The year is 2012. You are given control over the entire DC cinematic universe to make whatever movies you want...

The year is 2012. You are given control over the entire DC cinematic universe to make whatever movies you want. What do you do?

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The movie where HBO executives beat to death David and Dan showrunners of Game of thrones with their golf bats.

all that do not require magic or aliens, only using 'grounded' characters so no superman or something
basically extended nolanverse

2013 Man of Steel
2014 Batman (under the red hood inspired)
2015 Wonder Woman
2016 Batman vs Superman (done properly)
2017 The Cyborg, Aquaman
2018 Man of Steel 2 (death of superman inspired), the flash
2019 Justice League, Shazam, Green Lantern Corps
2020 Batman 2, Martian Manhunter

Injustice becomes canon, deadpool wins endgame

give snyder complete control of all wb properties

Start from scratch. Live action Justice League cartoon. Begin with World's Finest movie.

2021 Justice League vs Legion of Doom, Wonder Woman 2,
2022: Justice League: Apokolips, Teen Titans, Suicide Squad

I hire George Miller and give him beaucoup bux to make his light & colorful version of the Justice League.

Let Zack Snyder complete his original vision

make superman kill me because I have to be part of gay childish superhero shit

What's the one major thing missing from all Batman movies these days, guys? Full penetration. Guys, we're going to show full penetration, and we're going to show a lot of it. I mean, we're talking, you know, graphic scenes of Bruce Wayne really going to town on this hot, young Wonder Woman. From behind, 69, anal, vaginal, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl-- all the hits, all the big ones, all the good ones. And then he solves crime again. He's out busting heads. Then he's back to the Batcave for some more full penetration. Solves crime, back to the lab, full penetration. Crime, penetration, crime, full penetration, crime, penetration... And this goes on and on, and back and forth for 90 or so minutes until the movie just sort of ends.

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Justice League War


Probably this

>The year is 2012. You are given control over the entire DC cinematic universe to make whatever movies you want. What do you do?

Just let it die. Take the funding and remake classics like Barry Lyndon

Keep the grit in batman movies. Every other member of justice league is witty in ways. Too much grim dark shit ruined the dceu. Superman in particular needs to be fun because his contrast to batman matches up very well. Its shit when theyre both edgelords

Remaking classic movies should be a crime and you should kys

Reminder that Justice League had meme marvel quips and it was horrible

>kill Ben Afflick's Batman
>get rid of capeshit costumes and let them all wear normal clothes (batman can wear his because that's what defines him + he's not a superhero)
>think very carefully before mixing their stories. 10+ superheroes is too many for one planet. Even 3 is pushing it.

Batman v Superman
Wonder Woman (flashback)
Justice League, per Terrio and Snyder’s original vision
Green Lantern Corps
Justice League II: Apocalypse
Wonder Woman 2
Man of Steel 2
Aquaman 2
Flash 2
Green Lantern Corps 2
Justice League vs Legion of Doom

Spin-off the Batman license into prequels that have spin-offs with the Batfamily, e.g. Nightwing, Batgirl, etc. The Batman in the Justice League films is older and the mystery of what happens to the various allies and villains and how the heroic young crusader becomes such a jaded and cynical figure is a central mystery connecting the two loosely related franchises

Just start by adapting new 52’ JL origin of parademons invading ending with them fighting and losing to Darkseid before Batman sends him back to Apokolips with boom tubes, except with the proper roster (no cyborg or Shazam yet)

Only cavill was properly cast, wouldn’t keep a single person otherwise. Could even do Brandon Routh instead. Otherwise, just off the top of my head

>Armie Hammer or Jon Hamm depending on age
Wonder Woman
>Jaime Alexander or Bridget Regan, again age
>Ryan Goslings (the nice guys)
Green Lantern
>James Mardsen
>Jensen Ackles or Nikolaj Coster Waldau
Martian Manhunter
> no idea, but the voice and acting ability would be the most important part, a lot of people have suggested Lance Reddick which would be great

Yeah because it was a Frankenstein movie, half Snyder half Whedon. But if you have a consistent tone it's less grating.

do not let hack snyder anywhere near it

Get Snyder and Terrio back and let them finish what they started.

No actual ideas from the idiot, unsurprising. Let me guess, your great insight would be ‘copy marvel’, yeah?

Create a series of Batman comedies that explores the character's homosexual undertones

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>copy marvel
In terms of making a product that isn't an affront to its source material, panned by critics, killing its franchise, completely misunderstanding what superheroes are about, and being universally reviled, yes they should copy these aspects of Marvel films.

I'd be absolutely down for a big budget revival of 60s Batman.

Have sex

I hope these aren't supposed to look like they did in the actual Justice League movie. That was trash

Sounds boring.

Comics are for children, so I'll change all the cast to cute and funny little girls, make them wear sexy uniforms and take a lot of risky shoots. Straight to DVD release. Literally the next LS series.

Just copy the MCU but done right. Start off with solo/origin movies and THEN move up to team up movies. It was so fucking simple I don't know how warner bros fucked it up.

Crisis on Infinite Earths in 12 parts.