Other urls found in this thread:
>copy terminator
capeshit "creativity"
For someone with dick Brie Larson has a very squeaky voice.
She's so fucking cute
Shit movie though
>mannekin tiddies
Was that really necessary?
How empowering
I prefer her indie movies.
I don't understand women. Do they know that the reason men act like this is because it garners them more successes than failures? Most women actually like to be treated like that. If they didn't men would realize acting like this didn't get them what they wanted and wouldn't do it.
>still mad about captain cheese
fucking hell lad
in what way is this supposed to be heroic? She robs a man for hitting on her?
Cope, capeshitter
the concept of logic is foreign to women
>work out 4-5 times a week
>good job
>save money for a cool leather jacket and a motorcycle you ride on weekends
>self groom
>see a woman in a weird costume
>playfully mention it, try to hit on her, full of self confidence
>she only wants a handshake. You respect that and oblige
>she crushes every bone in your hand, steals your bike, and takes off
Such a hero. Switch the genders in this scene. Is it still okay and empowering? No? Then we have a problem.
didn't you get the memo? white men are cancelled
>NIN shirt
I bet you anything she doesn't even know who they are
Who doesn't know Nine inch nails, if you disregard the fact that Reznor did the score of some of the biggest movies, it's a super mainstream band... It is the same guy right?
Why the fuck does she need a helmet
Or a motorcycle for that matter
She can just fly
I can see why they deleted it.
How would Cap America react on overpowered villain stealing a bike and hurting a civilian?
list of felonies our super hero committed there:
>aggravated assault
1-4 years prison
1-3.75 years prison
>grand theft auto
3-8.75 years prison
so heroic
She's more of a villain than a hero at that point in the movie.
is that suppose to be a super hero?
Not yet.
She couldn't, she had that thing in her neck and hadn't turned into super saiyan yet
she couldn't drive either apparently
oh i forgot one
>terroristic threats
up to 10 years prison
yeah,modern feminism is alll about hating men without them noticing.
this is just too openly sincere.
dude give it up.
it just doesn't work like two months ago, isn't really there another shit to make people seethe?
>men ITT acting superior cuz they listen to some basic whiny heroin addict
>probably never listen to good shit like Fad Gadget, Coil or Foetus
I think this is the first time I agreed with someone on here
these scene KILLS the incel
>copies Terminator
Not surprised. Its low, but they own Fox now
What the fuck is this shit? This "joke" would've worked had the guy raised his hand or tried to touch her when she was giving him a handshake, but at this point the guy did absolutely nothing wrong. Can't get anymore forced than this.
What upsets women so much about being asked to smile?
He would kick her ass
no they aren't, white men are still on top of the world, stop being a fat fuck and shower once in a while.
lmao this power fantasy is some anime shit
I wish I could make a joke about my nine inch nail on her tshirt and get her all angry and lecture me for hours about feminism and how much of a misogynist I am. God that would be amazing.
Yeah, but he told her to smile.
And the terminator reference was BADASS
Exactly, men act that way because a significant percentage of women reward them for it
>the guy did absolutely nothing wrong
He wanted her to smile for no reason, the entitled faggot. Do you also ask random men to smile?
There's just no way this bitch was wearing a NIN t-shirt in 1995. No fucking way.
literally reverse terminator but worse in every single way
>ask woman in a strange jumpsuit to smile
>oblige her offer of a handshake
>get thousands of dollars of stuff stolen plus a shattered hand
Disney deleting this suggests even they realised it was retarded, so why can't you?
Maybe because she's a gloomy shit?
trenzer is similary left wing anti trump like her tough
Brie is A CUTE!
>He wanted her to smile for no reason, the entitled faggot.
so commit aggravated assault? a normal person would tell him to fuck off. not break his hand, and steal his stuff. whats fucking wrong with you?
I just heard that shit yesterday, actually. From a fucking roasty, no less.
>men and women are the same
this is your fundamental problem... they aren't.
Her favorite bands are Burzum and Emperor, of course she does.
I mean I'd definitely fuck her as long as she kept her socks on
Is this enough to impeach Dr*mpf with?
