We should give kids better education and feed the poor!

>We should give kids better education and feed the poor!
>But not until you eat shit and blow me, motherfucker cuntbitch!!!
what the FUCK was his problem? why do people even like him?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>proceed with over 100 replies saying Carlin sucks, and is overrated , and is bad.
I hate all you faggots

>folks we live in a society

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Was he the OG Pagliacci?


Was Carlin the first preachy libshit comic?

Cringe liberal boomer

i wish I could get paid to talk about how people are assholes

>i was driving with my friend and he blew threw a red light
>I said hey what are you doing?! he said don't worry my brother does this all the time
>come to another red light, he flies through the light again
>i said hey man whats your problem. he said don't worry my brother does this all the time
>we come to a green light and he stops
>i say hey man whats the problem?! he says, my brother might be coming through here!

The nigga was black-pilled as fuck.

>"muh poor" commie
>distrustful of all government
>anti political correctness
>pro rape jokes
were he alive, whose side would be take in the culture war and why? give me a convincing argument

note that he has to take a side

What's the deal with these repeating threads? For years the same threads with the same responses. Is it bots or dedicated autists?

he hated any group that had their own hats

Considering how republicans have ratcheted up their insanity, peace with NK was an embarrassing failure and war with Iran is on the horizon...

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Was he right about conservatives and abortion?

You guys must be real intellectuals, hanging around Yea Forums of all places.

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He was based

so the right?

People like being contrarians. I'm almost positive someone has said the same shit in every single one of these threads. Carlin isn't even overrated, his delivery is still good, the topics he covers are still fresh, buts that due to American politics always being the same shit show. Maybe these people really are just bot faggots.

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wouldn't work today.

he would get on stage @ Colbert in 2015 and make a joke about extreme LBTQ+ and reparations and the backlash would burry him forever like aziz ansari

Carlin can make non "political" set.
He is smart enough to not likely to kill his career with SJW's or maybe he would have be our C.K.

He was fucking terrible towards the end. This would've gotten you booed offstage at bloody amateur night if your name wasn't George Carlin.


This would've gotten you booed offstage at bloody reddit night if it wasn't 2019



He had some good bits

Yeah. Always hated him. When he was young he did “raunchy” grandpa tier jokes but as he got older he just stood on stage and proselytized his bullshit “I’m a radical and dangerous (but I still vote Democrat teehee)” ideas to raucous applause from protoNPCs

You're right, I should've deleted the m to pretend I'm not phoneposting like the rest of you lot.

Posts like this prove that while the right-wingers are the biggest problem with this site at the moment, there are plenty of genuine left-wingers who are just as retarded, and would shit this place up if they became numerous enough.

He was the last of the edgy boomer comedians

>that one bit he did before he died where the entire thing is just 10 minutes of him sperging out about how women have it hard in life because they have to wear dresses and vacuum occasionally
How does anyone like this faggot

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>raised by single mother


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I really don’t think the problem is the politics. I think the vast majority of people are mouth breathing retards.

george carlin makes some good points but he is peak pseudo intellectual

>wow people sure are stupid and materialistic

That bit is /pol/ personified.

he’s telling jokes/monologuing, not giving a lecture. Timing takes priority over making the most rounded, detailed argument

Well, they make it worse by talking about politics. It's not only that, but also only vaguely addressing topics just to assert their asinine political opinions in the most clumsy manner, so instead of actually discussing tv & film, it's bitching about SJWS, Trump, Democrats, Jews, religious people, the alt-right, Anti-Fa, CNN, Fox News, etc. This is much worse than being a mouth-breathing retard, because then you can post in capeshit threads, which is retarded, but it's at least on-topic.

Actually, capeshit is pretty bad, and arguably might be worse than politics, so idk.

All standup is is giving an exaggerated lecture, you moron. If it weren’t then there wouldn’t be people who unironically view Carlin as a philosopher despite the fact that by his own standards he’s a complete idiot.

>what is the socratic method

Your fedora is showing.

>Old man yells at cloud

Where are the jokes fucker?

idiosyncratic, stilted and cringe. you're quite literally from reddit and are:
1. an agelet zoomer
2. low IQ
3. both
pick whichever sounds best to you

you'll never be able to write

Hmm, nah. Try again ;)

>poking fun at things isn't philosophizing
ooooooookay buddy

Towards the end, people started latching onto him and soliciting him for political opinions. Keep in mind that this was around the time of the Daily Show, where people unironically thought that comedians were better at observations.

In private, the guy seemed mellow and laid back. He got edgy because Comedy around late 90s and 00s was more raunchy than the 60s.

you will never, ever be able to write

He was funny around the beginning, but got more dark with age due to a mix of changing political climate, Americans blindly trusting in the president, the religious right being uptight, and the media having no braincells.

>All standup is is giving an exaggerated lecture
it’s closer to poetry than academic lectures muh man. and
>an artist = their cringe fanbase
humbly disagree

Carlin is based and you all need to have sex.

