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The star of Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2.
A true legend. God bless the man
I know you're being ironic but the Superbabies sequel is pure kino.
Angelina Jolie’s father.
He’s rumored to have molested her or have had her get molested by producers to advance careers.
This fag has been sucking republican dick since the 90's. Not surprised.
fucking senile boomers
Based Jon working the lefties into a tizzy.
I like trump because he owns you but let's not get carried away
>filthy incel trannies will try to claim BASED MICKY has no career
Source: My ass
incoming #metoo or a flurry of Voight is a nazi articles. Wait for it. . . . . . .
Zognald may be the greatest Jew but certainly isn’t the greatest president
And what does this have to do with television and film?
>voight can't get any work in hollywood
>relegated to baby genius movies
>turns out he's republican
oh so that's why he's blacklisted
Lincoln is the worst fucking president though and the reason shit has been on a downward spiral.
Voight has nowhere near enough clout for that. He's a literal who for anyone under 30, and if they do know him it's only because he's Angelina Jolie's dad
>A true legend. God bless the man
A great dad, too
Why is there a clear bias and hatred towards conservatives in Hollywood?
You know (((why))). They didn't take over the media to allow dissenting voices, after all.
This was the guy who thought it was a good idea to star in multiple movies about super powered babies right?
>mentiioning how country was built on principles of forefathers
>most every cuntry ays shit liekt this
>those comments of stupid fucks that love saying "UH ACHSUALLY you had slaves N SHIIIET
Why can't blacks and their stupid cucks ever just shut the fuck up?
He’s an actor you fuckin dick, have you seen the types of things that get posted about on this board? Not exactly in-depth movie discussion
I mean, this is true. But why is it here?
He's a dentist. George Costanza owned his car.
Who was in the wrong here?
>senile old cuck praises another senile old cuck
yeah... I’m thinking it’s cringe
I disagree,
The God Emperor is the greatest President since Andrew Jackson but Jon is on the right track
Ronald Reagan had more talent in his little finger as a president than Trump will ever have.
>Hairline's going to shit
>shaves the sides of his head and pulls the whole thing back into a ponytail!
What was the guy in your pic thinking?
>old white rich man praises other old white rich man
whoag really makes you think
Trump is both the greatest comedian, actor and presidents of our time. Trump is always relevant even to marine biology because there are fish named after Trump.
>What was the guy in your pic thinking?
>"ow, hair tight"
Do you commies even know how much potential support you lose throwing the 'white' part of that into the equation?
'Old rich fucker supporters another old rich fucker' would be a uniting statement. Making it about your hatred of whites and men just ruins it for everyone but the Twitter crowd.
Here's his speech if anyone is interested.
Also, check em.
>Actor Jon Voight declares Trump "the greatest president" since Abraham Lincoln for jews
fixed it
cringe old geezer
Trump is garbage
Yanks back it again thinking that anyone who brings up race is a commie
No wonder your two political parties are near identical - you can't comprehend political commentary beyond left vs right, black vs white, capitalist vs communist
These old white rich men really ought to fund your educaiton system more
He's unironically correct.
Trump is doing things that everyone before he "promised" they would do but didn't have the guts to.
Based, but also fuck Drumpf.
Hows your wall going?
I think I saw him in the first transformers
In other words he's actually informed and not just some mentally ill spazz like most hollywood lefties.
based misleading anaconda man
He used to drive a LeBaron
What an idiot. Truly the poor man's Chris Walken
You're unironically a fucking asshole brainlet zoomer
Donald Trump is the current US president.
Middle Americuh, now it's a tragedy, now it's so sad to see
Huh, didn't know he was a Jew.
>everyone I don't like or understand is senile.
This is the state of the left.
>old white rich man
Better than a poor stupid female nigger.
No he is a misinformed mentally ill spazz like most conservitards and liberals in hollywood.
>Yanks back it again thinking that anyone who brings up race is a commie
But you mostly are. So He was correct.
>anyone who criticizes old politicians is a poltical leftist
Trying to be built despite the left pulling out all the stops.
What an absolute based legend.
conservatives are informed, it's why they are conservatives.
>Yanks back it again thinking that anyone who brings up race is a commie
>No wonder your two political parties are near identical
> old white rich men
Yeah you pretty much are a lefty. It's not hard to tell.
Stupid and ignorant.
The holocaust didn't happen.
Surprise surprise.
Well, it's the effort that counts
>old washed up actor who's more known for his daughter than his actual work
>this is a win for right wingers and merits a celebratory thread
>conservatives are informed must be a conservative
Maybe in the 80's.
Imagine actually hating israel. Literally the only non-shithole in the middle-east.
President Trump support for Israel is one of the things I like about him.
seething goy
Dementia is a terrible disease, poor guy
Yeah Because I appeal to logic and reason over emotion and hysteria.
Actually even now more than ever.
>Liberals seething that someone disagree with their fantasy world.
Must be a day that ends in Y.
Compared to America's two party system, where one is just slightly less right-wing than the other, any other nation's government would appear relatively left leaning, ey?
