Why was she so horny?

Why was she so horny?

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VC spy

she could smell all the Alpha coming from rafterman

because she love you long time

For me, I heard the song before watching the movie back in the day.

haha, she wasn't horny, she was a prostitute, OP

is vietnam pussy good or bad? might go there next year for a month


Is that a hairy pit I see?

just realized the bitch is tall for a jungle nigger

Because she loves him long long time

they have cyphilis over there that doesnt respond to any medication and will kill you now

If you want to have some fun and not have to travel for so long you should check out Colombia. It's pretty cheap too.

Booking my flight to Vietnam right now.

No she said she would love him long time and hookers only ever love people for a short time

what if i stick it in their ass?

plan to do south america at some point too. I am bong so either side of the world is pretty far away anyway

even 60s vietnam is more comfy than current age anywhere
fuck corporations

How convenient

>Why was she so horny?
Because that dumb gook wanted some primer american cock

>die young from having sex
>die old and angry from some degenerative liver disease
wow what a difficult choice

I see you are also man of refined taste


Besides this sequence, is this accurate depiction on pimpping on the street of Vietnam at the time. Every time I see this, I wander why Kubrick even allowed to leave this in cuz it looked like sketch right out of SNL.

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better question about vietnam

why did this vietcong fuck always laugh and smile about killing american soldiers?

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>Hasford will never ever finish his last book of the trilogy
not a good feel

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>have sex
>die old

same reason our soldiers laugh about killing hajis and ragheads. war is fun

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*dabs on GI corpses*

To take the seriousness out of an extremely stressful situation


Do women get horny?
Do women enjoy sex?

>implying your penis will still have the same functionality when you are old
>implying menopausal old women will want to have sex
>implying prostitutes will take any amount of money to have sex with an old man
seems like you don't understand that unless you have sex young you basically die a permavirgin


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maybe not with you


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She wasn't, prostitutes pretend to interested user.

because they are based beyond belief

hes literally the only one in the entire documentary who laughs or smiles when recalling combat and death. Others make a handful of jokes or laugh at weird situations. He laughs at the idea of killing americans. Even the other Vietnamese are either respectful or regretful of conflict, often they sympathize or even like the americans.

>tfw too autistic to even talk to a prostitute
>would probably die to a VC mine before losing my virginity

the girl i'm with right now is more horny than i am, and wants sex more than i do as well. when we fuck, she always wants me to cum twice.

dont worry user, a few flashes of combat in vietnam would make you say "fuck it" and throw money at a whore the moment you got some RnR in saigon. even the most weak beta cuckolds shedded their autism and shyness after a few bouts of pure combat

Maybe he's just a crazy bastard who likes killing. Plenty of those in every country's military.

vietnam was the most based war. get to kill commie gooks, then go back to base camp, drink beer, smoke weed, and fuck all the azn pussy you want

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3 dollars for a blowjob and a bang?

You woefully underestimate the average 4chinz user.

I dont know Ive never talked to a girl even

Good deal. Wrap up and you'd be home free.

3 what?

you put the Yea Forums user into the marines so they can weaponize their spergy autistic rage, thats what the marines are good at.

Imagine the smell.

sounds like every navy seal

Tired of the shrimp-dicked asian bois and wanted some of that BWC her friends were all talking about

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it's like 1/50 girls are equally horny as guys.

But normally girls are very rarely horny.

It's good, but it's more accessible in Cambodia or Thailand.

Boom boom.
Five dolla.

Syphilis will actually make you retarded before it kills you too, that's how capone died. His brain post autopsy looked like swiss cheese from all the holes syphilis had eaten through it. Towards the end and before they finally arrested him, all he could manage to do was stumble around aimlessly in a bathrobe all day.

Honestly, if there is any poster in here who hasn't seen this. get the fuck on it. one of the best documentaries in decades and easily one of the best vietnam documentaries, extremely well made, respectful and honest. interviews with Americans and Vietnamese from some policy makers, diplomats to the grunts and civilians. 8 parts and often one part will run from an hour to two.

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Whites win again.

this is not true, you get them but what the navy seals pride themselves on is discipline, focus and skill. not raw power.

Why wouldn't he be happy? He killed agressors that came to his country and he won, he should be proud and happy and he is.

>implying prostitutes will take any amount of money to have sex with an old man
Are you joking?
Which hooker span you that line?

Most Asians don't have a smell.

I'm on episode 5 of this, it's extremely comprehensive. I also love listening to the narrator. However, I've got 10 parts in my download and they're all 1.5hr to 2hr runtine

Come to Brazil, you can get prime pussy for 50 quid or less and they do anything.

