
"New Picard Show" edition
What are your predictions on the new show?
last dred

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Other urls found in this thread:


for me, it's Kai Winn

The show will make me clap and remember things, but at least the costumes don't look as shit as they do on STD.

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>liking star trek

>You don't know, Robert, you don't know. They took everything I was. They used me to kill and to destroy trek, and I couldn't stop them! I should have been able to stop them! I tried. I tried so hard. But I wasn't strong enough! I wasn't good enough! I should have been able to stop them. I should, I should.

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Acquire non-virginity, le incel

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>The show will make me clap and remember things
This. This is all I'm assuming it will be, appeals to nostalgia and if it isn't then I'll be pleasantly surprised.
Or if they try some sort of Brexit tie-in, so long as they don't have Picard doing retarded shit like letting all the Romulans into Federation planets then I don't even mind. Just don't go full retard on it in an attempt to shoehorn modern identity politics.

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Why does Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang sound like a twitter parody DS9 season synopsis?

"Sisko gets mad bc the Holodeck doesn't accurately feature racism against blacks, O'Brien dislocates his shoulder again"

And there it is. I've been waiting for it.

Political correctness started taking a hold of Western society in the late-80's and early-90's. This, coupled with the Internet giving "everybody a voice", gave birth to two things:

(1) the average idiot believing that their opinion is somehow important, and;
(2) the rapid sharing of knowledge which led to the discovery of what many had suspected but couldn't quite prove. The Jews, by way of the Frankfurt School and cultural Marxism, were slowly and steadily degrading society piece by piece, person by person.

This is why /pol/ is so important. It's a collective of people forever searching for the truth and backing the truth up with facts, regarding the continual breakdown of society and the family unit. /pol/'s influence is NEEDED on not only all boards of Yea Forums, but other websites as well, so that others may learn what we have, and begin to fight back as we have also. Trump's Presidency is merely the beginning.

/pol/ is the chemo to the cancer that's plaguing the world.



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What do you think it'll be about? Or at least are hoping? Because a show with just Picard from the TNG crew makes me cautious. I know we technically had Kirk MOSTLY alone from the TOS cast in Generations (the exception being the beginning), but you could argue that didn't really work out that well. So just trying to think how it could work with just Picard is making me worried.

I would put money on at least one of his catchphrases being subverted
>engage what?
*laugh track*

Is there any science on what happens if you watch Trek when you fuck up and get pregnant? Water will crystalize into different patterns depending on the kinds of music played, similarly can you program your baby to like Trek or are you just giving it autism?

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I can't imagine them not hiring actors from the 80s/90s era and filling in some old blanks but given that CBS still owns the intellectual property there's no reason for us to believe the show will be all that much better than STD. It would need a firm connection to previous Treks to even begin to garner some sort of real interest.
>maybe hire one of these guys?

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something something joke about your kid growing up to be a pedophile

Hey Bee, ban finally over?

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>Captain, may order the most common sense optio-

That won't be necessary, Mr. Worf. /trek/ is for shitposting, not for civilized discussion.

>Hating Star Trek

t DS9 fan

>Hating DS9
t. Non-Trek fan

Does a person who likes both DS9 and VOY exist?

Nah, VOY is vapid, retarded trash. Literally the capeshit of Star Trek.

>Literally the capeshit of Star Trek.

It's like the opposite of capeshit, what are you talking about? It even satirizes old sci-fi.

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tfw nu Picard will be nothing like this but instead we'll get more fuck yeah science with a lot of far-fetched sjw shit

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sisko would be janeway's bitch.

>What are your predictions on the new show?
serialized drama trash that will fail to hit the mark due to being on cbs' literally who service and amazon prime instead of netflix or real TV.

My prediction is that if it’s not Patrick Stewart, it will be garbage. If it is Patrick Stewart, he’s going to die a season or two in. He’s old as fuck now.

there are dozens of us.

>ruins your episode

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>satirizes old sci-fi
only probing my point that it's rehashed garbage barely better than fanfiction

kira needs to eat a fucking sandwich

There's like three Captain Proton episodes, you're reaching.

I exist. I think.

I'm talking about the entire series being a rehash of classic Star Trek. It's a pathetic and desperate attempt by hacks to be relevant by stealing other people's ideas. Ultimately their best idea was a blonde Barbie in silver spandex. Voyager is hollow and soulless.

Capeshit satirizes itself and it’s roots all the time. Voyager pretends it’s deep at the beginning but pretty much ignores its own premise and only pays lip service after like two episodes. They never once ran out of any supply and use about triple their stated photon torpedo supply before the end of the first season even.

Which is a shame because I would have loved janeway if she was written consistently. It would have been great to have a captain that didn’t believe holograms were people.

>Voyager pretends it’s deep at the beginning
their very first villains were fucking broccoli heads. it took itself just as seriously as the rest of the golden age of Trek.

Best TNG episode to watch before killing myself?

Voyager getting armor plating and one-shotting Borg cubes was awesome, all the other shows are treklets.

>I'm talking about the entire series being a rehash of classic Star Trek
How are you defining 'classic'? TOS 'classic'? Because I don't see the comparison and this the first time I've heard such a comparison.
Meaningless describer.
By what metric?
Michael Piller, Ronald D. Moore, et al are hacks?
>stealing other people's ideas
What's stolen? You're just talking out of your ass now.
>Voyager is hollow and soulless.
I assume you haven't seen the show because at it's best I would describe as full of 'soul' and some of the richest Star Trek I've ever watched.
Your entire post is a hollow and soulless ad hominem attack that reveals your own insecurities and lack of substance when posting.

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Nigga.. Kazon

I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Netflix is rapidly becoming the literal who service. Can you name a single Netflix original that had any real impact in the last few years?

the one where Worf breaks his back

Lower Decks

Except with a super serial and dark premise to try and match ds9. They failed by trying to have it both ways.

> doesn't think of a joke for the OP
> doesn't offer any new info
> doesn't even try to troll
> just puts up a thread "because there isn't one up"
enough with the generals grandad
no wonder you never had any chinldren

>Voyager pretends it’s deep at the beginning
It doesn't pretend to be anything other than exactly what it sold us as, something gritty and continuous that never delivered. Which you were correct about. But just because they didn't deliver on that original promise doesn't negate all of the great standalone stories that they did deliver on after that, even if we were subject to the Kazon for a couple seasons.

