>May 25
>Still hasn’t payed to see Detective Pikachu after user’s vouched for the movie
>Disney shills actively shilling against it.
What the fuck is wrong with you people. In before someone complains the lead is mixed race. Go watch your sterilized Aladdin remake /pol/.
May 25
it's a literal children's movie
oi vey
Once again, FPBP
its not that good. could have replaced the pokemon with random aliens and it would have been the exact same.
I only leave the house to get food
Jesus christ the absolute state of pokecucks
gonna be a yikes from me
Its the UK spelling you retards
I haven't been to the theater since the last Harry Potter movie and I doubt I will ever go again.
I'm not seeing either, because I don't want to
I was going to take the whole Sunday School class but once I found out about the blackwashing we decided not to go. We just got done learning about the Mark of Cain.
It's the correct spelling everywhere you illiterate moron.
>mixed race lead
Would be forgivable if they didn’t choose an ugly mutt. Movie protagonists are supposed to be somewhat appealing looking, or at the very least not repulsive to look at.
If Michael b Jordan was the lead I’d have watched the movie. But fuck that weird alien looking mulatto
/Pol/ watches Aladdin? Are you fucking deranged? What does /pol/ have to do with a shitty film about a shitty cartoon character with a lead who is possibly he ugliest lead ever cast. He looks like Zendaya and Jayden Smith fucking while having a stroke.
Retarded kid's movie marketed at the mid 20s capeshit fanatics, except the only mid 20s capeshit fanatics who care about pokemon are incels. kek.
>that guy who was posting about 60 million pokemon go players going to see the movies
I'd watch the film if you people didn't shill it. Don't even tell me you aren't.
>He looks like Zendaya and Jayden Smith fucking while having a stroke.
Fuckin hell thats exactly what it looks like. Well meme’d
>user’s vouched for the movie
but thats exactly why i'm not watching it
Come on, shill better than this, m8
Absolutely pathetic effort
The astroturf on this website is outta control ever since m00t-san sold out
>going to a movie theater