Do you have your fingers in your ears? It's a chip n dip

Do you have your fingers in your ears? It's a chip n dip.

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Reddit thread for a reddit show.


>male masculinity is toxic: the television flick

We got two

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It was a gift!

Imagine bringing a .22 into a NYC office building these days.

I thought it was just a child's BB or pellet gun, to show his immaturity.

The King ordered it!

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>under age: the post

The King of the Republic of Dresses?

It's a Marlin Model 25 rifle. It has a visible magazine and a bolt.

>Marlin Model 25 rifle
No shit? Well I learned something

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He really was our guy

If Mad Men were set today Pete would have traded the chip'n'dip for a Nintendo Switch

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>all those scenes in his office with it leaning on the table
>walks out with it at the end of s3 when they're taking all their things
Based continuity

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Jesus, that guy looks 16 years old.

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I've never seen mad men but the red head on the very top right is God tier 10/10


>When it went away, he was heartbroken. And then he realized everything he already had was not right either, and that was why it had happened at all, and that his life with his family was some temporary bandage on a permanent wound.

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surprising lack of titcow

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those janglers have a mind of their own

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I don't want to say this was jumping the shark, but his moment was a bit ridiculous and out of tone with most of the series, exaggerated puking aside.

Do you have your fingers up your ears ?
Its a feed and seed

>married to a woman
>constantly talking about attractive women
>politely turn down a gay man at a bar/restaurant and refuse to go to his room
>bellboy kisses you but you are so traumatized that you cant move, almost raped up the ass, refuse to talk about it because you are uncomfortable with it because its disgusting
>get felt up by luckie's son and are so disgusted by it that you throw a can at the wall afterwards.

>Yea Forums thinks you are gay

Why cant you discord trannies just accept sal was straight???

No, this is from Chuck's.

Wow. She used to be an attractive human.

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did anybody else this to be forshadowing of him commiting suiside?

Do you have your fingers in your ears? It's a Feed n Sneed.

>Thought he actually made it twoards the end
>See how he treats his senil mother

He was a man of his time, i get it. But its real shit to see a grown ass man loose his cool over his demented mother


milk trucc arrives

i was also wondering what bad shit would happen with the gun, but nothing did

With a bb gun?

It was a reference to the lack of OSHA in the 60s