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Homer's Fomer and Somer (Formerly Sneed's)


City slickers SEETHING.

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Urbanite status: crushed

Post the video where you found this comment now

I have deep brown streaks from smoking tobacco for 10 years. I can only imagine what this hillbilly's teeth look like. Dumbshit habit.

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Race mixing whore

City dwellers truly are the plight of this world.

She's going to regret it so much when it fucks up her teeth later in life.

>smoking tobacco
Snus is the way to go m8. Rinse your mouth out after a pouch and you're fine

people from red voting states are genuinely subhuman except for utah

They're afraid of getting chaw on their fancy gucci loafers

You're delusional. That shit WILL stain your teeth.

dipping is highly cancerous too

4WD pickup truck > fancy German car
steel-toed work boots > Gucci loafers
dirt (of fertile pH) under your fingernails > Park Avenue manicure

Prove me wrong.

City slickers aren't even human.

why would you spread misinformation?

fuck that. I enjoy the process of smoking
I quit though, I smoke a couple every once in awhile for funsies

unironically this

>dipping is highly cancerous too
most americans are by default so her chances don't change much there

>it pisses my off
That sounds hot. Also, what's dipping?

non-burgers always make really assblasted posts like this kek

City slickers btfo slavery reinstitute, Mexicans deported, cousin marriage made constitutional right.

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if my cousin looked like that I'd hit it

Who packin a fat lip

>those hips

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What misinformation? Tobacco stains teeth. Period. You think soaking your teeth in a tobacco-saliva solution won't stain your teeth over a long period of time?

>that one TF story where a smart college girl gets turned into a bit titted farm girl with giant udders on a game show

smut kino

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