That's not a normal person. It's a brainwashed soldier from whatever the fuck their planet was called.
This is the opinion of the overwhelming majority of feminists, not alien soldiers.
However, they are brainwashed.
I can't imagine that people asking other people who they don't even know to smile is a common occurrence. More likely would be seeing someone who is clearly distressed or deeply saddened and asking them if they're OK. Or, more commonly, most people just mind their own business.
Wait a minute, THAT´S a deleted scene ? The movie must be so duckung good if that’s what the deleted content looks like
It is absolutely fucking clear here that many of you seriously need to get laid
That's a load of bull
Stop being a tranny
it was a really shitty reference to terminator that was so bad it got cut from the film.
There aren't any feminists in the movie. She's a mind-fucked fugitive, not a hero. She becomes a hero later on when she sees that she's a normal person who was being brainwashed to fight for a bad cause.
Fucking retarded. And stupid voice she has. Dumb movie, dumb franchise
Was that just some random guy at a gas station or some low tier bad guy? Haven't watched capeflicks since the original GotG
>try flirting with a woman
>she gives you an annoyed look and tries to ignore you
>continue bothering her, demanding she smile for you because you exist
Captain Marvel is a nut, but who cares? She's not worse than Tony Stark was at the outset. That guy in the scene is still a douche
>caring about unrealistic shit Marvelcrap heroes do and go unaccounted for
Incel detected
It's even on the fucking plebbit AMA. Learn to use google, brainlet.
Once again, we are reminded that women(read feminist pigs) can't come up with anything on their own. They need a man to piggy back off of then do the "DUN NEED NUH MAN shit" afterwards.
>There aren't any feminists in the movie.
She is so sexy
What really happened is Cameron wrote them a long letter telling them to go shove it up their ass and stop referencing him.
That's just my headcanon though.
The response was not reciprocal to the act. Especially considering that with her strength, she could launch him to the moon. She not only threatened to crush his hand but stole from him also. If Superman were there to see that, he would have belted her on her man jaw
wasn't this in the movie? i remember her stealing the clothes and bike
I can’t imagine why they cut it. It makes her so much more likable and human.
She's not Superman. Most of the Marvel heroes are kind of dick headed in the movies. Thor literally would have killed Captain America in the first Avengers movie if Cap's shield wasn't vibranium.
She's also, at this point, part of an imperialist army on a mission to "save the universe" from the Skrulls. There are more important things in her mind than playing nice with the locals
>ywn handcuff Captain Marvel, force her on her knees, and make her suck your dick, demanding she smile the whole time
There is no meaning to life.
>someone with an actual brain on Yea Forums
The entire point is she's being used as a role model for women, and propped up as a target of attack by "incels" or whatever despite her character actually being this shitty and deserving it. I think you missed this part.
What if it was Thor crushing the hand of some 4/10 tattooed single mom making an unrequited pass at him? More likeable and human? Fucking cuck,
No, I can do you one better.
>He crushes Hela's hand.
He would STILL get endlessly shit on.
As long as men are considered the stronger sex, that will always be the case. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Yeah, hypocrisy rocks! Women are equal to men even though men are the only ones that have to be legally mandated to be held back! Go girls!
>muh industrial starter pack
>acting like a cunt
back to mu you retarded piece of garbage
>someone with an actual brain on Yea Forums
Why didn't she take him down a notch but verbally and not with a quip but with observation and quickwittedness? Wouldn't those be endearing character traits?
did she really recreate the TSA experience with her own power trip fantasy?
Fuckin' kek. They took this out because it's obviously an attack on people saying she never smiles. What pussies.
I would suck on she's bobbies
mah nigga
What do you expect they do? Have the guy rape her in broad daylight because the character is shitty and deserves it?
Learn to read the language of cinema brainlet.
>shit on audience
>why are they mad?
>they must be dumb!
>>they must be dumb!
It's true. People wouldn't give a shit about this scene 20 years ago. Things have escalated to turbo-autism since then and you literally can't not offend anyone anymore.
