This was unexpectedly good, even better than Legion

This was unexpectedly good, even better than Legion.
The absurdity of a lot of characters (Danny, Flex Mentallo) really suits the show. Pity no one cares.
And Rita is perfection.

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Best cape show by far

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the last episode is out, shit thanks op

>Danny, Flex Mentallo
They made it in? Awww geez now I'm gonna have to give it a look.

Were they trolling us with Rita in the last episode?

>perfect chance to grow
>does nothing instead

are ritas tits that perky or is it the brazziere

Yeah, and they're done well.

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It's a good show. I'm happy Johns has barely any involvement, titans was garbage and looked cheap. Doom Patrol was fantastic, Cyborg is the worse characterbut it's mostly becuase there's no much you can do with him in this context.

I thought exactly the same.

I watched the first episode and enjoyed it but didn't really care to keep going. Does it get better?

She was in 2 and a half men.

Why did they avoid showing the kid's face the whole time?

So what can we expect from Stargirl? I've never read the comic, is it comedy, drama etc.

>cast someone hot as the lead and actually put them in a costume that shows off their figure instead of hiding it.

Fuck The CW and their 'pretty but not threateningly attractive' stick figures.

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Yes, definitely.

sucks you in with minimal amount of faggotry and then hits you with the tubofaggotry

It gets better in just about every way

Yeah, it hits it’s stride once it starts including the weirder shit from DC. Danny the Street, the De-creator, Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man, Flex Mentallo. It has a way to including these bizarre concepts in creative ways and exploring them to a degree which involves character growth that was kind of absent in the originals.

However, it’s not perfect. The finale got a little too caught up in the ‘lol so randum’ antics, and there’s an episode involving a romance with a cavewoman that’s terminally boring. But overall it’s a lot of fun and more creative than just about anything else I’ve seen on TV since the Twin Peaks revival.


It goes completely wack, in a good way.
It embraces the absurdity of superpowers instead of trying to ground them in reality.

I stopped watching when Crazybitch lectured Roboman about his 'toxic masculinity' because he beat a few guys to death.
Crazybitch had just burnt a bunch of people alive moments earlier.

finally this is getting some love here. this show is fucking good

"If stupidity was a super power you'd be goddamn Superman"

>This was unexpectedly good
>even better than Legion
not really

Jane never stops being annoying, she's easily the biggest problem with the show. Seems like she's a mouthpiece for the writers as she spouts a bunch of tumblr buzzphrases throughout the series. It's even more annoying when you realise she's something like 70 and keeps saying stuff like that.

it's quality. you can tell it has heavy involvement from comic book writers and not random tv writers like every other show

Admit it

you found this just a bit hot

Not sure why Cliff's legs were so slender...

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I do think it was more fun than legion though.
Jane is fucking terrible though. recast her. Shes Morrison's manic pixie girlfriend that he writes into everything.
>>No one mentions the beard hunter
You're faggots

Is that Animal Vegetable Mineral man?

Well Geoff Johns has his hands deep in it the way he did Titans so...I expect it all to fucking fall apart by the 3rd or so episode.

Swamp Thing on the other hand looks pure horror kino.

The Nazi episode is where is all goes great

Cool. I'll give it another shot.

I re-watched Legion after Doom Patrol and DP has way more heart and genuine creativity while Legion appeared much more pretentious and poseur on a second viewing.

Titans has two main problems: The guest characters are more interesting than the main cast

Starfire simply doesn't work. She's older, more mature, more authoritative and stronger, it fucks up the dynamic of the cast. They've lots of leeway to retune her personality though.

I think negative man episodes kind of blow too

Legion has nothing when you take away its mystery box. It's padding layered upon padding. I found myself fastforwarding through large parts of S2.

But what if he ended up eating Rita's leg hair? Would there be a similar situation?

But Legion was shit though?

Legion got better directing, photography and effects tho

He's a good character but his backstory was too simple for the amount of screentime it got.

He probably got 3 full episodes of story that was bascially just "he probably should have just come out"

he is the result of the peak of the nazi science from sourthern america

Shame it only had enough writing for half the episodes it got

Donna Troy was fantastic, though. I think she was the best character in the series.
Hawk and Dove would've been great if they had metahuman powers like in the comics. I don't know why they decided to make them human.

Well, that's Legion's problem. S2. S1 is actually good. S2 is just convoluted.

