Predict the RT score and reviews

Predict the RT score and reviews.
>45% audience
>27% critics
>"While Phoenix delivers as the titular character, Todd Phillips JOKER lives in the past of a bland story of a regular guy going mad"

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>dunno my theater was being shot at couldn't watch it lol

>No denying Phoenix delivers on the role, But JOKER regresses in the progress we've made on film recently with Beetz character being wasted in order for more screentime of the clown prince of crime.

>Critics 98%
>Audience 38%
Incels think this is going to be based but the movie and the Joker are actually about how mad society has become because Trump is president. When will you faggots learn that nothing good will ever come out of Nu- Hollywood.

This. Checked.



>100% critic
>100% audience
>the jokster will make you put on a happy Face

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McDonalds Art House

>53% audience
>77% critics
capefags will hate it because it will not be comicbook accurate

God you people are faggots leave your politics shit at the door

this pretty much
>b-but wheres batsman??

Fucking newfag, is this your first thread or what?

this is what happens when you let /pol/ infiltrate and pollute your mind

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>14% critics
>88% audience

>78% critic
>89% audience

This is the objective truth.

Yea Forums is /pol/
/k/ is /pol/
Yea Forums is /pol/
/fit/ is /pol/

Now get out.

Czecked and truthpilled

90% critics
100% audience
"Though some elements of staunchly right political leanings rears its head and its wanton violence might disturbs some, the powerhouse performances, beautiful direction and captivating dark atmosphere make this a must see movie of the year"


Whole world is /pol/

>some shit about today's social climate and Trump's America