>we never got to hear about her tax policy
It hurts.
>we never got to hear about her tax policy
It hurts.
Her tax policy was love.
How do I stop being in love with her, lads? I can't take being so far from her
Live your life every day in honor of her ideals and virtues user
is this the thread
>you'll never call her Mhysa Emilia
Why bother living
I know Jon the Fag did that for the "greater good" and shit, but I cannot digest it. I just can't. It was a complete dick move, perfect for a traitorious bastard.
In such fantasy universe I'd burn the entire city twice just to rule the world with her.
Communism is her policy
Stabbing her while kissing is actually the most disgusting part. He had to surprise her and hurt her at her most emotionally vulnerable.
More like monarchist
You can clearly see she falling in confusion when stabbed, she doesn't have idea of what is happening
That was a coward movie
>no kelly c wife
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Repost this if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ you are a beautiful strong khaleesi ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ who don’t need no man ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The biggest dick move is that they don't even give her any last words. No final thoughts, no closure on how her character perceives what is going on around her, just off one of the main heroes of the entire series in the very last episode with no resolution to their character.
>just off one of the main heroes of the entire series
Reminder that there is nothing wrong with instituting an absolute monarchy to dismantle feudalism.
D&D tried to trick us into defending the rich and powerful who are born into positions of power and wealth and who see the rest as barely above animals, see the lords laughing at the suggestion of democracy
Cutest psycho!
>The biggest dick move is that they don't even give her any last words
Not even a fuckin "Why...?" to show how lost she was. It would be cliché yes, but at least it would give some hints about her personality and feelings at this very moment
Giant tourney, winner gets to spend a day with her.
What would you make her last word/s be?
>J-jon... why
Democracy is a false god Fuck you commie
She did nothing wrong, unironically.
>I'm pregn...
You can try
>Our.. baby
>/ecg/ has lasted two days over multiple threads without the jannies deleting it
Has emilia defeated the jannisters?
>aaggghh.... save me greyworm....
I'm.. so.. cold
The purple eyes are so incredible
Fuckkkk :(
Maybe just not calling the title a 'general' helps
Emilia a cute! A CUTE.
Literally no one in a position of power in westeros gives a shit about peasants, they're all hypocrites for pretending they care after Dany burns a few thousand
I just wish they hadn't made her so remorseless and cold so it'd at least be difficult for us and for Jon to kill her. Like have her obviously realize she fucked up and know she's on the edge of insanity and asking for Jon's help, that with her by his side she'll do good, that she can recover from this and do better next time. But Jon can't just be fine with the deaths of all those people and Sansa not bending the knee and everyone else being outraged and angry at her will only tip her further and further till even Jon will be seen as a traitor and unable to rein her in, so he's doing a mercy. And have him say he's sorry over and over again as she dies.
1st for Viserys, rightful heir to the Iron Throne.
Best season eva please
post queens who are alive
The north...is a shithole
It would be kino if Drogon was about to kill Jon after she got stabbed and she order him to stop. Loving Jon until the death
The only thing you should care about is
>Fuck all those taxable peasants are gone
please let me get a better oen this time
Does that even matter when you have an illiterate master of coin
>given a second chance, I'd do it all again, Jon
>[Drogon incinerates them both]
F I R E &
B L O O D &
Waiting patiently for neo-Nazis to adopt Targ[aryan] symbolism so that seething nomie danyfags have to disown her
>We should have stayed at the waterfall...
Honor is for the dead. The living do what is necessary.
God please no.
Nah, too obvious a reference to Ygritte. That shit got on my nerves in episode 1
*steals you waifu*
The ending that was promised
her last words were the best of any character
>Be with me. Build the new world with me, this is our reason. It has been since the beginning when you were a little boy with a bastard's name, and I was a little girl who couldn't count to twenty. We do it together, we break the wheel together
>The purple eyes are so incredible
Did this the other day. Maybe I should do some more
Only if it drove Jon to suicide
Holy shit, this is amazing, please do more
Fixed roll
>You wish now that our places had been exchanged. That I had died and Viserys had lived.