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What you want entire paragraphs linking blogs and off-site content like on Yea Forums?
Sorry, I don't want to get banned old man.

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Sub Rosa

I disagree. Not only does it cheapen the whole experience, but it does hurt individual episodes as well. If you are familiar with the premise, it’s nagging you and taking you out of suspense when you’re thinking “wait a minute. Why are they using a full spread of photon torpedoes when they should be worried about conserving?” There are only a very small number of individual stories that don’t suffer for this.

Star Trek:
>Basically a theater show
>Brings up philosophy and humanity
>Everyone works together as a crew
>Senior officers gather and gives their opinion, the captain then decides on what course of action to take
>Everyone is calm and confident in their abilities and training
>Each individual is important to the ship/station
>No screaming unless needed
>Everyone listens to classical music, makes poems
>Exploring the unknown, trying to find new life to befriend

>"omg I'm so quirky lol"
>House music being blasted like a high school dance
>Everyone loses their temper over every little thing
>Michael does everything, fuck everyone else, they are side-characters
>Writers remember that they're making a Star Trek show in the middle of an episode and throws something in about all life being equal
>Technology that doesn't exist in TNG/VOY is engineered within 2 minutes
>Horrible acting
>Sarek is played by the worst actor in the universe
>Oh yeah and Michael has vulcan superpowers
>The best character dies in the pilot

How do you fuck up Trek this much? The new movies pushed it, but Disco (lol get it?? Omg it's so funny) somehow fucked it up even harder.

Shady political agendas and multiple murders. Picard will basically become Poirot.

What I don't understand is why VOY just completely give up on building initial distrust and conflict between the Starfleet and Maquis groups? It's like being given a perfect plot thread on a silver platter and told you can use it for the next season or two, but then just chucking it away.

State of trekfags and state of your shows now.

Howling at you plebs

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>There are only a very small number of individual stories that don’t suffer for this.
Which ones specifically? And I've had this conversation enough times to know that, while it is a valid complaint to make regarding the scarcity of resources, they are constantly going to new planets or ports of call and what have you to be able to procure all sorts of items so the ability to get new photon torpedoes isn't like some massive stretch of the imagination. And given how it happens countless times in other series (the ability to obtain weapons and dilithium and other scarce items) I think it's a bit of an autistic pet peeve to say it affects the entire series just because of one single line at the end of Caretaker.

This is a much more valid complaint imo. They make a bigger stink about the inner tensions between the two crews and really the only one who has a major problem with it is B'Elanna and her half Klingon side is usually blamed tacitly in the story as the reason for it. I think they short changed us on Federation/Maquis stories in the first two seasons.

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The entirety of Voyager was wasted potential.

>yfw the reason the Borg never bothered to assimilate the Kazon is because it would be a downgrade in evolution

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Schizoid Man (Selar watches everyone fight a ghost)
Next Phase (Geordi and Ro become ghosts)
Sub Rosa (Crusher fucks a ghost)

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Chain of Command
That one Western Data episode
The Measure of a Man
Lower Decks

>defending Voyager
>seven seasons of uninspired unremarkable nothingness
>but muh gollum ass looking space bimbo
trekkies will eat up any slop shovelled in front of them

Attached: a-gollum-game-is-coming.jpg (1300x650, 90K)

>magically rocketed 70,000 light years from home
>make the trek back and meet tons of new races and have tons of adventures on the way
how is this super serious or dark? even DS9 with its excessive serialization and Cardassian occupation and various war and genocide themes wasn't a particularly dark show. That optimism and triumph in the face of adversity is a big part of what made the golden age of Trek so good. Something lost on the (((creators))) of the grimdark, pessimistic nuTrek series and every other shit-ass modern sci-fi or fantasy series for that matter.

Cause and Effect
Yesterdays Enterprise
Inner Light

>Ronald D. Moore
He lasted two episodes on Voyager before he resigned because the head writers and executive producers didn't give one single shit about quality.

He was the only Voyager writer with soul and integrity.

literally google "popular netflix series" and you'll find dozens of still relevant shows that even contrarian Yea Forums talks about on a regular basis. also netflix literally won best picture at the oscars last year

inb4 "oscars are irrelevant muh jews reeeee"

>muppet puppets

This. Ethics, aka the one where worf wants to sudoku.

Voyager has plenty of individual good episodes among all the mediocrity and trash.

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that episode was mediocre because it was obvious to anybody smarter than a monkey that worf wasn't going to die

that isn't the point. the point was that the episode is about a beta incel (worf) wanting to commit suicide, and a fitting watch for a beta incel () who also wants to commit suicide.

Yeah but episode in your pic is pure steaming trash and also makes no sense

Maybe, but nobody cares about them. Voyager is at best a dull echo. People don't defend Voyager with those episodes they defend it because it has Star Trek in the title.
No one actually gives a shit about Voyager, they've just been conditioned to think they should.

you could argue your same opinion by interchanging "voyager" with whatever other trek you don't like. you're literally just shitposting at this point.

>Fascinating, isn't it? Not a he, not a she: an enhanced shitposter. He doesn't care about your show or your memes, he's just here to shitpost. He may attempt to take control of the thread; I wouldn't let him.

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I've made several arguments considering the quality of the writing, the talent cast in major roles, and the legacy which Voyager had left. If you can't keep up with this conversation and are going to resort to drooling over yourself, I'm sorry I just don't see the point in wasting my time replying to you.

where? this comment chain starts with a literal shitpost

>I've made several arguments considering the quality of the writing
Where? I saw someone call them "hacks", that's not an argument.
>the talent cast in major roles
Again, where? I didn't see anything regarding the actors.
>and the legacy which Voyager had left
Three swings and nothing. Be a better shitposter, Bruce.

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>everyone I don't agree with is a shitposter trying to ruin my threads
I'd like to point out that you're the one who turned this conversation into a shitflinging contest. Good talk, retard.

>so mad he forgets to click the unique identifying post number
>yells at the clouds
Senile or just mentally ill?

