Films with these themes?
Films with these themes?
Literally Brightburn.
>the lines
Some edgy, lame teenager drew this in his all-the-way-back-in-the-corner seat.
Cringe but redpilled
What’s with these horrible cartoonists who are also incels/femcels? They all have a similar style. It really is mental illness and a lack of development, isn’t it?
Why the brand clothing?
i wonder what she looks like irl
She’s black.
post pics nigga
This is true but cringe. Roasties please leave the thread.
There are none AFAIK. She just says she’s black IRL.
Based drawing
Feels good to be mgtow.
Women in general are very artistically unaesthetic, even normalfag ones with this "Live, Laugh, Love" shit and all of the ugly hearts and love signs and shit. Incels are just men that society has made too feminine to succeed in courting women and it reflects in their art.
Another 3/10 that ignores male 3/10's because she daydreams about a 6/10 and then says she feels lonely
reminds me of Yea Forums
Beautiful in all sizes! (except men under 6ft)
>it's the incels fault and not tinder
What's a netty?
What exactly is wrong with hypergamy?
It’s a cope.
Me in the back left
>no one is owed love or a partner
love this one. Meanwhile a post wall roastie not being hit on makes the news, or how we "must talk" about disabled and elderly people having sex, because is so important for their health. Or immigrants being inserted in the dating pool. Or teenage celibacy not being proposed as a contraceptive method.
fantastic image
Life isn't fair, girls...
Lol they used to draw sonic the hedgehog but those games fell by the wayside so now the retards of the world draw about being an incel or draw about being a tranny
>hugo ross
>gigachad meme
This is some supreme redpilled cringekino.
>At home, on Reddit
God I couldn't help but smile during all the murder scenes. I think the next time I watch it, I'm going to take it a step further and start laughing with my psycho laugh.
It makes people unhappy
Which level have you unlocked, bros?
Fuck roasties.
Females can't properly run society, much less any sort of small female clique. Guys are and have been the only way for a society to function correctly and have the most amount of people happy and productive.
seriously who tf makes these
imagine being this low
Have Sex: The Motion Picture
That’s exactly why hypergamy is good “the action of marrying a person of a superior caste or class.” Top quality males continue to run society and their wives are doing their roles and kept happy therefore quiet.
Ashkenazi here
Who's side am I supposed to be on?
You're confusing the literal definition of the word for how it's being used here.
whoever made this image is a mongoloid faggot burger king doesn't toast sandwiches god this pisses me off SO fucking much
>women are artistically unaesthetic
Have sex with toddlers.
Why is the qt Asian waifu a 1
I'll take it
It’s just an incel meme to cope with their own lack of talent.
>Women in general are very artistically unaesthetic
I hate women but this is far from true. They can't draw cars for shit though.
They can't drive them either
What is supposed to be the message here?
>Mr. Incel Man
>M and e bolded
I see what he did there
It ends society and ends up in mass murders and rapes
>taking a deliberately ugly chink
This is what yellow fever does to you. Pathetic.
It’s based on an incel’s reddit post about a cute girl toasting his order even when he told her not to because it would be too much effort.
Women are not being honest with men.
Then explain all the men in media being divorced for cheating on their spouses? It's almost like this isn't a one-way street!
So... ugly girls are easy to deal with?
It's about the double standards incels harbor towards women.
>wow, she doesn't want to have sex with me because I'm ugly? fucking WHORE!!!
>wow, she actually expects me to have sex with her despite me being more attractive? fucking WHORE!!!
Taking any pill is a “blue pill” because you’re letting some faggots on the internet dictate your life
What? The point is that he was over the moon because some cute girl was near him while his other posts largely consisted of insulting women’s looks.
Why do women pretend to be sad about mass shootings done by incels when its their fault they happen in the first place?
>no officer, it was Stacey's fault I shot all those people! she wouldn't let me rape her!!!
So, the comic was drawn by a female incel... complaining about male incels...
>btw goyim I'm a jew teehee
Fuck off retard
Its literally her fault though she won't fulfill her one purpose (spreading her hole) to stop a mass shooting despite how easy it is for her to do so.
have sex
There's no such thing as female incels. When was the last time you heard about a woman shooting up a school?
