Tarantino has never made a bad film

Tarantino has never made a bad film

Regards people with taste that aren’t contrarians

Attached: 287810F8-B1CC-4E57-9CFE-C4D95344A4F9.jpg (1208x1326, 338K)

Calling it now, please screencap:
This will be Quentin Tarantino's magnum opus. But more than that, it will be a 10/10 cinematic and cineastic experience, so sublime and overwhelming in sheer quality, wit and sophistication that it will almost immediately be heralded as being among the top 10 (with absolute certainty) or top 5 (highly probable) best films of all time. This estimation will be upheld even 100 years from now.
Once Upon A Time In Hollywood will become a cultural icon, a landmark of the high art of kino. It will be equal to Citizen Kane, The Godfather or Vertigo.
This will be the great work of art of our times.

Deathproof was boring as sin.

Tarantino's work is so bad that it has permanently degraded film as a medium. Everything bad about today's cinematic landscape goes back directly to Pulp Fiction.

Really now, that's just silly.

I wonder deny the ones I’ve seen are fun

the SFX blockbusters all go back to Jaws and Star Wars.

this movie looks like fucking shit though, i'm probably not even gonna watch it

>big foam shark that you see for 7 minutes is responsible for sfx blockbuster trend


But Pulp fiction (and possibly the works of that other hack Verhoeven) allowed them to legitimize themselves in ways that they could not beforehand. Star Wars and Jaws were the first two nails in the coffin of American film as an art form, and Pulp Fiction was the final one.

wow that sounds really accurate, can you expound

Deathproof is his best movie.

>What is Jackie Brown?
>What is Death Proof?
>What is Django Unchained?

Jackie Brown is his best film.

where's the leak?

Tarantino makes good scenes, not good movies. He's never made a good film, but he has made a shit ton of good scenes

This it was terrible
>b-but it was bad on purpose like frickin grindhouse!!! XD
Still shit. Most other movies he makes are kino though

Django unchained and hateful eight were God awful

Literally nothing of this is true, Tarantino's influence on cinema is basically over now. His big mark was that he used dialogue and would "tell, not show" which breaks the rules of filmmaking, but nobody copies him like that anymore.

It's not bad on purpose, it's just good

His visuals are good, but his music choices suck.

I have never seen a Tarantino film because I don't like watching movies because they are often too long. Which one should I start with?

Start with reservoir dogs

He made Inglorious Basterds, which is a crime against humanity.

The effects he had on cinematic culture still exist. That critics can make a living intellectualizing superhero flicks comes from an environment in which his attempts at elevating the schlock he was fond of as a child received massive praise. Film will not get better until filmmakers start deliberately making films opposed to his stylistic tendencies and the culture that they've inspired.

Post feet

Kill Bill Vol 2

Dorito has made one (1) decent flick

i didn't like basterds for non /pol/ reasons/. Other than that he is a kino deliverer.

How many times did they uttered the N word in it ?

N word? you mean nigger?

Based QT magnum opus poster







Yeah I remember the trailers made it out to be like some unstoppable psycho killer going around murdering people and instead it ended up being an hour of people talking random shit then 10 seconds of him killing people and barely surviving it himself. The car chase at the end was fun though