What happened to Arya stark's new horse?

What happened to Arya stark's new horse?

Attached: aryastark-gameofthrones-horse-920x584.png (920x584, 868K)

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The Idea Crayons only added the horse for that exact scene as
>it’s poetic, Arya symbolizes death and she rides through the city on a pale horse-D&D
Horse was immediately forgotten in next episode cuz D&D rushes the season like a kid forced to clean his room before going to play with friends

there was a horse?

She killed it.

A girl's got to eat something, user.

it's in the fucking stable you literal retard

Sometimes a white horse is just a white horse apparently

very forgettable horse

The horse was a metaphor you brainlet, it didn't really exist

Anybody notice how Arya teleported right behind Jon after he watched Daenerys walk away?

But she never killed anyone important except Frey and the night king which was the real death

Petyr was executed and not by aryas orders

it was a big horse

>she rode it out of the city. Left it, then walked back to the city center

the horse made it into her list and was assassinated offscreen.

>What happened to Arya stark's new horse?
Lots of hungry people after the city was destroyed.

Attached: horseKL.png (1071x533, 515K)

Why doesn't her dad build her a flying robot horse?

was the plot a metaphor too?

They kinda forgot about it.

You mean the one that's on fire or the one that's buried under 20 tonnes of rubble?


Exactly why D&D are hacks and suck donkey dicks

>redditors uniroincally getting riled up because they didn't show what happened to a horse
i mean she obviously rode it outside of KL whilst it was burning and then left it somewhere, why does this even matter?

Here again she rides a horse and then the next scene no horse
Absolutely terrible writing


The horse was a symbolic representation of afading white identity in the face of chaotic forces fighting for world power.

>named Arya