Could this BE anymore of a Friends thread?

Could this BE anymore of a Friends thread?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Could chandler BE any more of a faggot?

We were on A BREAK!

>now a nigger's not going to be able to steal this briefcase, correct?

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Could I be wearing any more clothes?

My aunts and cousins always watch this, I never got what they found so funny about it

COULD this be anymore of a Friends thread? *

Watch The One With The Cop, it's the best episode

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Is chandler considered attractive? I'm constantly told I look like him and luke bryan

>Ross turns from a beta to a chad
How did he do it lads?

Chandler is the ugliest Friend

>The One Where Rachel Lets Everyone Tweak Her Nipples
Gotta admit, this was a high point

Maybe if i wasn't going COMMANDO

Attached: friends naked rachel.webm (710x400, 2.83M)

That was Joey.

I'd say Phoebe. She was fine as hell in her younger years, but she hit the wall pretty fast.


Ross and Phoebe are both uglier

Uglier than ross?


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Friends is shit, fuck you all

They all suck

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Why does Friends rev zoomers so much?

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why does everyone pretend the whole cast is jewish? only the ugly ones are jews.
Matt Leblanc is a frog/wop
Matthew Perry is a frog/bong
Courtney Cox is an Anglo
Jennifer Aniston Greek/wop/bong

David Schwimmer and Lisa Kudrow are the only jews.

Russ used to freak me out a lot because I was never sure if it was a different actor or David Schwimmer in prosthetics.

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Because not all of its jokes are at the expensive of w*ite m*les.

Russ vs Ross
Joey vs Eddie
Phoebe vs Ursula

Who wins?

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Twin Peaks Season 3

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Why did Monica's looks change so much after season 2. Surgery? Different make up?

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Attached: Friends Joey chart.jpg (1366x1668, 310K)

lel Ross was the dork with yellow fever before it became an insult

no more bangs

Red Ross is the most powerful character in friends
Eddie is crazy but Joey is more powerful
Phoebe but only after they added the tough street-smarts backstory later in the show

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It's amazing that even Joey who is considered to be a ladies man did not have as many gfs as Jerry Seinfeld and he had an extra season to do it
Jerry was a fucking pimp

I never got how Ursula worked with Phoebe's life on the streets, did Ursula live on the streets too and did they just instantly go their separate ways or what?

How to spot an NPC: "OH I LOVE FRIENDS!"

nobody brought it up but you. Obsessed?

COULD you be anymore of a loser
Phoebe's character was boring and unpopular so they just added it without much thought I think

not obsessed
just don't like autistics besmirching the good genes of Aryan-American muttoids, that's all

>COULD you be anymore of a loser
Watch more propaganda, droney drone drone.

I watched it in Spanish for Spanish class in school. Pretty good in that context compared to other edutainmnet options. Also the Spanish dubbed voices were hilarious (rolled r's on every "Ross").

Too white for me thanks senpai

did phoebe get a nose job or something done?

Friends is a good show if you love white america

The apartment switch arc was pure kino

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imagine if she bumped into rachel and their nips touched

Attached: friends rachel appears.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

She needs to get HOSED DOWN with MY seed.

Eh..... Checked?

Attached: friends janice pregnany.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

OG phoebe was cute

S5 Monica was amazing

S3 Rachel
S1 Chandler
S1 Joey
S9 Monica
S2 Phoebe
S10 Ross

Season 6 Chandler is the epitome of JUST. Why did he get so bloated?

Drugs senpai

Attached: Friends Brad Pitt i hate you.webm (1280x720, 406K)

Ummmm excuse me
what is this from?

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Says the guy who had sex with Ross twice just today.

Friends was filed with causal racism transphobic and homophobic slurs and garbage .

The world has moved on and is more progressive now.

The show lack diversity and should be consigned to the past


Attached: friends chandler gum.jpg (1920x1080, 172K)

it was such a better time

Most kino episode incoming

Attached: friends Bamboozled!.jpg (1920x1080, 164K)

>even in 1995 cat pictures were always the endgame

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>The show lack diversity
Yes. All but two of the six main characters were Jewish.