Why do dumb frogposters think their opinions count?
Literally how is “the action of marrying a person of a superior caste or class” bad at all
Courts almost always side with women when dealing with maternal or assault issues you fucking mongoloid, and a lot of women have figured this out and use it to their advantage.
It's called black propaganda. It's what you give the retards in your political movement to do as busywork.
literally American Psycho
>men are allowed to be dishonest and cheat on their spouses because the courts punish them for it!
Uhh, wow, you're really not painting a good picture here.
doesnt this happen both ways? 3/10 men shitting on 3/10 women because they want their 10/10 goddess
the internet and social media was western society's biggest mistake, we'll never recover from this misstep
I will fuck niggers up for taking my woman.
>All short men should be tortured and hanged
>I hate racists but I hate short men even more
I haven't measured myself since I was a teenager. What if I'm short?
Don't do it, user. It's better to not know..
based radical centrist! both sides are so fucking stupid, why can't they acknowledge your superiority?
No one said they were dishonest or cheating. In fact, it's almost always the women doing it. Learn 2 read.
>doesnt this happen both ways?
Do you want to collapse society? Because that’s how you collapse society lol.
>it's almost always the women doing it
Weird, I could've sworn the media features almost exclusively men doing nasty shit? Guess you're right and all women are whores, now go back to jacking off to Asian women creep!
Normies want their 10/10 cum dumpster. Robots just want someone to cuddle up with someone and spend the rest of their lives with them, any sex being a bonus.
Do you not go to the doctor?
what the fuck nigga just move your arm and leg under and away from the chain you ain't even tied down
>believing the jew media
based retard
i still have no idea how to read the chart on the right
>femcels are a real thing
>looks and personality graph
Uh oh
w2c his fit
based mgtow!
The people who would be called "incel" in the future on Yea Forums are the ones who came up with 2/10 would not bang
>all these courts ruling in favor of women is a conspiracy to keep down men!
Just go back to /pol/ already, you've given yourself away. You're not wanted here.
I just want a woman who is capable of independent thought. Pretty much all women are terrified to think for themselves and they instead adhere to these big monolithic ideologies that are purposefully tailored to exploit people. You can never have a meaningful relationship with someone like that. It's like trying to marry a scientologist.
>be incel
>shoot up school
>women immediately start lining up to fuck you
Yea Forums is a /pol/ colony white boy, now take this entire bottle of redpills or die.
“Personality” is just another word for looks. Looks are the only thing that matter to women.
"incel" is the new "MRA" for leftist cuck boys. they use it to try to curry favor with feminists (to no avail) and to cope with the fact that leftists are the true incels
dang so women can be funny. Just only when making fun of short men
Burger King toasts things?
Not really.
>Edgar Allen Poe
Fuck, that got me.
you should look up all the divorce cases where women sue to get a man's degree divded as marital property
I think it refers to buying expensive clothes in order to try to 'ascend'.
s-shut up
women love my wokeness
women are a meme
its all so tiring
>but muh Yea Forums
That board is full of some of the most normie faggots. They like acting like they're oddballs by spamming shit and gore, but I think they'd be surprised to find out once they graduate from high school that they're like everyone else.
>leftists are the true incels
Then why do women hate right wingers so much?
>denying that women play life on easy automatic mode
lol retard
Literally me
>being anything less than 9 on looks alone gets you a 1
Painfully true
>tipping at a burger king
>toasting at a burger king
I think it's safe to say this person has never their home.
Holy shit, fucking based and redpilled levels that theoretically shouldn't even be possible
Women hate white men, and conservatism is the only mainstream political group that doesn’t completely hate white men (conservatism still favours women but doesn’t go as far misandrist as leftism does)
Therefore they hate conservatism
>Hey , we have a few classes together... I just wanted to tell you... I think you're genuinely beautiful inside and out. You're thoughtful, humble and kind. You're always there for me when I need you. I feel like you truly understand me... Will you be my valentine?
I am pretty sure if you said this to a girl you had classes with, at least in a western country, there is a high chance you would get suspended for sexual harrassment and become a social leper.
