How the fuck is this show so perfect?
How the fuck is this show so perfect?
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It's not
He took a risk
its just a jew being jewey, you should ask yourself why you consider that entertainment
its not perfect, because I haven't seen it and I only watch good tv shows
>inb4 contrarian fags
God damn it too late
It's Seinfeld but they trimmed the fat of Jerry, Julia and Michael, and now they can curse. In short, the perfect comedy show.
Try watching this clip, you'll laugh.
No more funkhouser. FUCK.
90% of it is making fun of neurotic Jews
funk man was fucking comedy gold, that's sad
It's perfect up until around season 6 when cheryl leaves. Anything beyond that is hit or miss with Leon being the only saving grace.
Not to mention the renewed seasons which are shit.
why is Larry so likeable?
You clearly didn't watch season 9.
it's Seinfeld, but they stop blaming the ancillary characters completely, and show that the main characters (specifically Larry) are the "real bad guys" who create all of the problems.
In Seinfeld, the main characters would do something horrible, and come into conflict with a side character, but the main character was still framed as the hero. A classic example is the Soup Nazi episode; where Elaine refuses to follow the very simple and practical rules (no small talk, no substitutions, have your exact change ready), holds up the line when working professionals are trying to get lunch at a very busy spot, on their 1.0-1.5 hr lunch break; and vindictively ruins a legal immigrant's successful business, out of spite. And the audience cheers when she ruins his business. Elaine is the real "Nazi", but the editing, music, and framing try to paint her as the hero.
It's like Seinfeld but funny
couldn't make it past 30 seconds
/pol/tards have trouble admitting larry is most based jew. One larry David is worth over 6,000,000 white rednecks from the flyover states
>loved curb and seinfeld when I was a teen
>knew every episode by heart
>now I can't watch more than an episode because it makes me sick how much of a pussies the characters are
what's worse, "no soup for you!" became an offline-meme (long before internet culture was widespread). And no one in the viewing public seemed to notice how evil Elaine was acting (even Jerry and George try to get her to behave). Jerry abandons his girlfriend when she won't follow the rules. Even insane Kramer gets soup off-screen, and presumably, is able to follow the rules fine (or he wouldn't have gotten soup). The 90's were just a time when Yuppies felt completely entitled to walk all over any working class person, and feel like a victim in the process.
best description
Friendly reminder
jews sexualizing kids like usual