Spring Break Kino?


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All women are ______

a curse


thanks jews

Watching this is like torture, the chasm between the average neurotypical’s life and my own is so great I could never live a day in their shoes even with lifetimes of preparation

The Aryan is a natural hedonist

From it's pagan days, to it's college days

bbc suckers?

fuck usa and their "culture"

people, who have a rightful place in society, and through propagandized manipulation have been tricked into believing they should live a life which will ultimately bring them only misery.

find god

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How can any sane man look at any of the women at this beach and really think that they would be good wives?
Like what is it in any of these women that seem to be pure?
Does anyone here think they are pure or virgins still?
Atleast every woman there has fucked a nigger before without a doubt.
It's just kind of sad.
What happened to society?
There used to be people making sure that women literally didn't show too much off at the beach but checking how far there clothes go down.
Is this why people wanted hitler to win?
Just to prevent this?

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I did it. You can pull it off I'm pretty sure. You're not going to enjoy it though.

The very fact that you're posting on this site makes you a normalfag. You're just one of the more eccentric normies.

>skim through a video
>every time at least one girl is shaking her butt
Originality is dead

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these women should be stoned inshallah

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Makes me feel good knowing that all those coal burners will live infinitely more difficult lives because of their decisions

Not once Christianity took over Europe They got they're shit together and whattya know, the Enlightenment happened. Then the Heebs started showing up....


DESU if you don't like just sitting on a beach getting shit faced then it's not for you. I'm honestly pretty normal but allergic to alcohol (physically pains me to drink, although I do it sometimes) and it's not as fun as people make it out to be.

>dat white girl with the BLACK LIVES MATTER hat

Wait explain something to me.

If spring break is a thing in high-school and below but you can only drink when you are 21 in burgerland how the fuck are these things organized?

>watch first 10-15 min
>its endless black dudes hanging out with white girls

fuck how do they do it

what are some more channels that showcase this sort of slutty college behavior?

I'm curious would the weight of a truck get stuck in sand?

It’s college and twenty somethings, not high schoolers

american highschoolers are often 21

>Disney College Program

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just live your life bro worked for me


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why would anyone want a girlfriend

_ extremely triggering to the alt-right basement dweller who's been brainwashed into thinking the reason he can't get laid is because there are no good Christian girls left

wait do american colleges have spring break? lmao what the fuck

Why do none of the guys have chest hair???

it's like having a designated parking spot for your peenus

if she breaths shes a thot

Because they’re young and in shape and not old 30 year old creeps

How many of those girls are fucking black guys?

Imagine being her dad

i shaved mine, its too unmanly

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Women were a mistake.

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How else would they attract an African mate?

Because niggers are in vogue atm, girls are vapid and indoctrinated into following trends so much easier than males. Why do you think most advertisements are aimed at women? Because they're easier to convince they need something when in reality they don't. Kardashians are 70% of every basic thots role model and are all fucking niggers. Rappers are the modern day rockstars and any nigger can claim he's a rapper when he has fake jewelry on. White girls form secluded suburban whites only neighborhoods are told by their parents to stay away from niggers and once they get around them its like eating candy before dinner when you're parents never let you except instead of rotten teeth you get 3 children, no spousal support, STDs and domestic assault.

>american schools
>american women

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it's only unmanly if you grow some stupid pattern like hairy nipples and a patchy mess between your pecs

literal brainwashing

Have sex

>chest hair

none of my friends have it, don't want to be the odd man out

an upwards of a 50% fuck those 13%

This video is arousing in the worst way. It reminds me of a exaggerated of my own youth where I did more fun things. I dislike it

only the fat/trashy ones

It's ok guys, let them have some fun now. Most of them will have to take care of some mutt kid(s) alone in a few years.

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you can do it in this lifetime, just have sex

I went on spring break at PCB back around 2009 with a slutty female friend of mine to rebound from a bad breakup. I'm 6'2 and it was just coming off a cut from my first serious steroid bulking cycle. I felt like a god among the outrageous number of manlets that show up to things like that and got non stop attention on the beach with random girls coming up to me wanting to touch my abs and arms, offering me drugs, trying to get me to come back to their rooms, all sorts of shit. got a couple blowjobs during the day but never fucked any of the girls from the beach. the slutty friend I went with brought a new girl back to our hotel room for us to fuck together every night we were there, tho. god bless american degeneracy.



These people disgust me

I’ve been denied at least 50 times for being a republican....but I’m not and am just a hair right wing, not even preachy about it. I prefer no politic talk in dating. Living in Denver(liberal shit hole) is the worst.

>hair right wing

that is why we (the white cucks) elected Obama 2wice in a row

he has a fascist haircut

see this:

almost all american universities have a 7 to 10 day break sometime between february and april, yes.

I hate modern white women so god damn much, bros. I hate to violently rape them to death for being such leftist degenerates.

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Thanks for the warning, I’m not watching that.

don't blame me I voted for mittens

just sad

goddamn the girl at 7:18 on the right is unreal

idk why you told me not to watch this? he seems like a nice boy!

That's all it takes to grab an ass? Have a youtube channel and turn it into a game? Wtf I'm going to make a youtube channel right now.

why is almost no one in the water? every single time i've ever gone to a beach it was to swim and splash around. otherwise beaches are nasty places. you're sweaty and sticky from sunscreen and sand is sticking to you. it's a bad time. unless you're actually in the water

Just a hair, it’s a saying.

they;re black