/RBMK/ - Chernobyl General

Big Yellow Pump Boys edition
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Based minerposter.

how much would you take for corechan

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All of it.

Upvoted for Rummelsnuff.

3.6 Roentgen

3.6... Not great, not terrible.

based and kek'd

Brainlet here, why does nuclear waste have to be dumped rather than used for 1000 fucking years?

What I mean is, even when nuclear fuel is "spent", it still emits enough radiation to fuck you up at the mere sight of it. Why can't this amazing energy be somehow harnessed into electricity?

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the memes... the MEMES

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not an expert but you probably don't want the stuff to be scattered everywhere where plebs and their mothers could get their hands on it


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Going all out over corechan and melt over her in a bubbling mess.

Well user?
Hey dubs and you’re not on the list of people responsible for the incident

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"I clean up" by Bio-Robots.
Buy the LP.

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whar are those yellow things? thats not the
core right? is it just where they stored the uranium?


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main circulation pump room. got blown wide open so it's safe to assume it's snug next to the reactor

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Some of it can be recycled into medical products

Why are the KGB dudes so absolutely scary? Why do they feel absolutely real, down to their clothes and appearance?

Because of the Zirconium cladding, fission products that build up within the fuel elements cannot be removed. Many of these are neutron poisoners and inhibit further fission reaction. Moreover, the cladding is damaged by the neutron flux and becomes brittle, leading to its removal.
Another point, under 250 atmospheres, the fuel pellets within the cladding begin to crack, and a central void appears within each pellet.
In the end, only 3% of the Uranium within the fuel elements have fissioned.
We could eventually reuse this waste fuel in fast neutron reactors, based on current designs or by using Generation IV reactor designs such as the Molten Salt Fast Reactor.

>What I mean is, even when nuclear fuel is "spent", it still emits enough radiation to fuck you up at the mere sight of it. Why can't this amazing energy be somehow harnessed into electricity?
That's what next generation reactors are for if i understand correctly

How did this show manage to spawn so many memes in such a short time.

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What are you talking about? There are no KGB dudes.


less than 1 microsievert

You gonna account for this statement?

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Another sad case of sluggish schizophrenia.. take him to the infirmary.

Another pleb here, but I think it might be because it isn't hot enough to generate the temperature needed to heat water into steam. Also, I don't think >it would fuck you up at the mere sight of it.

Watched GoT crash and burn and then this kino saved the day. But that got me thinking, were there any clueless people that stumbled onto radioactive ore or somesuch in ye' olden times? Are there any documented incidents that indicate radiation?


This fucker Anatoly Dyatlov was responsible for making the core blow up. He caused the deaths of maybe many hundreds of thousands of lives. He helped cause the fall of the soviet union. May he burn in hell.

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Not a KGB agent, simply a responsible comrade looking out for the good of the union.

and do you happen to know what those yellow containers are my guy? Can't be bothered to text my cousin and ask. But next time im with him im finna ask him all about the show ( he is
a nuclear engineer)

how does this show compare to Jumanji?

Akimov and Leonid died for exposing themselves to the water by the valves.
Viktor and Fomin got probably gulagged for being niggers.
Perevozchenko got exposed to radiation and so did Sitnikov.
Misha and Vasiliy were exposed to the Graphite and the direct radiation of being outside.
The reason Yuvhenko, Dyatlov and Stolyarchuk didn't die is that they were never directly exposed to the graphite or the reactor. They were always indoors, there is no reason why they would have received higher doses than anyone else. If Akimov, Leonid, Sitnikov and Prevozchenko had done the same they wouldn't have died. Wasn't Stolyarchuk who in Episode 1 told Leonid not to go with Akimov? But Leonid didn't listen? Boris survived because he extractyed directly from the control room.

main circulation pump motors

How many Sieverts to Roentgens?

Less monkeys.

They are paranoia incarnate and they don't just bark.

>that man who got death sentenced by a soft talking poof and a toadie
rip buddy.

of course the kgb is just a circle of accountability. They even follow me for God's sake!

Good answer, you are excused from liquidation duty Comrade

death toll estimate is 4,000
>helped cause the fall of the USSR
based. now, to the infirmary with you

Dyatlov was in charge, not me.