Had a relationship like that and it to this day I miss it after several others

Not to mention they are 13

>1 in 47 Americans in Vietnam during the war were killed in Nam
The odds were fucked. No wonder the boomers got crazy.

Vietnamese women are stone cold mercenaries. It's not a very great sex tourism destination. Yes you can pay for sex....but they are obviously it into it.

Compared to the insanity in Thailand of Philippines its not that great. I mean you can go onto a bar in Thailand and be deep French kissing with a visibly and tangibly horny 19 year old after a couple drinks, then take her home and fun inside of her. Vietnam? Expect haggling, poor service and disinterest even if the women are beautiful.

heck i got it wrong, youre right its 10. almost 25 hours of focus on the vietnam war indepth. the narrator is great and the soundtrack by trent reznor works fantastically

yeah there's something about seeing your best friend impaled by wooden spikes that really makes a guy throw caution to the wind. Vietnamese exemplified the bugman meme too, the used to strap bombs onto their children and give their women AK-47s and they'd pretend to be injured or scared and then mow down a dozen American soldiers. Fucking scumbags.


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And probably 1 in 2 Americans commited some kind of warcrime

Women enjoy sex but really what they enjoy most is power, control and power is the equivalent of what sex is to a man. So much so to the point that women will engage in sex solely to gain power

and so did the north & south Vietnamese, it was a shitshow on all sides.

what is with the azns and their wars being total holocausts of warcrimes and brutal combat?

They had a worse K/D ratio.

Inflation is really bad in Vietnam. It's almost Zimbabwe tier.
Their highest bank note of 200,000 Dong is worth less than 10 USD.

Not american, but I dont get how people say Vietnam won the war when they had their country razed and half of their population killed. To me it looks like an american victory.

South Vietnamese were a meme
Korea, well that's another story
It was not casualties that fucked up Americans who served.
It was a combination of drugs and remorse

>but what the navy seals pride themselves on is discipline, focus and skill.

heh heh dong

you wouldn't be happy about killing some fuck like this? This guy traveled over ten thousand miles to wage war in his country and started torturing people because they fought back.

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Who wouldn't?

>caring about insectoids

and they still won

>Westmoreland told him, "We're killing these people at a rate of 10 to 1." To that Hollings responded, "Westy, the American people don't care about the ten. They care about the one."

the north Vietnamese government wasn't held accountable like the american government. the north cared only about winning so some dink dying in the jungle in south vietnam didn't matter and nore did the people of the north be able to voice their opinion. meanwhile every dead american was worth something to the american people who could voice their concerns. its this difference that caused the massive difference in deaths on either side and its that difference meant that the north could still win.

>is vietnam pussy good or bad?

I don't know

But I've been told...

i dont blame that guy, fuck the gooks.



>half their population killed
At most five million were killed. The population of Vietnam was in the 30 millions throughout the war.

What they fuck did they win by doing that?
Was their goal having half a million crazed veterans shitting in the streets?

He was a fucking retard. He volunteered for it and then got mad once he had to do some actual fighting in that country he had no business in. Why do Americans keep doing that shit? Just stop invading random countries if you don't want people to kill you and your friends.
At least he smartened up a bit about it later.

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>American & SV Goal
stop the reunification of Vietnam under the Norths communist regime

>North Vietnam
Overthrow the south's government and reunify the country under their own government

What happened? the north invaded the south and stomped them after the Americans pulled out and the Americans did nothing. Imagine if Iraq re-invaded Kuwait 6 weeks after the gulf war ended and the Americans just said "ah we won before, doesn't count" and did nothing.

What do you know, she had an actual minor career as an actress:

Papillon Soo


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Gook women crave white dick, prostitute or not

Time is cruel to women.

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>get invaded by foreign power
>defeat them
>laugh at how you defeated them and revel in your patriotism
>fatties demand you act solemnly
How about nah.

The best part is when you forcibly cum inside and then promise you're going to take care of her, but then your plane leaves in an hour lol

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Asian women in general are much better in bed than all other races. Minus the Japanese girls from japan, they are weird in bed

hes the only one in the docu who laughs and actively looks back at the vietnam war with a big smile on his face, everyone else, including the Vietnamese look fucked up and have a hard time.

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They're physically incapable of enjoying the sexual act, but they get off psychologically on seeing a man with power get sexually excited over them. This is why they dress like whores, they love seeing powerful men looking at them with lust, it's their melange.

