Goodbye forever, user

Goodbye forever, user.

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Why do you keep posting this

Bye, tryhard unfunny reddit kid. Don't come back.

do it
fuck dogs

that shit about dogs and chocolate is pure garbage
i had a dog who would eat chocolate cookies my brother hid in his room all the time
was fine

my late doggy once ate like an entire pack of chocolates, you know the ones with different filling etc.
almost died, had to puke like 20 times and couldn't even walk in the end. she gone now, but atleast i got to enjoy her for a couple of more years

>he actually believes animals feel """"love""""
They are of lower intelligence responding to instincts


fuck u

actually a good post
fuck these mid 2010s tourists who for some reason actually came to Yea Forums in 2018 even though nothing big happened here that year

easier to believe animals have feelins than that god exists

Kill all dogs

Is this a meme? My dog eats chocolate all the time and he's fine.

you just described 98% of this site's userbase


>They are of lower intelligence responding to instincts

not for long



Why do people even bother with pets? They're future sadness in a fur coat. You'll never see them again once their short lives end.

did I touch some christcuck wounds? what are you gonna do? pray to god to punish me? kek

nek minnit

what a miserable outlook on life you have

You can always get a new pet when the old one dies

why even live? just kill yourself and spare the agony, loss and sadness

Because you're in it for the journey, not the end. And besides my cats are 1000x more adorable than my wife.

Pest control... Don't really care if mine dies..

Imagine being a cucked species that can die to chocolate.
What a bunch of bitches.
Dogs will not survive the winter.

milk chocolate wont kill a dog, dark chocolate is way more dangerous though
My Jack Russell ate an entire gift box of chocolates at Christmas and was totally fine

he dead

>that one guy who never saw wolfs rain

Who invented the meme that dogs die if they eat chocolate? To what end is this blatant lie being pushed?
My dog once ate 3 chocolate bars and fell asleep on a 4th. That nigger was perfectly fine and smug

>why would someone want to look after an animal that has undying loyalty and affection for their caregivers!!

Yea Forums is made up of sociopaths but this is next level

Don't do it! I ate chocolate and look what happened to me! Say no to chocolate!

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I had a viszla. The dog in the pic. Fat bitch ate an entire brownie cake she pulled off the counter. Didn't even get gassy.

my dog eats chocolate all the time, never died as far as i can tell.

My dog ate like a year old chocolate easter bunny when she was 1 or 2 and was fine, she also ate a whole bag of those lindt truffles including the wrappers. She was a different kind of special though

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holy shit
That doesn't look good. Did the dogo survived?

this is the dog

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Based and pyramid scheme pilled

tbu (this but unironically)

My dog randomly barfed up a ball of string in the car once when he was a puppy.

>be child
>refuse to make friends with anyone older than me because they'll likely die before I do

Holy fuck what happened to this guy?

Froze to death in the snow and got eaten by scavengers.