>Yes. I wish that.
>that seething nomie danyfags have to disown her
Normies already did that after E05
>one week since my Queen is gone
>first weekend without my Queen
How do we cope, bros?
00 pls
Rolling for any emilia, cos they're all amazing
>tfw no boyfriend
>Dany is so full of love and kindness for Jon that she couldn't even comprehend the idea that he might betray her
Life is suffering
alright, it'll be later, though
settling on the right intensity for the purple is difficult, especially in heavily colour graded scenes. I'm tempted to not only make them purple but also shift them to be a bit lighter.
>The horror....The horror...
She deserved better
Imagine liking a psycho bitch lmao
Glad she's dead
Good stuff my friend
you forgot
>Lost her mind
So I'm rewatching the first season. I really miss Sean Bean, lads. He was so good as Ned Stark.
>"Tywin won the support of the wealthy merchants by reducing tariffs on shipping to Oldtown, Lannisport and King's Landing, which increased trade."
Based Tywin
Slay the jannies, slay the sansaposters, slay the jonposters, but harm no stannisposter. Strike the chains off any banned danyposter you see!
Based Lannister Liberals
She was basically a stalinist.
yeah, it's so fucking good
>they were too fucking lazy to dye his hair black
>le seed is strong
>I cannot digest it
Same. There's just something so fucked about it. Even the way it's directed is off- Honestly, I'm disgusted by that scene. What a horrible turn for both of those great characters.
>What does Dany do while waiting for Jon Snow to arrive?
>Photoshoot on the shores of Dragonstone.
Controversial opinion: Emilia is cute and funny but Dany is a boring shitty character
Me on the right
Tywin really was the GOAT
>quits cause robert wants to kill dany
>keeps his targ nephew's birth a secret for his whole life
He is /ourguy/
Not controversial, Emilia was always top tier but Dany in Essos was fucking boring
It's called character growth. Ned dyed because of his "morals". Jon learned from his "father"'s mistake, and realized that sometimes a man has to compromise his morals for the greater good.
Quads don't lie. I never cared for Dany or her story. It seemed so far removed from everything else that was going on.
Emila, on the other hand, is as adorable as anyone can get.
>user, you will do as I command and you will marry Daenarys Targaryen, the Mad Queen, and put an end to the ridiculous destruction of King's Landing once and for all. You will wed her, bed her, and put a child in her. Surely you are capable of that.
How would based Tywin have handled Dany coming for King's Landing?
Who are we supposed to side with when given the choice between the cutest psycho or /ourguy/?
quads tell the truth
Tywin would have died with dignity defending his house and its honor, a good and glorious death
That's alright. I didn't start liking her until season 7. Or to be more accurate I was largely indifferent of her for the first six seasons, aside from a few kino scenes here and there like this one:
He would have married one of his sons to her and continued to rule Westeros from the background, like he'd been doing for years.
>The purple eyes are so incredible
Yeah. Make you wish she had them.
Goddd, I want to print that picture and have her sign it
>obscuring those beautiful green eyes
>It seemed so far removed from everything else that was going on.
It was, it's weird to think about but if you remove Dany from the story, not much is really affected.
If Dany just stayed in Essos, Reach and Dorne can ally and assault or starve King's Landing, take it, maybe Olenna has some Tyrell granddaughter or some cousin of Mace's somewhere to marry to one of the Snakes and take the throner or call for a great council.
Jon goes to get dragonglass since no one is at dragonstone. Gets back with it, Night King is either stuck beyond the Wall or gets through some other way, they still can't hold Winterfell but Arya still takes down the Night King. Tyrells and dorne won't give a shit about the North and can join the Great Council.
