Been rewatching this. One of the best shows adult swim ever aired

Been rewatching this. One of the best shows adult swim ever aired.

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it promotes racemixing and cuckoldry you literal retard.

Cringe and bluepilled

Agreed, rewatched it not too long ago, and it's fucking great.... What's good Niiigggaaaaa?? What's real good???

nice bait

I was surprised that Adult Swim starts airing at 7pm CST on weekdays.

*recently I mean

It's been a while since I've watched cable. Pretty early tho. I'm using a trial of hulu right now. These bitches make you manually end your sub and don't let you maintain the remainder of the trial. Current price isn't worth it when you can easily stream this stuff for free.

Best episode is Stinkmeaner Strikes Back, no question.
>A whip
>A noose
>A nightstick
>A branding iron
>These things strike fear into the heart of the nigga
>A job application

>niggers: the anime

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agreed, really fucking smart show

lmao more like COONDOCKS lol

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Best ending theme as well. Can't think of any other show with such a catchy credits tune.

>t. Ruckus

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>Seasons 1 & 2: hilarious
>season 3: not as funny but still pretty good compared to the rest of what's airing at the time
>season 4: godawful and nigh unwatchable
How the fuck did season 4 make a Stinkmeaner episode boring? Is there a show that had a bigger drop in quality between seasons?

I feel like these posts are just falseflaggers who love the show

Mike Tyson's Mysteries
So soothing

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Season 4 does not exist.

The first run is still phenomenal. After it came back and one of the two main dudes wasn't involved it was way more hit or miss. All in all, still holds up though.

>Season 4
Didn't the creator of the show drop out after S3? I think his heart wasn't in it as much after S1/2 anyway.

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Yeah the original creator dropped after s3 and it was continued bby the co creator and production staff. S4 is awful.


>it's a '"dude the show is secretly redpilled because it has a character making fun of blacks" even though you're not supposed to agree with that character as it's an example of laughable behavior but dumb /pol/ mayos can't interpret satire so they think it's a nod to their stupid worldview' episode.

>crowd still freaks out
I lost it.

Nobody claims the show is redpilled because of Ruckus, it's because of everything else. Like that BET episode, or the one with MLK jr.

Fucking /pol/ living in your dumbass head rent free.

The show makes fun of both sides

Niggas, I...

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The funniest fucking episode is when Thugnificent goes broke. Also the one when that fat psycho kid stalks riley.

Tom is white.

I mean the show isn't secretly redpilled it is blatantly redpilled. Making fun of extremists shouldn't be seen as a political move because extremists on both sides of any spectrum are always crazy people and making fun of crazy people should bring people together.
Is as fucking redpilled as it gets. But /pol/ wouldn't like it because it doesn't just scream NIGGER'S ARE SCUM AND WILL ALWAYS BE SCUM

The show is written by a literal black Marxist, this show is about as bluepilled as you can get. So many young retards on this site now. I bet MLK is one of your personal heros kek.

lmao, MLK was a fucking degenerate, the fact that you think he was anything but an commie assest just shows your still bluepilled, now Malcom X? He was a real threat.

The first 3 seasons were absolute kino. As usual, however, capitalizing on nostalgia and reviving existing IPs with a new writing staff resulted in SHITTY season 4. FACT!!!!

The show does not make fun of black people at any point. It makes fun of the media and how black people criticize themselves. Sorry you're too stupid to get it. The MLK episode was not a critique of blacks, it was a critique of the uppity old Civil Rights faggots who play respectability politics. People like Bill Cosby. They also made fun of how pandering and detrimental BET is, not of the viewers themselves.

>Black separatists
Just as clinically retarded as the Ruby Ridge family who thought they could just hide in the woods. The world inevitably becomes MORE connected over time not less.
Racial separatists can try and fight this fact as much as they want but they won't beat it.

>Thugnificent goes broke
>when his friend hooks him up with a white collar job interview and he gets his friend fired


>The show does not make fun of black people at any point.
Making fun of blacks who thought Obama legitimized their ignorance.
Just a great comedic clip but making fun of black targeted entertainment
Whole episode shitting on the most popular black film maker.

He was fucking cheating on his wife while preaching. I thought it was funny that it basically showed him selling out before his popularity collapsed and then he bitched out at the black community before fucking off to Canada.

>still not getting it

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>Just as clinically retarded as the Ruby Ridge family who thought they could just hide in the woods
Retarded? They were just a family out in the woods and when the feds approached the father and he said he wouldn't be an informant and after framing him up they literally attacked his family, he wasn't some dangerous threat he was a victim of government overstep.
>The world inevitably becomes MORE connected over time not less. Racial separatists can try and fight this fact as much as they want but they won't beat it.
There is no "inevitable" anything, people still self segregate, you have to literally point guns to stop them. And it's clear that you can't simply use force to fight human nature it's like fighting the tide(oh wait that's a spook right? kek) Even blacks don't want to be around whites or anyone else, the people championing this are simply capitalist tools who think they are on a moral crusade to force everyone to share a space because they are rootless and believe people are interchangeable cogs when they are really just being used to break down community ties and coherent identities which stifle profits.