Really, you're not meeting the standard of literary criticism I naturally expect on Yea Forums. Try again, or accept your failure.

>makes a good point: the comedian


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He just did what all old ugly fucks do as they age. Get mad.

I smirked. It's not the worst joke.

Well at least you found a way to feel superior to both huh faggot

Good for you

reddit: the """"comedian""""

I'd rather have a PS4 than be in the commie alliance honestly

he was based as hell

Lmao hell yes. Imagine wanting to pay a portion of your hard earned money to make sure your laziest coworkers can’t just be fired immediately and only being able to get a raise if everyone else does. Fuck unions

>It's not only that, but also only vaguely addressing topics just to assert their asinine political opinions in the most clumsy manner
adjective and adverb salad and the sentence still isn't over. "clumsy".
>so instead of actually discussing tv & film,
>tv & film
directly quoting board topic. why? can be used to drive a point, more likely a crutch for someone unfamiliar with the culture
why would S also be capitalized? idiosyncratic. the sign of someone who never reads or writes, or at least never thinks while doing so
>Trump, Democrats, Jews, religious people, the alt-right, Anti-Fa, CNN, Fox News, etc.
needlessly long list. there probably isn't much more you could have added before "etc"
again idiosyncratic. has never seen the term written, or was never conscious enough to absorb it
>This is much worse than being a mouth-breathing retard,
laboured. why couldn't you make this shorter? it sounds like it's from a non-native speaker
>because then you can post in capeshit threads, which is retarded, but it's at least on-topic. Actually, capeshit is pretty bad, and arguably might be worse than politics, so idk.
Cringe posturing. Not even grammatically correct despite the care you put into forming your stilted sentences

low iq. glad I wasn't born you

>He got edgy because Comedy around late 90s and 00s was more raunchy than the 60s.

He got edgy because he hated being a PC comic with a suit and tie. That's why he became counter culture and started fighting censorship by doing the seven words you cannot say routine. This was ages beforevtge 90s.

No, just specifically to people to feel the need to express their political opinions here, and particularly those who don't even do it in a way that's subtle, intelligent, or relevant. Here, this most-commonly comes from right-wingers, but only because they just happen to be much more numerous than leftists here. It's a combination of being an idiot, having stupid opinions, and talking about decisive, off-topic shit. I was just making the point that it's not exclusive to right-wingers here, and leftists can be just as obtuse and obnoxious. I firmly consider myself under one of those labels, but I at least have the decency to keep those opinions to myself, at least here.

Carlin is only liked by edgy teenagers

I wonder how angry hippie would have felt about today had he lived to see what the environment is like today. I feel like he would have just been an even angrier independent who thought the world was turning even shittier.

hes faux-edgy the kind of fags that play cards against humanity like him

i dont get it

you don't have the decency to stay where you belong

>Fuck unions, I love it when my employer fucks me over and I have no ability to fight back!

And before you start talking about how you can always just sue, arbitration is enforced like a motherfucker these days and they overwhelmingly side with the companies (who also have a hand in choosing the arbiter) and not the employees.

As subtle and intelligent as outwardly dismissing both sides and calling them retarded? Oh yeah real fucking subtle bitch tits.

don't worry guys mueller will get trump

What is even the argument you're trying to make here, OP?
>he said some edgy curse words so that means he's wrong, I guess?

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Same to you, dumbass.

He wasn't funny to me but it was because I grew up in the era where shitting on religion and being nihilistic was already cool. So, he just didn't really tell jokes... he just monologued about stuff and was offensive. He like Chapelle just was never funny to me, but both need to be acknowledged as funny to have a conversation about comedians. It's weird.

He pisses off the christcucks on this board, so they have to hate on him. The only thing they've got though is that he's for "edgy teenagers" and equally weak excuses.

Okay, good effort. Not great, though.
Because that's the topic. Next.
>Cringe posturing. Not even grammatically correct despite the care you put into forming your stilted sentences
Consider most consistently writing without proper capitalization.
> the sign of someone who never reads or writes, or at least never thinks while doing so
Or someone who cares a little than you about writing consistency when they're posting on Yea Forums.
>needlessly long list.
It was to drive home a point, which is that the bugbears of both sides are legion.
>there probably isn't much more you could have added before "etc"
Hmm, let's see: blacks, rural and suburban retards, Hollywood, corporations, basedboys, incels, women, racists, NPCs, Russian bots, redditors, and /pol/-tards.
> despite the care you put into forming your stilted sentences
Well, there's your wrong assumption.

remember when the democrat governer of virginia advocated post-death abortion and then dressed in blackface and the democrats showed some integrity for once and forced him to step down?

I'm not going to lie, that was rather based

esl and reddit as fuck. just leave

The point is that it's not a problem confined to one side. This is probably a problem that affects centrists too.

I can say you're being a smartass who's playing the whole, "heh, you're just trying to be feel superior to both sides, how quaint," when you're actually missing my point.