Some limp-wristed twitter femcels might consider a similar situation foreplay to rape (it isn't) but a superhuman shouldn't be spazzing out. So out of character-
poor guy didnt know what he was getting into
They wouldn't care because there wouldn't be an organized media circus to attack them 24/7, either. The hate being thrown at Disney, the MCU, and Brie are all of their own design, way before, and after, any singular scene.
he just wanted to post a deleted scene and /pol/ ruined his day. sad desu
>She's so fucking cute
This is your brain on reddit.
The only adequate part of this hate was directed towards Brie's accidental sexist remark about white male critics. Just because Disney is including black characters and women into their movies doesn't mean they're bidding them as more important than white male characters.
Black Panther has been black since his inception, as has Carol Danvers been a woman.
>it doesn't exist
Fuck off
It's like the TSA agent all over again
>He crushes Hela's hand.
>He would STILL get endlessly shit on.
Nah, that would have been badass. Also Hela would have laughed, instantly regenerated her hand, then grabbed and crushed Thor's dick.
get a load of this pathetic faggot. the whole wrinkling her map thing made him look like an obnoxious cunt
Yeah and then Infinity Stone-powered Ron Jeremy crushes the entire planet cluster with his interdimensional jew dick.
No wait, we're not talking about how marvelcuck writers would write the scene but how it would play out with the same dynamic as the OP's deleted scene but with characters swapped.
I mean, she did have a boyfriend at the time, so maybe that triggered her too.
She said it was because said TSA agent was in a position of power. Still an odd thing to tweet about though.
>Superhero copies the scene of a merciless main villain with no emotions
>Still apparently an all inspiring superhero
This clown world can't end soon enough
One of the two videos on the topic that haven't been biased propaganda. Wew.
It just shows how badly this movie was written
Like Endgame and other MCU movies
>The Don deleted scene
>Movie opens with Alien referring to Earth as a "shithole" which is references second hand account purportedly made by President Trump which he denied making.
I am not sure if I got Captain Superwoman's origin correct or now. Captain Superwoman - who was kidnapped by Space Alien ICE agents "Kree" has Superman powers because a spaceship's engine blew up on her while ON EARTH oppressing shape-shifting Welcome Refugees aliens.
>scene from a movie
>act like an entire demographic acts like that
Ahh, America.
imagine criticizing a movie for a deleted scene when the scene is explicitly not part of the movie as it was deleted
Imagine being outraged at the outrage.
Your such a dumbass cunt I wouldn't even bother explaining you why.
If we are talking about Carol, then no, she would have no idea what that even is.
But Brie? She must have at least heard of them.
Not him, but I am. It's irrational to be this upset over a fictional piece of media. A sci-fi movie of no importance whatsoever.
Just drop a few Tsar bombs on the major capitals and call it a day at this point. Humanity's garbage has festered a bit too much in the Sun.
That isn't the problem. It's the fact that they went ahead and completed said scene to the point that it probably would've been included in the film had Brie not open her mouth before release. I can't believe that something like this passed the script nevermind filming it and editing it down.
What happened with Brie was before they even filmed the movie.
People were gonna shit on the scene either way because it can be interpreted as sexist so they cut it. The hilarious aspect of it all is that people are still crying regardless. Fucking go out and see a ray of sunlight, holy shit.
I want to taste her creamy centre !
You're the one responding with personal attacks to criticism so if I may join in on projection of upset - you are needlessly upset,
and yet, not a peep from any of you tards
>why aren't people angry about this scene from a movie that's six years old
>N-No one complained about Superman being an insufferable asshole
Found the newfag.
Try being a normal person and witnessing biblical amounts of seethe over superficial shit like movies. I consider it a personal attack on my presumed intelligent species.
>Brie "I haven't been pleased in ages" Larson smiling
OK, definitely fake.
Imagine if she like, forced you, to sniff her feet first. Gross right? HAHAH x
She goes around beheading random white men on the streets on a regular basis, but Disney cover it up. An insider told me this.
I just googled Captain Marvel and image related with the first result in the news section courtesy of the AV Club
The thing is, the "normal people" rally around such superficial shit, funnel their money, time and energy into it, take every calculated quip as empowerment and actually transform the very social atmosphere.
