When you really think about it, he's right

When you really think about it, he's right.

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Other urls found in this thread:


have sex

Just because it's unlikely doesn't mean it isn't happening


he's literally a member of a domestic terrorist organization

Capitalism rules

get tested

None of those reasons apply to me.

>born in a normal body so able to ask girls out
>thinking youre better
yeah fuck off

>A generation of women who have uncritically embodied the marketing campaigns of several industries and now think they are better than everyone else causing men to walk in to a massive wall of womens entitlement that we can't hold them accountable for because they just hide behind womanhood and call you a misogynist if you critique/challenge them causing men to give up.

Maybe I'm just ugly, short, and don't have the social skills to make up for it, and am trapped in a perpetual limbo where every attempt leads to more failures, which feed on each other and make it more unlikely that I'll ever escape with each passing day

I’m a chubby dickhead right winger who brushes his teeth once a day and I have a qt gf bc im stern and confident and it reminds girls of their fathers. Don’t worry anons of the world there’s still hope for all of you yet

Natural selection lmao, better if youre not in the gene pool

Yes it must only be one or the other


For me it's third

>Yes for the marxist reason
>Yes for my dicklet reason
>Yes for my debilitating incurable health
>Yes for my lack of an attractive body, face and height
>Yes for my lack of loads of money

>Dude everyone against fascism are literally terrorists

that NHK feel

Likley reasons you are poor:
- you are unskilled
- you less intelligent than your direct competition
- you are lazy

Unlikley reasons you are poor:
- capitalism and white men

But my college is fucking plagued by stupid bitches and beta self-castrating faggots.

what is don't want nor need one?

The states objectives of the organization are to overthrow the US government and implement communism

People who use physical violence to terrorize people into supporting a political doctrine are terrorists.


>dude antifa aren't terrorists lmao


oh shit

>postmodern neo-marxism

Literally read a book nigger.

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There is no fascism in America.

Then don't get all shocked when some based robot shoots up his school. You roasties could have just spread your legs

>missing the !

>You are too scared to even ask girls out
Shouldn't they be asking me? It is 2019, c'mon, I mean, it's not like, we are medieval.

why not both?


I'm 6'2" and some girls have been into me and I've even managed to
>have sex
But I'm horribly awkward around women and even when I know they are into me I can't talk to them or do anything about it. It's like a mental block where I have no idea how to talk to girls, and knowing there might be a chance (and therefore I might ruin it) only makes it worse. This autism has destroyed my self esteem and made me more and more of a recluse. At this point I doubt I'll ever get a gf.

The only reason is the 80/20 rule.

>expecting women to actually hunt for mates
Fucking dumbass.

Why not? Men and women are exactly the same

kek your gf is imagining her dad's dick when she fucks you cuck

not anime

The most likely reason is that you aren’t a chad and you don’t have money or power

If natural selection was a thing in modern times, niggers would fucking starve.

Lmao incels btfo

well, it's none of the likely reasons

>>expecting women to actually hunt for mates
>Fucking dumbass.
Hugh, that's problematic, and here's why.

>you less intelligent

um both sexes are equal, you misogynist
get with the times sweatie

He's right you know

Except for when they're not and brought up to be self-entitled pieces of shit.

>How to spot a rapist in one easy tweet.

You ain't never had a friend _______

I'd like to tell you it get s easier but I was the same as you 15 year sago and I'm still the same now. Maybe some people are just destined for the solo life.

The vast majority of women these days are overweight and undatable/unfuckable

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I resent that remark. I have perfectly good hygiene.

>against facism
>"if you say something I disagree with you should be banned from speaking entirely and fired from whatever unrelated job you have"

I have no trouble meeting women. They're just fucking ruined by post modern (((neo Marxism))).

It's true.
I'm not cutting off my dick just to make a couple of crazy bitches feel better.

"ally" of women.

Lol brother, first off definitely stop respecting women, if you’re awkward around them that means you’re putting weight behind their opinions which is a rookie fucking mistake. Like I said I’m a chubby mess a manlet king (5’10) and I get laid just by being a standoffish cock who treats them like children. Every single woman has daddy issues even if they got along with their dad and if you can give off a stern father vibe you will get your dick sucked guaranteed

This is the guy behind the tweet kek

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Well, ask yourself why people might be afraid to ask out women in an environment where anything a woman doesn't like is rape and will ruin your life, no questions asked. Because that is what leftists have turned uni (and other places) into.

>literally *tips fedora* m’lady

But here you are, starving

Antifascism isn't terrorism. Antifascism is common sense and every decent persons responsibility.

keep giving me the (you)s, trash. you totally don't look irrational and desperate

Antifa call anyone they don't like fascist though. They even think pro-Israel Trumpcucks are fashist.

I can't get a gf because I don't trust women and have high standards. Also I only leave the house to lift or go boxing, I despise clubbing and drugs and don't use social media. I got used to being single tho so it's fine.

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if you want to be a woman so badly come suck my dick

>if you have a problem with higher education turning into kike indoctrination it's because you can't get a girlfriend (who will monopolize your time and money before likely cheating on and breaking up with you)
Leftists are fucking braindead.

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Notice how he doesnt say post modernists havent deteriorated and infiltrated society, just that its not the reason you cant get a gf

>physically, intellectually, and financially undesirables are far less likely to breed than normal humans
It is a thing sweetie.

Isn't it ironic how socialist leftists suddenly become free market anarcho-capitalists when it comes to the sexual market.

I'm an ugly asshole with mediocre hygiene, but I still have no trouble getting 7/10+ girlfriends. My last ex was a legit published model, absolutely gorgeous face with a lithe body, still low self esteem for whatever reason. It's literally, objectively, unironically the third reason for 99% of "men" (incels) who complain about women.