I think it's because of the way they operate, living in soviet era one must've thought anyone in their entourage could've been a KGB officer
That scene where some random couple asked legasov if there was any danger, and it turned out later on that they were from the KGB and stared at him and Boris later on that night absolutely terrified me

Might be enough heat to make them into little hand warmers though for those folks in living in colder countries

>death toll estimate is 4,000
>actually falling for the "official" death count

It should be Boris as the superintendent

apart from someone hanging themselves at the end .... not a lot

Fuck off, I know it's just "Fomin" writen there

Meh, KGB during the Gorbachev years was pretty lame. Stasi was the real shit until to the very end

Also Depleted Uranium ammunition.

What if kebab is actually a fuel rod for a human?

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too bad they don't glow in the dark

>pretty lame
they still did night ops, friendo

Fucken stupid russians.

And pita is its graphite shielding.


there is no other number but the official number. Everything else is disinformation

Dyatlov was in charge
It was Dyatlov



The divers received 100000 rubles each but it was classified

Everybody was shocked that they only accumulated 20 rems during the mission though

New episode when?

water is dense

If delusional is True:
send to infirmary

About 100, it's not exact because roentgen measures radiation and sieverts measures how much you absorb.
so 3.6 roentgen is about 34 mSv which is about 34.000 μSv

Water is good protector against radiation.

Didn't the people who looked directly into the reactor receive 30 sieverts to the face, instantly? How were they able to walk?

Next episode:
>liquidator kino
>animal cruelty
>communism dies
Anyone pumped?

How much is 100 000 rubles in dollars? (adjusted to inflation)

Been away from the internet for a week, has new Core-chan fanart popped up in these threads? Last one I saw was her petting a robot.

Which reminds me, one of the artfags said he'd work on a suggestion involving a core-chan hug, but that was like twoo weeks ago. Any news / progress about it ?

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>Adjusted to inflation.
I wish I was an expert in soviet currency inflation.

Depends on the type of nuclear waste.
>fuel rods heat water into steam
>steam turns turbines
>steam condenses back down to water

You now have a bunch of radioactive water. How do you plan on taking that radioactive water and making electricity with it? You can re-use the water for steam if you have more fuel, but eventually you're jut left with nasty water. A lot of that gets put into barrels and stored in giant concrete bunkers underground.

I have been searching far and wide for the David Foster Wallace version of this, does anyone happen to have it?

Good lord Dyatlov what is happening in there?
>A feedwater leak
A feedwater leak?
At 100 roentgen?
With graphite on the floor?
With graphite on the roof?
All localised entirely in building 2?
May I see it?
>He's delusional get him to the infirmary

It's not the same value because the Soviets didn't have to spend on many things.

Think $1M

>100 000

At this time it was around 130 000 USD

>tfw all those people died
>it's literally a tourist trap today

>meanwhile some eastern europeans call the series disrespectful and Hollywood shit

Fair enough, didn't they also get an stipend?
The sad thing is that they didn't get condecorations from the Soviet Union, but they got the condecoration from the Ukrainian government in 2018, one of them post-humously, the other 2 are still alive. It was the biggest act of bravery. They should have been named heroes of the soviet union. Sadly it was confidential.

Comrades there is graphite in the museum

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Fucking slavs I swear to god.

because the seizures do not happen instantly

Are you delusional?
How would they put graphite on the museum if there was no graphite?

merely concrete

You're delusional, that's concrete.

IRL Misha spotted the graphite on the ground and an unnamed fireman picked it up
Yuvchenko held the reactor door open, was bombared with radiation, had his comrades hand print burned into his back from the radiation and still survived for decades because he's strong enough to literally fight off the atom
Sitnikov stared directly into the rector and died 30 days later

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>heroes of the soviet union
More like heroes of Europe, they saved more than half of the continent
I'm honestly all for nuclear energy but when I realize that some backwater countries might fuck things up in their own reactors and kill us all it makes me uneasy, I think nuclear energy should be managed internationally rather than by nation states independently

By exposed to the graphite I mean they were first responders, standing around the graphite as soon as it was expelled from the core. Not saying that they both picked it up, but they both died from exposing themselves to the outside of the core.
Yuvchenko got radiation on him, but he wasn't as exposed as the other 2 guys, most of the stuff that got him was from what was already on the door.
Sitnikov got fragged by core-chan, he was taking a peek at her naked body.