Dany and her dragons were of no true consequence except letting the night king through. that's it, didn't stop the wights, didn't kill any Walkers, didn't kill the Night King or weaken him, didn't kill the undead dragon. Nothing
It's like Jon's entire characterization up until that point switched from one of honor to one of convenience and means to an end which is exactly why Dany killed all those innocent people. Somehow, when Jon makes the decision to kill Dany in the way that he does, he places himself in a similar, if not worse, immoral position. It would've been entirely different if Jon voiced his concerns and revealed that he couldn't let Dany continue as she had- to let her know of his deadly intentions, but we get none of that. Jon killed Dany in probably the most dishonorable ways you could ever kill someone. It should've happened like that. Dany's nothing without her dragon and he was alone with her. I would have preferred that he strangled her to death- at least there's a struggle, intentions revealed, and the understanding between both parties of what's going to happen.
totally random rollan
fugg it
Her snapping and razing King's Landing is stills strange to me. Emilia says Dany is a broken woman whose known great loss all her life, and so does it because winning isn't enough. This make sense to you?
Was Dany the ultimate a villain is a hero for the other side?
No, I think she's just trying to rationalize it like everyone else is. D&D have no explanation except it being "personal" because she sees the Red Keep, even though that makes no sense, and that's she's a Targaryen, which in their mind means she can snap anytime
And checked
they're blue with some brown around the pupil
Emilia is an actress, not a writer. Who gives a shit what she says her character's motivation is.
Dany snapped and killed everyone because she was power hungry and insane for goddamn near the entire series, and the brainlet fans refused to see it
>Was Dany the ultimate a villain is a hero for the other side?
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
>Surely you are capable of that.
Y-yes my lord....
What is she going to do to Jon when she's resurrected?
brunette > blonde
>It would've been entirely different if Jon voiced his concerns and revealed that he couldn't let Dany continue as she had- to let her know of his deadly intentions
Oh, so you're one of those autists who needs to have every motivation explained in clear text.
It was Viserys' fault. He was the one who originally implanted the ideas in her head about birthright and how the Throne is all that matters. She was a nice girl living in a home with a red door and lemon tree before that.
Big thanks to everyone posting nice pics of Emilia. You guys are good people. We're all going to make it.
Peg his ass
>valar morghulis ...
Even if I think she looks better with dark hair, that's a beautiful shot.
Cry some more. My brother was a big meanie and that's why i led two foreign hordes into "my" country and slaughtered everyone in the capital.
Bobby should have killed her as a teenager
Going to watch solo tonight boys
And lo the taxes on all sales in licensed markets shall be a flat rate of 7%!
An extra 3% shall thereby be placed on goods incoming from Essos, and the Iron Isles, who refuse to join our free trade treaty!
Exemptions may be made for goods used for military or religious purposes!
But there must be a record of every sale and every property transfer and every donation, less thou shall be in violation of the Queen's Revenue Service, and be subject to swift justice!
There shall be no income tax, given that it is robbery and punishes hard work!
>We're all going to make it.
There are only 1 Emilia.
>dragons have a strong connection to magic
>he'll fly straight to a red temple in Essos
it all makes sense now
traitor, im very upset
mfw we share a birthday
I hope you won't find it too boring
Relax, I was simply pointing out where the 'crazy' came from
You're welcome, user.
She's lucky she didn'y get killed by turion or jonny when she was standing at the top of those stairs.
>and put a child in her.
we have a saying in Poland: "Baba bez bolca dostaje pierdolca",
which means that woman without dick goes crazy.
Dany got crazy, because she has no child to care for and avoid risks (like a global conquest).
>dragons also make magic around them stronger
>Melly was at her strongest near the wall in the books
>base Kinvara as head Priestess is already better than her
Dany's gonna be back and fertile with no ugly scar
endless war to "liberate" the world, endless taxes
It should have been done as Brienne took out Stannis, Jon announcing that he is going to kill her.
The fagstab is off character.