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>but my gollum ass looking space bimbo
On that point I can agree. Jeri Ryan was ugly as fuck. The two best Trek waifus are Troi and Kira.

>star Trek Discovery
>Star Trek Picard
>Star Trek Section 31

This is the best time to be alive

And I forgot Star Trek Online, better than ever


What is the best decision story wise VOY made? And the worst one?
Same for DS9. The whole Maquis/Starfleet issue with VOY was brought up earlier as a negative and with DS9, you have either the whole of S7 or just Dukat's storyline, but what else.

i think i will wait to have some feedback from critics of its mid-season, or even after the season is over. I will watch it if it makes a valid contribution to whatever science-fiction is supposed to do.

>even speculating that you want another ride one the kurtztanic

No thanks.

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>What is the best decision story wise VOY made?
Seven of Nine
>And the worst one?
Un-borg-ed Seven Of Nine

>What is the best decision story wise DS9 made?
Give a chance to Quark
>And the worse one?
Give a chance to Gul Dukat


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Only virgins like Voyager.

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I honestly cannot imagine anything more incel than liking Voyager. Maybe enjoying STD, but that's more a symptom of profound mental retardation than it is an inability to have sex.

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Kira Nerys in a Starfleet uniform

You're welcome

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>VF responding to himself
How's the new reddit discord, big bro?

I'm /trek/'s #1 DS9 fan and I still don't forgive DS9 for forgetting to admit Bajor into the Federation.

Best thing Patrick could have done would be not agreeing to this shit in the first place

An intellectual cannot simultaneously be a retard, so no

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I'm in love with this female Vulcan since forever

>not defending based Doctor and Tuvok, good ole Chakotay and Neelix, or silly ole Tom Paris and Janeway
Your taste in MC's is so bad. So, so bad. So bad you fry an egg.
But Kes and the Q episodes are shit.

>But Kes and the Q episodes are shit.
One of my all time favorite Voyager episodes is a Kes episode and proved she could act (if they actually gave her a decent script).


Forgot pic.

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Is it the one where a alium implants his mind into hers? If so, I agree: it shows that the character is a problem, not necessarily the actress.

This is going to be set in the universe where TOS never happened, instead JJTrek did.
Which gives them carte blanche to use, rewrite or toss whatever they want from TNG.
It is also going to ram the destruction of Romulus down our throats.

All I hope for is that they show some restraint.

Mah nigga. Only on late S3, but that and "The One Where The Doctor Is Beowulf" are two of my favorite eps so far.

>You don't understand Robert! They drove a dump truck full of money up to my house!

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I liked Discovery

I liked it more than DS9


Was Riker an asshole?

Very brave of you to come out of the closet to a group of strangers.

I don't like VOY because the characters aren't interesting and the Doctor and Seven can't carry the entire show enough to keep me interested.

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kira was pretty far down my list during the DS9 run, well behind both Dax incarnations, many guest stars and even lowly dabo girls, but she's probably the hottest grandma I've ever seen today while the others all aged into mediocrity.

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The Dominion war arcs were great, especially when the Fed was forced off DS9 itself. But everything else suck ass

I'm not going to click your link, but yes.

post boobies

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doesn't amazon dump entire seasons for binging? or do they do it weird to try and milk more months of subs for their dying platform?

For real: Who Watches The Watchers.
The episode really takes its time to properly set scenes and gives moments time to breathe.
That Picard talk was just warm feelings from start to finish.

Why do I have to google them? If they’re that popular and relevant you should be able to name them off the top of your head. Thanks for proving my point.

who's the handsome lad on the right?

This. Hitting the status quo button at the end of each episode and magically repairing damage, restocking supplies, refilling torpedoes and adding fresh shuttlecraft really ruined all the potential the core concept of Voyager had; what if a Starfleet ship was stranded somewhere where the Federation couldn't come to their help.

I really really want to see Bashirfaggot's tiddies

I bet she has giant brown burger nipples

>I don't watch netflix therefore nobody else does either
>because you didn't spoonfeed me the publicly available knowledge doesn't exist
based contrarian retard

That's J _ ssica L_nn R_m_k_ of P__tsb____, PA!

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We've been through this, I don't care about the bottom half. All I care about are the tiddies and th gaptooth

the ship is fucking top of the line supertech from a race with the ability to gather energy from stars, nebulas, harness anti-matter, and convert energy into matter. your dream of voyager being a grimdark serialized drama about the constant struggle of a lost and vulnerable ship with limited supplies would have killed the series before it started. go back to jerking off over the Equinox two parter if that's the kind of shit you want.

It will be what the untalented writers think everyone liked about Picard from the TNG era. Basically geriatric Patrick Stewart spouting millenial liberal memes and going to bat for repressed minority stand ins, especially since PS is a shitlib irl. Expect lots of strawman conservative and alt right stand ins being blown the fuck out by leftwingers while the middle claps. We're never again going to have interesting non-left aliens with complex morals who aren't just a soap box for the writer's self inserts to step on. Cardassians will be stripped of their family values and charm and honour in duty and greater good beliefs and made into an ugly hissing Gorn like race, exactly how klingons were shit on. Romulans will be brainlet alt righters who just need to be patronized with some left wing moralizing.

It's not going to be good unless youre a left wing extremist whackjob redditor who likes being sermonized to.

too many vowels in the last name. can't decipher it.

That story arc originally came out when I was 8 years old. After watching it, I went to my Legos and made a story arc where the Spacefleet was temporarily forced to abandon Earth by invading ayylmaos. Don't worry though, because Spacefleet returned later and reclaimed the Earth.

Anyway, at 8 years old, I told myself that I was being clever and original for copying that story arc with my Legos, but on a grander scale.

Thank you all for reading my story.

She's not worth deciphering, trust me.

Jassica Lonn Romyku of Portsball, PA?

We didn't need to see 7 years of grimdark drama, but we should have at least seen ONE single year of it.

For fuck's sake, """""Year""""" of Hell only lasted two episodes and then was retconned at the end. What a waste.

>bashirfaggot's favorite VOY characters are the flamboyant homosexual and the woman he wishes he were.

