Who is the actor who has played two different high billing characters in two separate comic book franchises...

Who is the actor who has played two different high billing characters in two separate comic book franchises, at least one of which over more than one film, who delivered the overall best performance?
Starting off with some examples, feel free to add your own:

>Ryan Reynolds
Forgettable as Green Lantern, but did a very good job as Deadpool.
>Halle Berry
Her performance as Storm was semi-decent, terrible as Catwoman.
>Ben Affleck
Actually highly underrated as Daredevil, and great at times as Batman. Possibly the best overall.

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Green lantern was an ok movie. Ryan did a good enough job.

This meme needs to stop.

chris evans as well

Chris Evans. Even though Fantastic 4 Rise of the Silver Surfer was more dogshit than Catwoman

>Chris Evans
Good as Human Torch, perfect Captain America
>Michael B. Jordan
Bad as Human Torch, great as Kilmonger
>Zachary Levi
Forgettable as one of Thor's friends, great as Shazam
>Brandon Routh
>worst Superman ever, pretty good Ray Palmer

Purposely leaving out Chris Evans because you know he's the right answer.

Great Deadpool. Okay Green Lantern.

Okay Daredevil. Okay Batman. Pretty much plays himself. His best superhero role was in The Accountant.

Terrible Storm. Terrible Catwoman (although anyone was going to be shit with that script).

I actually don't think Killmonger was a very good villain.

she wasn't a bad storm. Just a badly written and completely unused storm. She had like 5 lines across 3 movies

Why do so many of you niggers love Batfleck. He wasn't bad but he wasn't that good either.

I don't think Killmonger was a great villain, but Jordan brought way more to that role than he brought to Human Torch.

Except he was. If you weren't such a bug chasing faggot, you would know that

>Brie Larson
Good Envy Adams, perfect Brie Larson

thank you VERY much

Michael Keaton as both Batman (DC), and the Vulture (Marvel).

> Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Great in Kick-Ass. Terrible Quicksilver.

>all these shit niggers saying Chris Evans over and over again

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>Chris Evans
>in two separate comic book franchises
>keep mentioning Captain America, and Fantastic Four...both from Marvel, the same franchise.
>you all fail.

How about this.

Chris Evans was also in "Scott Pilgrim", and "Snowpiercer", and "Push".

franchises isnt limited to company, dipshit

also Will Smith. MiB and yes he was good in Suicide Squad

maybe explain yourself better faggot

I don't need to. You were just a fucking retard that tried to tip your fedora and failed

Tommy Lee Jones MiB and Batman Forever and Captain America
Natalie Portman V for Vendetta and Thor

yr still a faggot

take the dick out of your roastie mouth, you'll type better.

>seething this hard when you are made out to be an idiot
It's ok, baby. No one knows who you are.

but they know you faggot.

oh you got me. I'm so roasted

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I want a good catwoman movie

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>I'm so roasted

well, yeah, you are...not by me....you're constant oral dose of cock did that already.

Anya Taylor Joy as a young catwoman. Make it happen.

Her voice is too soft and mousey. Storm is supposed to be commanding and powerful.

Don’t forget Chris Evans

>the same franchise


Saying Ben plays himself, and clearly skipping over the fact that Ryan does the same character every movie.
calls people niggers
is the nigger
based and redpilled

adrianne palicki as failed wonder woman & mockingbird on agents of shield

Eww are we considering tv shows too? Doesn't the CW verse scoop up literally everyone?

>are we considering tv shows too
i just didn't want to say rich evans like everyone else

Was he actually good as Human Torch?

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Yes. He played Chris Evans v.1. Captain America is v. 2. They're both kino.

He was a good Johnny, yes

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