>fully grown adult character drinks milk
Fully grown adult character drinks milk
Arnold admittedly gave a tonne of disinfo to competitors. But hey, I'm sure beers are great for gains and Arnie never touched milk.
>fully grown adult character drinks milk
god i wish that were me
Does vegetal milk count? Coconut milk is the shit
>used to love eating bowls of cereal for most of my life up until my late 20s
>don't consume any milk for long a while
>in super market, see a giant bag of coco puffs, decide to buy
>hours after eating a couple bowls of cereal I get diarrhea and horrible stinky farts
>google search reveals that adults can develop lactose intolerance later in life
I still eat cereal on occasion and simply deal with the consequences though.
bitch please
True men drink raw milk
Soiboi twinklets drink almond/soi/coconut """milk"""
I believe you can also overcome the intolerance by powering through. I changed to alternatives like almond milk for a couple of years and then certain pizzas would cause bubbly stomach farts. I just assaulted my stomach with all manner of cheeses and milks and yogurts until it went back to normal.
This. Raw eggs and milk. Jersey milk is OK too
Fuck off PETA
I want my bones to stay strong when I become a boomer
Plus It's fucking good and I can't even imagine what cooking would be without milk and cheese
You should also then stop eating cheese and any other product made of milk.
LMAO imagine being such an amerishart.milk depletes calcium from your bones.enjoy your osteoporosis amerimutt
>mfw op thinks men drinking milk is wrong
We shouldn't be drinking cow milk, but not because of this retarded excuse. 100% of milk you can get in any store is subjected to hormones, antibiotics, pasturization. Raw milk can be okay from time to time or if you use to to bake stuff like bread or cakes.
I would fuck a cowgirl and I'm 6'2 with an 8 inch dick and a hot gf
slit your wrists you absolutely pathetic dishonest malnourished twinklet, raw milk is fuel from God himself
SS + GOMAD is a serious business
He was joking in Pumping Iron. Every time he’s discussed diet, and also in his Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding, he has talked about drinking milk.
>100% of milk you can get in any store is subjected to hormones, antibiotics, pasturization
If you shop at Walmart yes
Nice fantasy cuck
How else am I going to get my daily dose of animal hormones? All citizens of countries that consume dairy are taller on average. Some supermarkets sell milk that has lower animal hormone levels but it's a scam, get that pure unadulterated shit.
So where's the farms of human titcows with swollen udders I can suckle from? I'll take that over cows any day, but then women would bitch about being milk slaves or some shit
I don't say this often but please have sex
Why would you deny nutrition?
Why has Yea Forums contrarianism gone full retard recently? Some of the shit you guys say doesn’t even make sense anymore.
what are you confused about? it's a bait thread meant to get replies and nothing more
>milk is masculine
>sōy is famine
I drink a glass of milk with dinner
Has God forsaken this board to give out such unwarranted quads?
Off by one, I guess I have my answer
I need all the vitamin D I can get
this is why your lifts are shit twink
>off by one
lol coconut milk is the shit confirmed
>tfw pouring 0.5l of hot milk into my oats every morning and there's nothing you can do about it
Yea Forums contarianism has gone so bad tjis place is now rife with antivaxxers and flatearthers.
GOMAD is just a tactic that Yea Forums uses to keep /fit/ from getting /fit/
Shit I missed a G
>character is watching dirty video
>they turn their head sideways
Cheese thankfully has no noticable effects on me. I fucking love cheese. Milk however and large quantities of ice cream I simply can't handle without paying a hefty tax. I don't drink milk nearly enough to ever want to deal with the onslaught of shits just to be able to enjoy it without the shits. Plus don't you need to regularly consume dairy on order for this to work?
One milk a day?
One meal a day
enjoy your calcium deficiency dingus
what does Pepe milk taste like
>being able to afford milk
Would one 5000 calorie meal a day work?
Gotta keep myou bones strong
They didn't think this through
>Laced with drugs