Post spoiled brat aesthetic

Post spoiled brat aesthetic

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>you just love to hate him haha

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Is there a female spoiled brat?

Spoiled brats are kino.

this. it's a great character to have in ensemble casts. Pete was probably the 2nd most kino character in Mad Men

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These are literally the only ones that come to mind.

The Grimy Little Pimp aesthetic

absolute kino scene

the thing i liked about pete as a character is he was actually somewhat sympathetic to me. by the end of the show i honestly liked the guy. much better than its handled in alot of shows where the brat character would basically be a punching bag for the writers.

I guess being a brat earns you the Iron Throne... which you turn into a chip n dip.

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>We had two!

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>The King ordered it!

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Exactly what Mad Men is such a superlative show. All of the main characters are deeply flawed and lonely/unhappy to some extent, which makes them easy to relate to.

There’s nothing I find more boring than the of Mary Suing of characters.

Same here. As much as he was a "spoiled brat" I could understand the action for his motives and would even make similar choices.

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Theres no more spoiled brats

Pete made the show go from good to great for me. And his arc and ending is something to always smile about.