Why didn't they work with the Based Nazis?

Why didn't they work with the Based Nazis?

Attached: sound_of_music.jpg (1189x700, 229K)

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Daily reminder that the nazis would've shunned neckbeards who waste their life on a Vietnamese floor tile forum and who jack it to anime girls


I summon the cross dressing Nazi poster

Tbh 4channel is the perfect place for angry chicken farmers and failed art students to hang out

Wasn’t Von Trapp’s deal is that he was sick of fighting after WW1?


Attached: Mary Poppins Julie Andrews-4.webm (1792x1080, 1.21M)

musicals suck. everyone hates you

Why would they work with sex dolls? Sex dolls aren't employable.

Attached: soviet_soldiers_berlin_rape.jpg (1212x1600, 227K)


ok Mr Anti Fun

What a voice though.

Attached: Julie Andrews Oscar Mary Poppins.jpg (907x1280, 234K)

This pic makes me sick on so many levels. The epitome of the evilness of jews.

If only more British women looked like a young Julie Andrews... Mostly the look more like Susan Boyle suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome. Julie looks like her pussy smells like Christmas cocoa while most British women look like their feminine hygiene is more akin to a garbage truck on a hot summer day.

ils ont pris la pilule bleu

It arouse me. Based liberators

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That is because you're a literal coping faggot.

Do you know the meaning of the words you use?

Attached: french officer and two german women.jpg (736x1191, 113K)

You must be one sick fuck.

I'm NatSoc and I don't see anything wrong with it. To the victor go the spoils.

I'm ok thanks

Attached: occupation troops rhine.jpg (2675x2144, 435K)

anyone disappointed by the fact there was no cool villain song form the nazis ?

>flees the fucking country to avoid joining the military
What the fuck was his problem?

>I am 16 going on 17

Jesus Christ what is this filth

He has a jewish spirit, what do you expect?

Victory made by selling yourself to the jews, what a shit victory.

Seriously, what would you say to her? You see a girl like that in a public place, unescorted, how would you approach?

>how would you approach?
From behind

Attached: 7bcbfa274421c5607f9c28c56de84b99531a887b7bbdee9eca6f5fbabd60a840.jpg (640x718, 47K)

The Dad was probably afraid of getting involved in a war and leaving his 7 children as orphans, or maybe he just didn't want to miss out on banging prime Julie Andrews

Cabaret made up for it, and the song was written by a jew, who gets hate mail for it.

Until that surgeon butchered her vocal cords.


Nazis were total weebs.


have sex

>Imperial Japan = Modern feminizing degenerate anime

>proud blacked cuck