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He got to do a mountain of coke. What did you do? Make some more threads pussy
He has a mug only a pug could love.
>not a shoop
holy shit
his nose is a flap now?
>its actually super cool to lose your fucking nose
Yeah, his nasal cartilage was destroyed by cocaine.
yeah, i've met someone before with that issue. but his fucking nose didn't go flat or something, he just had one hole instead two. what the fuck did he do for it to go that flat
If you do excessive amounts of coke over a long period of time the cartilage in your nose will deteriorate.
t. cocaine dealer
kys, people dealing synthetic drugs are scum
This shit really makes me sad boys. Grew up listening to Artie on the Howard Stern show. I still stand by the fact that Artie making fun of High Pitch Mike for going to DisneyWorld alone is the funniest shit I've ever seen.
>what the fuck did he do for it to go that flat
Use even more cocaine than whoever you met.
>incels on Yea Forums will praise you for being a dumb coke sniffer
I wonder how much total coke he took would look like if you piled it up next to him.
>what the fuck did he do for it to go that flat
Probably snorted some cheap shady shit with glass particles in it.
but what about the cocaine does that? i'd understand if it was crystal meth or something, that shit can be itchy, but cocaine? i've been doing a lot of speed in my life, and some cocaine, but i never had any issues with my nose. except a nose bleed after a long weekend maybe, or a higher chance of getting a cold.
Is cocaine really that fucking good?
Thread theme: youtu.be
Cocain doesn’t do this. Cocain with glass shards and other shit to dilute cocain does.
well it's expensive as fuck and doesn't last that long. i suspect i only ever had bad cocaine, but all it does is making me aggressive. one time i spend a lot of money on one gram of supposedly "good" cocaine, but all it did was making me even more aggressive. like, really fucking aggressive. i prefer really good speed for a good time, high quality speed is dirtcheap compared to even bad cocaine.
What's speed like? That's meth, right?
Ya gotta get good cocaine man. I don't do it often but the last time I did it only took a few bumps and I was feeling it for most of the night.
Come to think of it it might've been sass or Molly.
He was using heroin too though wasn't he? I remember reading somewhere that he was mostly using H. That's gotta be cut with awful shit for sure.
why is it taking this faggot so long to get his fucking nose fixed fucking christ. It's been like 5 fucking years now. I'm starting to think he's purposely keeping it fucked up for some retarded reason, like playing into the whole loser image or some stupid shit
>why is it taking this faggot so long to get his fucking nose fixed
because he'd rather spend his money on drugs, you fucking retard.
no, they're both amphetamines, but speed is a lot less pushy as meth. and a lot less harmful. it's just a massive boost, physically and mentally. keeps you awake, eliminates all needs your body might have. no need for sleep, food, drink or rest. and a lot of concentration if you need it. meth basically has the same effect, just a lot stronger. meth is to speed, like what speed is to a cup of coffee.
either amphetamine or meth depending on the person. Amphetamine gives you energy and focus and you usually don’t get super fucked up on it, unless you do a shit on of course. Meth will turn you into a super soldier retard who feels no pain and should never be trifled with.
Why don't they just get hair transplant?
speed is trash, i dk why yuropoors love it so much.
shit barely gets you euphoric.
You're telling me he already blew through all his savings? he doesn't have insurance? Bullshit. He definitely could have afforded it by now if he wanted.
he probably could afford it, but he'd rather use that money on drugs.
he's a fucking junkie, what do you expect?
>rich people and celebrities never end up losing all their money by being retards
except that after a few days of sleep deprivation there's not much energy left to be activated, even by meth. if i didn't sleep for more than 2 nights of consuming, i'm turning into a fucking zombie. shit's been different ten years ago, i could go longer and it wasn't a problem, but if i did that shit now i wouldn't be able to do fuckign anything, defo not being a "super soldier" who shouldn'T be trifled with
Why is he being arrested for taking drugs? Did he harm anyone? Break anything? What's the point?
Who's that? Looks like a porn whore
Artie gets into all kinds of shit, he was probably doing something else illegal as well.
He’s a drug addict and degenerate gambler
Can't they replace the cartilage with something else? I dunno why can they take the cartilage from a Cadaver?
