No wall

>no wall
>no border shutdown
>back to catch and release
>more H1B visas
>100,000 new illegals per month

We fucked up.

Attached: trump.jpg (2501x1645, 742K)

We fucked up bigtime. Four years down the drain.

drumpf btfo

>no wall
Blame dems. They threw a tantrum and wouldn’t include it for funding
>no border shutdown
Blame liberal federal judges who have too much overreach
>back to catch and release
Blame the liberal media (policy started under Obama FYI)
>more H1B visas
Ok, ya got me there
>100,000 new illegals per month
Blame Mexico and other Latin American countries

Attached: 1557682064649.jpg (1440x1921, 899K)

I don't care. As long as Hillary goes to her death bed knowing she never became anything more than Bill Clinton's wife is good enough for me.

>still thinking you vote matters and Democracy isnt an illusion.

it's time for you to have sex

Why are the dems even complaining?

>/Its the dems fault.
Trump has full legal authority to shut down the border. Reagan did it when Kiki Cameron was killed.

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>Americans are so mentally cucked that they’d rather vote for a con-man who hasn’t paid his fair share of taxes for decades than for a man who stands up for their interests

Attached: bernie.jpg (618x519, 42K)

>we fucked up
So would any of these be different under Hillary


Over 100 miles of the wall has been build. About 3/4 of the entire border will be finished in two years (already funded).
No one said anything about stopping H1B visas - they are the good kind.
The rise in illegals crossing over proves his point that there is a crisis.
Get better information.

Why do Americans who earn less than $150k a year vote against their own financial interests? Are Americans really such grovelling bootlickers?

Attached: taxes.png (641x509, 28K)

I honestly feel like when it comes to illegals there is no hope, there literally is zero anyone can do to stop it


I didn't fuck up. I voted for him to permanently defile the office of presidency and that's what he's doing.

He does not, some federal judge will just block him.

Fact: only faggots hate President Trump

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But why? Shit is so annoying. Why are liberals so quick to sell out their country by letting it literal 3rd worlders that can't read or write? We have enough problems with natural born citizens.

Okay, now this thread is going to be EPIC. I don't know about you guys, but i'm ready to own some libs. Let's begin.

Sanders is a bitch. He bent the knee to Clinton after the DNC rigged the primary against him. He was cucked at his own rally by blm protesters.

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I'm voting for Trump again just to piss you people off. No other reason.

>vote against their own financial interests?
That pic shows that they are voting for their best interests.

It's almost like those that are taxed the most benefit more then there is a tax cut. hmm.

People who vote for the left are literally voting against their own interests.


There is still hope. Once the US becomes a 3rd world country, people will stop migrating here. The irony is that those very people are the reason the US is becoming a shithole.

>Illegal immigration at highest levels since Dubya
>No repeal and replace Obamacare
>Trump couldn't stop the caravan
>Trump couldn't end DACA
>Trump couldn't pass the RAISE act
>Trump couldn't end Birthright Citizenship
>Trump couldn't make E-Verify a law
>Trump couldn't defund Planned Parenthood
>Trump couldn't invest $1 trillion to improve national infrastucture
>Trump couldn't pass the travel ban
>Trump couldn't close the Wall Street special interest loopholes
>Trump couldn't put price controls on prescription drugs
>Trump couldn't stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American election
>Trump couldn't resist bombing Syria
>Trump couldn't pull the U.S out of NATO
>No NK deal
>Anti bds law
>Gave israel 38 billion
>Israel gets Jerusalem capital recognition
>Israel gets Golan heights recognition
>Increased the National debt by $2trillion
>Gave the 1% a tax cut
>Farmers bill
>Omnibus bill
>Amnesty bill
>Crime 'reform' bill
>No unclassified FISA
>No Awan indictment
>No Uranium One investigation
>No voter fraud investigation
>No Feinstein Chinese spy investigation
>Sessions did nothing
>Pedogate has vanished
>Assange has vanished
>55k sealed indictments went nowhere
>Hired a bunch of neocons
>Continued middle eastern wars
>Ramping up for even more wars
>Global LGBT crusade

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Don’t worry alt right white american, there are more russians coming into your country, they take high paying jobs at google and facebook. The dream of white supremacy is enjoyed by your russian friends.

Imagine still supporting this over the hill marxist.
Imagine supporting a group of people who've never actually held a job but want to dicate ceonmoics policies.

>his fair share of taxes

oh you're one of those aren't you.

He in fact does. Reagan did it. Trump.didnt even try he just gave Mexico a one year warning, like a bitch.

