Cast her

Cast her.

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How does it feel being loved and wanted by a beautiful woman?

Wish I knew

Emilia Clarke

Fuck if I know.

no idea to be honest

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Women can't love

I want a crazy gf so badly, bros.

Charlotte Sartre

Let her play herself.

No you don't it really sucks. maybe you want to fuck them but spending any time outside of that with them is just so stressful

You want a HOT crazy gf

gets fucking annoying

i'd much rather get stabbed in a field and die of sepsis a week later desu

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Easily Tessa Thompson.

I want a gf

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Kinda looks like MEW.

I don't know about if she loves me but she is beautiful and definitely primally aroused by me and the sex is the best I've ever had.

It's okay I guess, I haven't really felt strongly about anything in years though honestly

Being in a relationship with a 10/10 is great for a few months. Eventually you'll become used to their looks then it just turns into a normal relationship

>girls are getting so slutty and hedonistic that even the most low iq male is starting to not want to put up with their shit
What is the female gender's endgame?

>beautiful crazy gf
>sleeping one night she sneaks in and punches me in the face to awake me we fight I throw her off of me, she lays in the floor crying how shell call the cops. Have to go to work in thirty minutes, leave, she calls and apologizes
>watching youtube with her, anime ad comes on. She freaks out
>she calls me screaming that she is going to kill herself because she saw I was watching "hello my twenties" on Netflix. Go home grab the knife. Fight. Look on Netflix. It's in recommended not previously viewed
>watching the wire, strip club scene pops up.... screaming fighting
>she grabs a knife one day out of nowhere starts stabbing apartment walls, I grab her, she turns on me, told me it was my fault for stopping her
Had to beat her up like twice, let me tell you no matter how beautiful a woman is there is a man who is tired of her. Craziness will make you hate coming home


I believe it. Don't stick your dick in crazy.

This, but you'll also start finding them less attractive because you realise they're a gross human too and do weird/gross stuff sometimes.

hmmm feisty are the best.

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gib nymph gf

Emilia Clarke

>Kinda looks like MEW.

you're too fat and ugly to have a girlfriend

You wouldn't be able to watch bonnieb WebM if you were dating her. Unless you wanted to have to verbally beat her down for two hours

>she grabs a knife one day out of nowhere starts stabbing apartment walls,
She doesn't sound "crazy", she sounds like she needs to be in a mental institute.

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Bags of sand user, it's always bags of sand.

this and its a testament to human nature

We are content with nothing and its never enough. If you ever wonder why mega rich people strive for more then now you know

I know what boobs feel like, but I never had any girl over 7/10

generic goth slut girl that all you ironic weeb Yea Forumsermins pine for

7 of 10 is perfect, they're not unwashed scum class but not high enough to be full of themselves to the point if expecting the world to bend to their will.

Absolutely generic garbage

Why have people's taste not changed?

Idris Elba

>Alyssa Milano starts a sex strike
>No male cares because internet porn and video games.

man I don't know but she looks good so somebody better give her the dick before meth face kicks in. florida women are a ticking time bomb like that.

hell if i know