That was pretty ballsy of David and Dan to rip off Marvel like that
No. I think what makes Jon's killing of Dany so repugnant is the deception involved. Unlike Dany murdering innocents in KL, there was no deception- it was just straight up death and everyone knew it was coming because everyone knew she fucking dragons. With Jon, Dany doesn't get any sort of warning. It is abrupt, final, and irrevocable ... and she loved him. To be honest, I think Jon's character took a larger hit than Dany's even though she kills 300k people.
It's a pretty standard action film, but Emilia does well with the part she's given. She has a scene near the end of the movie that's really good when she's speaking to a familiar face.
That would have been fantastic, imagine Jon going mad and literally be a husk of himself by when they go to free him
>It should have been done as Brienne took out Stannis,
>"we shouldve never left that waterfall up north..."
fuckin kek
October 23rd, or around there? I think she mentioned it in the vid where she's answering questions from Google searches.
Jon was utterly ruined in season 8 even before he killed Dany, he's probably the character most screwed over and it's clear he was neutered because Mad Dany wouldn't work if he was in character. They had to kill Jorah off to do it, but Jon they couldn't kill so they reduced him to Ah dun wan it and muh qween
>We should have stayed a thousand years
>has a literal army surrounding her and a dragon flying overhead
>Durr, let's kill her now Turin.
>cant count to 20
shes so cute
Holy shit her birthday is one day before mine
>"We had come late to Robert's cause. It was necessary to demonstrate our loyalty. When I laid those bodies before the throne, no man could doubt that we had forsaken House Targaryen forever. And Robert's relief was palpable. As stupid as he was, even he knew that Rhaegar's children had to die if his throne was ever to be secure. Yet he saw himself as a hero, and heroes do not kill children"
Emphasis House Lannister had forsaken the Targs FOREVER,Tywin knows there is turning back at this point
This would be the most likely thing to happen, reminds me when Kevan suggests that Joffrey flee to Casterly Rock,and Tywin answers angrily "Surrender the Iron Throne? He's a Lannister, he will stand and fight!"
She stronk for someone her size
>Dany says this
>But she's also a powerhungry maniac
D&D please
Girls with her eyelids usually have tight pussies.
Fuck s8 Jon and fuck D&D!
she is sweet but psycho
10/23 baby it's on her Wikipedia page
roll for the most based one
Wait, why did Jon think killing Dany would suddenly stop all her soldiers from destroying shit?
The ambition to take the seven kingdoms is one thing they'd need Dany for, but the drive to pillage and rape would still drive the Dothraki to do stuff. And good luck getting them to get on a ship again across the poison sea. With no leader and Jon not knowing what a bloodrider is, for all he knows the Dothraki would just start rampaging and fucking things up anyway in a much less controlled way than Dany would've had them do. He also has no idea of the atrocities Grey Worm could have the Unsullied do out of vengeance, after all, he threw a spear at a guy even though there were no orders
You gave me the Seven Kingdoms!
[Dragon roar]
So, was it ashes or snow?
>Sansa acts like a cunt for no real reason and spreads Jon's secret five minutes after swearing to secrecy
>Bran apparently planned everything out and allowed thousands to die as part of his keikaku. All so he could become the Autist King
What the fuck is wrong with St*rks?
tywin changes sides depending on who is winning. he wouldve sided with dany and told cersei to end this madness
Just watched Voice from the Stone.
It had good technical aspects like cinematography, set design/costume, lighting, and the acting was great. If I had seen this before S8 I probably wouldn't have been as surprised by Emilia's improvement as an actress and also makes it more of a shame we got like 10 mins of screen time of mad Dany because she does mad good in this movie. She also speaks Italian and there's a sex and a fapping scene.
But it's boring AS FUCK. Literally only gets going in the last like 20 mins, pacing is just that bad. The plot is barren and largely unsuspenseful (for a suspense film) so if you want to watch this you have to really be in the mood for it.
