>you can replace a character in any movie with pic related
What character and movie do you choose? How does the movie change?
You can replace a character in any movie with pic related
Here's your new John Connor, bro.
Tom Hanks character in Big. The piano in the toy store breaks immediately and she is rolled out of the store by security.
Free willy
Every bond girl in every bond movie that stars Pierce Brosnan
Free Solo
She doesn’t make it off the ground
She's a big girl.
Be honest bros : would you?
I might
not a movie, but I would unironically cast her as Dany in GOT just to make everyone seeth.
Captain Marvel. Now she looks intimidating.
>rolls out
Movie is Titanic. The character is Iceberg.
Kino casting
Anyone with a body fat percentage over 35% should not be considered human, they can't have sex.
replaces Pepper Potts in all the marvel movies
have sax
they can, and they do.
you should too
Daenerys in GOT.
She is thinner now.
Replaced Frances Macdormand in Fargo. She falls through the ice and dies. William H Macy gets away with it.
I’d bang her.
This thread is proof that women can be total losers and slobs and still get laid.
that was my first thought too
>Willy is now too fat to make the jump at the end
For everyone.
The rogue planet in Melancholia. Nothing changes
the cloverfield monster
She is the replacement for Kate Winslet in Titanic, the movie turns into a romantic comedy about a couple that can't love each other physically and thus resolves to pornographic drawings.
After the sinking, Di Caprio spends a day stranded on an ice floe, seeking shelter in the intestines of his dead love, finally being able to cum, piss and shit in her like he wanted.
Would be worth just to see what it's like
The comet
Deep impact
Big Ronnie from The Greasy Strangler. It goes from being questionable to pure fetish kino.
I go to law school with this supremely fat girl. She has NEVER worn pants (always dresses) and she NEVER uses the stairs (always the elevator).
The school ran an article praising her fat ass. She always wears highly provocative dresses showing her fat body in class. She seems really dumb too but she's made it to her second year.
Imagine humping half a meter length of sticky towels, while having a wrestling fight
top kek
Could definitely make things interesting
She replaces my mom in my inevitable biopic.
fat walda, roose bolton's wife
> inb4 not a movie
Striptease or showgirls, at least it would make them watchable
Jamie Lee Curtis in True Lies
to have sex?
Re-do the Hobbit movies with all the dwarves as her. The barrel scene would make more sense.
sauce you faggot nigger
To have sex specifically with an obese woman. I want to cover the size spectrum.
I'd replace Nikki Blonsky from hairspray
What would Pierce do
Mary Boberry, I know this only because of shitposting
Would unironically watch
I hope nothing because she's gross.
any character in the Terror, this way the crew will have plenty to eat.
Haha yeah so gross who would be turned on by this
They absolutely can have sex. The issue is having sex when both parties are that fat.
And why haven't you fucked her yet?
Graboids in tremors.
No plot change.
I absolutely would smash this because nothing turns me on more than a confident women
Captain Marvel would be actually tolerable lead by her
>BBW snags you and pulls you into an underground lair
Sounds like kino
I thought you were gonna say that she IS the titanic
i replace the man they had to eat with the fat bitch and they eat for days and never go hungry until they get rescued
The protagonist of pic related.
Based & brap pilled
Would personally choose catwoman in TDKR
The shark in deep blue sea
But she's not confident. Anyone who claims to be "body positive" isn't confident because they have to go out of their way to project to the world that they are confident--that's not where confidence arises. Plus she took down her social media websites because of the criticism.
Because I don't want to be crushed to death.
Any american female in any movie
Movie remains the same
that car must have a helluva suspension
Replace one of the bad girls in Knock Knock. The bed breaks in the scene with Keanu tied to the bed.
That's a big bitch.
Ass to ass!
She's Conan, the Mammarian
Bilbo Baggins - Lord of the Rings
Bitch will lose some fucking weight and nobody will be asking why they didn't just ride the birds
She can cover it with makeup all she wants but you can see how sickly she is in the face due to the weight of her body as well as her body itself showing signs of strain and sickness.
Natalie Portman in Black Swan.
I want to see that porker try to do ballet. Instant comedy kino.
>assuming someone that size from the shire won’t carry enough food on the journey to stay just as big if not get fatter
Matt Damon in the Martian
Van damme, you can pick the movie
Arya stark
More like 20 you fat piece of non-human shit
I think you mean Frodo
>movie starts
>ass too fat to squeeze out of hobbit house
>goes back to second breakfast
>movie ends
The guy from Supersize Me.
The movie changes by me enjoying it.
Any character that gets brutally killed would be fine.
I hate fatasses worse than I hate niggers.