They don’t. They say they do publicly but right leaning men tend to be more attractive and there are even articles about “gosh why do I keep hooking up with trump supporters?” Women are a complete fucking meme and their little soiguzzling “male” leftist pets are even more pathetic.
>it's respectable for men to sleep with lots of women but not the other way around
Ask me how I know you're an incel.
That's not how it works brainlet
>have until your 40's before your T starts falling
>tfw that's a decade away from me
>still a virgin
Finally someone said it. How hard is it to give out pity sex?
Instead women would rather have men sulk in their loneliness for years until they explode, just because he “wasn’t good looking enough.” Women truly are evil.
lock and key bud
Based roasties. Manlets, when will they learn?
>competition is a conspiracy
>male run society versus female run society
Most women are children trapped inside an adult body. They were put on this earth for one reason only, procreation. They were never meant to leave the home other than grocery shopping or running a few small errands. The feminist kikes completely fucked with the natural order of our species by telling women they are strong and independent who don't need no man. Now depression and drug use has completely skyrocketed with millennium girls so they turn to drugs, drinking and partying to fill the empty void in their lives. "Women" now are sad pathetic beings who can't hold a candle to their mothers/grandmothers. Apparently the next generation of kids are more conservative than the last generation so there might still be hope.
No you wouldn't.
I'm married and have children you retarded roastie.
Imagine being this delusional.
There’s no correlation between men’s amount of sexual partners and detrimental things affecting their life in the future. Just about every bad thing under the sun correlates positively with the amount of females sex partners. Sorry that biology isn’t fair sometimes. Now go have sex faggot.
End of Evangelion
is there internet making people mentally ill or are there more mentally ill people on the internet? people weren't this fucked up in the 1990s
you gents ready for Operation BlackPill?
>leftist sissyboys from SF are what women really want!
You’re completely brainwashed.
hugo boss
The latter, internet is more accessible these days.
>grew off the "blackpill" years ago
>still post blackpill shit because zoomers eat it up like candy and It makes me feel like a cult leader
what is this webm
There was a higher barrier to entry back then, even during the immediate aftermath of Eternal September. Social Media unironically seriously fucked up the net for good. It's the ultra ease of access that allowed to flood of retard hoards into what was generally a more "exclusive" place to get into, and generally if you were able to find your way there, you were able to contain yourself and not be a retarded retard fuck on the net as in real life.
it's true, they want tall handsome successful white guys and those type of guys are almost always republican voters
Men actually bring more to a relationship than their looks and fertility
The only tall handsome successful white guys I see on TV are liberal comedians.
t. soiguzzling leftist feminist pet
It won’t get you laid incel.
Literally the 2 reasons why women haven’t been exterminated yet
Sam Raimi Spiderman 4
>Virginity ratio of unmarried Japanese women
age 18-19 74.5%
age 20-24 64.5%
age 25-29 32.6%
age 30-34 31.3%
age 35-39 33.4%
How many orgies have you staged so far?
>incel calling others incel
Ever notice how all those school shooters are angry white virgin males who support Trump?
You're not wanted here.
If you are 6+ feet tall, not fat or ugly and white you can pretty much just have your pick of the litter in japan
>reddit spacing incel STILL thinks posting like this will get him laid
oh no no NO
The problem here is that Yea Forums is populated (aside from neets) by STEMlords failed normalfags. You have to make friends outside of STEMspergs or you will always be a sad sack of shit.
Society as a whole is going down the shitter, cracking at the seams, and it's starting to show with people's behavior. A lot are probably not going to be aware of it, because they've been so successfully conditioned to be good little wageslaves, but their behavior betrays them.
I have a long term gf and I didn’t vote in 2016. Keep being a good little white knight pet, I’m sure you’re just about to lose your virginity! Also, shitskins aren’t welcome here so fuck off and HAVE SEX.
nice reddit spacing
is the message that if these women can't land 9s or 10s life isn't worth living? I mean there is even a 6 with a 1 key... wtf just take him
The absolute state
Raised by single mother = democrat
He’s the nigger that always puts a reddit space after his post quote
Like this
it is respectable, because a man needs to put in effort to get laid, but women getting laid isnt an accomplishment, getting fucked is easier than restraint and chastity, so women who receive male attention but resist it are putting in effort and are respected, men who cant get laid are not trying and indicates cowardice and are not respected
>my only counter argument is a meme
Hilarious. Go back to /pol/.
ah, it's drawn by a man, got it!