This retarded approach is fine for fucking and getting a gf but you will never find wife material, reads exactly like those pick up artist fags who think the used up bar sluts they bag are representative of the entire world

>i was just doing it for pathetically paltry amounts of attention
>got ya!

that's not the case at all though, the dumbest and poorest breed like rabbits.

The latter is irrelevant to the former, but that doesn't make the latter not an issue

no it's because porn ruined my brain and my dick

so are the men, fampai. average weight of both men and women is up like 50lbs since the 1950s.

is anything not a jewish conspiracy to you incels?

Wake up moron we’re all posting on 4channel none of us will have wives

I think my brain has just been so soaked in loneliness and depression for so long it just can't accept it any other way, I'm not even bitter or hateful about it, it's just the way it is. At least I'm /fit/ and will leave some healthy organs behind

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>feel pathetic and lonely for a few months
>then stop giving a shit altogether for a few months
I can deal with this cycle for the rest of my life I think, but I'm probably only saying that because I'm in the middle of step 2 right now.

Look i know youre a twink but men arent supposed to be


cope harder, fat fuck.

just be yourself user

But Israel is a state with fascist policies.

Jews have used Holohoax guilt to infiltrate and undermine every aspect of white culture and society, so no.

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>- You are an asshole

>see jews in his soup
>call people braindead

Yup. I'm going back into step one. I don't care cause soon it will be step two again.

you should really have sex

>white culture
Goblino detected
Amerimutts will never cease to amaze

>everything in the world is men's fault!
What has to go wrong in a person's life to think like this?


people who think that way are either effete males or undesirable women, i.e. people who can't compete with an/or attain men thus blame men for all ills.

It's absolutely pathetic
Don't even consider them human lmfao

antifa is more low-level street scum than terrorists

I can't get a girlfriend because I don't want a girlfriend. My wife died suddenly and, being a man in my 30s, the overwhelming majority of single women have children and are looking for a step-father. So, in order to get my rocks off, I do the sugar daddy thing. I like it.
>lulz paying for sex
We all pay for sex, user. Even when my wife was still alive, I paid for sex.
>you wanna be the designated driver tonight?
>no, I hate your friends and need liquor to survive the night
All depends on your definition of "pay", though, I suppose.

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Neither, it was just facebook and tinder

palestine don't real
hamas is a terrorist group
""moderate"" muslims want shariah law
jihad does not mean inner struggle
there are only two genders
muslims will throw you off a building if you think there are more

why are you so afraid of finding out the truth?

I want girls to ask ME out. I don't want to ask them out.

The last reason is true and that's because youtube encourages women to record men asking them out then posting the footage online to shame them. I don't wanna deal with that.

Nice reading comprehension, dickhead. From your own link, btw.

>They were especially active in the protests against the building of a highway through a forest in Khimki, on the outskirts of Moscow. Those protests ended in an attack on the Khimki local government building. Government responded with a new clampdown, jailing dozens of activists. While some in the movement tried to fight, many fled

post some examples, I literally have never seen what you're talking about

Bruh did you kill your wife

They become free market capitalists the MOMENT you bring up anything that starts sounding a little too yikes for them, even if it aligns with socialist ideals.
Say something anti-EU or anti mass refugee quotas and suddenly they start arguing about how it's all good for the economy and that the corporations need more workers.
It's even funnier when you bring up the fact that capitalist consumer culture and its requirement of ever growing population numbers via immigration is the 1# thing that fuels climate change.

What if I have a crippling fear of rejection and think everybody hates me?

He is entirely right. You have to spend literally any amount of time in a >tfw no gf thread to see this.
It's constantly neets whining about how they have no friends and haven't left their houses for a reason other than work/food in months. And there's always a couple of assholes who think everyone else is the problem since they know they have a great personality and are totally at least a 7/10. Shit's ridiculous.

Remember to dilate and scrape all the mucus out, freak.

The Anglosphere/European culture definitely existed before cucks allowed Jews to take over, devise and unleash feminism, import shitskins, etc.

honestly yeah being an incel sucks but getting a girlfriend doesn't seem worth it

Heh, nah. I loved her dearly. She had a stroke while at her parents' and didn't make it.
>lulz she was fat
No, we were both /fit/. Blood clot from birth control got her.
>bruh you really did kill her
No, she had a birth defect that caused her periods to be excruciatingly painful. Hence the BC.

Yes and then one of them committed an act of terror, what's your point?

>Romans expell Jews almost 2000 years ago
>in the latest turn if events during WW2 Germans, Romanians, Hungarians deport and pogrom Jews
>somehow the new Jewish state should be created at Arabs' expense
> Arabs who were cucked by Western powers in the aftermath of the WW1
Geez I wonder why they would turn into ragheads en masse.

>Anglosphere/European culture

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>tfw I've become accostumed to a comfortable lifestyle and don't want to have a bitch and the logical conclusion of kids who will then drain my resources
I guess I'm a Cool Wine Uncle? I like eating steak and drinking wine. Not saving every penny because Junior needs more toys that he'll forget about in 2 weeks.

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over half of tinder users have never (and never had any intention of) actually meeting anyone from there in person. between 20 to 40% of tinder users already have relationships irl. there's some cross over here, but in general it accounts for a large majority of tinder users. it's also interesting to note that while the general opinion of tinder by people who don't use it is as a "hookup app" that the overwhelming majority of its actual users, around 80%, claim to be looking for meaningful relationships on it yet virtually none of them find success.

kind of funny how something that almost nobody actually uses in the first place or has success with if they do, has so damaged the very fabric of dating.