Carol Danvers
Jane McLain
>I need to crawl through the what?!
>they can't have sex.
black men would disagree
Any user can explain what it's like to fuck a fat girl
A big salty bag of coins
>Any user can explain what it's like to fuck a girl
Stick your dick in couch cushions. Pretty much the same thing. You're really not sure if it's in the right hole, and it's awkward for both of you. But at least the couch doesn't sweat.
Honestly, if her breasts were smaller I'd probably go for her in a heartbeat.
Flip through the folds until you smell shit and then go back one
go away
ive fucked plenty of fat chicks, but i do have a rule
>your tits must stick out more than your stomach
while i still harpoon many whales, it keeps me from getting the low est ones (fat and no tits)
Batman, from Batman
MJ in the MCU, because she’s more attractive than zendaya
Looks like I wont be getting with that Jew girl then
Marla in Fight club obviously.
How much cum can she hold in that tummy? 4 gallons?
Replace Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now.
Nothing changes.
I see what you mean.
The Facehugger from Alien
My sister is even fatter. How do I convince her to stop eating herself into an early grave? She has 2 children and is 34 and shows no signs of stopping.
when a person is this fat, even if theyre skin isn't lymphedematous and actually rotting like you see in 600 lb life gif, you have to understand that each fold is basically another buttcrack accumulating stink
I lost my virginity to a fat single mother and the only reason I don't regret it is because she sure as fucking hell knew what she was doing. Amazing bjs, riding and all that shit.
Post pics of her.
>She is now lara croft
Honestly I think it would turn the movie into a comedy, where she fails at every turn.
God damn
Lmao sticcc
>first this board gives me a fart fetish
>now a ssbbw fetish
Would lightly trim down then impregnate
Sorry peirce she's too thicc
This is perfect
Now I'm gonna fap
Pics right now
She's unironically the hottest woman I've ever seen.
seek help
Okay the tits could be bigger. Give her either Mamahorker or Cotton Candy sized hangers and then she's perfection. Her fat distribution in her lower body is absolutely fucking phenomenal.
Drogon doesn't fly so good
was it kino?
Post more whales this shit is keeping me on the treadmill rn
Fucking standards in this society has severely diminished. People actually find that land whale attractive? Disgusting !
Imagine the right using the bottle as a dildo, getting intoxicated as the alcohol floods into her body
Fat women are in fact best carnally and I can say that from experience. It's also not terribly hard to get one on the grand scheme of things, which is good - very few ever get asked out, so if you gather the courage they'll be as stunned as you are.
I'm honestly hoping to see how big MamaHorker will get. That said, I'm an ass man, so I personally prefer Boberry.
Man, I've had this desire for however long I've been alive, I'm essentially a degenerate by nature.
Pick one.
Feb 2016 is perfect
But I'd fuck them all
she would definitely be cute if she lost 300 pounds
but still yeah probably
I'd love that.
fat bitches only look good when they dress up
Start from the beginning until we arrive at the end.
unironic kino, it makes her sperging out believable.
I want to be sammiched between the two
That body type is the fucking best. I hate when the belly makes a bunch of small rolls instead of a big, smooth and slightly hanging curve.
a lot more difficult and potentially extremely painful
My dream is the be a slave to two Boberry sized SSBBWs.
joynado, she has a hideous smile
No such thing.
Jessica Rabbit from Who framed Roger Rabbit?
>Fat threads on tv run consistently 100+ posts long
>reality tv series about quarter ton people is widely considered kino
>Pierce Brosnan feeder meme is one of the most popular and long running ones.
FA/tv/irgins, is there something you want to tell?
Chimps aren't beautiful, sweetie.
Don't be mean.
a dead beached whale.
Gonna keep trying
>/fit/ & /cgl/ finally found eachother
This is the idea female body.
the resident evil movie with all the jovovich clones
imagine 100 of these fatties punching zombies
Im bisexual. Why is female WG so hot but male WG does nothing for me?
No idea. I enjoy both.
>Stinking up a nice BBW thread with niggers
This is why we can't have nice things.
who in here /sitonmyface/?
jessica became full MOMMY and i love it
its sad, there are pretty girls hiding under all that fat on so many of these girls.
>implying the fat doesn't make them prettier
If you watched that 600 lb Life show, you'd know that's false.
most these women are over my threshold, sorry bros
They can suck a mean dick and they're nasty as hell, in both good and bad ways
You’re a big guy
>he hasn’t seen the fat threads on /fit/
The irony of a chain of fat fetish threads reaching image limit is unrivalled in this world.
Yeah, I think that's pretty much it. Simultaneously the worst and best sex you'll ever have.
