Hurr durr let's just ride our horses directly into the ready pikes of the enemy

>hurr durr let's just ride our horses directly into the ready pikes of the enemy
Tht's not how cavalry charges work, Hackson

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 96K)

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Why does everyone online get so autistic about medieval warfare? Real Medieval battles were slow and boring as fuck in actuality. I can understand some complaints like fire arrows but for the most part I don’t blame movies and tv shows for portraying medieval wars the way they do. People stupidly charging at one another and the chaos that ensues afterwards is more visually entertaining for the audience, just the way it is

just turn off your brain lol

helms deep, they did it because they had a fuckin the light of dawn behind em (plus a fuckin wizard) that'd stop any pikes being actually effective
pelennor fields, they were literally flanking the enemy, and made great swathes of progress before they reached the mumakil and got curbstomped

Pikes are only as strong as the guy bearing it is. Orcs will break the moment they see arrows do not take care of the horses.

>and made great swathes of progress
Yes because of movie magic. You can look at the charge as it was in the movie, horses don't just knock aside dozens of people in a row no problem
They'd get stuck and die instantly while being pushed from behind. You don't just charge home into a formation 50 times your size

>hurr durr i'm an expert on medieval warfare but still can't get a girlfriend hurrr

the alexander movie used them well

no reason to settle for retardation unless youre low IQ yourself

I can forgive the charge of the Rohirrim
The films portray them as bigger, but orcs are supposed to be like really angry midgets. It's not beyond the realms of possibility that a large body of charging horses could skittle them

If you watch the actual scene the Orcish line started to break at the last second

They could be fucking dwarves, that wouldn't make your horse not break its legs charging into them at full speed

>If you watch the actual scene
lel are we really gonna do this?
Go to this timestamp and watch the leftmost horse in the foreground

Not if they're breaking, which they are. They start to turn and run before the charge hits


The Winged Hussars would like a word with you.

I never watched the show, only read the books, so I have several questions
How can there possibly be that many white walkers? Why didn't Dany fly around burning them way earlier instead of waiting for some big battle? Why aren't they save in a castle or something? Doesn't seem like a great idea to give open battle to a giant horde of zombies

Battles in Alexander were fucking awful

The Night King turned Craster's babies into W.W

White Walkers are the blue dudes, if u talk about the zombies, they are all the people who died in a time line of 5k years beyond the wall, night watch etc.

Why didn Dany fly burning the undeads, because the Night King was around with one of her dragons. And all the White Walkers have the same spear who can oneshot a dragon.

They were like 50k people there, Winterfell couldnt get all that people inside. And corner yourself against a 100k zombies its not a good idea i think.

Dont get me wrong, its stupid yeah, but its the "logic" the shows offer.

Like said by the time the episode aired, why Dany and Jon didnt made hit and run strategic to the zombies, burned some, retired.
Same with the Dothraki, but eh D&D my friend D&D-

>shitty orc equipment and half of them already retreating
>pike formation

pick one

Arent rohirrim horses renowned for being strong as fuck and huge?

>why Dany and Jon didnt made hit and run strategic to the zombies, burned some, retired
Yeah exactly. I mean, even in the context of just this video, she is clearly free to use her dragons during that battle so why the fuck would she send out the dothraki first and then on top of that wait for the zombies to reach her troops? Just start burning the second you see them on the horizon and never stop

The horses were blessed by Eru Iluvitar

reminder that orcs are dead elves brought back into some sort of second life and tortured into servitude. them being ready to turn tail is entirely within their nature. they are not a well trained force, they are a cheap one.

yeah the battles scenes in Alexander were fucking awful, even Vangelis couldn't save thel

reminder that they eviscerated the book and turned it into an action film for young people aged 15 to 25

Your pic shows the Rohirrim with lances, retard. The orcs at Pelennor had "pikes" about 3 feet long, totally useless desu.

>we have to throw the ring into the big volcano that is owned by the bad guy
>it’s called mount doom

Cavalry charges were all about psychology. A horse is a fuckhueg beast and if 10 000 of them charge at full gallop you can be sure there's always some whiny goblin or peasant levy who loses his nerve, breaks the formation, and thus sentences everyone in the same formation to death.

Facing a professional army with strong discipline was of course much harder.

in the books is even less believable tb h, they take on orcs, eastern elite calvary and than on those huge elephants or whatever and still some of them survive to fight again in front of Gates of Mordor