/trek/ is so fucking gay

It's only boring bad memes now

*injects into your bloodstearm&*

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no sir i don't like it

Why was not this post banned?

I never liked Riker.

If a person who likes DS9 and Voyager exists, it's because they're the most basic bitch Trekkie. Voyager and DS9 are antithetical: DS9 is mature and engaging with interesting plots and likeable characters, Voyager is a soulless TNG rehash with cliche plots and bland to terrible characters. DS9s story is about the difficulties of running a multicultural federation while facing opponents actually have valid criticisms about your federation, voyager is about literally abandoning your series interesting premise in the second episode and making a dumbed down Trek show for syndication ratings, a proto-STD.

So if someone likes both shows in spite of how hugely more inferior and shit Voyager is not only as a Trek show but as a stand alone television show, it's because they like the phasers and space ships and replicator aspects of the shows. The stupid magical technology. They're not absorbing or engaging with the stories and characters, they're sitting there slack jacked clapping at the zoom zooms and beep beeps and buzz buzzes. If they were star wars fans they would love the prequels OT and sequels because all of them had laser guns and lightsabers.

Subhuman trash.

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a one or two episode arc every couple seasons is the perfect amount of grimdark drama for golden age Trek. the entire show was about optimism and hope, not about suffering and struggle and everything sucks all the time. if the first season of voyager were all about bad shit raining on the crew, getting worse and worse every episode and maybe there's a light at the end of the tunnel this time but lol fuck you no there isn't, there never would have been a season two. the only reason shows like that work today is because millennials are all depressed, masochistic losers with victim complexes who crysturbate to the drama and the suffering while tyrone is busy loudly fucking their girlfriend on the other side of the door, and give trash like GoT a fucking 9 year run.

On a scale of wrong to right, you are wrong

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Johnssica Libertynn Ramenoodleu of Plattsbill, PA?

You'll forever be alone and angry, Valley, reposting your garbage fanfic that no one even cares enough about to like or dislike.

Your life as background radiation.

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whoever wrote this copypasta sounds like a pretentious zoomer with his dick removed and firmly lodged in his own ass.


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Did they ever say why Selar never appeared again despite being present on the Enterprise the whole seven years?

How did you get so many extra characters unless... you ARE Jessie?!

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10-4ward is deeper than that. It's not lifelike, in fact, it's quite inaccurate.

I want her to belittle me

Selar was actually a Q the entire time, and once she made herself known to the Enterprise crew she didn't bother going back to pretending to be a Vulcan (or a Klingon and the mother of Worf's child, who is half Q himself)

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Isn’t there supposed to be a door where those square tiles are? In fact I remember someone saying in an episode that Ten Foward has two entrances

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>Isn’t there supposed to be a door where those square tiles are?
Two sliding wooden doors could potentially be hidden by the bar but the windowed area is deeper and the bar's longer.

Based and trekpilled

Cope and seethe

>tfw dossier user never guesses that I'm user

Why did the Federation think it was perfectly OK to constantly take a ship full of families and children on extremely dangerous missions in TNG?

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Please stop being obsessed with me. It is really creepy and makes me not want to post here.

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Even if you think that is the case, literally everything in STD sucks so if you even have one positive about DS9 it automatically makes it better

>doesn't like Voyager

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I have seen your face. I want to see your breasts, as a result.

gib titties

Did she also hypnotize Beverly into thinking Selar was still around all those years? Maybe the whole crew was in on it and secretly thought it was hilarious all those times she mentioned her.
It would explain why Selar wasn’t at O’Brien’s wedding or Geordi's funeral or any other gathering.
If I keep this up I could be the next Michael Jan Friedman.

post feet

No one here can come close to being as obsessed at you are with yourself you fucking androgynous gross scab of a person.

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>tfw the Maquis were right

>The best part about being married to a Klingon? Surely he'll exact revenge if I'm murdered by a psychopath.

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My fixfic has 1200 likes on fanfiction.net though

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Rotoscoping is cringe.

How did we go from this
To hairless roar baddie mutants?

To hell with you, and TO HELL WITH the Dewey Decimal System.


I hope the rescue armada has nothing to do with romulan shits and is a completely new thing

urgh get with the times gramps

kids like star wars so we are making star trek wars

your hope is in vain

Gul DuKat!
Not OKay!

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More like Slagzia, fuck her.

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>can't like antithetical media artifacts
>calls others basic bitches
Your are an autistic casual exposing xerself. Seek professional help.

Holy shit, that's it. That's the epitome of why I hate Worf on DS9, that honorless fffFFFUCK.

>Star Wars is Fantasy, Star Trek is Sci-Fi

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Nice BF post.

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Babylon 5 is sci fi
Trek is social commentary in space

Governor Kodos did nothing wrong, he was a hero who was unfairly maligned by the ingrates of Tarsus 4. He saved 4000 lives

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I feel cheap after watching a B5 episode, like shopping in a Dollar Tree or eating Taco Bell.

>uncanny valley rotoscoping
It was shit in the 1930s and it's shit now

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Fuck off, VF

How'd you know it was me?

Attached: 1556244303288.jpg (1504x2016, 401K)

Fuck off, fake VF

Does Bashirfag talk about us in the documentary?

>balding tranny
Every time.
On a related note, where could one illegally watch/download the documentary?

Friednly reminder gul dukat did nothing wrong!!!

Attached: NothingWrongFace.jpg (400x397, 102K)

>I said thing it must be true

You know damn well who is doing it.

ducot ducot duct

Attached: ducot-atention-worker.jpg (331x499, 34K)

I like DS9 because it's a good show.
I like VOY because it's chill and I feel no stress or intellectual pressure when I'm watching it.
It's like liking spaghetti bolognese and mac'n'cheese.

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kill abjoran many times

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You're alright today.

How about posting without the trip?
Don't lie to us, you love the attention you filthy dirty whore, just reading these words probably made you leak.

riker a gay

Attached: 1511209799931.png (574x540, 7K)

>when you're a creepy incel e-stalker from virginia

>Jean-Luc Picard
>of the USS

Attached: CJLP.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

While I don't love Voyager, it's still Star Trek so I find it enjoyable to watch from time to time. I never feel a strong desire to watch Voyager again like I do with other series, though.