>still accomplished more than any president in recent memory

> 100 miles of wall has been built
Nope. 2 miles. In 3 years Trump has built two (2) miles of wall

>We fucked up.
Who is "we", kemo sabe?

Trump pays a higher tax rate per income than Sanders according to his taxes as was shown by Maddow on his show.



He will not win 2020

He's a Saudi and Israel cuck. What did you expect?

>there are more russians coming into your country, they take high paying jobs at google and facebook. The dream of white supremacy is enjoyed by your russian friends.
What does this have to do with anything?

I voted Libertarian.

Such as?

Who the fuck are you to tell a grown ass man what his best interest is? You fucking elitist.

>P-p-please don't vote for Trump this time guise!!!

>elect most anti-immigrant candidate
>compromise with democrats still leads to a result this bad
well I guess we better just vote for beato and have open borders guys it can't be helped

It's 4D chess faggot. Trump don't have to explain shit.

>voted clinton to see what the psycho bitch whose been NY senator and secretary of state would do with such power

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Simple proof of how broken the American system is, a man is elected on a specific platform but the machinations around him won't let him fulfill it. I thank God that Jennifer Lawrence is going to break this system.

Doubt it, since he has been declaring negative adjusted gross income on his tax returns for years.

Just admit it, Trump is a conman and doesn't give a shit about you.

Attached: trump losses.jpg (973x699, 59K)

i hope canada builds a wall to keep out 3rd world americos

imagine being such an incel that you think some fat old man who can't spell and spends more time on his comb over than his duties is masculine

Wow, it's almost like the retarded dems are preventing every single thing he does.
Dems are absolutely pathetic. They're like children who didn't get what they want so they spite everyone

What the fuck does this have to do with Tv or film

>no new wars

is there any group of people more easy to rile up than /pol/posters? literally just post a picture of Trump and all these retards come into the threads thinking anyone cares about their primitive opinions. such cute and predictable little idiots

Started a trade war
Not been impeached for obstruction of Justice
Still dealing arms to Saudis
Still increasing foreign aid to Israel
Has kept zero campaign promises
Alienated US from Allie's

Accomplished af

Remember when you could take out a loan to go to college and then declare bankruptcy and have your debt wiped clean?

>claim to be an expert deal maker
>fail to make a single deal

>there are unironic drumpftards ITT right now

mobile redditor

Honestly this. I couldn't give a shit what happens in this country. It's fucked beyond repair. But as long as Hillary dies knowing she was a failure I'll be happy.
I'd rather she died in prison where she belongs, but that won't happen unfortunately.

We didn't fuck up, we stopped Hillary

So you are saying Tru p, the master strategist, failed to consider there opposition? Whine more, bitch faggot.
GOP pulled the same shit under Obama

>Has presidency
>has control of the senate
>has control of the house
>got two justices making a conservative majority

It's those evil Dems guys!! The only reason we never did anything is because thew minority within a minority Democrats keep stopping us with their teeny tiny, yet overwhelmingly influential power over the entire system! We cannot compete with the few insane, retarded mouthpieces that have no ability to veto, or even block anything we try to do!!!!! REEEEEEEEE

those damn dirty power controlling invisible phantom minority party that lost everything in the last three elections keep standing in the way of progress!!!!

Attached: Democuck.jpg (1200x800, 73K)

>lol libs think orange man hiter!!!!!!
Trump is a MAJOR longtime criminal and his policies are authoritarian, fascist, inhuman, backward and globally-destructive. If you can't see why putting someone like that in ANY position of power is insane, please check into this reality.

>Trump obeyed the tax laws

>liberals stopped him from doing the things he said he would do
No shit

>Continued middle eastern wars

>doubt it
Maddow "leaked" one of his fucking previous income tax forms on her show you fucking idiot and she embarrassed herself by showing that he indeed pays a small fortune in taxes. More than any other presidential candidate at the time adjusted for gross income.

>complaining about H1B visas

hmmm... it's almost like Trumpcucks are lying when they say "we're only against illegal immigration!"

News flash, retard. Immigrants, both legal and illegal (and btw, illegal immigration from/through Mexico wasn't a problem until tighter border restrictions were enacted--prior to that, many workers were able to come and go as they were needed, work mostly legally, and avoid having to settle indefinitely in the US.), have been beneficial to the US economy. Read literally any peer-reviewed study on the impact of immigration on economics.

Face it, /pol/fag. The US doesn't produce enough specialists for your dream of an ethnostate to become a reality. 28% of US physicians are immigrants, 20% of US business owners are immigrants, and almost a quarter of scientists and engineers are foreign-born.

With America's abysmal education system, it's highly unlikely that we will ever produce enough home-grown STEM workers to be self-sufficient.