What ever happened with this guy? Last time he was reported on was when he refused to pay Chicago
What ever happened with this guy? Last time he was reported on was when he refused to pay Chicago
The case got reopened. Now the dismissal is being investigated.
Nah, last time he was in the news was when Empire was cancelled with him not invited back to the final season wrapping it up.
would say I hope he bleeds black cock in prison when they nail him but that's heaven on earth for this nigger faggot
Thankfuly justice was served and this glorious king is free.
Implying he will ever see federal pound me in the ass prison
He was let off with community service. The police demanded he pay their costs for the investigation, which he refused because that's obviously unlawful.
Presumably in a year he'll reflect on what happened with Oprah or Ellen and he'll start doing bit parts or broadway
He managed to completely destroy the myth of white privilege. He accidentally became a hero for the Right.
>obsessing about one false report
>ignoring hundreds of real hate crimes
Typical right wing bias
or hangs himself, that's acceptable also
His case file is going to be unsealed and made avalible to the public on June 3rd. His nigger faggot hijinx passed off a lot of people in Chicago.
>when he refused to pay Chicago
Dude has to be mentally ill to just keep doubling down like this. Reminds me of my faggot brother who would cry and plead his innocence even if you caught the dumb nigger in the act.
>His case file is going to be unsealed and made avalible to the public on June 3rd
[citation needed]
You get arrested by the police and found not guilty except for some pissy community service thing, would you pay the police back?
He got off Scott Free
Careful with that edge
you mean 2 shots in the back of the head, a whiny nigger like him would never hang himself willingly anyways
>Now, Smollet doesn’t have an adequate privacy concern, largely since he gave a bevy of interviews about the case, Cook County Judge Steven Watkins ruled. That means the public will have the chance to review the handling of his case — and likely soon. More documents will be released June 3, Cook County State Attorney Kim Foxx said according to the Chicago Tribune.
>ignores all the proven false or unverified reports that still make it into (((hate crime watch))) stats
Typical left wing gullibility.
So he basically screwed himself. This guy's something else.
there's no two ways about it, guy is a piece of shit
He wasn't found not guilty, he got a get out of jail free card. If he wasnt a retard he'd take it and move on
No way he and the ACLE don't get an injunction
If OJ got away with it, black gay jew will get away with it and get paid
pretty sure he was referring to the gay rape fantasies
Meh he got a conversation started. I cant fault him for that
Based ruckus
>forgets about their own trademarked word whataboutism at their convenience
Typical left wing double standards
Most likely yeah, but that's still going to make him look shitty and keep this gay farce in the news for a bit longer. He had a chance to slink away into obscurity, but considering hes a black gay jewish actor, there was like a 0% chance of that happening. Only the wokest of npcs are still on his side.
>started a conversation about the malicious dishonesty of the media
>made normal people more skeptical about hate-crime claims that more or less dovetailed with the metoo movement being discredited as well
Yeah, he did a good thing.
Court determined that Jussie had no privacy concerns and the court documents will be unsealed.
Basically gay tupac couldn't shut up, so he didn't care about his privacy.
>re-traumatising the victim of a racist homophobic assault
Yeah, nah, we'll never see those docs
Feds reopened the case but nothing is going to happen because he's too connected
Give it time and it will be dropped as well.
getting btfo
Good. I hope this ruins him.
so much b8
Everyone on both sides of the case made it quite clear that he was 'not' not guilty.
He got a pass.
memory holed but apparently there is a special prosecutor reviewing the case. If he's guilty then that also means that that absolute cunt DA, foxx, is going down too. She let off a kid who murdered somebody when he was 15, had to agree to go to juvenile prison until 18 and he would be free as long as he didnt commit another felony. Lo and behold the nigger nigs and has an assult with a deadly weapon charge at the age of 20 and foxx STILL didn't charge him for the murder which she promised. She's an absolute cunt who thinks letting convicted murderers is justified because of "muh opression" fuck leftists are evil.