New movie didn't win a single prize at Cannes despite being pushed and marketed to the moon

>New movie didn't win a single prize at Cannes despite being pushed and marketed to the moon
>After the initial wave of shills and sycophants the reviews are starting to come in and most of them are mediocre
>has a full on mental breakdown at press conference when pressed on the issue of his sexist writing style
oh no no no no no this was supposed to be Quentin's year! What happened? lol oh well, guess we can still look forward to The Irishman. Marty isn't washed up like Fartantino.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This is what feetfags deserve.

a thread died for this

Calling it now, please screencap:
This will be Quentin Tarantino's magnum opus. But more than that, it will be a 10/10 cinematic and cineastic experience, so sublime and overwhelming in sheer quality, wit and sophistication that it will almost immediately be heralded as being among the top 10 (with absolute certainty) or top 5 (highly probable) best films of all time. This estimation will be upheld even 100 years from now.
Once Upon A Time In Hollywood will become a cultural icon, a landmark of the high art of kino. It will be equal to Citizen Kane, The Godfather or Vertigo.
This will be the great work of art of our times.


His style just doesn't fit the era we're in right now and his movies rely heavily on that.

It's gonna win Oscars. Gooks are just pretentious filmmakers

>mental breakdown

him saying "i reject your hypothesis" is a mental breakdown now?

No, his style of hipster meta self aware violent deconstructionist shit definitely fits the era we're in
it's just he can't help indulging himself and his movies end up running 40 minutes too long and boring everyone to death

Go to bed, Quentin.

it's pretty clear the movie is about a cultural shift in the late 1960s away from more innocent culture towards one of heightened sexuality and violence
This is easily read as a critique of the Jewish takeover of American culture. The Al Pacino Jewish producer character ("I love the killing") seems to confirm this.
It's also telling that the Sharon Tate murder happens while the Beatles Hey Jude plays in the background.

>didn’t win a single prize
Hey now it won the only award that mattered! The Palme d’Og

Huh? The movie has an 88% score on Metacritic with no negative reviews. And no one gives a shit about Cannes.

Tarantino doesnt really do self aware deconstruction, he just kinda rips off edgy jap directors and leonne while throwing in non chronological stuff

okay but the important thing is, will there be naked boobs in it?

and that's a good thing

>It's also telling that the Sharon Tate murder happens while the Beatles Hey Jude plays in the background.

shouldn't it have been Helter Skelter?

Quentin is a coward who has wasted his career making cartoons. Remember when he tried to branch out and do something grown-up with Jackie Brown? People reacted tepidly and he freaked out and reverted back to type. He just has no balls. He has to make juvenile exploitation movies. Look at PTA. His contemporary, two similar movie brat type directors who came up in the 90s at young ages and based their styles on homages and references, but while Tarantino has never improved since Pulp Fiction, PTA actually took risks and changed his style and evolved as an artist. Compare them today, QT is like a parody of himself while PTA is (rightly) regarded as the best director of the 21st century. Quentin is pretty much like if PTA had reacted badly to the middling reviews for Punch Drunk Love and just went back to remaking Boogie Nights every 3 or 4 years.

Boogie Nights was better than anything QT has done, though.

This. Quentin is stuck, he never matured and is still making his immature juvenile garbage.

His Star Trek will make you fucking faggots eat your words

you would think so, but it's not

Fragile heterosexual masculinity :^)

It's me; I'm posting it again. Apologize.

Tarantula always freaks out
His movies have never been award winning "serious" movies

If that ever gets made I'll eat a Star Trek officer's uniform. No fucking way that shit is happening, the franchise is dead.

>t.cape shit suckers

go watch s.o.y of thrones and get angry that a fucking white male saved the series.

lmao how have i not seen this before
that is grade A cringe material

>He doesn't know Tarantino is a Marrano

subvert = expectations

based and true

>New movie didn't win a single prize at Cannes
lmao is this true? Damn I thought for sure they'd give him something after all the fuss they made about his premier... guess Once Upon a Time is more disappointing than I expected


>Star Trek
No thanks.
Kek, if you think you have superior taste because you like Tarantino then you are delusional and know nothing about cinema. GoT is garbage, capeshit is garbage, Tarantino is garbage but he had a potential, shame that he never grew up. He should stop referencing and stealing from other films and make something on his own.