I miss post-9/11 America.

>ITT: retards that don’t want to acknowledge how based and redpilled this show is

This show was one big bluepill for retards who have never bothered to look into what the creator actually believed. So many retards think just saying black people are niggers is redpilled when it's meant to be satire and mocked.

>it's impossible for a black marxist to criticize elements of black culture

Bluepilled af



trump cheats on his wife too

Why aren't there more seasons?

To my understanding, this was done so that Super could have DBZ's old timeslot.

Yeah? Cheaters are hypocrites is my point. Especially "godly" men who cheat. Creator is working on something else


creator got tired of it. they brought it back with a new guy in charge and it was pretty shit.

It's a show pointing out the irony of the black community. It's not like current sjw nigger shit. The black activist insert is shown to not always be correct and misguided.

The kickball episode is absolute kino. My favorite episode of anything ever.

>the part where his friend tells him that his manager said there aren't even enough hours in a month to pay the mortgage

>the white man ain't invent these sofisticated equipments
Indeed. It was a woman.

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absolute kino in animated form. How can anime even compete, for fuck's sake? Im not even american and it was total art. I don't think there is another movie/tv show funnier than this except Borat.

>inb4 have sex normie
>inb4 Yea Forums says everything sucks but only 1878 experimental photo slideshows of tzarina's pussy is kino
>inb4 b-but its making the blacks look good

I thought Ruckus was nuts but everything he said about niggers was actually true.

>Nigga moment.

Africa is an entire nigger continental ethnostate.

>a moment when ignorance overwhelm the mind of an otherwise logical negro man
so all the time?
this hurts my face to watch. why would you do this to yourself user

rags to bitches and bitches to rags were kino
>im focused on gettin your 2 dollars nigga

if it was white then it would be good

black EVIL television
the booty warrior was my favorite

Not just niggers, le perpetually angry niggers. It's even worse.

>that boogie nights parody scene

One of the best episodes next to the MLK, Bob Ross, and movie theater episode.

any flashback of robert's was kino

>>Leavin' dey nigga essence everywhere

>tfw your black mom beat your ass like this at the store

is it


so what did you cut? because the logic of that last sentence doesn't follow what comes before

If everyone in America was forced to watch the entire first 3 seasons, it would fix racism overnight

>that one idiot who thinks he's smart for noticing that a show written by and starring black people isn't racist

i actually kind of liked the boondocks but still hate niggers

why you act like a nigga for den

Some people just swim on the surface.

Everything before season 4 is perfection. It really fucking went downhill since McGruder left, I stopped watching after a few episodes

>so what did you cut? because the logic of that last sentence doesn't follow what comes before
What? Do you struggle with reading comprehension?

>jannies are actually deleting posts with "nigger" in them

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Nope; it says he can id a jew, that they are the most progressive about the negro blight, but they do it to keep the hate of the Jews, which does not follow. The implication is that there action is disingenuous, but nothing X says to that point matches that.

>fpbp deleted

>shitposting magapedes getting triggered that their shitposts are being deleted

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So yes, you struggle with basic reading comprehension.

You are legitimately retarded, notice how you're the only one pointing this out? That's because everyone else was able to read it correctly.

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Even just the MLK episode

is this sarcasm?
I know Yea Forums is past its prime but holy crap

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aaron mcgruder is a communist, you dumb ass. nothing about the show is "redpilled"

the show has a level of commentary that is above the level of poltards. there is plenty of self-criticism directed at and by black people as much as there is criticism of white society.

the whole stinkmeaner arc/trilogy were the best episodes of that show. i still watch the bushido brown fight occasionally

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>want to watch it
>Hungarian dub Ruckus and grandpa ruined the original forever for me
>only place it can be found in decent quality is some private torrent site seemingly everybody but me has access to

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You do realize that some black people hate their shitty culture right? Why the fuck do you think a lot of them try to distance themselves from that trash fire when they hit it big?

>When his head goes flying
I wasn't expecting that

>it's a person can't lay down legitimate criticisms of society and culture if you disagree with their political ideology episode
t. not defending commies

Some of season 3 was the best in the whole series

The chinese kickball was the funny as hell

Its redpilled in the senae that malcom x was

Sees through the facade but unwilling to take the deep dive

and? What is exactly wrong with that?

Always hated that dumb nigger anime

that episode was basically just a giant reference to that Samurai Champloo episode

That was just a ripoff of the champloo baseball episode

Yea, which was hilarious


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This show got Samuel L Jackson and Charlie Murphy to voice 2 white guys.

[angry emoji] x24