Characters that are literally you

pic related is me

Attached: Jack-lost-712121_336_445.jpg (336x445, 41K)

Attached: JoyfulCooperativeCaudata-small.gif (480x368, 1.2M)

>When your wizard main's CON

You’re a bad shoop?

Attached: pastor Steven Anderson.jpg (413x269, 29K)

Me on the left

Attached: NGG54 2231 GLWD.gif (500x240, 1.87M)

Literally me

Attached: 1535673131764.jpg (1280x1440, 201K)

>not being a cleric / paladin

>>I am Joe the boss of my own body.

Attached: thief-081.jpg (483x429, 52K)


Attached: BC274E3E-F323-44FB-B9F4-3C4F6C826189.jpg (480x288, 18K)

I'm gay.

Attached: moot-20100825-174637.jpg (600x545, 90K)

Attached: 1558700013526.jpg (299x449, 42K)

Attached: Blood-C.The.Last.Dark.[2012].1080p.BluRay.x264.DHD.mkv_snapshot_00.32.37_[2019.05.19_11.34.05].png (1920x1080, 1.26M)

Attached: monk.jpg (294x400, 34K)

who is that?

Attached: 1526159875519.webm (540x540, 2.7M)

Yes, I am actually a girl.

Attached: 1558229506230.jpg (590x590, 51K)

Attached: Sauron-1150x575.jpg (1150x575, 131K)

Attached: 1555900258451.jpg (355x417, 40K)

Me on the left

Attached: Mars Needs Moms Happy Ending.webm (800x514, 3M)

Just some fucking homo.

Attached: 1558065026036m.jpg (1007x1024, 138K)

post bobs and vegene

Attached: 61dcolpUIJL._SX569_.jpg (569x455, 27K)