Ask him what movies he likes

>ask him what movies he likes
>he says "I don't know something with boats"
Why are men like this? How can I find someone to discuss surrealist cinéma a la Buñuel with?

Attached: 2F951888-5DC4-4481-AE71-C7B0D58266E2.jpg (160x160, 6K)

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what movie was it I need a good boat movie

Men, or Cave men as I like to call them, would do nothing but masturbate and poopy themselves on the floor if it wasn't for women.

Attached: movienight.png (500x682, 622K)

sook me fookin cock u slag

>something with boats
He sounds fucking based, he really missed a bullet

Attached: 1558151343894.webm (274x154, 2.91M)

most men are retarded monkeys with blindfolds on, dragged through life by the dick, mindlessly chugging any liquid you put in front of them until they throw up - all the subtlety and depth of a bull elephant hopped up on crack cocaine - 60 IQ mental midgets who haven't gone through any significant character growth since second grade.
the only thing worse than a man in this world is a woman, which really goes to show how low women can sink because men fucking suck.

Just cheat on him with Chad. Your faux-interest in the higher arts will disappear in an extreme orgasm once you get a 6 foot 5 chad to choke you while he crams his ten inch dick into your dry asshole

based. I love boats and cars

All men must hang, disgusting primitive beasts who jizz over capeshit