I miss YTMND

I don't care who is doing it, I just want it to stop. It's legit creepy.

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I noticed something in season 2 of Discovery that was very problematic. After Leyland is assimilated by the AI nobody even bothers to help him. Nobody tries to appeal to the man inside the machine like they did with Picard. They just insult him and threaten him and try to kill him. Michael is allowed to bust his face open without consequences despite in the previous episode Pike said that the crew would no longer solve conflicts between crew with violence. She gets off the hook for anything she does and Leyland, despite being a Starfleet officer, is mocked and hunted. He's not even considered a person anymore. I guess it's because he was white. Fuck him right?

>constantly posts anime tits
Are you bi or do you just regret transitioning?

Bashirfaggot, I generally don't mind you. I even like a lot of your posts. But if you're concerned with people being weird about you, maybe post without a fucking trip. Tripfagging is, by definition, wanting to set yourself apart from the rest of the anonymous posters so that you are easily identifiable.

If you don't want attention, drop the trip. The weirdos will fuck off and forget about you eventually.

Attached: 1557429451066.jpg (500x377, 135K)

All I want is for shit like this to stop. Like, please keep it in /trek/. I don't even trip outside of /trek/.

Attached: Screenshot_20190525-220301_Omnichan.jpg (1080x871, 306K)

Then stop posting with the trip dumb fuck.

I've posted your pics in /pol/ a few times, everyone makes Ben Shapiro jokes.

BF likes anal confirmed. Although if he/she/it is a tranny I suppose that’s xer only option.

I understand what you're saying but again: you're doing it to yourself. Yea Forums gave you the opportunity to be anonymous and you decided to go the extra mile to not be anonymous.

This is Yea Forums. Did you really expect to never encounter a creepy psychopath with limitless autism that would start stalking you? Because that's exactly the kind of autism this site cultivates. Take a little responsibility, for fuck's sake.

>click on the Star Trek thread expecting fun memes and nostalgia
>it's a bunch of anons pretending to drool over a transsexual trip user
>even Yea Forums has had superjor Trek topics

Attached: STTNG322TheMostToys30.jpg (694x530, 83K)

They don't. They save them and ask for more because of how pretty she is.

That fucking middle level office decor. It is like a mix of a insurance office and a psych office and a preschool fake laptop

>there's a war building up
>Picard will be ambassador
>on set there have been klingos, cardassians, vulcans, romulans and some other aliens

My friend works for CBS, but he ain't doing much there, so he really doesn't know much. I also asked that will there be any other characters from the previous Treks, he said that not at least on the main cast as far as he knows.

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> ....it's because they like the phasers and space ships and replicator aspects of the shows. The stupid magical technology. They're not absorbing or engaging with the stories and characters, they're sitting there slack jacked clapping at the zoom zooms and beep beeps and buzz buzzes.

Attached: 088A8AED-46B3-410C-B43E-97752DF0D04E.jpg (1446x1080, 343K)

This, but unironically and it's also my life.

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I'm pretty sure we already knew that there wouldn't be any TNG bridge crew on the main cast. It's safe to say we can expect a steady stream of guest spots, though.

I only post BF pictures when you post.
No trip, no aggro.

Attached: beautifulbf.jpg (1538x896, 335K)

The whole liking basebase and the two brats running around is cancer in DS9

>mfw too fat to fly to Toronto to film a 10 second cameo

Attached: Frakes.jpg (1600x1000, 631K)

I was reading Howard Pyle's Merry Adventures of Robin Hood earlier and got to the passages where they all start making fun of Little John for getting fat in the Sheriff's service. Were the TNG writers taking the piss about Frakes' increasing mass? Being the first officer, I guess they couldn't make him anything other than Little John but it's a pretty funny coincidence.

On second thought I would rather people obsess over me than read one more fucking post from the user who tells people to type like a white person.

Attached: 1558674764923.jpg (1000x1330, 213K)

>bisexual balding tranny
>hates white people

Attached: 1547260129005.jpg (600x596, 26K)

>Sub Rosa

watching that will definitely add motivation to user's suicide

He won't ever stop, especially if you don't expose him.

Don't you listen to all sorts of horrible rap music?

I'm not balding. I have a huge forehead.

Attached: 9dme74jqtd031.jpg (850x1200, 520K)


Is Picard retiring from starfleet and going back to his vineyard a big deal? I thought the character might end up doing that anyway or perhaps becoming the Earth-Vulcan ambassador or something to do with Archaeology.

I do get that he loves to captain but I can also see him giving it up after a long run and trying something else.

>I'm not balding. I have a huge forehead.

Attached: Picard Rogain.jpg (449x624, 125K)

Speaking of listening to horrible music, let's hear what /trek/ is listening to right now. No skipping.



Attached: 1548948250400.jpg (258x360, 55K)

No. I listen to great music like pic related and sometimes Young Based God better known as Lil B.

Attached: Tyler-the-Creator-IGOR-1.jpg (320x320, 20K)

>bisexual balding manlet tranny
>hates white people
>loves nigger music
It gets better.

This general is so shit
What happened?

Attached: 1A38C26D-3423-4067-A3D1-78195F00B515.gif (329x247, 1.86M)

How do you filter a trip? I can't take much more of this shit.

>create the entire concept of the Maquis to use in Voyager
>set them up in DS9 and even the penultimate episode of TNG
>drop the Maquis as significant halfway through the 1st season of Voyager, if not earlier


Considering how tempted he was to hang it up post-Borg, I don't really see his leaving Starfleet as some kind of 'shock revelation.' I'm sure he has his reasons. Either way, everything will ultimately come down to how shit the writing of the series will be. Gotta keep our fingers crossed (it'll probably be shit).

>The show will make me clap and remember things
I get what you mean, but can it really make you remember things when it intentionally doesn't look, feel, or behave like classic Star Trek?

>I listen to great music

Attached: 1430788248019.gif (250x189, 408K)

It stopped being about Star Trek and started being about passive aggressive personal vendettas and /pol/ shit.

Attached: 1558543981671.jpg (850x1202, 120K)

Click Settings in the bottom right and go to Filters.

