, came back, was going to die again at the battle of the bastards, lived, would have died at the frozen lake twice, lived again

i like you jaime scatfag

Your point?

Why is he so much cooler in the books?

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>smoke came from her mouth, nose, and her nether regions

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I dunno, user. There are only two gods in the setting who are demonstrably real:

Many-Faced God (face changing is real magic)
R'hllor (resurrection and clairvoyance)

The Drowned God is a false idol, his priests just masquerade CPR as magic and the Seven are statues and nothing more (except the Stranger if you buy into the Many-Faced God narrative). The Weirwoods are just ancient greenseers trolling everyone. The Red Church holds that blood sacrifices of any sort are a testament of R'hllor's power.

The Many-Faced God represents ice, and R'hllor represents fire. It's poetry.

Are you guys ready for Cersei to get assblasted by Aegon?

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There's more where that came from

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>dude what if we blew up all these plotlines for epic spectacle: the episode
pretty sums up everything wrong with later seasons
sure its done pretty well but beyond that its rather retarded and shallow
battle of blackwater is the best episode because its the perfect mix of worthwhile spectacle and good writing, not just big explosion which conveniently removes half the cast because they dont know how to otherwise wrap them up

guys do you think they're still pure and virgins and waiting for us?

The mountain has to do something. What’s the point otherwise?

Everyone is

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my King

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yeah, Arya will assassinate the chief Other and none of the zombie will die because they're being controlled by someone else.

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Battle of Blackwater felt like they only had 50 extras to portray the armies in the battle scenes.

Burger lingo for genitalia. You tell a child to say "no" to anyone attempting to touch your genitals.

t. Burger

He has to sacrifice his healthy, his memory, and his sense of self to the point where he lives only in the belief that he has a divine purpose. He also can't light his sword without using his own blood, implying that this is some kind of tit-for-tat arrangement that isn't just fire Jesus being generous

>What's the situation in Yi Ti? What will happen in the West after defeating the Others?
If we could answer that question, chances are then the summary is all you'll ever get. Anything GRRM has summarized (like with Fire & Blood and The World of Ice and Fire) means he's probably never going to write the story of it and from here on out, HBO only wants to do uncharted territory like The Long Night and presumably the events after Game of Thrones (judging by how the show got a non-ending).

still 100x better than battle of the b*stards

reminder that in the early versions of the story Arya, Jon and Tyrion had a love triangle, and Tyrion burns Winterfell.

GRRM has said he doesn't outline and I think we can now all thank the gods that he accepts the need to leave his options open.

>Seth Mcfarlane fucked Emilia Clark

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if no blood sacrifice is handy then "R'hllor" will happily feast on your life energy. he hungers, apparently.


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Qyburn invents a ballista that can counteract squid trickery. Euron dies. The end

How do just five forts help defend against the Others? Or is there a wall connecting them?

Her character arc was butchered as early as s2, the parts with the hound were good because of the hound and then everything after she separated from him was pure garbage. Arya in Braavos was a huge waste of time, she sold clams and got beat with a stick and barely learned anything while eating huge chunks of episodes. The entire concept of her training being giving up "Arya" and becoming "No one". In the end, after learning how to poison one easy target and do some basic staff fighting, she abandons the lessons and being "No one". This culminates in the biggest plot armor moment of the series where she survives against the waif, then she escapes and is nonsensically now one of the greatest fighters and assassins in the world even though she barely trained in either.

Now that I've started watching Emilia Clark's interviews rather than simply reject her as SJW shit like before her character's yandere-turn, I can see why she dated McFarlane. She's got a fun personality who seems like she'd be attracted to a comedian.

it would actually make sense for the Faceless men to hate the Others, they steal from Death and Faceless men hate magic in general due to Valyrians

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>abloobloobloo why aren't you liking this shit i put on your plate? I worked so hard to push it out of my ass
Fuck off, kit

It's a fire wall that has five different forts connected to the wall, like how there are different forts connected to the ice wall.

>Peter Dinklage said Tyrion is in love with Dany
>The Jon/Arya/Tyrion love triangle comes back but with Dany replacing Arya

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Yeah, the big wall is a thousand feet high and made of "black stone" (read: dragonglass). It's just the Wall but in Asia and made of a different material.

even when it was shit, at least it looked good. long may it rip.