I disagree completely and feel the complete opposite about PTA and Tarantino, but I respect your right to an opinion

Imagine if QT actually made a movie that didn't feature over the top massacres and le hip dialogue. Is he even capable of making a movie that isn't for 14 year olds? I seriously wonder. Like people say he's a great director... to me he's just made the same movie 9 times. He has no variety and the novelty of all his techniques wore off in the 90s. It's impossible to feel shocked by anything he does any more. Hateful Eight was a chore because everyone knew they were gonna die in a big stupid shootout. Imagine if he made a movie about a relationship or a drama that featured no cursing, blood or violence. I literally don't believe he would be able to do it.

he deserves to fail for always being a reddit pandering le stronk wymen edgelord sperg

He was always a hack. Violence and boring dialogues doesnt make a movie great. His stuff always lacks depth and he tries to cover that by calling it trashy

Where’s the really weird interview he did where he like sniffs a woman’s foot or something

Fucking based.

Woody Allen made a movie called Interiors which was literally his attempt to make an Ingmar Bergman film (it was fucking rancid).

I would pay good money to force Tarantino to make a movie about 30-50 year old white women having life experiences.

you're angry at him because kill bill featured a "badass lady"? that's so funny to me

He already made his magnum opus

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Love to see everyone finally turn on Redditino. I’ve known he’s been a hack since Four Rooms. 25 years waiting for him to fall. Sweet victory. Fuck your Queertin.

He made that movie, it's called Jackie Brown and its his best film but people didn't like because they expected the massacres and hip dialogue

Jackie Brown is the snobs choice

>has a full on mental breakdown at press conference when pressed on the issue of his sexist writing style
that didnt happen though, did it, fag?


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Imagine being a Pedotino apologist. Go back.

Well, yeah, but that's a pretty low bar!

The rest is bullshit.

>doesn't win...
At Cannes

Pick one

He literally verbally raped a female reporter.

Checked and confirmed. I liked how there was a genuine, real relationship in the film between Jackie and the bail bondsman. So much better than the romantic relationships in his other films.

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It’s amazing but it’s so different to all his other work I can’t really say it’s his best. Kinda sucks he’ll eventually keep writing but stop directing even though I’d rather he direct than write

Honestly, i like Tarantino films some of them aren't bad. But im not a huge fan, i have my other favorite actors and directors aswell. John Carpenter or James Cameron are pretty good favorite directors of mine.

Both its RT score and metacritic score increased. So what do you mean the new reviews call it mediocre?

wtf is OP talking about, honestly

When the hip becomes mainstream it is no longer hip. Being hip requires a certain amount of outsider-ness,

>Jackie Brown doesn't have hip dialogue

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name one non-boring PTA movie

I like John Carpenter as well. Not among my favourites but he is good. Cameron i used to really like but his last 2 films were bad. I really dislike Titanic and Avatar.

Nowadays, if someone calls you out, no matter how you react, you're "triggered" for responding back. (Unless you are a minority or woman, then you "clap back" at the haters)

>everyone in the thread took OP’s made up claims and ran with it as if the pop culture tide has now turned on QT

Once Upon A Time is acclaimed. It’s going up on the RT meter. Everyone ITT who are typing big diatribes about how QT was a “hack all along and they already knew it” are laughable, cringe-inducing idiots. Do some research instead of believing everything you see on the internet.

t. Review Screw

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his face is so repulsive, Jesus Christ.

I enjoy it a little more than his regular fare just because it's not steeped in his usual writing cliches.

>has a full on mental breakdown at press conference when pressed on the issue of his sexist writing style
he literally worships nigger dick and made a film all about Punching Nazis and racist Southerners, and its still not enough to appease the left. I love it. eat shit.

>Woody Allen made a movie called Interiors
Yes, and it was a minor masterpiece. One of the best films of its year and on the great Allen's oeuvre.

PTA rips off directors wholesale. He has never had his own voice.

Overused word that needs to die no. 364

>pretty low bar

Stick with Marvel if you can't appreciate Hitchcock

It's his best reviewed film of all time, you moron

I knew it was gonna be this movie even before I clicked on the thumbnail since it's the contrarian pic lmao

>what are influences and homages

That kind of thing rarely works at Cannes, and the jury probably were never picking a Hollywood insider to win anyway.

what's magnolia wholesale ripping off? punch drunk love?

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Short Cuts by Altman.

True Romance was great. Probably because he didn't direct it.

Holy shit, this is so true

It was a garbage B&C rip-off. Low point in Scott's career.

>t. Tumblr

It’s great maybe for 14 year olds.