If sex is no big deal it should be fine right? Women are basically doing the equivalent of watching somebody drown except worse because tons of people die.
If they don't want to be murdered, give sex. Simple as.
Black people aren’t human.
This is a troll
is it kino?
>y-axis is the dependent variable, x-axis the independent
better looks = better "personality", in other words no one likes you for your personality.
Unless you are the top 5% of males in terms of looks you are a cuck if you support the current social system of dating and female liberation.
Even if you are not an incel and you have sex from time to time you are still getting fucked over
kino age
This. Got laid last weekend and would gladly remove women’s rights and freedoms.
what's goin on here?
Yikes my guy
well, but the right chart applies to both genders
It makes it easy for the deranged losers to congregate and share ideas.
Do you really think shit like bronies would have taken off without the internet?
So the guilt is on some random woman, not the killer? This is an incredible degree of autism.
There is a direct correlation between how people rate a person's personality, and how they rate their looks. That means that people subconciously like attractive people more, and dislike unnatractive people, entirely based on how they look, not how they act.
Ban Anime on the west and you literally fix half of the problem.
Prove me wrong
the internet gives mentally ill people a booming voice, they form communities of similar mentally ill people and tell themeslves that they aren't wrong, it's other people
The reason that marriage is a part of religions was to suppress womens’ natural urge for hypergamy. Before civilization I think 17 women for every one man reproduced. You can’t have a functioning society with shit like that going on, nobody is going to cooperate with each other. We are seeing right before our eyes what happens with women’s “liberation” and when they get the right to vote. The society collapses, murder rates, suicides and drug use all go up. Ironically women aren’t even as happy as they were in the 60’s being a housewife. So much for women’s “liberation.”
Hugo Boss is associated with Nazis and we all know incels is just another term for that
>ban women voting in the west and you'll literally fix 90% of the problem
>this is a complete shocker to normies
They really are animals. They cannot even explain or understand their own behavior, they literally need trained scientists who've spent thousands of dollars to go to a college and get a degree, wasting countless years and going through rigorous training to get certificates, to tell them why they do what they do.
What does this guy have against Devo?
Asian women literally CANNOT resist the BWC. They will literally all go into a frenzy as soon as one is detected within a city wide radius of themselves. It has gotten so bad, their government has declared a state of emergency, and now bans all future white bois from ever setting foot on their shores lest they risk women stampeding over each other to wrap their delicious Asian mouths all over the guy's dick.
>By most objective measures the lives of women in the United States have improved over the past 35 years, yet we show that measures of subjective well-being indicate that women’s happiness has declined both absolutely and relative to men.
Almost as if being forced out of natural family life into a soulless corporate environment makes women unhappy.
Semi on-tangent here's a woman's romantic "poetry" . Tutorial mode shit.
People think that earlier western civilization was evil because they suppressed women. You think they were all just sitting there twirling their mustaches and laughing like a comic book villain actively suppressing women? People like to think in 2019 the average person is smarter but people like the founding fathers knew exactly what they were doing when they said only white men who owned property could vote. It wasn’t about being evil, it was about wanting a functioning society. The early westerners knew shit like women voting was a terrible idea.
>What? Go with YOU to the prom!? LMAO look at the little dick incel! What a loser! Did you really think anyone would EVER be attracted to YOU? Just kill yourself you no-friends faggot.
>w-w-wait... what are you doing? I was.. just kidding! Yeah! Just a joke user! N-NO PLEASE STOP, DON'T, STO- *BLAM BLAM*
World War Z
Based and revolution pilled
Yes women share the majority of responsibility because if they gave out pity fucks, this wouldn’t happen. It’s simple as that.
I like to call it “evolutionary happiness.” The things that truly make us happy like family and connections with others or raising children is what made us happy since the dawn of civilization. Now people are just consumers who think a new car will make them happy and even if it does for a week it’s just a fucking car. Women aren’t as happy because they aren’t raising children which is fulfilling to them. tl; dr: jews
Banning anime makes everyone sexually attractive suddenly?