>"We were on a BREAK!" Ross yelled. Rachel stood her ground, she wasn't going to be taunted anymore. "We weren't Ross, and if you could keep you small dick holstered none of this would be happening"
>Ross charges at her like a bull but stops short, he takes a deep breath and collects himself. "You fucking cunt".
>"oooh, a cunt is what I am now? well maybe Ill get some oral from your ex-wife then! Not like I got it within the past year from you!"
>SMACK Ross backhands her in the right cheek, she tumbles to the ground, crumpled like a meek piece of paper.
>"I fucked mark"
>"FINE BY ME!" Ross runs out of the apartment.

>"Well THAT was awkward" Chandler chuckles to himself. Monica, Chandler, and Joey were in the kitchen the entire time.
>Joey slams down his sandwich in anger. "He just fucking hit her and the only thing you can do is crack dumb jokes Chandler?"
>Chandler backs up a bit and straightens his tie "Well seems to me like she deserved it."
>Joey looks on in confusion "What? Shes bruised look! Monica come on back me up..."
>Monica cant meet eye to eye to Joey "Well, Ross is my brother..."
>Joey runs to Rachel and tends to her small wound "L-look, I don't know what happened but Im gonna go and talk to Ross after I help you"
>Joey picks her up like a new bride with his taught muscles "So...were you being real about the cunnilingus?"
>"Yeah..." Rachel sheepishly says
>"Well, how you doin'?" Joey stares into her jewel like eyes
>"I'm with Mark, Joey" Joey immediately drops her on the hardwood floor, her arm makes a small *crick* noise, Rachel screams in pain.
>"JOEY DOESN'T SHARE FOOD!" Joey goes back to his sandwich and eats vigorously

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they are all jewish

Especially greek Aniston.




Goddamn Courtney cox was fucking hot.

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Is there any character in all of fiction who can defeat Red Russ?

why did Chandler wear nothing but ugly ties?

based and patrician

Richard a best

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Could I BE anymore gay?





>10/10 handsome
>rich as fuck doctor
>exceptionaly kind and good-natured
>implied to be good in bed
makes no fuckin sense why monica would break up with him
"hurrdurr but u said u didn wan kids"
who the fuck cares, he said he would make that sacrifice for her, and she still dumps him, it's the dumbest plot point of the whole show (even dumber than joey x rachel), the writers just needed any old shitty pretense to get her and chandler together

Chandler was better in bed lmao



It's just soap opera user, calm down.

this single episode ruined 3 different relationships for me

fuck women and fuck whoever else pushed this "break" meme in the 90s
it's all women in shows talked about
>we need a break this we need a break that
>oh I can fuck whoever I want on we were on a break


Only Ross and Monica were.

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He was pretty attractive in season 1 desu,he hit the wall pretty fast tho.

The most attractive male friend is Chandler season 1.

Who talks about Joey like this?

I'd rather look like Luke Bryan than Chandler

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>I can fuck whoever I want
But Rachel didn't, that was the whole point, you doofus.
That's the beauty of Friends, you can side with either of them, but they are both in the wrong.
Man, writing was good back then.


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Ursula was a character on 'mad about you'. I ad to check but ursula came first, it was a crossover thing.

They were both just figuring out how gay they were.

the three guys were really about the same level of attractiveness really. Chandler and Ross being 'tv geeky'. The show was an idealised version of NY 20 somethings.

No, he's not uglier than jew faced Ross

I didn't watch how i met your mother. It was made by some of the people behind friends and It was similar in a lot of ways. I think at the time friends ended I grew out of that kind of humour.

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I love that they have the "some sex" there too. Thorough.


Only Ross and Phoebe are. Monica is in the show but not in real life.

I want to eat cheesecake off her lower back desu senpai


S5 was Peak Ross

Underrated post

Friends is the worst show I've ever seen. Every single character makes me want to punch them all in their faces. The guy characters are all fucking faggits and makes the entire show unwatchable