All Hail the Great Uniter
Bro, just turn your brain off
shes so beautiful in season 7 its unreal
dumb horseface
Are you retarded? Tyriion was going to die anyway for freeing jamie. He should have stabbed that retarded bitch a few times with the hand pin. With a bit of poison he could have fixed his own fuckup there.
John shouls have chopped her head off when she said she was going to liberate winterfell. TERRIBLE writing! How could he just stand there and take that?
Realistically when she said she was going to liberate winterfell her head would have gone bouncing down the stairs.
S8 was all about ruining characters, so why not have Jon the Queenslayer do the dirty deed
>literally the happiest Dany's been since before s1 started
>hopeful and optimistic
>knows those people should've evacuated KL long before she arrived
Her only crime was loving Jon, and that cunt killed her for it.
*unzips dick*
>Daenerys transitions to Hitler
>/pol/ I m mean Yea Forums loves her instantly
Really makes me think.
The terrible thing is you're actually right
Fuck the Jonnies, they killed our waifu
Feeling like 9 right now but let's roll
>Surrounded by women and POCs
...user, I
We was all wrong, we can see the truth now
>Maybe I should do some more
This guy gets it.
Why is she so perfect lads?
She spoke in another language because she didn't want the Starks to know she was going to burn down Winterfell.
>The old "Hitler wanted to exterminate niggers man"
There were Nazis in the Middle east and Africa too you know, he just wanted them to stay there where they belong
Choose your Dany carefully, you only have one opportunity for this.
The best: vmashup.com
I choose Emilia
S7 Dany.
I love her so much, bros
Season 2 definitely, that eye shadow is doing things for me
None, I don't like slags.
>Jorah escapes hell to hunt that cunt down
Cutest cripple!
she needs
>lip reduction
>tweezers to the outside of her brows
>and IQ drugs
But this is ecg, not THE QUARTERBACK IN THE NORF general
Tyrian could understand her and could have told jonny. Fuck he could have stabbed her 10 times himself before grey cuck could interfere.
They realized if they made Dany pregnant they wouldn't be able to sell her being an irredeemable tyrant to the audience.
Make no mistake they wanted you to cheer her death and made sure to sever all characters related to her that you could sympathize with.
They even made sure to make Cersei's death sad and make her look like a lonely scared mother to pour it on even more, D&D despise all non starks..
I don't see how that's relevant to this discussion
if the prequels are handled similarly as s8 was handled, i'm not going to even bother.
Shut up you jelly roasty. She's perfect.
And you need to have sex
100% sure he didn't understand that language.
She really is.
Leaked heaven pic
Then you're 100% retarded. It's established many times throughout the show he dabbles in whatever lannguge the unsullied understand.
Season 1 Dany is precious.
But Dany represents foreign invaders and SJWs. I too am waiting for neo-Nazi to support multiculturalism.
I'm so happy with the final season, because it made me realise I was always a Danyfag
kill yourself
When did she supposedly get fat? I don't see it.
And he literally couldn't get a sentence right in the previous episode.
I dislike this.
Jon and others suffered as well, Sansa for example watched her family be destroyed, got raped and humiliated. In the span of all 8 seasons, Sansa spent 5 suffering.
Meanwhile Dany was victorious again and again with only minor defeats. She only lost Season 7 onwards, and never for long.
BTW Drogon must've brought her to a red priestess, anything else doesn't make sense
She never did
the nazis supported multiple cultures they just rightfully beleived that they should remain seperate.
Leftists/sjws always forget that hitler had muslims and niggers on his side.
>on crutches
>still wearing high heels
Why do women do it to themselves? I swear high heels aren't a sign of the patriarchy or anything like that, it's the result of women competing with each other.
Gimme gimme
Any individuals ability to speak a language is always far behind their ability to understand a language.
Ned dying was her own fault for being a shitty brat that was obsessed with a real cunt of a prince to the point that she didn't want to leave King's Landing even though Ned knew they were all in danger, she never saw Robb and Cat die, and nobody remembers Rickon even exists.