Air hostess are so incredibly disgusting to me, I don't know how anyone can get off to them. They have to clean up sick and shit, give out awful overpriced food, and the situation itself is so unsexy (flying in a cramped cage with hundreds of other animals) that I can't imagine how anyone can get it up.

based viet dabbing on ptsd burgers

it depends on what airline and what era.

it use to be very glamorous and often the air hostesses use to be at least 7's and above. now with budget airlines they do menial garbage and are often complete shit with some queer guy thrown into the mix. Top shelf airlines in 1st classes etc are alright though.


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he was absolutely fucked up and mad


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They should be happy the US was nice enough to not just carpet bomb this "country" with nukes

honestly should have nuked hanoi and told china to fuck off

this picture from the documentary opened my eyes to the absolute horror and hatred

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>bro I was holding back

I've thought about breaking up with my gf because she's a sex fiend and I'm not. I wear myself out fucking her all the time and I don't want to be cheated on if I tell her I'm too tired when she's horny.
She'll even wake me up when I'm sleeping to fuck, when I have to work later and need to rest. It's very tiring and annoying. Most women aren't like this but some most certainly are.

You really think hat would have done anything? The US engaged in chemical and biological warfare against the Vietnamese and they shook it off. Nuclear war would mean nothing to them.
Americans should face the fact that the Vietnamese were doing exactly what the first Americans did against the British, and stop bitching about muh PTSD.

She'd give good feed and seed

According to Gilbert Gottfried’s podcast she’s a podiatrist or something now

i like how willfully ignorant you are

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We don't mention that part mate

Enlighten me fuckhead. Here was a people who had been invaded by fuckers for centuries - Chinese, French, Americans - and were fighting a war of national liberation. Absolutely I support them over moronic glow in the darks fighting over muh Cold War.

what did they mean by this????


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big think

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Iwve never met a girl who actually enjoys sex. I one time met a girl who liked to finger fuck herself but she was also insane


>American soldiers
>crying ptsd filled sissies
>killed American soldiers after breakfast and went for a dog walk and laughed after

the Vietnamese were the same m8, the war completely fucked them up too, that dude is just a complete psycho

Nah they were always poor America got btfo and showed how terrible the white boomers are that go around bullying nations same as the taliban that btfo of Americans


t. retarded generalizer

read a book sometime and maybe have some sex

T.buttblasted American that realize Vietcong and taliban are heros

>the war completely fucked them up too
This is such bullshit.
How many millions of men were mobilzied for the world wars? You think they all went home and became like this pansy in ? Fucking of course not. Most men enjoy war, they enjoy hanging out with their mates, they enjoy the thrill of battle and victory. The VC dude enjoyed the war because he was on the winning side in a war where his side had the moral authority. Americans got fucked up over it because a. they didn't win, b. they weren't the good guys and c. they were all fucking hysterical baby boomers drafted against their will.

Fuck 'em. I hope the mad VC fuck lives to 120 and dies laughing, remembering all the crying piss babies from Idaho he headshotted.

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Based fuck American troops and their policy

Had to stop after watching about half of it because I would cry like a bitch by the end of each episode.

sucky sucky rong time

the average Vietnamese soldier was fucked up mentally after the war. most Vietnamese people didn't discuss or mention it that much like the Americans, it was a hard war. Evening winning is hard, the vietnam war was a different kind of war to ww2, it was a war of psychology.


Absolute cope, the no problems unlike the American cry babies

>implying the dog wasn't breakfast

How do you know this, have you visited those countries?

okay youre right and i am wrong, thank you for the facts

you should see the end where they talk about the memorial. Absolute tearkino

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>>She's one of the Henchwomen with Grace Jones in a View to a Kill


Good, Americans need to know their place Vietcong and taliban are hero’s

Because the memories of his comrades is the only positive thing left in his life

the girl im with now gets turned on at the slightest touch in bed, and remains horny after fucking for hours

i dont think i have the stamina bros, i need like 45 mins after cumming to go again, any tips?

>list of boomers that died for nothing

God Amerilards disgust me.

>for ZOG*


>same as the taliban that btfo of Americans

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I'm Finnish and have been anti-American posting here but it's still a great and sad documentary.

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They did and are heros, caliph Muhammad Omar would kill any pedophiles instantly and the opium use was non existent now America just ruins another nation. Rip muhammmad omar

>caliph Muhammad Omar would kill any pedophiles instantly and the opium use was non existent
Jesus christ you are so fucking dumb how are you breathing.