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>tfw arya killing the night king really did come from grrm and really does happen in the books

Are we posting kino screencaps now?

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Arya and Jon is the purest relationship in the show
>outcasts of winterfell
>both rise up and surpass their siblings
>forbidden love
>fire and ice

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>Dany's ghost: Without its' master's command, the White Walker scourge will become an even greater threat to this world. Control must be maintained... There must always be... a Night King...
>Jon: The weight of such a burden... it must be mine, for there is no other to-
>Bran: Jon... You hold a grim destiny in your hands, brother... but it is not your own.
>Jon: Bran... By all that is holy...
>Bran: The dragon's flame... sealed my fate... the world of the living can no longer comfort me. Place the crown upon my head, Jon. Forevermore -- I will be the jailer of the damned.
>Jon: NO old friend... I cannot...
>Bran: DO IT JON! You and these brave heroes have your own destinies to fulfill. This last act of service... is mine.
>Jon: You will not be forgotten... brother.
>Bran: I MUST be forgotten, Jon. If the world is to live free from the tyranny of fear -- they must never know what was done here today!
>Bran: Tell them only that the Night King is dead... and that Bran Stark died with him...
Was it kino?

I think the entire storyline just isn't really feasible without the 7-year time skip. How else do you explain how she becomes so damn good so soon?

her character arc was steady throughout the series
don't forget, she didn't just fight with sticks with the faceless men, she was trained by syrio forel, and she kept training what he taught her

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there is no wall connecting them, it's just five fortresses closely spaced together that can each hold a fuckton of troops and made of black cthulu stone.

reminder all 3 are targs

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Honestly more than they used in half the scenes this season.

>there is no wall connecting them
this is what (((they))) would have you believe

there's no reason to believe that raising someone as a zombie steals from the Many-Faced God. the Faceless by rights ought to have more of a problem with the Red Priests.

>mfw Song of Ice and Fire was referring to Jon fucking Arya this whole time just like the early outline said

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he just made everyone way more young than they realistically should be, potentially because he's a disgusting pedo. the inconsistency with skill levels is a product of the central problem with age in the series, not the cause

he should've gutted the little cunt

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Hard work doesn't always pay off when D&D just wanted to sweep the show under the rug so they can make money with Star Wars already

I reee'd hard at the show's version of Valyria. it's meant to be almost literally unapproachable.

"Want to take a ride with me, user?"

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>And to be fair visually S8 looks amazing,
Yeah, I used to cite that too when I needed to rationalize my countless hours of prior investment in aSoIaF / GoT. Seasons 5-7: "b- b- but it still looks great and is a visual spectacle to behold!". They dropped that ball, too, user.

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The Others are supposedly sent by the Lion of Night, which the Faceless Men hold as just another facet of the Many Faced God. They're on the same side.

>No need to protect the peasants, instead of wasting resources on a wall that will defend the whole country let's just make some easily-defensible castles for the elite
Sasuga the Chinese

>He thinks GRRM will finish the books

I'm reading his dialogue in Aiden's voice. fuck.

It wasn't an assassination, it was a legit accident. Cersei is just so self absorbed and vain, that she attributes events to her intelligence and cunning what was by all means a chance happening. No court in the world ever would find her guilty if she was trialed for that

y-yes ser

their relationship is too pure to be sexual, fuck off

The drowned god could be a Cthulhu deal.

>supposed to be a giant fiery, maybe irradiated hellscape filled with loose Valyrian experiments
>just a bunch of cloudy ruins

>I want to watch Jaime and Cersei have sex.
she has one of those boney milf bodies that women get when they're not eating enough. It's not like she's particularly smol or petite-framed. On the show, they used a body double.

The drowned god is among the gods Euron intends to kill, so probably not.

if you think this has a satisfying ending, you haven't been paying attention

>The Drowned God is a false idol
Explain Patchface, then, or Aeron's vision. The Drowned God is real and no godless man may post in /got/

I miss him

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too old and make up is cheating.

it was a 5-year gap and honestly if you think GRRM's POV system would have survived that kind of break in character development I don't think you understand how he uses it.

plus Arya has killed like 5 people at this point in the books, why are you assuming that she needs powerlevels for what GRRM is planning?

