why didn't they make more of this?

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It ended.

Budget problems, set burned down. Also they pretty much finished the whole story in two seasons and killed one of them, so there was nowhere to go.

>it was expensive to make
>not enough people watched

At the time it was the most expensive series ever produced, HBO didn't feel it was worth it, probably because of low ratings, don't know.
Then they made season 2-5 into one season so they at least got to end it.
The lessons they learned from Rome is what paved way for Game of Thrones.

Too expensive

Honest answer? Women. They're bigger consumers of media than men and HBO knew GoT could be more profitable a series centered around men and their exploits.

it was the most expensive show ever made when it was first released, it still is one of the most expensive shows ever made, and it didn't pick up a large audience. you can overrate it all you want, but even at its best it wasn't that great, just another tits and blood show with some terribly done and inaccurate politics thrown into it.

because to hbo
rome < rome with dragons

s1 GoT is 10x better than s1 rome

This is true.
You ask any woman who says she likes HBO and she'll give you a blank fucking stare when you mention Oz, Rome, or Deadwood. But she can name all the gay guys in Sex and the City.

Rome ended long before asoiaf adaptation was pitched

Objectively wrong, please never breed.


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Hence: >The lessons they learned from Rome is what paved way for Game of Thrones

its ok, we know you haven't penetrated anyone sweetie :)

low iq post

it was only a matter of time until the jew problems surfaced in the narrative so they pulled out before they retell the reasons jews got btfo by rome

smooth brain post

>two people
>you, sweetie
>talking to a married man
Why can't you fags ever be right?

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lmao, clearly hasn't penetrated anyone

Being this gay.

BBC couldn't pay for their half anymore because they needed the money to put more interracial couples on TV so they pulled out. HBO didn't want to go it alone.

BBC2, which HBO was partnering with, ran out of money
HBO didn't have enough money to continue, so they ended it
this is the only correct answer
also, even before the advent of streaming, Rome made its money back on DVD sales


you fat fuck hahHAHAHAH