How could they have stormed the beach with taking the least amount of casualties?

How could they have stormed the beach with taking the least amount of casualties?

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send the Mexicans in first

It would have been easier if the USAF was as talented as the RAF

By using the eagles to go to berlin directly

Offer the Nazis an olive branch of tender American poon. They have a truce. War ends.

make a fake army headed by a famous general

This scene was beyond retarded.

You have a better idea?

They could have launched airstrikes and drove tanks up the beach instead.

The Germans had AA guns so bombing wasn't a great strategy, and they did use tanks.

They did both, bad weather made the air strike miss and and tanks were sunk.

Those big iron barricades that were on the beach were to prevent that

Why didn't they just take a train from England to France? Did the Nazis block off the channel tunnel?

>on a beach
>tanks trying to get onto a beach from a ship's ramp
oh youre just retarded okay

They did both, the bunkers were hardened concrete and the tanks sunk in the ocean

Now that you mention it why didn’t they just fly into Berlin. Like dude LMAO

They should've stayed out of the war in Europe and minded their own fucking business.

Have Barry Pepper snipe all those camperfags from a distance then literally walk in unopposed
Checkmate, Germany

>dude just run up the beach lmao
>nobody thought to bring some smoke grenades

Completely decimate one region of the beach ridge with so much Naval firepower that not even a concrete bunker survives intact.
Lander craft big enough to carry a sherman right up to the shore

It wasn't bad weather. Someone told the airforce delay dropping their bombs in fear of hitting allied ships.

>attacking in broad daylight when the defenders advantage relies entirely on sight lines and spotting
>this is the power of military intelligence

This, considering its a beach the wind is only really going to go in one direction, even starting some fires might do

shields and smoke granades

victory was this fucking easy.

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>itt: armchair historians think they can coordinate multinational military operations better than people actually trained to do this shit because they read some Victor Davis Hanson

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shit, why didn't they just fly the (screaming) eagles to Berlin? Just paradrop right onto the reichstag and fuck them nazi bitches up.

By getting Jews to stop committing usery

t. newfriend

They should have waited till the germans were having tea break

>win against reserve regiments consisting of old men and former pow's
>atlantikwall wasnt even finished
Oh yes you sure did great allies

Imagine the world if Japan had never attacked America and the US never got involved.

>attack at night
>enemy has complete control over lights in the form of flares

>implying Germany had infinite flares
Dumb zoomer

Based and Redpilled

It would have fucked up our pacific front, but deploy All of our Aircraft carriers and bomb the shit out of that beach

>How could they have stormed the beach with taking the least amount of casualties?

Called up Adolf Hitler and said "Hey dude, how can we join forces with you against Bolshevism?"

Aircraft Carriers and their Battle groups have AA guns, that didn't stop us from bombing Japans Carriers to hell

Hitler was a literal homosexual I doubt he would have agreed

>"just die until they run out of flares"
>"then the real attack can begin"
>thinks this is better than just attacking at day


Elton John would be more successful at commanding D-Day operations than anyone in this thread

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>not sailing the long way round and landing near Provence instead
So many lives needlessly wasted tbqh

Comit genocides in africa and the middle east so that million's of shitskins flock to Europe and start raping german women making Hitler's whole aryan point moot. A decade later he just ends up resigning and cancels the 3rd Reich because there isn't really a master race to guide for a thousand of years

Memes aside, tell me why smoke grenades wouldn’t have at least helped the situation?

They did bomb the shit out of the "beaches"... the problem was that they mistook the areas behind the beach as the beach so all of the bombs missed...

There was also massive fire support from the ship artillery.

The weather

This was before they banned spawn camping.

ask nicely

Land more paratroopers. First wave should have concentrated entirely on AA placements then land more and more men.
Also, Sosabowski's men should have dropped to reinforce the Brits at Arnhem, regardless of how bad the fog was, they probably would have ended the war by Christmas and this shit wouldn’t have mattered


ITT: Armchair generals with 74 years worth of hindsight

By staying home and not dying for F*enchies

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Only correct answer. Brits were too slow during Market Garden

they did both, tanks had to get off the beach as fast as possible so they ended up running over wounded in some places

t. WW2 boomer vet

Polish were quite willing to drop as well, but were refused
Fucking dumbass Brits

Yes, I am obviously a 92 year old man on Yea Forums.

Probably more or less the same, just more Russia doing shit.

If the Americans hadn't been a complete bunch of pussies and moved their ships in closer to the beaches they could have landed tanks. That was the plan all along. The English and Canadians managed it.

How the Allies won the war is a fucking mystery to me. America's input was actively damaging to the war effort 90% of the time. No wonder they haven't achieved victory since.

Not be retarded Americans.

Thank you for your service.

By siding with the good guys.

Thanks for your service sir

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But one American Aircraft Carrier was able to hold off all of Japan, if only for a short time

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americans did land some tanks
also the british fucking up in 1940 was pretty damaging to the war effort imo

Why didn't they just go to a beach where there weren't all those bunkernds?

>Not buying utility at the start of round
Fucking noobs how hard is it to buy a couple of flashes and smokes

they could have elected womyn leaders to find a negotiated solution - then had a lesbian orgy like bonobos.

>How the Allies won the war

The soviets won. The Western allies were just a nice distraction of some of the German Forces. Even at the peak of the fightings in the west two thirds of the entire german force remained at the eastern front.

Why they just put cardboard cutouts of soldiers in the boats

You can't expect a bunch of actors to take out a bunch of nazi's.

Sword beach took more.

didn't exist yet

The US Forces hit the harder beaches (Omaha especially) and didn't have nearly as much organic engineering vehicle support to help clear the beachs.

The Royal Engineers AVREs, CRABS etc were the qualative difference during Overlord.

Done it in different weather

>wanting the allies to win

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Tell the german actors not to use live ammunition

market garden was a: four months after overlord and b: in the fucking netherlands not france
but keep being based you fucking retard

Didn't matter. The allies had basically already won D-day, and overwhelmed the Germans. Plenty of germs even knew they were fucked when the waves kept coming. Sad that so many died but really all they needed to do was send in as many troops as they could.

You're mentally ill.

Thank God we stomped the nazis the first time. Imagine having millions of bootlicking untermensch like this guy running around after Hitler won the war.

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They tested using smoke during training and it was found to be fucking useless with simulated shellfire dispersing it, that said they did accidentally start grass fires that blew right into the bunkers during the actual operation

Real war is different from call of duty you stupid fucking zoomer.