I thought you said he was a ghost Kowalski!

>I thought you said he was a ghost Kowalski!
>well sir it seems like we were looking for the wrong thing
>watch this.... when we search for things achieved we get nothing... but... when we search for things failed...
>holy shit!
>I know right? It lights up like a fucking Christmas tree!
>School, driving, job applications. .. even basic hobbies and games! It's incredible. He just drops everything. Even sometimes more than once!
>So how do we catch a man who never commits? He's never even had a girlfriend
Enter female sergeant with 10/10 brapper and a milk truck too
>you send me after him
>80s squeeling lead guitar break and title sequence starts

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What are they going to catch him for?

Being an incel

>detective going through the case file at 3AM
>says "WHO ARE YOU?" while looking at a crucial piece of information that could reveal the true identity of the suspect

youll never catch me alive coppers

>case notes are contained in a vanilla folder

How come there are so many law enforcement departments in the US? There’s like federal agents, state troopers, county sheriffs, metro PDs etc... what the fuck why

too many niggers

>you send me after him
What is she going to do? Be his loving gf who encourages him to get his life together and becomes his wife and has two of his children they raise together in a perfect family? Or would she violently dominate him in bed for weeks, finally smothering him to death with her pusy, giving him the sweet release of death he had always wanted his whole life but was too afraid to actually do anything?

State's rights

is that a kind of pastry?

It’s a big country.

>not kipling’s almond slice
Fucking Americans

Because those are all different juristrictions working at different levels lmao

this but unironically

Not respecting all women

I'll have both please

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Posting on 4channel

First degree incelery

>not a Filipino contortionist

Ok, I don’t get this and it’s bothering me enough to ask

I'm guessing Manila Folder

Very fractured and disorganised
>state troopers, county sheriffs, metro PDs
Each state doesn't merely have 1 state wide police force (state trooper), each county (sheriffs) and city municipality (metro PD) will also have their own police force too

Federally it is because of mission creep and bureaucratic wank
For example the FBI was originally created as a political police to go after dissidents, that's basically all it did up until the 1970s
It very badly did counter-intelligence in the 1950s
And never touched Organised Crime, Hoover insisted it didn't even exist
Just focused on harassing the CPUSA, Civil Rights Movement, Anti-War Movement and New Left
It was only when this began to be exposed and they were coming under scrutiny for it in the early/mid 1970s that they started looking at the mob (Hoovers death probably helped there) and political corruption

>how do we kill that which has no life?

doubles without a license

>he just keeps cycling through the same four or five websites all day, Chief
>He's waiting for his contact in the deep web to send a coded message. Call the President immediately

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>Each state doesn't merely have 1 state wide police force (state trooper), each county (sheriffs) and city municipality (metro PD) will also have their own police force too
it's almost like some of these places are too large for a single force to be effective

It's even crazier than that. Even shit like Bureau of Land Management and Post Inspection Service apparently have their own armed officers. Just about every fucking institution has their own armed enforcers, from what I've heard this is due to some bureaucratic bullshit.

>four or five websites
I literally only come here

>Sir, I think I got some information on the suspect
>he frequently visits a Japanese image board on the internet, but he only writes 2 letters

You’re both smarter than me. Actually a good joke too.

Can we save le thread Reddit???


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Fuck, I wish I was a postal service agent. Blowing peoples heads off with my Smith & Wesson for opening their neighbors mail

>what the FUCK did you just do to that package not addressed to you, you little bitch?

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