Please, don't stoke the fire, Bashirfag. Any sort of acknowledgment is just going to prolong our collective suffering. Just let them move on in their own time and go back to posting other shit.

Everything wrong with trek is your fault.

Also I just had a major, and I mean MAJOR, case of deju vu.
Did we have a thread like this last year?

Attached: 468.jpg (375x390, 118K)

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my best to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

Berman & Braga were despised in the 90's and most of the 00's, until JJ's crypto-reboot happened and introduced a bigger bad in the form of nuTrek. It's sort of how George Lucas was shat upon by many frustrated nerds until Disney bought Star Wars, giving rise to Apologize and Miss Me Yet?

Rick Berman probably means well, but the guy just probably doesn't get creativity and has no real passion and tends to default to very crass, least-common-denominator stupidity. Unfortunately, the yin to his yang was Brannon Braga who at least back then was too intentionally weird with his creative decisions. They both fell hard into "we need to be different for the sake of being different" and they opened the door to nuTrek, essentially.

Attached: Stars.png (540x672, 511K)

Me too.

Attached: nedm.jpg (204x247, 9K)

>le on-topic discussion
Visit a different board for TV discussion, faget.

Why DO people tripfag on Yea Forums? How can you be that desperate for validation? Aren't (you)s enough?

Berman was always a numbers guy. It's pretty clear that he was the antagonistic force against the writer's room. When the ratings began to really fall off, that's when things took an inevitable downturn. Enterprise is, in itself, a desperate scramble to renew interest in Trek (the prequel gimmick, the constant attempts to sex the show up).

I think people dislike Braga not because of his ideas as much as the fact that he was sort of seen as the 'traitor' among the writing staff. He was perceived as Berman's mole on the inside and yes-man'd his way to Executive Producer credits. Nobody ever really held anything against Piller, conversely, because he had the benefit of fighting for the writers rather than colluding against them.

Robert Moore walking away from Voyager really tells you all you need to know about the atmosphere in Trek at the time.
NEDM was always my favorite. I just tried to go to YTMND and saw that it had a massive server failure. That's fucking tragic, to be honest.
Looks like specific addresses are still working, though.

decent analysis user. Don't forget the over-reliance on time travel simply because Voyage Home was a hit, which hit critical mass with ENT's anemic Temporal Cold War.

It was kind of an ongoing theme in the series finale and multiple movies (Generations, Insurrection and Nemesis) that Picard while not youthful, was vital and alive and cared about doing meaningful things. It was cut out of the theatrical cut, but they filmed an ending for Nemesis where most of the main characters had left the Enterprise and Picard was starting anew with a new crew.

For him to walk away into what amounts to a self imposed exile, living a life that he'd previously made clear was not for him, is a pretty major deal.

Nemesis also had Picard riding around on a dune-buggy for some reason. It's hard to take anything from that movie seriously, for me.

Trips get (Yous).
Either put up with it without feeding them and without bitching pls, or filter all tripcodes and replies to filter inherently vapid posting. Do the latter if ur a faget, and QQ moar if ur a faget.

do we like Junk Ball or is he a tryhard?

Attached: Junk Ball Media.jpg (225x225, 14K)

>complain about tripfags ruining threads
>obsessively insist that the tripfag has a penis and incessantly talk about how you hate gays, minorities and women
>spam tripfag's pictures in every thread constantly talking about how bad you want to see its asshole and thinly veiled implications about how much you want to suck its tranny cock
>stalk its fb and constantly try to figure out where it works and lives, making violent threats and other creepy comments
How many prescriptions does someone need to be on in order to deal with this level of repressed homosexuality and mental illness? Star Trek

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B&B worked on Trek for too long and didn't see how television in general developed while they were doing Trek. Also, don't underestimate studio and channel executives, B&B probably prevented plenty of really stupid shit to be done to Trek coming from upstairs.

The big fuckup with Enterprise is that everything being manipulated from future being the overarching theme for entire show essentially undermines whole point of making prequel.
>NEDM was always my favorite.
It was hilarious to see NEDM fad develop. Everyone were making sites, only handful of people had any idea about what it originally was about. Lots cats, that loop from We Interrupt this Program, Chapsticks and really random stuff. It took like few days for people get the joke. Then it all went stale when people actually knew what it was about.

You're absolutely right about NEDM. That's why it was funny to me, though. It was always absurd and now, it's just pure internet nostalgia. YTMND was truly the Chaotic Good to Yea Forums's Chaotic Neutral (though it's probably Chaotic Evil now). Those were good days -- better days.

Even if you discount Nemesis (which you can't) the rest of the stuff still matters.


Finally took off your trip bashirtranny?

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>why drop the mogwai?
same reason they effectively dropped the lost-in-space angle: because the entire premise of Voyager was going to get in the way of it being a drop-in continuation of TNG. The point of the premise was to allow them distance from TNG/DS9 while the films were still happening, not to be an actual factor in the show itself, which, in retrospect, is beyond retarded. It's almost as-if it was greenlit by one person/persons and then overuled by another.

You have to remember that the distancing tactic paid off hugely once when they did it with TNG. Of course, that was distance in -time- and not in -space-, which turns out makes all the difference, but the idea that the show needed independence is still in play. Turns out it was a massive error. They'ld have been better off just telling everybody that they're not allowed to make huge changes to the broader Trek universe while two properties are active simultaneously.

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The real truth about Enterprise is that its ratings followed the same downward trend started by DS9. Star Trek as a franchise was bleeding viewership. That said, it was still getting solid ratings.
The series wasn't canceled because it was bad, it was canceled because UPN as a network was tanking. They had nothing besides Star Trek and one show cannot carry a network, especially a non-stop long running franchise with a mellowing viewership. Enterprise was cancelled first because it was the most expensive show on the network. Less than a year later, UPN shut down completely.
Looking at it objectively, DS9 might have actually been the reason for Star Trek's massive decline after TNG. There was never a bigger dropoff and decline in ratings then DS9, despite VOY and ENT being on a niche network while DS9 was syndicated.

