You’ll never be as cool as Myers

You’ll never be as cool as Myers

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That's where you're wrong kiddo

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Jason is a deformed retard. Myers is a Chad

atleast I have sex unlike him

incels aren't cool and slasher movies are incel power fantasies

Myers could have sex if he wanted. That’s what’s fucked up about him. Good looking, nice upbringing, decent parents, yet he gets off killing people

Myers fucked his niece bro. Impregnated her too.

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Pic related Michael is as cool as a deformed midget dick. Halloween 2018 sucked monkey balls.

Which mask was the best?

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He's pretty based isn't he.

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>be one of the millions of people with the exceedingly common name of Michael Myers
>forever have that franchise brought up to you every day

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Is the new Halloween worth a watch?

yah, Jamie Lee Curtis force feeds Mikey Activa yogurt so he shits himself to death instead of relying on guns to kill him


>deformed mama's boy

>seething Michaelcels

Halloween 1 and 2 are the best masks

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If it makes you feel any better, I loved you in Shrek and Austin Powers.

Original all the way, it looks the most like an emotionless face whereas later variations kind of miss the point of it being "The Shape".

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Nick Castle also added a very creepy movement to Myers

She better do a nude scene in the next one

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Heh your name is Michael Myers? Hey where’s your mask pal! Hey don’t stab me man! Have you seen Halloween before?

Could have worse name.