Cleganebowl is retarded by definition. The hound had a great arc and is at peace. His ending is pure unadulterated kino. Only plebeian retards want him to come out of his retirement to fight his brother

People that complain about the battle of winterfell being too dark are retarded. I watched it during the day and had no problem keeping up. The season had many real problems. It being dark at night isn’t one.


They should've had the white walkers kill everyone honestly. The series should've ended with either the implication that the last survivors were travelling to the lands of always winter to stop them at the source/stroke a deal (night king should've NEVER been a thing) it would've had a way more powerful message if the white walkers were actually unbeatable because the realms of men ignored the threat.

>I think the entire storyline just isn't really feasible without the 7-year time skip. How else do you explain how she becomes so damn good so soon?
This is partially true but they devoted a lot of screen time to dawdling bullshit, just while Arya was in Braavos. They could have easily applied that time more wisely.

>her character arc was steady throughout the series
>don't forget, she didn't just fight with sticks with the faceless men, she was trained by syrio forel, and she kept training what he taught her
Syrio Forel barely taught her anything, and practicing the very basics can only get you so far. Her character arc is consistent in her goals but once she leaves Braavos they jumped her to the very top and shattered any realism in her scenes. By far the worst part of the last 3 seasons, both individually and combined.

Finally, someone with taste

He should come out of retirement, fuck Sansa, and leave to go live in the woods.

lena is pretty skinny and nikolaj is big, iirc he recently said he weighs 205 lb in that interview he did for wired. it would be interesting to see them fuck

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This is high art

Why didn't Jon marry her?

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Robb stark is the most Kino character in the entire show and no one else comes close .

prove me wrong

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Didn't George base the white walkers on Climate Change and how people laugh at it until its too late to stop?

so what the show did is basically either prove that global warming isn't a big deal, or that 99% of the world can just ignore it completely while some rich people take care of it at the expense of african slaves?

To assassinate the leader of the Others by rushing past his bodyguards without them realizing takes a shit ton of skill, more skill than 99.9% assassins in the world (statistics by the maesters in Oldtown). Killing five people doesn't mean she's one of the best assassins in the world. She needs years of experience to become that without it seeming ridiculous.

>Anyone have the video where GRRM and Shae's actress meet and he's creeping on her the whole time?
Sometimes it's only creepy after the fact, user. Sometimes, in the moment, it just feels right for both.

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Why didn't they do this bros

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>that AFFC chapter where the Kindly Man appears to know a surprising amount about the Doom of Valyria


>falling for clipbait

he said this in an interview before the season aired

>marrying a girl

>Climate Change and how people laugh at it until its too late to stop?
tell that to the Chinks and Indians. Reminder Genghis Khan did more to prevent climate change than any treehugger dumbfuck at Greenpeace.

It could be that the Drowned God is a corrupt derivative version of the Deep One/Cthulu worship practiced in (ancient) Oldtown and the Isle of Toads. Euron is redpilled enough to see the true eldritch face of his god and is coming to murder the weaksauce version honored by the rest of the Ironborn.

If Usain Bolt ran past someone with long hair, would it get wooshed to the side like an anime?


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imagine unironically liking an invincible deus ex machina yas queen slaying knife trick recycling major plot point deleting hobgoblin supergirl

The give up magic in favor of acience, obviouslt. Prepare for nukes and automatic rifles. Good luck with the kraken tho. We'll see how it fares once they pollute the oceans with plastics and oil

I feel like a fool now!

she has a massive head and face in proportion to her body, looks fucking weird
fucking lollypop ass head motherfucker

God she's hot. She probably eats a bowl of hot water w/ one 30 calorie chicken bullion and a vitamin pill for dinner.

they (or at least Varys) specifically says they were going to accidentally shoot him in the back with bows if necessary.

I think GRRM wanted to write a cheerful death scene for Robert to underline how he's completely fucked over Ned by living his life in a totally irresponsible way.

>Prepare for nukes and automatic rifles
>stuck in medieval stasis for 6000 years
good luck with that

No. He said that you can read that connection, but he wrote the Others long before anyone was talking about climate change, and it wasn't on his mind at the time. He's said that they were intended to put the struggles for power into perspective by showing how they ignore the greater threat to their existence, but not climate change specifically.

