Any other good dark fantasy movies?
Dark Fantasy Kinos
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Nothing compares to Conan
Yes, Conan the destroyer
Fire and Ice
Damn I wish we had another movie like the Conan ones. Those are just peak comfy and adventure goodness. It’s a shame the newest conan was garbage
Watches this at the movies two days ago. Fuck it is good: the music, the vistas, prime Arnold, no quips, little talking, god tier practical effects and still basic as shit plot made to work.
The Beastmaster, but it's no conan
The opening to Deathstalker 2 is pure kino
impressive stunt and very based dialog
The only sword and sorcery films that get close to Conan are Excalibur and Flesh+Blood. watch those if you haven't yet.
which one is the best deathstalker?
The only actually good fantasy movies in the history of film are
The Dark Crystal
Lord of the Rings
>No Flesh+Blood
Dragonheart is cheesy but comfy
There were some good Conan ripoffs like Dragonslayer and Highlander
Sword and the Sorcerer
The Head Hunter was cool
All the Italian ones are shit.
seems new, is it cool cool, or cool watchable?
Krull is great.
The first one, easily. It's only downhill from there.
HBO series when?
Hopefully never. Fuck HBO.
I enjoyed the second one as a goofy comedy. It's just different.
Krull has the coolest mooks
Deathstalker is based only for sending the basedbois of RLM into a seething shoot.
Short review: gritty, minimalistic Beowulf vs Grendel. I liked it.
literally nothing like it, and unfortunately there never will be
Loved this movie
He has said multiple times that he wants to do it.
Blame the studios not funding it.
Do you honestly think there's anyone left in Hollywood that could write a script befitting King Conan?
Also maybe Sci fantasy bit still good
Dark City
His striped purple pants pissed me off
Black Death (2011)
pretty decent
Milus isn't dead yet. He's just severely handicapped and partially brain dead.
That's not a fantasy film, you dumb nigger.
calm your tits retarded kikeshit, it is a fantasy movie
Excalibur (1981)
Good and underrated film though.
>*stronk* female charcter who needs now man and takes down multiple armored opponents single handedly
>asian diversity hire to help diversify the cast
>powerful nigger villain
what the fuck is with the nostalgia goggles for this movie on here? this movie is pre-sjw horseshit and you all know it
if you watch the commentary tracks, it's pretty clear Milius is borderline-retarded, Conan was a miracle that came out perfect somehow
lol'd at the bird coming out of the sword, but pretty based otherwise
Black Angel
is a low-key softcore homosexual film.
is that the 1980's short? i can't find anything else by that title
Written and Directed by the same guy who brought us Battlefield Earth. No thanks.
Your loss.
Kinda relevant, right?
My Nigga
The studio will find a way to destroy it, it's best that it's left alone. Shit, back then they already had to insert that irrelevant negress into the movie, imagine what they'd do today.
To be fair, both asians made some sense, one as a steppe hunter of sorts and the other as an oriental mystic, but apart from that it was indeed full of horseshit. Valeria was awfully executed and they obviously couldn't have an austrian actor have a white love interest, so they had to insert a lifeless jewess. There was also no need for Thulsa Doom to be a nigger, he was obviously out of context in that aesthetic. And I don't say it only because he was black, it's about the character. If there was some sort of tribal hunter from a faraway land it would make sense to cast a nigger, but not in this case. And as much as I love the movie, Conan's parents were shit actors.
Don't @ me.
Ending ruined it
How so? It definitely could have been done a bit better, but it was a nice horror twist reminiscent of classic gothic horror or something Karl Edward Wagner would have wrote.
Nice try, Jewstein.
its still got a lot of charm and its own thing going on. a conan beastmaster team up would be sweet.
does The Highlander count?
based and flute-pilled
Is that ygritte from got?
The Neverending Story.
Clash of the Titans (1981)
Wheres the cunny in the bed
Did Bowie learn how to do that, was there a different dude off-screen or some other kind of trick?
judi bowker was a fucking goddess.
Those weren't his arms, it was someone behind him doing it.
Mandy was Sword & Sorcery as fuck and had almost the same exact plot as Conan the Barbarian.
no it wasn't, no it didn't it also sucked Reddit shitdick
>t. plebbitor
I doubt a severed head could overpower and then decapitate him.
Also the "twist" was somewhat expected after he cut himself on the spike.
I liked it.
D&D SciFi original movies.
Yes, she is.
Yes, it is called "Google"
If I saw some nigger dropkicking this good man I would have broken both the nigger's legs.
Where's the fun in that?
That's why I said it could been done a bit better, but I still enjoyed the ending. It turned the film into a full blown horror story and we definitely need more straight-up horror stories in fantasy settings.
10/10 taste.
The book was darker, the boy was happy to stay as a mouse because he didn't want to outlive his grandmother. Roald Dahl for you.
Vin Diesel's best movie unironically
pic related is pretty terrible but has basically the same aesthetics as Conan the Destroyer