Nilfgaard looks like THAT!?!
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is that supposed to be leather?
Wyvern scrote
wait til you see the... ooohhhh no no no
That's the wild hunt not nilfgaardians
I never knew I would miss the trashy "Romans" from Xena
This is the worst "armor" costume I have ever seen in my entire life. Counting the bikini plate from video games.
ball bag armor
it's amazing how you can set your standards and hopes so fucking low and yet they still find ways to disappoint you. of all the problems i knew the show would have, this was not one of them
Apparently it's actually Wild Hunt armor and needs to be touched up with CGI but it still looks like dog shit
Look at the sun on his chest
that's not the case, but it wouldn't be an excuse anyway
The costumes are passable but whoever designed the helmets needs to be nailed to wood.
But look at his otherworldly curved sword
Oh dear.
>putting women in charge of anything
I can't believe the soldiers in the actual show will look like that. Just can't
the fuck? they're gonna cgi his hair white like they did with his moustache in superman?!
and geralt wouldn't wear fucking plate armor!!
this is fucking retarded
jesus christ...
>Living in a timeline where cosplayers create better suits than big studios.
That picture is from The Tudors, silly.
Let me guess. You're America?
You're even more retarded
Literally the worst casting possible for his role
It's the best casting decision ever considering the rest of the cast list.
>TFW want to fuck Geraltina
B-Bros . . .
>big studios
You mean someone's female relative
Don't forget the xxx parody costume designers, poor bastards never get any credit.
Would honestly be better
at least he can halfway act, if you're gonna CGI the shit out of him anyway then who gives a fuck at this point
who else was optioned
It's fine. The Witcher has always been slapstick comedy.
Thank you mutts. Very cool.
It's like they go out of their way to cast the ugliest niggers possible.
At least get a sexy black whore ffs.
Would it have been hard to have made something like this?
In-game loli Ciri wasn't even cute.
Looks fucking stupid. Where's their armor? Looks like the casual clothing. It seems they want to make with it what hbo did with game of thrones, that it looked way cheaper and more ''realistic'' than in the books. But with The Witcher there are two problems. It's high/dark fantasy, and there's a videogame that has set the bar high.
That's from "The Tudors" you baiting retard.
i always loved the costumes in xena/hercules. Everything looked like it was cobbled from scratch what have the shows a cool low fantasy feel.
Why would Nilfgaardians want try to kill her?
those swords look a lot closer to wildhunt gear and not nilfgaardian.
>considering the rest of the cast list
that's an exceptionally low bar
Any official pics on Geralt's armor?
Who's baiting? Everyone knows it's from The Tudors, I was posting some nice armour compared to OP's, calm down.
Brazzers is legit contracting cosplayers to design the costumes. this is why the costumes are generally pretty high quality but don't fit the actors. they get them mailed.
It's way way to early to do Eredin and the Wild Hunt who don't even appear until book 4 if I remember correctly.
No, but you can be assured it will be trash
looks like a bad Syfy series
YiKeS bOys
what's up with the penis head helmets?
I can't believe the wild hunt was such a fucking letdown.
I don't understand why fantasy armour in films and television is almost always awful. Why can't they just copy Boorman's Excalibur?
Nope just the leak
this cosplay is probably way better than what they will come up with
Yeah. I know the masses will expect vidya gaem looks, but I'm hoping againts all odds that Netflix will make it's own versions and those version get a gritty semi-realistic feel.
But I'm always wrong.
If this is so, then it needs a hell of a touching up.
Also this.
ah, the good old "sweater painted silver" mail
I understand you need to save tens of dollars in a multi-million dollar production, but at least don't show a piece of actual chainmail right next to the knitted one.
It just emphasize how fake it looks.
It's a dream sequence isnt? I hate when Yea Forums does this. Let's people meme them into hating something they don't understand and they parrot it endlessly. Just fucking wait until this shit comes out. The armor does look like a fucking scrote. Maybe it's dragon ballsack armor. Maybe it's distorted because it's a dream.
I'm sure there will be lots to hate but this scrote image shit is nothing.
>those helmets
Kino coming through.
that's trailer to some card game, nothing to do with the actul story
I would also let it slide, if they didn't shoe-horned in Roman civil war with real people like Ceasar, Pompei, etc.
The Nilfgaardians literally exterminated her entire family.
Literally just speculation from someone on reddit.
don't ever talk like that about me again
>Maybe it's dragon ballsack armor.
Checked and keked.
it's not a dream, in the books the sack of the city is shown through child's pov character, since she doesn't understand it and is scared shitless it's described like a nightmare
a cheap tv show for the masses won't do that, they need to show what's actually happening, not what the scared kid sees
How do you fuck it up when the game alright designed all the armor and it actually looks good...
>just a bunch of elf boys
>defeated when Geralt goes "Just leave Erdogan to me" and waltzes up and kills him
Still blows my mind. They write the bloody baron's questline but the main plot is.. this.
he's welsh
nothing personnel, her dad just wants to impregnate her by any means necessary
you know who her father is yes?
looks low budget as heck.
PLEASE just scrap the entire show. Please, this has gone way too far.
Does anyone really have high expectations?
Not according to him he isn't. He sees himself as English which he has said a number of times.
They rushed the ending of the main story, it's a shame but it is what it is. Essentially everything was kino before the ending.
However the DLC are just pure kino, the hearts of stone story is just Creme De La Creme of stories.