I really liked Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction as an edgy teen, and I thought Inglourious Basterds was pretty great when I finally did see it. Jackie Brown I rented from Blockbuster when I was 13 or whatever, and I didn't really get it, though I liked Bridget Fonda a lot. Kill Bills were okay. Django had some cool stuff in it, I guess.

I know Quentin grew up watching black men take his mom to pound town, and apparently it's a serious point of pride for him, that his mom took so much black cock, but it's really kind of getting out of hand. I'm more excited for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood than any of his latest stuff, if only because it doesn't look like it's going to be all about black dick. I haven't thought that he's a great director since probably before Kill Bill, but it's obvious that he loves movies, and his combination of weird vision and eccentricity, taken with his bizarre ability to attract top talent, makes his movies always worth a watch.

Except for Hateful 8.

His movies have always been OK at best. Since when did Yea Forums like this guy? He has been "babbies first director" for like a decade here.

hopefully it was a /got/ thread

Why are you lying OP? this movie is already on 95% and top critics 100%.

Everyone is praising the movie and especially Leonardo's acting. I bet you're just one of the incels on this board that have to be a contrarian because people like something.

Attached: OPISANIGGER.png (777x670, 677K)

It has good reviews from what I've heard.
Didn't look iteresting to me though desu

hard eight

>what's magnolia wholesale ripping off?
you could have chosen any other movie of his to make your argument other than magnolia which is the most overt Altman rip off imaginable

PTA has only made one good movie and even that sucked

remember when cracked was a comedy site?

>this movie is already on 95% and top critics 100%.
are we supposed to know what that means? the fuck are you talking about? 95% what? edited? it was a rough cut at cannes.
>and top critics 100%
please go back

I reject your hypothesis

His early, juvenile teenager flicks are certainly not boring. The obvious real answer though is The Master, as that's one of the most electrifying and entertaining movies ive ever seen. All his movies are not boring though lol. Hard Eight and Magnolia are the only ones I could even see a case for.

>He doesn't even know how to read
Try again incel.

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inherent vice was 2 and a half hours of pointless unfunny crap

Why not watch the director you like and don't watch stuff from tarantino? Not everything has to appeal to everyone.

Tarantino, Cameron and Spielberg = reddit
Fincher, Refn and Russell = Yea Forums

Nope, more like any Marvel director under the sun especially le Russo's.

who is russell? otherwise yeah pretty accurate

All hacks, watch some real films by real directors, kiddo.

Tarantino is all about Pulp Fiction. The rest is average or crap

>Bullshit female empowerment in all his movies
>Science lover
tell me exactly how cameron is not the physical incarnation of the reddit gods

Because he's the anti-Marvel and constantly talks shit on Marvel movies and even the new Star Wars. They don't give a shit what Cameron has done in the past like they care Cameron has strong female characters in all his movies, he's just some old boomer who isn't getting with the times.



fuck queerintino

Not the same guy but well, it's a critic often addressed towards Tarantino, so... why not for PTA?

He already made Kill Bill, user.

>no niggers
>no woman lead
>didn't win a single prize at Cannes
who could have guessed

The Master is his least accessible movie, because the characters are profoundly unlikable.

Hateful Eight was great. I try to avoid associate a movie with its director when I evaluate it so I didnt mind the usual Tarantino cliches (that are in themselves takes on past cliches but became QT's own cliches once he abused them). I love myself a huis-clos and I was on the edge of my seat for the last 2/3rds of the movie. Not close to a masterpiece but it was the most enjoyable of his last 3 or so movies. Inglorious was dumb, Django fun but even dumber. Kill Bill was a mess.

Mmmm ... I suspect Op & the others who say so just don’t understand that a dude worked on the the period piece that American pop culture on the verge of blossoming into bolden era of 70s. This just ain’t typical gangsta flick, tho.

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imagine outing yourself as a redditor this hard


Imagine being such an autist that you genuinely can't comprehend that general audiences find movies difficult to appreciate when they don't like any of the characters.

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Yea Forums answer me this: if Pulp Fiction is Reddit, then which Tarentino film is Yea Forums?


Death Proof.

Death Proof or Four Rooms

A review I read said Once Upon a Time is just like Django and Hateful Eight. Way too long and feels like someone imitating Tarantino

Operation Kino

To be fair, Allen LOVES Begman and has cited him as a major influence on his work.

Also, Interiors is considered classic Allen and one of his last great films.

>What happened?
Well the main problem is that he's a talentless, overrated hack.

did you watch the abyss?

This is inglorious basterds all over again.
>famous premise
>helter skelter
>literally summer of 69
>Leo and Brad
>Bruce Lee

Its a 10/10 and I havent even watched it yet.