So really. no, such superficial shit shouldn't be flowing with toxic content.
she's ugly as fuck. she looks like a man and has no ass. so you're probably gay for finding her attractive. let me show you how she really looks in the eyes of most human beings
I'll believe it when I see it IRL. All I see is a deranged vocal minority. That includes both sides of the political spectrum.
Was it autism?
>I consider it a personal attack on my presumed intelligent species.
oh you're one of those
women are the biggest victims on the planet
my fantasy is to hold her hands and smell her hair while giving her a hug.
she just needs some lamisil and male besides her. like some gentleman virgin, me for example.
fucking prove me wrong. id be happy to be with someone like her. when she'd get one of her sjw tantrums i'd just take her into my arms and say hush hush, you're safe here.
i'd cure her brainrot and she'd worship me for freeing her so she could be herself again. then i'd marry her and put my pp in her pusy and make many uncircumised christian children. we'd grow old together being comfy in home watching tv and playing games and taking strolls in the nature.
The most attractive woman in the world could've been in her position and you would've been spewing the same shit. Same reason people flock to Trump being "orange" and whatnot despite looking okay for his age.
you must be if you think brie larson is attractive
The poor are the biggest victims. Not men, not women, and not anything in between.
Fuck off.
Is this a personal attack?
>like some gentleman virgin
At this point a superior biological unit than the incel. The absolute state of 2019.
She sounds bitter. 10-to-1, she's never been catcalled in her life
That's pretty badass on your part, not gonna lie. On Yea Forums too? Wew
They can never beat based Jim
You don't have to make 872973982740294 threads about this shit
>based Jim
>Yea Forums was calling him a creatively bankrupt dyke haired grandma yesterday
Pretty soon you'll have no one to root for. You've eaten yourselves from the inside out.
Peak clown kino.
I wanna hate fuck her so bad. I wanna pound her shithole while telling her what a flat assed bitch she is. I wanna make her cry
you're probably from a western country so it's totally ok to be gay, no need to stay closeted
into my based comp it goes
How is that deleted? I am pretty sure I saw this at the cinema
I'd empty the content of my balls inside her
You Fucking snowflakes. Who the hell cares?
>wahhhh a movie had a scene in it that OFFENDED me!!
Based short-term memory loss user.
Fuck this fucking cunt. She deserves rape
why are you talking about your mother like this
The current state of affairs is so messed up she might actually let you do it to unite both sides.
>tomorrow's headline: captain marvel was gagged and fucked by an incel on live tv
Okay just stop, you literal maniac. No one deserves to be raped. Its just a movie for fucks sake, you are toxic and insane
from incel to chad in 5 minutes
I just got back from drinking.
This makes me sad.
This thread makes me sad.
Give me one media to change my mind, only one.
How can I hate her when some user keeps posting cute gifs of her that make me wish she was my mommydomme gf
>tfw shows are such garbage now a female lead is considered the main selling point
Brie is cute. Seethe harder incels
See where that gets you. You have to only be kind of a dick. Not a straight up dick. You have a lot to fucking learn.
Maybe it was her endgame all along.
Poor little feller. Never stood a chance.
Short Term 12. Memes aside, she can't be a cunt if she's even partially similar to her character in that movie.
If she's not, then she's the best actress in the world, and I don't buy it.
I don't know what's worse, the deleted scene or the one we got.
The one we got shows the dude cat call her and that's it's. He goes inside then cuts to her on his bike with his helmet, implying she stole and beat up the dude.
Like really, what the fuck were they thinking at all with this scene?
she's 29 how can you have fantasies of 29 year old being your mommy ?
I want to preface this with how truly ugly I find her on every possible level.
Seriously, reddit spacing seriously.
You don't get women. They act offended to this shit because we wouldn't find them attractive if we said "OH YEAH I LOVE BEING ABUSED". At least not attractive to a man of worth who isn't a fucking weirdo. How do you not get that? It's all a game. Learn it's rules and stop bitching.
This user has a point too.
That's easier than you might think
>If you don't like her she won!