>They're dumping sand and boron on the core.
>That's what I would do.
>*sigh* I'm sure you would, sweetie.


splitting the atom releases and immense amount of energy which you can use to turn water to steam
that steam they turns massive turbines that generate electricity before it gets cooled down back into water used to cool the fuel rods

They say the same about diesel fuel

I need that irl footage of that poor man dying of radiation

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Boolet shoot and turn turbine comrade

what fucking game are you playing

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>implying russia is willing to put their reactors in the hands of the americans when they can just say "fuck you" and shut it down at any moment
I see your point but it's entirely delusional

diesel fuel isn't going to make an entire continent inhabitable in a single fuck up

I really like him. He has little knowledge, but he has a good moral compass and is intelligent enough to trust the experts. He's also willing to learn.
He and Valery are a good bro team.

I've read that irl he was good in damage control.

neither is a nuclear power plant
chernobyl was an accumulation of years and years of fuck ups

oh but it is causing the apocalypse comrade

anyone else have an extremely strong urge to look directly into the core? wtf.

im new here, is the show actually good? Have a few hours

Boris is based
I thought he'd be some typical hard headed party man that doesn't listen to reason
But he was humbled by Lagasov and listened to him and helped him
He cemented himself as best boy when he asked why he saw Graphite on the roof and used the knowledge Lagasov gave him to make his claims more credible

not great, not terrible

thats not a proper spicy rock.

3.6 roentgens out of 15000

Same. I think he kinda was lost for one moment, but when Valery tried to get the diver voluteers and totally failed, he saw "Okay I don't know shit about RBMKs but I know people." and found the right words. He really grew into his role.

Graphite is just a fancy coal for the eggheads

You're using the cheap Kinometer that maxes out at 3.6

It's great

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>Average ct scan
Am I going to get cancer?

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it's decent but they slapped too much fiction into the script. The premise that a RBMK reactor would explode is ridiculous.

What are you saying? It reads 3.6 so it's 3.6, no need to spread misinformation.

A political animal

Every time a new big series comes out, I go out and read the source material, partly to spoil others but mostly my belief that the source material is always better, yet I've been hearing great things about this show, which one should up into?

yeah, it really took me out of the experience since RBMK reactors CAN'T EXPLODE. the writers must be delusional.

It has core chan.

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how much would it take to just fucking insta kill you

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I'll go get the good Kinometer from the safe
Does anyone have the key?

Maybe try touching the core

That is very dangerous talk comrade. Very dangerous.

Something like 100,000 Sieverts would throw you instantly into a coma and kill you
This level of radiation can't be achieved on earth. Maybe if you were hit directly by a quasar

bj from core-chan

The heat would melt you first

You can do both. The creators also do an after show podcast explaining the differences between what happened irl and the show.

The ''source material'' is a somewhat recent event from a little over 30 years ago. You sound a little retarded.

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Wait this is the first Korean movie to win the Palme D'Or?

What the fuck how?

>I realize that some backwater countries might fuck things up
it's more likely than you think :

granted, it's a small 1 MegaWatt research reactor, not a power plant, but still.
2 fuel rods were stolen on two separate occasions. one was retrieved in the hands of the Italian mafia, the other was never retrieved.
In the interview, when the reporter asks how many fuel rods they have, the engineer was unable to give anything but vague answers like "many", "enough of them", or "well you see the AIEA regularlt comes to do the inventory"

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The show is faithful to the real events with the exception of the inclusion of a bielorussian character.

>spoil others
I really can't think of anything you could use as a spoiler for this show, literally everyone knows about Chernobyl, and Legasov kills himself in the first scene so even that isn't worth the spoiling

Alot of people who lived through it in the region have praised how real it all is.

They do explain on there podcast why certain things are such though, like the flashlights going out was just because it was the end of the episode, the female scientist represents alot of different scientists that helped on the project.

As long as they name a character you can open wikipedia look him up and check out how he died and why.

>watching this with friend
>he tells me europe doesn't get rendered inhabitable
>instantly stop caring

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Didn't they say that the flashlights going out really happened?