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you know that most combatants in afghanistan arent actual taliban right? its a generic term. a vast majority of fighters post 2002 in afghanistan are soldiers under various warlords and chiefs. Taliban exist within these fighters and they often share goals and supply each other but they also fight each other and are not strictly taliban. I like how you know fuck all about vietnam or afghan. youre like some 14 year old edge lord who read a web page once

Retarted American

I know that and they fight against America so they’re ok with me doing that

He’s right thou

read a fucking book

Tree fiddy

based charging charlie

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you know your fanaticism with


is as retarded and moronic as the same people who are



being this incel, shes a prostitute, thats whats thah kind of women do in order to get attention from losers like you

Long answer, she lived in abject poverty and needed the money to live. Unlike most of you, she couldn't rely on the government to pay for her NEET lifestyle and had to do something to sustain herself, even if it utterly degraded her and made her cry herself to sleep every night.
Short answer, yeah, sure, she loved that white invader cock and was wet 24/7.

>Seldom enforced
>police have reportedly been complicit in related crimes

why did she not want boom boom with soul brother?

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>defending against imperialism is the same as doing imperialism

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Because she didn't want to ruin the goods and end up like this.

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its as retarded and uninformed as either side, its black and white with no nuance or education. only shows your ill-informed opinions and ignorance of the world.

you are the same person as the dumb redneck who thinks america number 1, america do no wrong, just a different side of the coin.

“all niggers must fucking hang” - Full Metal Jacket

based scene

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I think it's three holes - one is assumed, she shows that she will also suck dick and give it in the ass.

>You can shoot the little brown men outside the wire; they are the enemy. You may not shoot the little brown men inside the wire; they are mine.

mad man

I fucked a Vietnamese girl raw. She was tight. Good sex but not the best. Really dumb too. Jew girls are the best

>he's just a psycho, waaaaaaahh
Are there any worse cry babies than americans? They're just like niggers who steal your shit then play victim.

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Viets hate mi deng.

This guy summed it up pretty well.

not even american, watch the docu, hes the only person who smiles about the war. the north vietnamise army guys are sad and regretful when recalling the war and the vietcong guys too.

protip: it wasn't really a girl

based. I would also laugh and smile if I were killing yank invaders

Taliban and Vietcong taught against imperialism anyone can cheer for them regardless of belief

>invades your country
>kills your friends
>rapes your women

Gee let me feel bad for boomers


Nope it was in Georgia so she was Americanized. Just a dumb sorority chick i met at a bar. Asian girls are over rated and smell bad.


Why not dancing girls? What a bunch of faggots!

>navy seals
Good one mate kek

3rd world communists are brain dead monsters. fuck them all

Because usa it's the cancer of the world

countries should stop being communist dictatorships then

In the original script it was "Me horny long time." The prostitute actress fresh from a year long engagement as Henry the VIII was riffing. Kubie liked it and kept it in.

>inflation is bad in Vietnam
Not really. Their currency has been pegged to the USD for years now. The number on their bills may be big, but that's meaningless if the rate of change to the USD is low.

how does Vietnam being a communist dictatorship affect the life of a random military age American male?


how do you get blown out so hard by a bunch of men in black pajamas

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Women are more horny, perverted, and sexual than most men now. Guys generally want to perform well and that's a major theme you come across with them. They talk about technique like they would a hunt. Women just like to get pounded like a wild monkey in places where they might get caught or environments they shouldn't be trying to get fucked in. Women for example want to get fucked in places where there's a high probability that if you get caught you'll end up on a sex offender list. Or another example. You're at their parent's place and they want to try to suck your sick in the bathroom or a spare room when there's like a 90% chance you'll get caught. That's how their brains work. Just monkey sex with no regards for the consequences.

Based Spielberg


Chinese support.


So true.

>few years back at exs house for a bbq
>her whole family is there
>at night decide to watch a movie with her younger cousins and her aunt and uncle and her parents
>its winter so everyone is under a blanket or cuddling
>10 minutes into the movie feel my ex reach into my pants
>starts slowly jerking me off
>tell her wtf are you doing
>whispers shut up and go with it

Spent the majority of frozen having my shaft and balls played with.

Also had another ex make me fuck her in a hotel room while her stepsister was passed out in the bed next to us. Women get WAY hornier than men.


Jungle Asians are subjectively the hottest women on the planet. They're absolute shit on paper, but their dark skin, skinny waists and monkey faces do something to me that no other race can.

>”All fucking niggers must fucking hang” - Animal Mother
What was the purpose of this line?

Yo is that Mark Wahlberg?

the gook killer himself

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>nobody checked those trips

That didn't even feel good to watch it was that brutal.

>insectoid gook thinks his opinion matters
Hard to have negative emotions when you can't have any of 'em in the first place chinky boy

made me laugh fucker

> Viet commies weren't imperialist

> They invaded Laos and Cambodia


Wouldn't he literally be one of Kurtz' super soldiers? Never feel sorry for the enemy and hate them utterly, the only love in your heart should be for your own people. I'd have that nigga in my squad anytime.