>I can't wait till the last white guy with seniority gets fired so the innate corruption of me and my co-ethnics can run rampant through this organization
Was it the Maya or the Aztecs? Which race of short indians were the ones that just executed everyone from their weird pyramids 24/7. I get those two confused. I'm sure she just has visions of that kinda shit for the day after the last white male gets deposed from power.

Theon has a pretty good arc and is one of the few characters that made it to season 8 that didn't get ruined i'll admit.

>I think GRRM wanted to write a cheerful death scene for Robert to underline how he's completely fucked over Ned by living his life in a totally irresponsible way.
weird. the point was lost on me and i assume everyone else, so that was kinda retarded of him

she is really small compared to him, and she's not even short. he's not fat obviously but he is buff

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his ending is shit an reinforces the tired trope that redemption = death

>he wrote the others long before climate change existed

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why is varys such a pussy

no dick

they're so cute bros...

it's an act

>C-clearly you shouldn't post anymore
>D-don't try to be funny on the internet ever again
>E-everyone knows how retarded you are
>F-fuck off with 'no-no spot'
>G-gay faggots like you should die

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Jon is a Targ, he can't resist. It is his nature
>"but it was Jon Snow she thought of most. She wished somehow they could come to the Wall before Winterfell, so Jon might muss up her hair and call her "little sister." She'd tell him, "I missed you," and he'd say it too at the very same moment, the way they always used to say things together. She would have liked that. She would have liked that better than anything"

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How could this be, user, when D&D didn't consider themes in their writing?
>On Game of Thrones, characters are free to while away hours, even entire seasons, on the periphery. The story lines move forward and dig deeper as the episodes progress but rarely circle back and almost never pause for reflection. When I asked Benioff and Weiss if it was possible to infer any overall intentionality to the upcoming 10 episodes, they sneered. “Themes are for eighth-grade book reports,” Benioff told me.

the thing is that D&D clearly planned that scene when they were writing season 5. GRRM doesn't have to set it up in anywhere near the same way, and the others don't even need to have a big boss, or their big boss could not be the real Big Bad.

and anyway everyone accepted it when Eowyn and Merry did it to the Witch King in LOTR so calm down.

>gives his life fighting for the house he betrayed

idk man, i liked it. There wasn't much else for him to do after that point. If he lived he probably would have just been an awkward inclusion in that godawful dragonpit election scene in the last episode

This, he was already redeemed solely from making the decision to defend Winterfell. His death was gratuitous, all they had to do was let him fuckoff to the iron islands and be happy. But overall Theon's arc came out relatively spotless.

your reposte meme is shit but I love this image

bookJon/bookArya is absolutely god-tier

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migrate if you will

He should have gotten an iron cock in the end

LOTR is fantasy. Game of Thrones/ASoIaF actually tries to be realistic and accurate as if it were based in reality.

>no dick
>be happy

yeah, "Based Bobby B" isn't really what GRRM was going for with Robert at all. I think he consciously wrote him as suffering from clinical depression.

This is fine too

Because she is cringe

>most Kino character in the entire show and no one else
*blocks your path*

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Honestly I think Mark Addy did a good job at getting that across in the show. It's fun to make memes about him, but even those scenes had some sad undertones.

What about that time period where he followed his sister around so she could repeatedly belittle him?


>they (or at least Varys) specifically says they were going to accidentally shoot him in the back with bows if necessary.
If they did, then it would be an assassination, but since they didn't it's just a freak accident, sorry, cersei

the NK doesn't exist in the books. stop getting annoyed about OC. the whole problem ceases to exist if the Others aren't working by themselves.

What did she mean by this face? Is that connleth hill?

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Stannis the Mannis

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This entire mess would've never happened if Ned was born a girl.

no u

if George gave up on ASOIAF and just focused on the shit that went down in Valyria/Hardhome/Essos/Sothoyros I would be much more content

they will never make more money than what they had going on with Game of Thrones
Im surprised they were the ones who wanted as little seasons as possible, GRRM and HBO wanted more, one would have thought D&D were to milk GoT as much as possible right from the moment when it started being the biggest show ever. Now it looks like other people are going to milk the success with spinoffs