Reddit comment

jack Russell retard, was a literal chad in the 90s and 80s flicks. Go watch the solider.

tumblr post

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Making Pynchon novels into movies is hard. It forces viewers to think in different ways. If you don't like to read, IV didn't work. Otherwise, at the very least you appreciate PTA's attempt to make an unfilmable novel a film and his effort to create papa pynchon's pervasive paranoia and pscyhadelic smokescreens come across in images

Even if it didn't work, it was a hell of a risk.

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Also essential mewcore

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He made two good movies about 30 years ago. Everything else was fucking terrible and getting worse with every year that passes.

cringe... pure unadulterated cringe

>they have to mark the film cannisters as "b&w" because Tarantino is such a hack he'll forget what fucking color he's filming in
the state

>le nigger
>Foot scene
>Interracial relationships
>Nonsensical plot
>8th grade dialogue
>Member this song?
Yup, it's a dorito flick

ugh, horrible granny feet

glad to see the ratings drop by the minute, fucking hate those cunts who heap praise on movies just because they got front row tickets or some shit. it's like they have to delude themselves to justify their actions.

beautiful criticism of the movie
pta btfo

His magnum opus was his true romance script.

>applaud the director because he tried
Sure. I'll applaud him for it, but I won't praise him

a man with his shit together. kill all footfags


hateful 8 is his second best

>a bunch of anonymous people argue over bullshit that just continues to escalate

Who cares how many irrelevant awards a movie wins at Cans

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What's it like being a disingenuous prick? Honest question.

sorry, what movie?

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>MEW: ...I went to the audition in flip-flops. Oh, I knew. Yeah, I knew that. I got the notes and everyone was kind of like, “Did you read that, that says he wants you to wear flip-flops?” And I was like, “Oh, yeah, he likes feet. I know that. I'm aware.” So I got a pedicure, and everything, and I kind of did the same thing that Sydney Poitier says she did, where she just kind of flipped off a shoe -- threw off her flip-flops and put her feet on the table. I kind of did that as well, even though my feet, my feet aren't an important part of the film, where a couple of other girls, they are. [Laughs] Their feet are showcased, but mine weren't. But, just in case, I put them out there.

Imagine having mew and not filming her feet instead

Attached: mew feet.webm (626x420, 2.32M)

Fuck yourself.

tarantino is a cringey soiboi

At this point in time nobody in the industry is able to form a valid critique regarding tarantino.
He absorbed all the stylistic influences that the average joe would deem "good" and formed some sort of pop-culture frankensteinian monster out of it.
It works when he does it. Falls completely flat when other people try to do it (snatch, salton sea, boondock saints).
Anyhow since he is unique in his thieverish style he gets a pass from 99,9% of all critics that simply don't want to compare him to the people he borrows so heavily from.
That being said his first movies were really good.

his ST is going to the spike through it heart, and the cutting off of its head.

you're fucking PTA himself, aren't you?

>>has a full on mental breakdown at press conference
I know this is b8, but imagine being one of the journalists who describe it that way and the people who believe it. It borders on paranoid schizophrenia.

Holy shit I agree with RS what's wrong with me

snatch is better than anything tarantino has ever made

His movies are made for 15 year old edgelords. See one of his movies you’ve seen them all.

doubt it
lock stock was ritchies good one
snatch has bad direction and is carried by actors using a fairly good script to its fullest

queerfagtin redditatino

he could see he was being baited into some PC question and he declined to answer but it backfired because everyone is saying he was triggered. the actual question is absurd because if you know anything about films, you would know the quality of a performance isn't equated with the amount of lines it has. it seems even more absurd when you consider that one of tarantula's biggest movies kill bill is known for the main actress being silent for most of the film. basically the woman asking the question has no idea what she is talking about

he's a hack who steals from older movies. he calls it "paying homage"

>Death Proof
Find me a better car chase this century

it's probably supposed to be a happy sounding song over a gruesome scene. i hope helter skelter is in it though

>Find me a better car chase this century

Attached: you.jpg (720x303, 27K)

He steals plot points, scenarios know who else did? Shakespeare. It's more honest to steal those and then do your own thing with them then doing what PTA does and rip off a directors entire being, as somebody else mentioned ITT

>>Death Proof
>Find me a better car chase this century


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The Bourne Identity
The Man From U.N.C.L.E

Just three top off my head

>Tarantino is honest
>PTA is a dishonest thief
t. Plebby McPlebus

mad max??

the fucking state of this child

tarantino has always been reddit incarnate, fuck him
spielberg for life

It's like he made an entire movie inspired by a couple lines in Reservoir Dogs, which is a way better film. Jackie Brown was a loose adaption , so maybe that's why it doesn't stack up to the QT originals.