I just love everything about the game
Hungary here, I met a guy who worked on the series as an extra and he told me Triss will be fucking hot in costume. Now I don't trust the lad fully but he swears her tits are some of the hottest he's ever seen live, so apparently Triss will get her tits out at some point
If "tits" are your only standard of quality for a show, "woo" I guess?
unironically yes
>really chill, cool, friendly paki guy at work
>passes me by
>thick, suffocating musk of salt and spices
Got damn, the memes didn't lie.
Yes, Geralt. As far as she knows her “real” father is dead
Man those helmets, it's almost like they could get the armors but not the helmets and went "oh well, let's use some plastic ones".
What was Emhyr's tax policy?
Santa Clause?
Maybe they show Geralt actually riding with the wildhunt. mite b cool
That makes it better? The Wild Hunt has a distinctive look, and that ain't it.
That armor always triggers my autistic historical side but kudos for who made that one using actual chainmail.
stunt double. 's gotta be
It's based on books
So how's the Tudors?
some weird half-boar-half-man?
the wild hunt is in the books, just not this early
Triss is played by a negress so i doubt it.
they are not allowed to use anything from the games and that's a pity
If you can get over the fact that the 6ft2 Henry VIII is played by an Irish manlet, then it's pretty good. Jonathan Rhys Meyers acts well to be fair.
the games are cringe and bluepilled
Porn parody tier
>teleports behind u
>slashes ur plate armor
They won't use anything from the books either.
has geralt ever been described with massive muscle mass in the books?
>t. read the last wish back in 2014 or so and cannot remember anymore
It's Hollywood. They're vain and arrogant, they would look at the game and sneer, and go 'We can do SO much better!", and then completely fail to get it at all. Happens all the time.
There *might* be some copyright issues with anything in the games, if Projeckt Red want to be dicks, they can threaten to sue if the show looks like their IP. The story license doesn't cover that.
I'm gonna bet that it's just typical Hollywood arrogance. The production designer on the show has almost no experience in the fantasy genre, which is a red flag as well.
a-atleast Temeria looks ok
Why don't studios hire cosplayers to do their costumes for them? They're typically more knowledgeable about the source material, and have a track record of trying to make outfits to satisfy picky, angry incels online who will explode when things are done wrong. They'd do better than whoever they have doing this bullshit right now, and often work to a tighter budget themselves.
This makes me believe that Northern Realms = Good guys/Aragorn, and Nilfgaard = Evil racist Mordor
Not a good look!
No I think he was described as wirey.
but that's correct
because those people aren't part of their local synogauges or have family/friend connections already in the business
it mainly goes like this
>oy vey ____berg
>you need someone to do costumes for what was it called again?
>idk I forgot too but yeah why you know anyone?
>idk my daughter hasn't worked in 2 years and sits at home spending all my money ordering clothes
>yeah she's hired ____stein
You mean Cintra.
Why did he wear a towel on his head again?
His hair were wet.
Its actually an upside down and inside out hood with bits added to it
Its the medieval equivalent of the backwards ball cap
Now, now, remember, most anons don't know what 'bathing" and "washing your hair" means. Talk to them as if they were a child...a really smelly child.
It wasn't just the ending. Remember the dwarf island?
The game would have been better if they had just removed the main story in my opinion.
His hair were greasy and he didn't feel like washing then so he covered them with a towel.
Bros can armor like this actually be touched up with CGI? Doesn’t it need some sort markers or sensors attached to it?
Tell me it won’t actually look like this
Pretty much. This is how it's gonna look onscreen.
I was over it anyway, when I saw the casting, so I'm enjoying how bad it looks.
Nah, LOTR looked terrible behind the scenes as well. Camera tricks and post production work wonders.
No his build is kinda average but he's much stronger than he looks because of his mutations.
It's called movie magic.
The guy who played porn Geralt actually has a great voice that sounds kinda similar to the one in the game.
desu if we are lucky this armor might be from Ciri's nightmare dreams
Danny D is our guy.
Nailed it
This is how witcher supposed to look like.
Funny how Gimli's actor is the tallest and biggest of them.
Don't be a bigot.
It's upsetting, Yennifer is supposed to be beautiful. That's such horse-shit.
That's even worse.
go to hell already you racist incel, who gives a shit. Ciri and geralt are literally the only characters who need to stay white. I am so sick of these comments. Don't watch the show if you can't stand black people in insignificant roles.
How many episodes will the first season have? I only expect one season because it's obviously going to bomb. Cavill will quickly lose interest.
>Incells, gotta be.
alright bait. 5/10
How come only Ciri and Geralt "need" to be white?
Is it really necessary to make a porn Witcher? Nearly all the main girls already have explicit sex scenes.
Cate a cute
This show doesn't have a fraction of the time and budget LOTR had, dummy. Or Peter Jackson neckbearding over every detail.
>Don't watch the show
Trust me, I already decided to not waste time on this pile of horseshit show. I don't need a seething SJW tranny to tell me to hate it, I can manage that all on my own.
All memes aside has anyone figured out what that armor is supposed to be made out of? Obviously its not supposed to be metal so is there a lore reasoning for it?
It's all the same inbred bullshit over there.
Not really.
It's called a chaperon and it's kino as fuck
I too watched that youtube video
Blacks are fucking ugly as shit though
I think someone just said "gimme that GoT shieet" and they saw the Tully armor and decided to do something like that, but more retarded
no one's gonna watch this shit anyway who fucking cares
It looks like it could be an elite units under armor and nothing more.
They were always elves cosplaying/using spooky drones to look scary to dumb ass human peasents.
Where's the big Arab patch around London?
There aren't many Arabs in the UK, you're thinking of Pakis.
Brown skin = Arab
Brown skin + sombrero = American