I strongly disagree, in all honesty looking at her talk makes my penis retract. I am disgusted by her very being before her actions.
I want to smush her face, it's too small.
this is like one of those edits where they remove the laugh track from a sitcom to make it seem cruel
Hitting on her? Give a smile next time a smirk with a cock starts asking you to give it up.
Normally I would be in for twisting a mentally broken thing but I truly despise her, I find her predatory in the worst sense.
Dont you?
I'm 26 I can't pretend I'm 7
I find her predatory in the best sense
I like to fantasize about predatory mommies too, but she's almost the exact opposite irl.
She's that girl that cries when you don't wish her a birthday.
Why not
Even if you weren't being a fucking faggot, when people DID complain about Superman doing this.
Pretty sure the guy tried attacking him and poured beer on him.
so she's an asshole irl and in fiction?
That's disgusting.
If you want a women to have complete power you have mother issues and if you need complete power as a woman you have father issues.
Me? I have bimbo issues, good luck figuring that shit out.
No she is a sweetheart
>What happened with Brie was before they even filmed the movie.
No, it wasn't, you idiot. All the bad word of mouth starting spreading after she got all high and mighty when trying to promote the film. There is a reason why the RT score dropped dramatically after that. Don't talk out of your ass.
bimbos are so weird and gross I will never understand why people like that. no offense
funny enough men that want to be women just want fun and sex, while women that want to be men, well, can you imagine someone breaking your hand for so much as asking you do cheer up?
How is your relationship with your mother? Did you grow up without father figure?
>Cries when you don't wish her a birthday
I would actually deliver the hand that slaps, I hate needy cows.
What do you fucks see in this exactly, even your imagination brifu pisses me off.
The "white critic" fiasco happened before that. It just surfaced around the same time the movie started being talked about.
No? She's giving a clear sign she isn't interested. You faggots bitch about women giving false signals when all their trying to do is spare your feelings by being nice. Now it's wrong for them to shut you down immediately? Which is it you lonely shit? And for the record some women can be rude. But it's better than wasting your fucking time.
What was wrong with this? No one got hurt and the guy clearly deserved it.
Enjoy being on the wrong side of history incels
>I will never understand
Me too, I only got to the root.
I want a woman to actively degrade herself solely for my pleasure as I have severe trust issues.
>True story.
So if a biker walked up to you when minding your own business and told your bitch ass to smile you'd be happy about that? Stop talking out of your ass.
Has it occurred to you that maybe you're talking about two different groups of people, fuckwit?
same, I'm more attracted to women who look like everyday women you see in the streets rather than some holywood/victoria secret model #48329
>What do you fucks see in this exactly
Tall order to explain it all. She's cool and people would've been cool with her if she didn't say that critic shit. It's almost as if someone replaced her with a decoy.
I do not answer stupid questions, use your own brain.
Fuck off retard.
So you're a weirdo.
Has it occurred to you that maybe you come off poorly which is why you have a hard time with women? I'm firmly guessing not.
>She's cool
No, no and I really need to get this across to you even if I am the lowest common denominator of cool I can safely say that Brie Larson is not fucking cool, she isn't even lame. she's a freak. not a good one too.
That's what I thought. Think before you speak dumbass. No man or woman wants a dude coming up and asking for that ass. It's sloppy and distasteful.
So you're a virgin :)
Complicated and no, but absent partially I guess
It is what it is
You've watched 1 or 2 geeks + gamers videos of her and all of a sudden you're an expert. It doesn't work like hat. You need to delve deeper. I was forced by someone here to do the same thing but they turned out to be right and now I feel out of place because the rest of Yea Forums still hates her.
>You need too
I don't need to do anything, my view on her is ironclad you faggots are the ones that need to change it and so far have failed, utterly.
Find me a fault with her in this clip and I'll change my mind. For the 2nd time.
Not in the slightest. But you keep having your abuse fantasies while trying to claim superiority you obvious good citizen?
Fuck. Off. Retard.
You're going off tangent to shitpost about something unrelated.
Learn some comprehension and stop acting like some petty insecure faggot femboy having an emotional reaction to literally anything.