>anyone not on my team is a leftist
The absolute state of /pol/lets
>Because I appeal to logic and reason over emotion and hysteria.
so you're an atheist?
Arabian Lincoln?
ok (((user)))
>implying it's good to appeal to emotion and hysteria
Fuck off JIDF.
since when is atheism logical? Do you know atheists have higher suicide rates, greater depression, and are less productive ?
Atheism is a mental illness
The thing about this is Israel isn't actually that nice a place if you actually go there. Syria pre tensions/war was a much much better place.
Places like Jordan and Bahrain are also way better
Midnight cowboy is one of the best kinos ever to come from American
i'm sorry where are your sources for these claims? it sounds like you're being hysterical and appealing to emotions over fear of death instead of why people are atheists in the first place
>not going along with something you don't believe is mental illness
This dudes dad
it's comical you think that.
Both US parties are left wing big government entities.
America doesn't have a true conservative party.
Not really, Europe is starting to move to the right thankfully.
What's your definition of left wing?
Did you also know that Abrahamic religions have higher child molestation rates?
Religions are mental illnesses
I actually am.
And there are plenty others
Some of histories greatest rationale thinkers believed in a greater being because philosophy and belief in a diety is not mutually exclusive with logic. The fact that you have to tear others down for their beliefs proves that your just some salty black pilled fool.
mostly on this site people who whine about trump are tranny lefties.
Also we're all /pol/ here Yea Forums is /pol/
>tfw you lived long enough to see /pol/ become Zionist loving cucks
Aren't you the one trying to tear people down for their lack of beliefs? Seems like you're being a bit hypocritical.
Are you trying to say that people should pretend to believe something of some suicide statistics?
did you even read the whole thing or are you actually illiterate?
>we're all /pol/ here
we are leejun XDDD we do not forgive, we do not forget!!!!
Fuck off, we're not a hivemind - Yea Forums is a degenerate board but don't associate the other blue boards with such tripe
I've always been a zionist.
Zionism is the ultimate ethnostate.
based af
Better than season 8 of GoT but that’s not saying much
Yea Forums is /pol/ in some form always has been always will be.
Sure is a shame to see how cucked /pol/ has become.
I'm saying that people who shun god in a vain attempt to sound intelligent are idiots, yes. Atheists are on average more depressed and suicidal as a result of their beliefs. Killing yourself or not being able to function in your daily life because of your beliefs is not a sign of rationality/logic.
>that's what they told me on /pol/ in 2016
been here since 09.
>Yea Forums is /pol/
Imagine believing this in the year of our lord 2019.
Yea Forums is not even remotely liberal.
>implying /pol/ was always right-leaning
During the Bush administration, /pol/ was more progressive than it is today because they were the "out" group
Also congratulations, you just rephrased the exact statement you made before - doesn't make you more correct the more times you say it
Why are you people so anti Semitic? Seriously?
You people should love Israel since they are doing what you turds wish. They have their own racially pure naiton.
Lincoln, the dude who freed the slaves. Do you guys don't lear this shit at school?
it is now since all the discord and reddit trannies have flooded this place.
>t. has only ever been on Yea Forums, /pol/, Yea Forums and /r9k/
kek, everytime
Calling for niggers to be killed.
Please go back to pleddit. You're not welcome here.
>people are atheist to sound smart
>atheists can't function in their daily lives
Do you actually believe this?
Sounds like you're projecting and need to believe in an external force to motivate you for some reason
One of the greatest actors of all time. Honestly if you watched something other than capeshit and weren't such a cum gargling soiboi redditor subhuman you would know this.
people here cheered for obama in '08 ffs
are you retarded? I'm a regular at normie boards like Yea Forums and Yea Forums. Everyone is right or far right and pro capitalism. The ones that aren't are trolls or newfags that get weeded out fast.
pretty much all of Yea Forums is anti leftist. Just because you dilate squad showed up that didn't change that.
Oh, the absolute fucking irony.
A snake ate him in Anaconda.
Wealth and safety wise, gulf countries like qatar stomp your kike ass all over the place on those fronts, despite charging no interest for their loans their economy is secure and security at airports and various others are less intrusive yet not a single attack against them mostly because they don't go land grabbing because their holy book said that their people lived there once.
Without you kikes charging interests on gullible goyim and getting aid from Bugerland you kikes would've been shoved back in ovens once more.
when it's one of the most liberal websites, all post are equal and almost anything goes. Literally liberalism: the website
This guy gets it. Yea Forums is /pol/ and reddit before /pol/ and reddit were a thing.
>in a clinical sample of depressed inpatients
good fucking job
>implying liberals want equality.
>implying liberals aren't scared of freedom of speech
They want safe spaces, handouts and affirmative actions at the expense of white males.
That's just because you're using the word liberal wrong, you mean progressives
He was in Anaconda. The eponymous anaconda ate him then later it vomited him up and instead of just being dead he winked at the hero of the movie. All melty from stomach acid from a snake, winking.
I love Trump so much. I like him more then Jesus (don't tell God lol)
nah, fuck liberals. Only conservatives and partly libertarians get a pass.
