I thought 3.6 was maximum. Who brought out the expensive meter?

I thought 3.6 was maximum. Who brought out the expensive meter?

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>antirussian propaganda

It's a good show, but #1 of all time? That's a bit too high.

Go to bed Sergei

imdb is a hype website where idiots overrate everything new and everything is a 10 or 1

State Department Pictures presents...

>#1 of all time
>not a single black person
wtf did they mean by this

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The first episode was truly great but the follow ups are nowhere near as decent.

>That's a bit too high.
You're delusional. Go to the infirmary

America's propaganda effort is collapsing in on itself, and they are lashing out at random.

name better show

Breaking Bad.

ru pauls drag race

Breaking Bad's ending, to me, felt completely flat. It was great until about the halfway point of s5, then it turned into a different series. It was like vince gilligan got to the edge, and walked away.

Walter does an uncharacteristic 180 back into a 'good' guy, they inserted generic bad guys in so that walter didn't have to stoop to that level (like the show had been building to), everyone lived but hank, and jesse got to survive cuz of fan service.

It was fan service the ending. It didn't fit with BB, it felt out of place, and kinda tarnished the series for me. It moved it from a top 5 show all time to a top 10ish show. It's still somewhere in the top 10, but the idea of it top 3-5 is laughable to me after that limp wiener of an ending. Vince didn't have the guts to challenge his fans by going all the way with it, he gave them Breaking bad the disney ending. /eyeroll.

Regardless, it's a great series and the acting is great even if the show did fall apart in the final act for me and many others. People want a happy ending way too much, and BB gave it to them even if it was out of place within the story. BB peaked with Gustavo's death moment, even s5 was great until hank found out and then it went downhill so fast it was almost shocking.

As far as TV endings go, Six Feet Under remains the king by such a wide margin i don't think it can be topped. SFU is a very underrated series to begin with, but that ending was utter perfection

> 9.6

Not great.

It'll normalize, everything 'good' that comes out is near 10, give it some time.

>reddit: the post

also, BB did not have a happy ending, what the fuck are you smoking?

>basically the Terror but instead of having a demon polar bear, they have a strong independent wymyn
>normies lap it up
Really activates my almonds...

>all these triggered GoT-cucks trying to shit on Kinobyl

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Band of Brothers
Mad Men
The Wire
The Sopranos
Breaking Bad


I gave it a 10 even tho it should be 9 just to spite breaking bad fans

Based: the list

> seinfeld

That's a yikes from me.

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literally r eddit the list, bet you think sopranos or the wire are also the best on that.

Keri Rusell has aged so well.