So how did Grey Worm appear at the top of the stairs when Jon had just left him executing Lannister men? Do Unsullied have teleportation powers?
How else were the Nazis going to get oil for their tanks and planes?
She never did. It was a meme photoshop.
How long are you guys going to keep these stupid threads going? I dont know why the mods just dont delete them like they were doing before this is clearly just a disguised ecg
Tell that to D&D, who inserted that scene specifically for that implication.
S5-S6, she doesn't exactly got fat, but her arms got big and flat
wow, really? that's your crutch? the muslims and niggers were on hitlers side in ww2 because of oil?
t. alita tranny
Danerys and her forces gained teleportation through a series of slave master killings that served as sacrifices to the Lord of Light, and they were rewarded.
>Drogon teleports in front of you
Wow user, grats for failing critical thinking since grade school.
Oh gawd
nice non argument. Ill accept that as an admission of defeat.
ponder the aroma
I had not noticed that, fucking kek
Imagine being such a beta you white knight a fictional character who has objectively been morally bankrupt from the start and whose already been spoiled by dothraki cock
Never talk about mommy like that again you bastard
nice tits Emilia
i'll be needin' a sample of your stool, m'lady
Emilia is pure
rolling for post surgery
why not
Got a 0 last time. Can't happen twice, r-right?
I think you're looking for for the Lena Headey general user
>morally bankrupt
Killing slavers is about as righteous as it gets.
>goes crazy
>suddenly Yea Forums incels fall in love with her again
And moids say they like good girls...
Like her or not Dumb & Dumber managed to collectively stab the heart of millions of people. Nice going. I hope their Star Wars thing gets the success it deserves
Ohh poor guy
but they need the bad pussy
There's always tomorrow
With any luck they'll get taken off Star Wars, meaning they ruined the last season for absolute nothing and it'll follow them forever.
It's all your fault
>Witchers are called the white ones
>GoT has 'white walkers' that look just like them, down to the hair, armour and oddly coloured eyes
I hope they get sued.
I hate D&D for being talentless hacks but killing dany was a good decision
>Don't go in there
Haha yeah Emilia, gross, I won't go in there haha
>Wait till she leaves
>Step in and start inhaling deeply
gods I wish this weren't a shoop
whether they get taken off depends on what kind of contract they have and how they got it (they may have brought in a pitch that Disney bought, and therefore they can't just be dumped).
the interesting thing is going to be whether they'll be able to promote the films. they really did go down with the ship thanks to their absurd Inside The Episode segments making it obvious who was to blame.
Dany will die in the books too, but not because she did a full character 180.
the uproar is because D&D failed to make her death feel like it meant anything.
youre kidding right?
Girls literally draw on fake eyebrows and get lips filled in.
Emilia is literally natrually perfect
What is Bran's tax policy?
How will he deal with all the dothraki now running through Westeros? Is he going to exterminate them, including the dothraki children in their little dothraki cradles?
imagine repaying the person who saved your life multiple times from immediate death with a knife to the heart.
this isnt jon's character. fuck d&d
>the uproar is because D&D failed to make her death feel like it meant anything.
Her entire life never meant anything. She was always a hypocritical piece of human garbage
>hurr durr I'm going to liberate westeros by invading it with an army of rapists.
Nah, it wasn't that. Seeing someone rapidly lose everything and have people turn on them has a habit of making people sympathize with them and then when the writers make them evil which was the purpose of making them lose everything, the audience doesn't like it. D&D tried to emotionally manipulate us and destroy Dany's character. even my sister who hated Dany for her entitlement and titles likes her now
the dothraki were on their way back to essos, didn't you see them at the docks when jon was going to the ship headed north
>army of rapists
>more than half of her army literally have no dicks
He'll get off to all the rape he'll get to watch
doing this all for love
going for broke
>Bananas are radioactive
>Cell phones are also radioactive
Is this supposed to be some kind of weak counter argument against the fact that she literally imported an army of rapists?