I thought the series was based on a novel that was a dramatization of the real-life events

What I was asking was if I should read the novel or watch the show


Anyone has the pic of Vasiliy and Misha finding a Droplet?

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how do they make the rods to begin with? Is it just uranium ore taken from rock and purified down into rod form?

It's directly based off the real life events. It's barely a dramatization.

But soon, it will be their moment to shine

Or be surprised that they survived.

You're probably thinking of "Voices of Chernobyl" Which is where they got a lot of their information

What mod is this? That reticle is looking NOICE

>modern Europe is not unihabitable
Clearly you've never been there

Who would have thought that BIG GUY Yuvchenko made it? I thought he was dead when the others left him behind and he started bleeding from the parts of him that touched the door but then he had a cigarette and I thought that he was dead for sure then.

If the podcast is to be believed, the flashlights went out, and they didn't even have backups. They knew the plant and felt their way along pipes in pitch black to the valves they were trying to open.

God this fucking track
The soundtrack is used so well in this show. They use it very sparingly and when they do use it, it doesn't tell you how to feel. It just accompanies the dread and anxiety you're already feeling and helps it set in

It did but they didn't have backups with cranks in real life, they did the work in the dark. The director didn't want to film with bad light though.

like stalker ost

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How much of the liquidators died?

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Idk about the old soviet ones, but generally it's pellets, put inside of small tubes, arranged into a larger cylinder.

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>pitch black
do you think the radiation gave off a little light to help them?

Yes, and the divers worked in complete darkness, by memory. But in the show they added hand-powered flashlights to film something except darkness.

>a robot
user. Too many rontgens.

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The writer had multiple sources. He got some of the civilian, emotional perspective from Voices of Chernobyl.
The screenwriter was also praising 'Midnight at Chernobyl', a book that goes into detail into the events taking place at the station and lives of the plantworkers, but insisted that it wasn't used as a source, as writing was completed before said book released.

IIRC, roughly 1 out of 4

Many of them. Many got incapacitated. Hard to tell, because deaths occured during a long period of time. There were total of 3828 bio-robots.


How tf did the divers all survive and not even develop cancers and shit?

>barely a dramatization

>Higginbotham: I’ve so far enjoyed it as a piece of drama; the production design is extraordinary, and a huge amount of effort has obviously gone into getting the period details of the costumes and settings exactly right.

>However, as you’ll know from reading Midnight In Chernobyl — which was the product of many years of on-the-ground reporting and research, eyewitness interviews and access to previously unseen archival material — the show tells a story that differs significantly from the actual events.

>In the three episodes I have seen, there’s a lot of fictionalization and exaggeration for dramatic effect. A good deal of the work I did on the book was made necessary by the questionable veracity of some of the existing English-language accounts of the disaster, and the mythology that has developed around the accident over the last thirty years: In fact, I found that the true story was in many cases more unbelievable and frightening than the version presented in these old sources, which had often got things wrong or reiterated exaggerated hearsay and myth.

The HBO drama perpetuates some of these myths, but this is a TV show, so nobody’s expecting the level of veracity required for a non-fiction book.

The same holds true of the portrayals of Scherbina and Legasov. The dialogue and the scenes used to build their personalities in the show have been made up. The characters are very broadly in line with what I know of them from talking to individuals who knew them well (I spoke to friends and colleagues of both, and to Legasov’s daughter, Inga) and from studying Legasov’s writing — but I have no evidence that any of the scenes between them in the show took place in real life.

The water wasn't as irradiated as they thought
One of them did die 9 years later
The others lived for a long time after

Fucking hell. How they were able to pull it off without suffocating in panic attacks is beyond me.

>In reality, the government commission was staffed by numerous ministers, scientists, and military officers, and deliberations took place in much larger conferences, so the real drama was larger and more complex; Legasov was not a reactor specialist, but a radiochemistry expert, so he required advice and guidance from numerous other specialists — and, as you’ll see in the book — was not as clear-cut a figure as the martyred hero portrayed on TV. The real conflict was between Legasov and another senior scientist not shown so far in the show.