Who gives a shit about political bullshit? We could talk about how poor a role model 90% of superheroes are. They're shitty. Iron Man is shitty. Batman is shitty. The comic book genre is filled with dudes who have to resort to violence to resolve 100% of their problems.
Its a movie. It makes sense in the story why she is that way. Fuck all the rest
>Didn't check
You do smoke cock.
You had you chance to link me one media, you failed.
You failed again Brie Fags, my disgust grows deeper.
>More spaces
There's no tangent when it relates directly to that type of scenario. I think what you want is me to stop telling you what you don't want to hear and hadn't even considered. I thought so.
>nin shirt
>no nin music in the film
What the fuck. If they had one good song from them it would have made the film better.
>the audience are men who continue bothering women that clearly want nothing to do with them
I guess you would know about smoking. Go ahead and throw on a leather jacket and go approach a woman in a parking lot you absolute gentleman who has good decisions?
>You had you chance to link me one media
That's exactly what I did numbnuts.
Does it hurt you knowing I am a superior human?
What's going on here?
I saw likes vs dislikes about 2 hours ago was 40ish likes to well over 80 dislikes.
All I see is this now????
What was that? wrong? I know.
I wouldn't have brought it up if I wasn't ready to hit you with it.
>durr im right lol, i win wew
wow, fuck off discord tranny
Trent Reznor is the best living musician in the world, sadly.
And you didn't bother looking at any of it.
one of her cutest pictures, thanks
No one linked me one when I asked.
Why would you deserve my attention when I dont ask.
Gods, I was strong back then.
That's sad, you are sad.
Hah, he disabled the like and dislike ratio.
>That's sad, you are sad.
That dosen't make sense sweaty, you are loosing it.
Why is violence almost always the go-to "gotcha" for these people?
Well that was pathetic.
Good night.
Aquaman worldwide box office = $1,147,761,807
Captain Marvel = $1,126,684,152
Even with the unrelenting shilling, system rigging, ticket purchasing and riding on the heels of the most anticipated movie of this generation (Endgame) that they shoved her into to create false hype while piggybacking her off a decades worth or work and effort, Disney's new flagship character was STILL beaten by a joke character whose solo film was coming off a box office disaster (Justice League) while it promoted pro-Feminism/SJW values (interracial relationships, strong female characters and an environmental friendly message) better than Captain Fungi whose message only appealed to North American white women who are the most coddled and entitled spoiled fucking bitches on the planet and hate their fathers which is the real reason why they cry "DOWN WITH PATRIARCHY!!!" because Daddy didn't buy them a pony.
Not to mention that Aquaman's cast were more likeable and attractive while the movie itself was better Written, Directed and just more entertaining that that boring uninspired piece of shit.
Aquaman is the underdog who had everything going against him but triumphed in the face of adversity while Captain Marvel lost despite being backed by the biggest entertainment corporation in the world!!!FACT!!!
>There's just no way this bitch was wearing a NIN t-shirt in 1995. No fucking way.
They'd been together for 7 years at that point and had 2 platinum albums. They weren't exactly unknown in 95.
dude worked with that, maybe even had children and a wife, then a supercunt destroys his truck, then the debt, lost his job, children starve, Kal el was such a cunt.
Sometimes you have good posts, tripfag. This is one of them.
Women will never know what it's like to squeeze a man's hand until he's in pain. lmao, must be hard for degenerates.
>everyone on Yea Forums is the same person
>also, trolling doesnt exist
now you know how i know you are retarded.
i like bimbos for their dedication to become fuck machines. There's something sickly pure about it that makes my ding go dong.
>drives out of parking lot
>almost immediately causes an accident
What did Disney mean by this?
get pregnant
except Terminator was entertaining and it felt good when Arnie threw people around because they literally stabbed him
is that rooney mara?
>I don't understand women.
on MY 4channel?
have sex
That's not a tripfag you retard.
i bet she can't even name a single NIN song!
(agitated mouth breathing intensifies)
well fuck, I thought downward spiral was released in 95 not 94. Prior to that album they were still pretty unknown. They really blew up with Downward Spiral, though. Still, would her character be a NIN fan at that time? I haven't seen this movie.