He was arrested for possession of heroin or cocaine.
He was put on probation, but keeps pissing dirty.
because being bald is based.
i meant the drug shouldn’t be trifled with. And you’re correct. Long ago I had had some very limited meth experience. And yes psychosis kicks in after two days and you’re a mess. But it’s the only drug Ive experienced where you can bump it for a day straight and still get a high almost equal to the first bump.
There's no way he blew through all his stern money. Even if he spent 10 grand on coke every day he'd still be a millionaire. Not to mention two best selling books, several tv shows and movies, and he was literally pulling in over 100,000 per stand up booking for awhile. He likes to pretend he's broke because it plays into his whole shitty persona. It's bullshit. And his faggy little loser image isn't helping anything either, he's retarded for thinking it makes him look interesting or relatable or something. Get your fucking life together artie.
I don't understand why someone can get arrested for taking drugs. Because they're harming themselves? How is that any different from liquor, cigarettes, or fast food and soda? Should we start arresting anyone who buys McDonald's because it isn't good for you?
Drugs are a societal ill that destroys nations. Dealers should be executed. Fast food should be regulated and HFCS be banned, but keep alcohol since it's humanity's oldest friend.
hey i agree, but it is what it is.
one day they'll legalize the shit, but for now, that's just how things are.
Why doesn't Joe Rogan just give him some dmt?
>your vice is bad because it's new but my vice is good because it's been around longer
I'm glad Art got a different haircut. That long hair shit only made it so much worse.
Agreed. Looks like he got a tan too. He'd look the best he has in about a decade if he just got his fucking nose fixed.
I've had my doubts but have to think that he's still pretty well off despite everything he's gotten himself into. His family is really tight and for a long time, and possibly still, his mother was basically his accountant and business manager. His sister would also help out, so unless they completely gave up on him they probably have a handle on his finances.
you can be arrested for not wearing your seatbelt, also suicide is illegal
Also most drug money funds gun runners getting more guns into the black market and increase gang violence. So there is an argument for legalization. But then again, governments probably fund gun runners too
Does that mean you're in the wrong for doing those things?
Have a drink.
>consuming horse piss and watching anime
a fitting combination
Coke is a meme drug and people only use it as a status symbol and because they think it will make them cool
After a while, they get hooked but from all the times I've done coke, it was extremely underwhelming
Drink a few shots of espresso and it will have the same effect only cheaper and safer
Because people don't do crazy shit to get cigarette money
looks like cheryl cole but im not sure
It's Cheryl Ann Tweedy now you bastid.
How does that relate to the morality of outlawing a self-harming substance?
Why do you think it's only morality that dictates laws?
I don't agree with it, I think whatever people do in the privacy of their own home is their business unless it hurts others
But since people fuck around too much and can't take drugs like adults, they resort to crime to fuel their habits
In the eyes of the government, more people on drugs means more people who will do crime to get the drugs
Not counting that insane nose, he's looking better.
Coke will destroy the inside of the nose on it's own, coke will glass will speed it up and make it worse.
>when facesitting goes wrong
coke won't destroy shit, have you ever done or even seen coke? it's consistence is like powdered sugar and it numbs. speed, or stuff like meth, is much more aggressive to your mucous membrane.
And there are no people who do crimes to consume alcohol? And let's just conveniently forget the amount of people killed every year through drunk driving alone. You're dense.
cocaine is a vasoconstrictor which induces nasal septum necrosis
Cocaine definitely does this. It’s called coke nose for a reason.
damn somebody done booped his snoot :-)!!!!!!!!!!
oh wow
bah gawd! that man had a family!
His hair looks pretty good.
Why doesn't he get nose surgery?
>Should we start arresting anyone who buys McDonald's
Ever hear of prohibition? It's been tried.
Why doesn't he repair his nose?
>but keep alcohol since it's humanity's oldest friend
more like keep alcohol because banning it would result in people easily making their own alcohol that's sometimes poisonous and kills the degenerate population faster than heroin
The fuck happened to his skin? Did he get arrested for turning into a spic?
The war on drugs is looking real good too