>Inverse: Mazin dreamed up Ulana Khomyuk (played by Emily Watson) to be the intrepid, brave scientist from the Byelorussian Institute for Nuclear Energy. While she didn’t exist in history, Mazin has said she’s a composite of many people — and the USSR had a higher percentage of women in STEM roles than other countries. Could you comment on the women who might have inspired her character?

>Although she’s a wonderful device to guide the viewer through complex events, I’m really not sure of which scientists Emily Watson’s character might be a composite. There were several women in senior positions in the real drama who appear in Midnight In Chernobyl, but I know of no women involved at that level of the government commission.

>The nuclear scientists investigating the causes of the accident were well aware of the faults of the RBMK reactor years before the accident; two male reactor specialists came down from Moscow within 36 hours of the explosion and quickly pinpointed its probable cause. In chapter 15 of my book, you’ll see that the real investigation into the causes of the disaster began almost immediately on several fronts, and was coordinated between the KGB and the state prosecutor’s office.

The amount of autism this show has channeled is astounding

cool pic. Too bad Slotin didn't make it, but I reckon that even if he had had a twin brother they wouldn't have been able to help him as bone marrow transplants were not a thing yet

how does radiation fuck with electronics?

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tiny, tiny bullets

>There was no need for a crusading whistleblower to uncover the causes of the accident, although bringing them to public light required many years of work on the part of scientists from within the Soviet nuclear industry, ultimately under a new commission headed by a man named Nikolai Steinberg.

>Miners, engineers and subway workers were indeed drafted in to tunnel beneath the reactor, as part of a series of different efforts to control the meltdown, but perhaps not quite in the circumstances depicted. There is plenty of film and photographic footage suggesting that the miners worked clothed, not naked, and none of those I spoke to who were in or around the tunnel project at the time recalled that — although they did talk about plenty of other crazy things that did happen, of course.

>Inverse: Did a helicopter really crash when it was trying to drop the sand over the fire at Chernobyl?

>No. The helicopter crash that is, I assume, digitally recreated in the show took place in early October, long after the fire-fighting was complete, and was caused by the aircraft rotor-blades striking a chain or cable on one of the construction cranes being used to build the Sarcophagus. You can find video footage of the crash on YouTube.


It energizes components and fry them, like EMP.

And yet, that's the term that was most commonly used at the time for those RC debris-cleaning machines.

T. boomer who remembers when the cleaning operations regularly made it to the news.

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>Inverse: Did Gorbachev really give permission to kill three men who needed to venture into the radioactive plant to open a sluice gate that let water out?

>Not as far as I’m aware.

>Inverse: Did the three men volunteer for the role? It’s been described as apocryphal.

>The three men were members of the plant staff with responsibility for that part of the power station and on shift at the time the operation began. They simply received orders by telephone from the reactor shop manager to open the valves.

>The details of what’s shown in the show — diving masks, a possible several-megaton explosion — I found very gripping. But they are not true-to-life. A full account of the real operation, which was just as frightening but longer-drawn-out, is given in chapters 11 and 12 of the book.

>Inverse: Anatoly Dyatlov comes off very poorly in the miniseries; was he such a terrible person for the decisions he made? What was your reaction?

>Dyatlov was a complex individual, almost universally respected by the plant staff for his technical expertise, while also disliked by some for his manner. His decision-making could certainly be peremptory and dictatorial, so I imagine he could have been somewhat like the character in the show.

>I see him as rather more sympathetic than the Captain Bligh figure we’ve seen so far — but in the episodes I’ve seen, I don’t think we’ve yet glimpsed enough of his character to understand exactly how the show will ultimately portray him.

this picture is great, you should add the rest of the characters

>I think nuclear energy should be managed internationally rather than by nation states independently

laudable sentiment. Ultimately naive, nuclear energy is a geostrategic industry, no country is ever going to be willing to abandon sovereignty over it.

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>I’m certainly hoping there is a lot more Skarsgard-Harris in the remaining two episodes of the show. I think their scenes together are really great. More broadly, one of the chief reasons I wrote Midnight In Chernobyl was to make sure that those involved in what happened emerged as real people who had agency in events, and were not simply the familiar stereotypes of Soviet life, adrift in a grey dystopia. We’ve seen some of that sense in the show, but I’d hope for more of it in what remains.

b a r e l y a d r a m a t i z a t i o n


Literal autism

Yuvchenko is a fucking absolute unit who can tank radiation all day.
Dyatlov's constitution is off the charts and can win every roll through sheer will.