>Bananas are radioactive
>victorious again and again with only minor defeats
She also lost multiple times, all the other cities she liberated and councils she set there failed. She alienated the people she was trying to save, people were conspiring to kill her Unsullied, killed Barristan, tried to kill her and everyone on her side. Even before she got the Unsullied she'd lose, she lost people in the Red Waste, in Qarth she was trying to get support, meanwhile Xaro tricked her, killed a lot of her people, killed Irri, stole her dragons then tried to trap her with the Undying.
Even when things were going "well" she'd lose, she tried to listen to her people and turns out Drogon is fucking things up, had to lock her dragons away, learns her shelters for the former slaves are unruly, the young prey on the old, and some of the slaves were better as they were before. She was learning, but nope, all that shit thrown out to make her evil now meanwhile the others fail upwards
Rolling Digits
When you realize Dany is mildly autistic it makes her even cuter
Kings/Queens didn't have tax policies
thats why they had lords and earls etc to micromanage such things across their kingdoms
They won't Hollywood won't care, they got the ratings they wanted viewership wise. Merchandise may or may not suffer but this being the last season will mean people bought a lot of shit already anyway. Any failure now is too late, the momentum from this being the ending to one of the biggest TV franchises ever can't be deferred.
I'm going up user
to make the scene sound scary and fascist, because foreign languages are scary. if you had a fascist speaking in english it would sound just silly
I don't know about Dany but Emilia certainly is
>the Dothraki who needed a strong leader and reason to head across a poison sea are now nonchalantly going across the sea again.
>meanwhile the country they're in is weak as fuck and has good land
What the fuck. And lol at D&D, doesn't this mean the Dothraki will go right back to raping, pillaging and enslaving people
for me it's season 5 (followed by 7 followed by 3)
>Bananas are radioactive
quick rundown?
SJWs are Sansafags because Sansa is a horrid cunt like them.
Dany was the bane of Hillary Clinton and the undead bugmen. Book Dany very very briefly had legit leftist type ideas in government slavers bay (she was a 13 year old girl at the time and her takeover plan was quickly formed in a rage at witnessing how truly evil a society Astapor was) but quickly understands that they don't work.
/ourqueen was an actual positive female heroine that is why she was ruined... despite being a muh strong woman didn't serve the purposes of feminist social engineering.
Seven. She was so humble and cute
This ladder looks fragile, are you sure?
Thanks for the warning
>season 8
>fuck jon
>fuck dragons
>fuck dany
>fuck westeros
>peace out bitches
Bananas are known for having potassium in them, but it's actually a radioactive isotope of potassium. Don't worry, it's practically nothing.
>As with all potassium-containing objects on Earth, including many common foods and people, bananas emit radioactivity at very low levels occurring naturally from potassium-40, which is one of several isotopes of potassium. The radiation exposure from consuming one banana is approximately 1% of the average daily exposure to radiation, or about 50 times less than a typical x-ray in a dental exam and 400 times less than taking a commercial flight across the United States.
SO glad she got stabbed in such a poetic manner by one whom she trusted. Jon wasn't acting on his own volition, but for the realm, as he's always done. It was pure kino, and it's cringe as fuck to see so many of you armchair writers and directors talk shit about DnD's hard work. Maybe you'll understand once your old enough, but by all means keep thinking with your weiner
Nice pasta
It's not pasta you clown
> Invades after years of exiles telling her she is the only hope to save the common people from endless civil war.
> Half her army can't rape anyone and the Dothraki so worship her like a god they don't rape anyone despite their inclinations until poor writing makes her go crazy in kings landing.
Kill yourself Dany did nothing wrong.
What do you want to see her do next guys? I'd really like to see her in a comedy, I think she'd be great
ill show you all how to 7 her
Something where her eyebrows can be free
Robb should have lived and married Danny bros. He could have made things right
Drive sequel romantic interest
> Robb
Fuck no, the ending that was promised.
Roll for Mommy