Attached: JebhO.jpg (560x383, 50K)

>for some reason
you know why, tripfag

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>The series wasn't canceled because it was bad

Attached: treklaugh.gif (325x244, 1.84M)

>Patrick Stewart is a good acto-

DS9 objectively lost more viewers than both VOY and ENT.

>Also, don't underestimate studio and channel executives, B&B probably prevented plenty of really stupid shit to be done to Trek coming from upstairs.
Oh i know for a fact Berman did a lot to protect Star Trek. Dude hated fags, for instance. I just think he needed a better partner to help him with the creative side.

We are all racist deep down and don’t wnjoy watching a black caption as main character, even if we tell ourself a different,

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Yea Forums needs reminding

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It had to share the Trek audience with VOY.

>Smiley can build a replica Defiant with no shipyard facilities
>Voyager can't build shuttles or Delta Flyers
When did you realize Stationfags are disingenuous?

Attached: Smiley.jpg (705x530, 91K)

Week prior to the big purge on YTMND was also pretty hilarious. A masterpiece where Hitler, Skynet and Yao Ming (?, that chinese apehoop player) team up to exterminate all niggers on the planet, it had pretty neat .gif and brilliant music. That topping the list was too much for Max and he was triggered to the Max. There were plenty of other Hitler, Zyklon B themed sites on top lists. All gone, erased.

Moonwes and his crew was already running the studio by late seasons of Voyager and during ENT. I suspect even more stupid shit would have happened without Berman being in charge of show.

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irish drunkard powers > voyager plot holes

That episode was kino to be honest.

I'm so sick of this series wars bullshit. Stop trying to divide the fanbase.

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Miles is the best engineer in Star Track

Shut up, worthless whore

___ aren't real Star Trek fans so it isn't actually dividing the fanbase.

>I don't like intra series fighting when a valid point about my favorite show has been raised!

What hentai is that?
Also, if you're a faggot why do you keep posting anime tiddies?

I mean, if people are such brainlets that they can easily be packed into taking a side in some imaginary debate, they entirely deserve to rant about
>muh ds9
>muh voyager
It's ultimately a self-inflicted wound even if they're led into it like bleating sheep. Live and let live, Bashirfag. At the end of the day, people find the whole us vs. them dynamic more easily digestible than any sort of well-reasoned criticism or discussion. That's just what Yea Forums is now, whether you like it or not. It's certainly not going to stop because you decided to tell everyone you're tired of it.

Do not talk to tripfags

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Nah it just isn't cozy. Why dont we talk about what we all LIKE about Star Trek for a change. There has to be a universal thing about this series that unites us, right? Otherwise we wouldnt all be here.

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I want to fuck Bashirfaggot.
If I stop talking to 'her' will 'she' get so desperate for attention that 'she' posts nudes?

Attached: Wheaton's Law.png (690x323, 65K)

You can find much more attractive and desirable trannies elsewhere. Don't waste your time here.

The unbridled optimism of Trek balances well against my own personal cynicism. Even if I believe such a future is at least mostly impossible, it's nice to dream from time to time, isn't it.

Even if I don't think humanity can make such massive strides, it's a decent thing to work to improve yourself personally. Trek makes me want to be a better man.

But this tranny is /our/ tranny, only they post in /trek/
If another tranny tripfag appears there might be some competition.

I like the idea of humans running an interstellar not-empire and verbally (occasionally physically) duking it out with upstart xenos like the klingons and romulans.

>Why dont we talk about what we all LIKE about Star Trek for a change.
Why don't you start then? Start the conversation that you want to have.

You're right, of course, but it wasn't just the black guy in charge. It was also the fact that it was full of boomerisms... the grimy, dark aesthetic.... the unlikable cast... the who-gives-a-shit victim and mysticism bullshit of the bajorans.... I'll take it over nuTrek anyday, but at the same time, nobody really wants a show about a dark spacemall full of unsympathetic people who dont actually trek anywhere. It's the sort of edgy shit that a lot of boomers and zoomers thought they wanted, but then once they got it, they kind of realized it was shit.

Attached: untitled-101.jpg (2048x1360, 340K)

>another fucking tripfag

Attached: tripfag_enters_the_thread.webm (640x360, 577K)

Just filter me. I won't lose any sleep over you not replying to my posts anymore.

boomer and xoomers, i meant

>boomers and zoomer
For real though I still dont understand this meme. Are we talking about actual baby boomers?

Attached: 1541320532496.jpg (433x433, 38K)

Why would you respond to that post

It's going to be great but people here already decided to hate it because:
>they are alt-righters and hate Trek because it doesn't pander to them
>they are DS9 fans mad that people care more about TNG than their shopping mall
>faggots more obsessed with an attention whoring tripfag than trek

How old are you?
How many children do you have?

"Boomer" is anyone old or who likes old gay shit, basically white dads or people so out of touch you have to assume they're 30+
"Zoomers" are the boogeymen created by boomers because calling young people millennials sounds like something a boomer would say


You can tell this is a typical boomer post because it's an uninspired use of a banty one liner which comes across as desperate, defensive, and gay. The boomer wants to seem cute but only further demonstrates how much of a boomer it really is.

now tell me how CGI is superior to physical models

Just stop shitting up the general.

That dude in that picture is fugly. Is that the tranny that posts on the discord all the time?

bashirfaggot is a physical model
my waifus are cgi

I'm going through the series for the first time, finished up DS9 a few weeks ago, just started season 3 on Voyager. So far VOY seems like a bunch of disjointed episodes and nothing of note has really happened yet. Tell me /trek/, what's my opinion of it?

Boomers = anybody that the poster dislikes
Zoomers = also anybody that the poster dislikes

Keep watching until Seven of Nine shows up. It doesn't make the show much better, but your dick might like it more.

on season 4 of deep space nine this shit is great, the CGI is dumb but the show is god tier

Why is Data treated as a technological miracle, but Vic Fontaine and The Doctor (or even Moriarty) are just common occurrences?

In addition to Data's sentient brain, his body is biomechanical and follows the human blueprint to a significant degree. Also Data was made before Federation computers were so powerful that holograms could become sentient just by leaving them running too long.

>everyone can make holograms
>Data is unique and they can't replicate him yet
Now go be mad somewhere else.