Just how long do you faggots plan on letting this shitty movie live rent free in your heads for?
I thought that's what you call people who use names on this site. I've been misinformed apparently.
I'm not the one constantly posting these threads.
I am in love with her
Wait, I looked it up and this is what I got:
>Tripfags are users who choose to forsake their anonymity and adopt a username, or tripcode.
Fuck you, I used the term right.
wtf is this actually real? I want to die irl
They probably would have left it in too if not for the backlash before the damn movie even came out
username is being a namefag, I can literally use the same name he uses. tripfag is referring to how they have a tripcode to have a unique identity, some just managed to buy a tripcode that gives them a name.
here's a vid for you
>sjw thread designed to bait hostile replies.
The only way to fight sexism is to beat it to death with Its own torn-off leg Quan-Chi style, so without further ado...
The only cure for Brie Larson's stupidity and the complete and utter retardation of the writers and directors is to have Ike Turner and Chris Brown take turns unleashing the full brunt of the back of their gauntlet-equipped hands in Hank Pym's pocket dimension of infinite slaps....
...and then have an actual panel of pimps as judges and moderators review it in full and write an article on the affair, calling it "The Pymp Article." in which each detail is meticulously and lovingly expounded upon in vivid exposition with the specific goal to demoralize future sjw bullshit from blighting entertainment mediums in the future.
>not appreciating the squeaky clean foot of a woman
>then have an actual panel of pimps as judges and moderators review it in full and write an article on the affair, calling it "The Pymp Article."
You served me the full combo meal, but I lost my fucking sides.
This. I can't figure if she a cute or a cunt..
You lonely fucks who need the pathetic use of humor to feel like life is worth living
the only cute thing about her is the watch she's wearing that she Stole from Alison Pill on set from a different film.
Wow, I called it right off, only this reads as really awkwardly personal.
Either you're one of the various breeds of dronecore elite npc's that's been shitting up my board for the past half-decade or....
Hi, Brie.
I'm curious at the prospect of Brie Larson meeting with Ike Turner and Chris Brown in meme form now.
fuck she actually looks adorable here
why can't she be like this all the time?
I just imagined Chris Brown channeling Ike Turner's spirit like a stand from Jojo's.
there you go.
Her outfit is stolen right off a mannequin.
I had to read it twice to gather it, but man...
shit feet though
listened to Coil, still like NIN though, also he quit heroin a long time ago and has made several albums since then
I came here to post this.
I can't believe I hate someone this much that I care that they wear something I like.
why she's so PERFECT bros? I dream about her every night and I think about her every day all day for 15 years
>jews are still on top of the world
FTFY retard goyim
>doesn't know she literally has reaper tier feet
seriously, shut up
“My name is The Don”
that ship has sailed long ago
>this is a female superhero in 2019
Have people gone insane?
why you're so mad? seriously, find a gf
I kinda wish they left that in. Would have made the movie a bit more watchable.
I don't think she is attractive most of the time, but she was definitely beautiful in Scott Pilgrim against the world.
Her singing was great too
Honestly i'd just balltap him which would be the funniest way for a super hero to kill a normal person.
Hell yeah torture, assault and grand theft, what a superhero!
Thats the face of someone who just had a chemical peel a few days prior
>trying to compare a teenaged pic to how she looks now in her 30's
Kek. She's got fucked up foot fungus infected ony feet you autist. And like most women in their 30's she looks like shit without makeup.
Im not saying she doesn't look like shit, i'm just saying that picture was cherrypicked to make her look like ULTRA SHIT
I love when the villains use their powers to terrorize and oppress regular people.
Oh shut the fuck up retard this is cringe from any perspective.
>Iron Man invaded a foreign country, engaged a terrorist organization in combat, without the authorization of the US military or any government body, just to try out the weapons on his new suit
she looks like a clown-tranny in this one
What she did is ridiculous tho
How do you know that?
teach me more rules user senpai
>new show
>we will remind you about WOMEN until you are enthusiastic.
Did I upset someone?