Does this get any better than the first episode? I absolutely hated the first episode

Does this get any better than the first episode? I absolutely hated the first episode.

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Its great, but if you hated the first episode, drop it now

First episode is one of the best, the next like 4 or 5 less so but these last few episodes have been great. Danny the Street and Flex Mentallo are pretty damned perfect, Jane and Larry are really the only characters that are lacking some. Cyborg is not nearly as awful an addition to the team as I was worried he would be.

>I hated it but let me subject myself to it some more!!!!
Goddamn TV plebs are pathetic. /film/ when?

Nigga I see a ton of people saying it's good so I wanted to know if it gets better after the pilot. Wanted to see if anyone else felt the same way. Also adding another board won't do shit, people will spam tv shit there just to bother you.

It genuinely peaked at the pilot, just like The Walking Dead.

What did you not like about it? It only gets weirder and more random from there if that's what turned you off.

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Can a man not still dream?

No the random stuff was fine. It just felt way longer than it needed to and just kinda unfunny. It feels like they only thought they needed to be weird to be a doom patrol series when there's more than that to it.

What bothered me was that indian girl or w/e that had those personalities. Way to much screentime for such a shit character.

She becomes the main character at some point. The whole character is played as one of those chicks who says "If you don't like me at my worst then you don't deserve me at my best."

Well now I have zero reason to watch beyond the episode I just wrapped up.

Really? Larry is my favourite.

Not if you didnt like it. That is the tone for the whole series

It's pretty bad. The show is fantastic except for her, she's this ridiculous Mary Sue character that aways happens to have the right power to use at the right time, including literal mind control. And I understand why they thought she'd be a good character; she has a multiple personality disorder brought on by childhood trauma. But in the end, the personalities are mainly used to drive plot that wouldn't be there otherwise, because Jane is this hugely uninteresting character who is completely unlikable in any way. Not to mention her interactions with the other characters are basically "I'm sorry Jane" once they realize they made her sad :(

she's latina

she doesn't even look indian

literally what

Is that Timothy Dalton? Why didn't any of you Brendanfags tell me an actual good actor was jn this show?

I should add to this: The actress playing Jane is amazing. She's very talented, and obviously has a huge range, and this is a perfect opportunity for her to show it off. She's not the problem, the writing is.

Not all pilots show what the tv show is going to be like. Just look at the 100, pilot sucked ass but the show is ok.

delicious kino

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He’s great and we should be getting more of him but there’s a pretty substantial lack of his character after the first couple episodes.

It’s definitely the writing and the worst part is Crazy Jane is a great character in the comics (essentially one of the only team members that Morrison created personally excluding Rebis) but she’s just too angry in this show. The comics are great and the show definitely manages to showcase some of the characters fine, Danny and Flex specifically like some user mentioned, but the general vibe of “these people have mental illnesses not just super powers” doesn’t come across as well as it should - a lot of them just seem mopey and lame sometimes when it should be heavier than that.

it's a juxtaposition of heavy drama and extreme weirdness which turns off most people so i'm surprised it's getting a second season

Is that confirmed?

well let's see, in addition to issues like incest child rape, familial abandonment and drug abuse, there is a character who is a talking cockroach who is also a doomsday prophet.
the show actually made me start reading the comics and i was surprised how much of it they used panel for panel