Underrated post

that was a good ep tho, and it dealt with sisko being upset about the portrayal in a pretty good way

My prediction is that Picard is WAY too old to be doing this shit anymore, and its clear he's only in it for the obscene amount of money they must be paying him, so it'll end up being completely soulless.

Attached: 724152152152.png (415x380, 364K)

It was a good ep though, Sisko didn't want all the awful shit from that time period to be washed over like it never happened, but learns to accept that Vic's hologram should only be seen as a time 'as it should have been' and learning to appreciate it.

Basically all Vic episodes are great for the music/comfy feel anyway though.

There are good and even some brilliant episodes, but it there is also lot of lot of mediocre and bad episodes.

Attached: Rudolph_Ransom.jpg (325x396, 22K)

His only mistake was choosing who would live and who would die. All but admits as much to Kirk when he's confronted.

>samefagging in the discord


I don't think anybody is doing that. Besides, I welcome more Voyager discussion. Let's be real /trek/. You need to talk more about TOS and VOY.

>His only mistake was choosing who would live and who would die.

Thanos pls

Attached: 3B2E8A5D-7435-40B0-9531-89FBC11B96D1.gif (250x238, 3.39M)

I'm literally in the same position. The biggest problem is the inevitable failure of any plan to return home. Really blows some episodes. Anything where the trip home is ultimately incidental to the plot is great.

Will we see the Enterprise E one last time, lads?

Attached: USS_Enterprise-E_in_nebula.jpg (1142x721, 104K)

>What are your predictions on the new show?

It seems like its based on a comic book that was half decent, so the premise may not suck ass and Patrick Stewart is obviously great. But its being written and created mainly by the same hacks that gave us the STD shit fest.

I'll reserve judgement but I'm expecting Stewart to deliver a strong performance that's undermined by mediocre writing, a progessive political agenda, and a supporting cast of diversity hires chosen on the basis of identity politics rather than talent.

Attached: Star Trek Diversity Hire.jpg (857x1920, 355K)

I want to see the Enterprise Z.

Voyager is an interesting premise for a desperate survival scenario that's undermined by the writer's apprehension to take the show in a darker direction. The darker more morally grey direction of DS9 had largely been seen as a commercial failure so when they made Voyager they tried to make it more like TNG, keeping it optimistic and comfy. That meant abandoning plot lines about the crew running out of supplies and getting desperate, the crew questioning Star Fleet morals, or the Marquis plotting a mutiny. Instead you get a crew that's incredibly loyal despite the incompetence of their captain, a ship that's always clean and comfy and rarely suffering from supply shortages and willing to lay down their lives to uphold Federation values on the other side of the galaxy.

It does have good episodes and some good characters, particularly the Doctor; but on the whole most of the characters are boring and Janeway herself is an incompetent hypocrite who the show inexplicably treats as though she's a great leader.

Attached: Janeway and Paris.jpg (692x530, 110K)

Tripfags happenned

it's a DOUBLE riker episode


Attached: st-2ndchances3.jpg.jpg (475x363, 47K)

This, VOY had a unique and interesting situation plotted out for the crew, but never really dove into it, its ends up just feeling like bad TNG, rather than its own thing.

>crew that's incredibly loyal despite the incompetence of their captain
take that back jack ass

Yeah, it's going to be really weird out out of place for Star Trek to be progressive and diverse, especially a series starring noted conservative Patrick Stewart

>no episode featuring William Riker, Thomas Riker, Deanna Troi and Lwaxana Troi
Wasted potential.

>no episode where thomas fucks deanna infront of william
you're right, it was wasted

Since they are literally the same person (biologically at least), is that cucking? Or is it voyeur and exhibitionism at the same time?

yes, they are different people since they diverged

william obviously still has strong feelings for deanna so watching her fuck someone else would 100% be cucking

how kino would it have been if thomas riker was beardless riker

Its always been a liberal show but in the 60s, the 80s and the 90s liberals were capable of introspection and writing a nuanced plot that made you ask questions. Modern progressive left ideology is incapable of such introspection. There is one way that is right, their way all those who submit are welcome all those who dissent are the enemy.

Political or social commentary should encourage the viewer to ask themselves what they believe, show different perspectives fairly, and lead you to question what is right and what is wrong. The modern left doesn't want you to ask questions, it wants to tell you what to think.

Attached: Alpha Centauri -Pravin Lal Quote.jpg (789x391, 61K)

all cardassians belong in gas chambers

Attached: old school rom.png (1032x732, 1.13M)


basically every argument against VOY

cringe and feminismpilled

>There is one way that is right, their way all those who submit are welcome all those who dissent are the enemy.
While this is sadly a fair point, don't act like it's any different on the other side of the coin. This site pretty much proves that both political cadres have become so polarized that there is basically no room for any sort of middle ground.

The "modern left" has tired of false equivalence and assuming good faith from people who will never (and never have) reciprocate in kind.

The modern left don't even know what moderates or conservatives believe anymore. They've just demonized everyone who doesn't agree with them. A study was done recently that asked conservatives, moderates and liberals to fill out a survey and then to fill it out the way that they think a typical liberal or a typical conservative would. The results showed that conservatives and moderates could accurately predict liberals viewpoints but the left was completely incapable of predicting how conservatives would answer and seemingly just assumed that conservatives would pick the most evil sounding answer to everything.


That's why you can't get along with anyone who doesn't share your ideology because you've demonized them all into lunatics.

Attached: Orwell Leftist Thought is playing with fire.png (958x459, 318K)

Modern left has been shifting rapidly to the left in recent years. Conservative parties have shifted slightly to right. It's the left that has gone insane. To the point where moderates have more in common with right and religious lunatics on right side than left when it comes to values like individual freedoms.

It is true even Europe. We are having EU parliament election today. It quite funny. All leftist parties are almost devoid of working class candidates, social democrats (moderate left) have one labor union guy on their list. Left Alliance (radical left) has zero working class candidates. Communists have one retired secretary. Same goes with greens, they too are completely devoid of workers. It is kinda hilarious.

Basically working class supports populists and right now. Left gets its support from university students, immigrants and other welfare leaches.