Somebody give those two guys their own reactor.

Yeah, pretty similar

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It's called Complete Mod, honestly I was too lazy to install something newer and more advanced. I'm a simple guy.

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Okay, I get it, it was just an exageration bro don't be mad lol haha thanks for the info haha

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Oh wait it's not the one I meant lol

desu it just sounds like the writer of that book wants people to read his shlock

>virgin moon traktor

Honestly, I know they needed to demonstrate the graphite, but I feel like that's the most unrealistic thing I've seen in the show so far.
>Show up to exploded building
>Hey, this rock/stone/brick looks odd! It's nothing like all the other rocks/stones/bricks in this pile, lets pick it up
Did any of the firemen actually do this?

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>Did any of the firemen actually do this?
Yes, but it wasn't Misha.

There are some neat mods out there.
In my experience though most of them have stability issues.

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Go to the source material and report to us, comrade

any true Chernobyl connoisseur shoud look into the prequels first and foremost.

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May certainly cause some uncontrollable pressure increases in my core.

do foolish people exist? yes.

The ore has to be enriched to increase the amount of u-235 first.

>Tuska's HD meme models
saw Ghost from MW2 in it once, installed instantly

yeah, but it wasn't misha. Misha pointed it out and then another person picked it up.

uninstalled* fuck lol

>We told boris to pick up the graphite and he actually did it!
>The absolute madman!

>look into the prequels
A prequel about Dyatlov being a moron in the military?

>implying you wouldn't pick this up

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Brainlet here. What's going to happen to fireman Vasily's wife? She touched Vasily on multiple occasions despite all the warnings they gave her, yet at the end of the episode she still showed no signs of sickness. I'm guessing her pregnancy will not turn out well, but will she herself be okay?

I want to fuck Graphite-Chan.

She's still alive today, but the kid died 5 days after the birth.

There's a delay, like they said. She got infected and melts too. The baby didn't melt for some reason, but she kind of dissolved around it, leaving the disfigured baby that died a few days later.

Her baby dies shortly after being born. It measured 26 Roentgon at time of birth
She had lifelong health issues including a stroke
She later remarried and had another child who also has health issues because she was irradiated by Vasily

ONLY 3.6

It's time to make a separate /RBMK/ folder, I guess

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She also seems incredibly mentally unstable
The way she talks about her child is disturbing to say the least
But who wouldn't be mentally fucked after going through what she did?

>She later remarried and had another
Daily reminder to always research the background when you start dating someone


the podcasts they said that several of the reports of what happened claimed that the flashlights went out
they also said there was a crack in the wall that was glowing and when one of them put his dosimeter against it, it maxed out

they basically had to decide for themselves what was the most credible and go with it

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Thanks guys

>touches an extremely radiated man several times
>carries a radiated offspring inside herself
How THE FUCK that bitch survived?

>26 Roentgon at time of birth
That is not possible comrade. It had 3.6 Roentgen. Not great, but not terrible

>Strap the dosimeter to the front, give him as much protection as he needs and have one of your men drive as close to the fire as he can
>But understand even with lead shielding it may not be enough
>Then I'll do it myself
Holy shit why are all of the Slavs such based Chads?
Everyone seems willing to sacrifice themselves to save their comrades

The core did explode though...

>which one should up into
into however many have been so far as to when.

How, comrade?

>ᶜᵒᵐʳᵃᵈᵉ ᴰʸᵃᵗˡᵒᵛ, ComRᴀde DʏᴀtMov... Comrade Dyatlov? COMRADE DYATLOV!!!

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She said herself that the baby saved her life
It acted as a lightning rod and took all the radiation into itself
I don't know how credible this is, this is most likely just her reasoning to help herself cope with the death of her child. To give some meaning to it's pointless death

babies are radiation sponges.

The baby died of cirrhosis and heart failure and looked normal at birth. The wife lived and is probably still alive

Then explain to us how an RBMK reactor core explode, huh?

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I loved that colonel in that scene. Balls made out of lead.

