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He has the same face he had during the Brie Larson interview. He's mad!
Do people genuinely believe trans kids exist? It's only a thing that happens later in life when people want to feel special and trendy
If a kid is trans it's pressured to be that way because of idiotic parents who want to be a special privileged family and play the victim card every day
Beat trans kids
Have sex
Making your kid trans is child abuse.
maybe the nazis were on to something...
No, but the British were.
Exactly, but that's the only way it happens, no kid person is trans from birth or wants to be.
why is he always looking down his nose?
—from their parents
The holocaust didn't happen.
cheadle is a bitch made jew owned nigga
To the extent that trannies are a 'thing', they're nothing more and nothing less than people suffering from a mental illness.
Their mind is convinced of something that is demonstrably anti-reality; they are suffering from a delusion. It is fundamentally no different from someone saying they're a cat born into a human body, or a tree born in a human body, or Abraham Lincoln born in a not-Abraham-Lincoln body.
They need help and should receive help, be it therapy or medication. The way to help them is NOT to indulge their delusions - this is so basic of a premise for treating mental illness that it's almost unfathomable to think it isn't the first thought.
Making a mental illness and the indulgence thereof into a political issue and subsequently agitating on that issue is absurd to the point of insanity.
This is clownworld shit.
Black People do this when they want to be intimidating or their angry.
Have sex
Absolutely this.
Protect trans sneeds
>FTMs' wombs atrophy when they take test
>Leads to severe pain and an emergency hysterectomy can be necessary
>Science is beginning to suggest that hysterectomies can cause memory loss
>Taking test makes women have accelerated balding and heart disease
Protecting trans people would be making transition illegal.