Did you even read my post, you gluesniffer?
/pol/ was progressive as a majority over a decade ago. To deny that it happened is willful ignorance to fit your agenda and narrative that /pol/ is some timeless aryan powerhouse
fuck off kike
Le ebin buzzwords have arrived
>Lincoln is the worst fucking president though and the reason shit has been on a downward spiral.
100% true and accurate.
you are the kike, lol
Much obliged, user.
"That's right, good goys! The liberals are your enemy! Continue to support Republicans and send your tax money to Israel - we're your biggest ally to combat those who threaten your precious Amerimutt lineage!"
Sucks for Americans to only have two parties
t. euro user
Okay my man, for the future progressives want equal outcome, liberals want equal opportunity
wow you guys really got me
Hillary is going to jail, you scum bag.
>Yea Forums is /pol/ in some form always has been always will be.
Maybe /news/ but it was self-contained. Things have changed a great deal especially in regards to politics.
>the first link literally just leads back to the same article you just posted
when was the last a liberal ever claimed to want equal opportunity? All I fucking hear about is reparations, affirmative action, women in STEM, blah blah blah.
>implying women in STEM is a bad thing
Can you keep your misoginy to yourself, please? You are being very problematic
What are you trying to prove? Do you want me to convert to Christianity because of some suicide statistics? If that's the case why would I choose your religion over Hinduism or worshiping spirits or something?
the fuck is equal opportunity? Life is not fair. You don't chose your your parents or genes. And that's not a fucking privileged, it's just how life is.
You are free to work your ass off with the cards you have been dealt and try to succeed.
The average Trump voter is still more attractive and smarter than the average lefty.
Post a selfie then, you hot stud, you
>You are free to work your ass off with the cards you have been dealt and try to succeed.
>be 2nd class citizen
>never get these "opportunities"
Peasants don't often become royals. Statistically, you live and die in your caste.
i dont give a shit what you believe. But your claim that not believing in a diety being more rationale/logical is clearly false.
Rationality/logic are constructs created by humans to analyze their own thoughts. It means nothing in a vacuum if you don't actually examine what those beliefs do for society.
In this case, religious beliefs are tied to a large number of positive social/health outcomes, and could therefore be construed as rationale, because they lead to a more robust and successful individual. Athiesm does not have these benefits.
Strictly speaking, spiritual beliefs of any kind are more rationale than a lack of belief, because they lead to better mental health.
Yea Forums has always been racist.
>implying lefties can't be racist too
Everyone should have the same opportunities available to them. You shouldn't be denied a chance based on your class, race or religion. Equally you shouldn't be denied something because they need to fill a diversity quota.
Opposed to equal outcome which is things like affirmative action.
Objectively wrong. We all know that. It doesn't matter. Being smart is more important.
>Zoomer still hasn't realised Trump is a israel shill who even /pol/ doesn't like anymore
The rumors about her fucking her brother are far more believable
So you're saying we should believe in something that almost definitely isn't true because it's a benefit to society? I say truth is more valuable
>Everyone should have the same opportunities available to them
But everyone is not equal that's my point.
Equal people should get the same opportunities.
Move to India or Saudi Arabia then
The average Trump voter is also smarter.
Republicans/GOP echo similar arguments you'll see in online circles with predominantly right-wing/conservative/nationalistic political alignment; arguments like this from the left are perceived as an appeal to emotional fallacy and missing the importance of the big picture and difficult, logical choices that must be made to secure society. It's a faux intellectualism.
In reality it's a thinly veiled mask over racism, ableism, and a deeply entrenched belief in justifiable classism, that some people are lesser than others due to race, religion, language, disability, etc and thus less deserving of humane treatment. And any argument in favour of humane treatment is perceived as an emotional fallacy and thus not justified.
The bias is of course blatant. Comb over the Republican/GOP history and you'll see countless hysterical emotional responses driving policy, decisions, and publicity. Hilary's emails is one. Immigrants stealing jobs, bringing in drugs, increasing crime, etc is another. Black Lives Matter, of course.
But in their eyes their response is not an emotional fallacy, it's an accurate perception of social problems and issues that warrant addressing via, if necessary, the most extreme measures.
Because remember; it's only emotional fallacy if it comes from the left, and especially if it's on the subject of inhumane treatments of society's most vulnerable people.
the hell? So should a charismatic prodigy student have the same opportunities that of a lazy student that can barely pass tests?
Everyone should be able to earn the same opportunities, but not necessarily given it on a silver platter.
A poor ghetto black kid should be able to enrol in the same skill based trade classes as a more well off white or hispanic kid.
Whether or not they are smart enough or hardworking enough to actually stick with it and make their profession is another matter.
I don't care if a plumber is white, black, hispanic, gay, a woman or grew up in poverty - what matters is that they're a damn good plumber, and that should be the attitude everyone has
That's only because whites have a higher IQ
Yes and obviously the lazy one will fail and the prodigy will succeed. They both did the test, that's the opportunity. One fails, that's the outcome. Get it?
And then both get diploma and apply to same position. Who gets the job?