It just shows how little does she know about radiation.

turns out the reason they use water as a neutron absorbent is because it's very effective at absorbing neutrons

how can anyone not know this

>Balls made out of lead
Bet he wish they were

Explain how that is possible.

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How is every line this guy says so memeworthy?

So if you knew enough about radiation, it's easy 100 000 rubles to drain the reactor.


Why did a bratty magician interview the show's creators?

I'm starting to think this show is Commie propaganda because it's making me love the USSR
The sense of comradery and looking out for your fellow man is something that should be worldwide
Even something as simple as referring to everyone as "Comrade" shows the level of closeness

No, it didn't.

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One of the main factors was apperently that they used rebreathers the whole time. So not breathing in contaminated dust helped apperently A LOT.

All government officials are portrayed as complete retards though.

>looking out for your fellow man
That's it man. Just a circle of accountability

Retardation is preferable to the capable traitors.

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>babies are radiation sponge
So why didn't USSR used babies to clean the radiation off the roof at the Core's plant?

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Sure the government was fucked and incompetent
But imagine if the entire world had the mindset that the average Soviet citizen had

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>She also seems incredibly mentally unstable
>The way she talks about her child is disturbing to say the least

You sound really young.

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because radiation is actually electromagnetic radiation


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Semen retention is the key to survive. Tiny, tiny babies.


Not her first child. That's completely understandable and a justified reaction
The level of attachment she has to her second child is unhealthy though. The death of her child obviously scarred her very deeply and now we can't stand to even be apart from her second child for a literal second

jesus christ

graphite a SHIT
bauxite bros ww@

Wyman power.

>and now we
I'm rarted

I'm staying in tonight, like always. We should watch the BBC's Zero Hour: Chernobyl documentary. Also, pls post more Soviet music video Kino

That's so sad. I am crying :/

Fucking hell man this shit looks more disturbing than pizzafied Vasiliy

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Okay, noted comrade.

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Yes, i’ve been waiting for it the entire week

bauxite gives birth to rubies and sapphires
what has graphite ever done for us?!

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If only you knew how bad things really are



>that damage
Dyatlov, please

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You can make diamonds out if it

Industrial diamonds.

>mfw I did everything right

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>yfw you have no face


bruh did it really take you 8 hours to get to my level?
yes I've been here for 8 hours

Akimov undeniably did things wrong
But was he a victim of Dyatlov's leadership?
What if he just told Dyatlov to go fuck himself and they refused to do an unsafe test?

They'd go to infirmary.

Dyatlov would throw him out, get him a job in Siberia and do the test the same night with someone else in Akimov's position.

>What if he just told Dyatlov to go fuck himself and they refused to do an unsafe test?

1. Gulag
2. Dyatlov would have accidentally the whole reactor anyway

I cant belive this, you autist waifu nuclear reactor.
I love this place.

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good shit lmao

What if the entire staff refused? He can't Gulag all of them
Surely at some point while manually removing every single control rod and turning off the safeties they all must have thought "This isn't right"

Pizza mans red face always gets me. Fuck.


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wtf stone and brick are radioactive?

>He can't Gulag all of them
Of course he can. If they all refused he may even have them get shot for treason when the higher ups hear of it. Welcome to the USSR.

You are radioactive.

Nearly everything gives off at least a tiny bit of radiation

Dyatlov would definitely make things worse for Akimov.

No, you're delusional. Go to the infirmary NOW!

Bananas are radioactive, too.

Radiation is nothing more than neutrons leaving an element. All matter is radioactive. But most matter is so stable, that the neutrons leaving the element are insignificant and immeasurable. Reactor fuel is highly unstable, and gives off lots of neutrons.

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It was 1986, not 1946.

An entire staff of Nuclear engineers firing squad'd because they refused to carry out unsafe tests?
Surely if an entire staff is saying "Nah this shit is fucked" even the party men of the USSR would listen and think maybe Dyatlov is wrong

If dyatlov was adamant about super-testing the reactor core (lowering power to 200mw instead of following the 700-1000 parameters), then it would've likely happened either way.
Or maybe the few people who knew about the control rod design flaw would've had more time to point out to the state that in certain situations, shit could go wrong.



Nuclear fuel gets hot
Cooled by water
Water heated into steam
Steam turns turbine
Turbine turns generator
Too hot=bad