Just like on Yea Forums, you guys cannot stop being contrarian. Solely because it's his worst performing one, you say it's his best, while now you say it's Death Proof (which is easily his worst) and before you said Jackie Brown (his worst before Death Proof) were your favorite.

He has a new movie?

cringe and reddit sensitive soiboi absolutely triggered and seething oh and btw go back to Yea Forums where the rest of your and your faggot kinsmen dwell you fucking queer ass bitch


Any good movies about threads built on a lie?

i wish they would speak regularly to me, so i could understand my black brothers, but they're unintelligible.

your mother's paternity test of you which says you aren't the spawn of a fucking cuck

literally what the fuck was he thinking

What a faggot. Saying Death Proof is the Tarantino film equivalent of Yea Forums isn't a compliment, Nigger.

death proof is shit, get over it you fucking sjw

based man of taste

fuck boomers

Vertigo is low-tier Hitchcock that pseuds claim is their favorite.

you literally couldn't be more wrong or reddit if you tried

itt: soi


>implying he wasn't seething with incel rage for the next 10 minutes when margot robbie was answering

tarantino is definitely an incel
he even admits to having to pay a prositute because he couldn't lose his virginity

heard that, yeah... QT is a fucking sperg.
deserves to fail


taranhacko has always been a tin


fuck off reddit

fuck boomers


good. he's a hack and self-fellating hollywood garbage doesn't deserve recognition.



>why didn't x actor have many lines in your movie?
>"i reject your hypothesis"
his response didn't even make sense.

And yet Uma Thurman let him fuck her. What a slag.

was everyone who was hooked up with weinstein going to be cast into irrelevancy?

I would have cared if it were the 90s. But qt turned into a giant faggot making that nigger cowboy movie.

I guess everyone who hooked up with big harv was a DNC shill in the end

I reject your toxic masculinity

have sex

I went to go see grind house in theaters. Everyone liked the robert rodriguz zombie part. A lot of people got bored and walked out on death proof

>makes propaganda films with Marxist themes
>gets pissy at his core audience
Commies are good at devouring each other

cameron is extremely reddit ya numbnuts

Someone post the real foot pic.

You know, the one with the obviously very young foot

wait they put planet terror on first? that is a dumb move
anyone with a brain could see that death proof was the slower movie so putting it on first would be better because then you could get the release of the mindless zombie movie afterwards

the left fights among itself a lot because it requires courage in your ideals as well as a capacity for self reflection and self improvement to be a liberal, which the right wing lacks, they just do what they're all told

What movies do?

True romance

Attached: trueRomanceWebsite.jpg (1600x1200, 381K)

Sounds crass

every other day they come up with new terms like TERF or whatever to delineate another victim group/oppressor dynamic. So what you said is quite funny.

homosexual poster

anything progressive, intelligent, with a focus on positive change in society, for example Shoplifters

redditor exposing himself lmao

Yeah sure, Shoplifters really captures the 2019 zeitgeist, ya big goon

it literally does but alright

>didn't win a single prize at Cannes
it won the Palm Dog you fucking plebeian

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but... it does? you're a dummy

he probably saw through the question to the underlying accusation

Ya seen anything past Pulp Fiction?

I reject your hypothesis

"Quentin Tarantino has disappeared so far up his own ass that I have NO desire to see another Quentin Tarantino movie until I hear something different. And you know… I loved him."

– David Lynch
After seeing "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" at Cannes

>New movie didn't win a single prize at Cannes
and that means?...

Explain, in detail, how "Oliver Twist with nips" reflects the zeitgeist in 2019, you flabby retards you

Ronin, or is that too old now?

I'll have to watch that. But to me, death proofs 100% practical effects and zero quick cuts chase is the best I've seen this centiry and nothing even comes close

As if not having to write an original screenplay made his film better. Check out the novel Jackie Brown was based on.

That was on the Tyra Banks show. She brought out a smörgåsbord of feet for him.
Enjoy, my /tv friends:

Everything is shit you autist.

>Fincher, Refn and Russell

Attached: reddit.png (844x627, 577K)

Holy shit what a brainlet.

All you faggots do is talk about Quinten and feet. Here is video proof outside his flicks. *wind blows*