Yea Forums ones are amusing to say the least.
boberry. you can find some of her stuff on the free porn sites but she's one of those ssbbw models that sells content and regularly gets it pulled from the free sites.
>Want chubby/fat gf
>live in Britain so any fat on the already goblin like girls makes them even worse due to terrible distribution genetics
>good looking chubby/fat girls are either impossible to find or already taken, presumably by other closeted FAs
This is hot. She looks like she literally inflated.
Learn to cook and feed them; or move to the US.
Violet in Willy Wonka. Let's see how big she can get.
I want more Boberry threads
It fucking sucks. The one time I get a goodish looking chubby gf, I get monkeys paw’d into the fucking ground.
>vegetarian, so can’t just have endless Mcdonalds “dates” where I subtly ram a Big Mac into her
>anxiety that gets so bad she starts a med course halfway through our relationship
>she doesn’t even cope with the stress by eating, but actually by forgetting to fucking eat
>as a last resort, come out of the closet about the fetish. She’s ok with it but still doesn’t fucking eat
>ends up losing 5kg over the 10 months we’re together
God looked at me, laughed, and then spited me.
pregnancy/bigger tits?
I want a waterbed gf so damn bad.
That's why you have to shower together. Bend her over, lather up all her sensitive areas and then enjoy your meal
This is a fucking blessed thread
Man, the one I had loathed being fat and dumped me because I was the side dude to her original relationship who was forcing her to lose weight. It'll come in due time.
The fact that the one on the left is already almost wider than two adult males really gives this picture a new perspective.
god damn...
Shower sex is the fucking worst but shower blowjobs/ass/pussy eating what have you is breddy great
Just for the sport of it all
what the fuck happened in her life, the one on the left could easily be a 9-10/10 if she was in shape, being a hungry skeleton fat people make no sense to me
Ok this is too much
Beats me, it’s probably a combination of good money from fetishbux and her having the subset of fat fetish where she gets off to gaining weight herself.
Speaking as someone with the second one, i imagine it’s pretty hard to resist if you’ve got nothing to lose (i.e being a female gainer model). It’s not the brightest idea if you’re a guy though, hence why I chose getting /fit/ over getting /fat/.
Movie: Alive
Action: Replace her as the first person to get eaten.
Consequences: Everyone else survives the film.
you niggas are fucking gross, Americans were a mistake
shit i made a huge mistake, i meant the one the right, the left one is ugly, 6-7/10 in shape probaqbly
I would date a girl this size no joke
>you niggas are fucking gross, Americans were a mistake
that is so sexy
It would be extremely smelly
Jabba the hutt
Absolutely nothing would change
She'd replace Jason in the Friday the 13th movies and eat everyone alive.
you could use that bottom as a parachute
I'd replace Tony Stark just to see the shape of the suit
Like imagine the scene where he suits up for the first time, and replace him with a spherical blob
I would let her sit on my face and shit down my throat until I exploded or suffocated. My dick would autocum until I died.
Pepper wore the suit several times as well. Bet she’ll do it more now too.
Unfortunately cute fat boys are incredibly rare and only really exist in 2D.
>this thread
Based and fartpilled
They exist in real life just 1/1000000 statistically.
Pics or she dies
I’d date a girl like this if people wouldn’t constantly talk shit.
I have a female friend like that. She's fat (but not as fat as boberry) and ugly, to put it bluntly, but I really like her anyway. I'd love to put it in her for the rest of my life but I feel like my family and friends would say things about her behind my back and it makes me uncomfortable.
always surprises me how many guys on Yea Forums are into fat chicks
they're doing it ironically. These girls are not "fat" they're fucking morbidly and deathly obese.
Fat women speak to the core of our sexuality, our deepest feelings of arousal. A lot of guys like women with extra pounds on them, then there are those who take it to the extreme.
This one lives in fear of the truth.
Best thread on Yea Forums
Immediately and without question.
Spawn cause i wanna see her in the costume. Or Spiderman. Seeing all that blubber tumbling thru the sky blocking out the sun. And an obese T-1000 would pretty neat too. Seeing that liquid metal turn into jiggly rolls.
I've always been unironically into it ever since I started getting boners
If you can't be honest with yourselves you will never know true happiness.
Same, and it confuses me how no matter what I did to get rid of it, it didn't stop. At this point I've given up and accepted the sentence of eternal pain.
Would I what
>Jabba The Hut
Absolutely nothing changes.
POV ssbbw vore
Thank u user
How is it possible to overeat this much?
>Stay Puft Man
It would make a lot more sense.
It's weird because I've never actually fucked a fat girl and it's not like I only like em big but damn, when the fat is distributed well that shit fires me up