That shit should have been limited to 1 episode at most. And I still have no idea what his negative spirit is about.
He needs at least 1 episode of fun adventure against homojitsu ninjas or something. Not tepid gay drama

>She was in 2 and a half men.
She was even prettier back then, but her character was annoying.

Because originally they wanted to go the Nolan 'Everything is grounded in reality' route, then ditched it half way into production.

>Why did they avoid showing the kid's face the whole time?
I looked it up. Disfigured.

At least they show her midriff
It’s something


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>Legion has nothing when you take away its mystery box.
I thought the same thing. And as the show went on, that mystery box became smaller and more transparent.

Speaking of Titans, does anyone have the caps of Donna Troy's actress' nude scenes?


The first episode just felt like Umbrella Acadamy without the style.

As far as I understand the negative energy being became a part of him when he was exposed to that radiation and crashed. Since his body is fucked up if the being leaves him too much time he dies.

Current year bullshit. Just read the comic instead.

Didn't Swamp Thing get fucked by the studio?

They had production wrap early as far as I'm aware. Dunno what it was over, but that's about it.

I love how April Bowlby said DP and Titans are separate.

She gets BLACKED regularly

I remember hearing about their budget being slashed down

i couldn't go through a full crazy jane episode, stop watching hte show then. it had its moments of bizarre, kudos . even addressing comic book nerd criticism within the show that was a big dick move i guess

_____ Patrol

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>mfw I started watching the show expecting it to be terrible but now I"m 11 episodes in and it has been consistently excellent
I genuinely did not expect that. The even crazy part is that for the most part it somehow takes the social justice shit forced upon it and manages to make it hardly noticeable at worst and entertaining/thought provoking at best. It's way better than it has any right to be.

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They really need to give Jane a bit more 'dere' moments. I get they wanted a 'strong female character' but they never give us any reason to care about her.

Yeah her and the showrunner saying this makes no sense because if this were true why did they bother showing Vic looking at articles about the events of Titans in the second episode

In a more recent interview for dcs webshow she said it was a prequel. But then that still doesn't make sense given what I pointed out

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me on the left

The crossover to Titans was shit, given that DR was not played by the original actor but by some pajeet cunt


but who was umbrella academy

Who has spontaneous cumming webms?

>And Rita is perfection.
Having not actually read a run with her in it, I was really surprised that she ended up being my favorite character by far.

i-is danny dead bros?

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Can I make a guess about the girls on the show? They have some kinda stupid power where they move their arm away from their chest with a smug look and then cgi stuff happens?

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I love flex

i really don't like how she can't take criticism. in the finale she quits being a teacher because of some low tier bantz from a fucking middle schooler

danny is just baby groot right now

>Because originally they wanted to go the Nolan 'Everything is grounded in reality' route
>when Raven, Starfire and Beast boy were suppose to be there since day one
I think it was more that she realized she was only ever happy these days when she was helping people and wanted to do that instead

I too loved rita

Nah, he'll get better.

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Where do i find a gf like Rita ?

Dorothy finally showed up!

Here's hoping season 2 is about the Candlemaker

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how did beard eater survive the radiation?

youre in the way of the camera man

what happened to flex?

Fucked off cause he was too strong I guess. In-universe he was still on Dannys and helped him get the various people out

Wait, if you mean at the end when Danny blew up then he wasn't there and had already left to help evacuate everyone before the Doom Patrol showed up

whos gonna narrate the second season bros?

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they obviously didn't cast her yet or do a make up test even though the girl who plays katie is right there

I don't think we're supposed to pay too much attention to side characters. They kind of hung a lampshade on that.

The pajeet cunt IS the original actor. Doom Patrol hadn't even started filming yet. They actually recast everyone except Rita(although Fraser and Bomer redubbed the lines in TItans after they were cast)

there's no mystery box in legion what are you even blathering about

titans is shit but it cant be geoff johns fault
it just cant be.
dont make me do the thing where i put my fingers in my ears and scream until you agree

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It makes realistic and gives her an added dimension

Not everyone likes or can handle bantz. That's just reality for you.

>it somehow takes the social justice shit forced upon it and manages to make it hardly noticeable at worst and entertaining/thought provoking at best. It's way better than it has any right to be.
Doom Patrol is supposed to be freaks, and I tolerate gays a lot more easily when it's more underground than mainstream. I remember Rebis was really cool from the Morrison run without being some gay commentary on MAN'S LIFE VS WOMAN'S LIFE.
X-Men USED to be decent at this.

it helps if you're not a triggered fag hater who's probably in the closet yourself

Is that James Bond on the right?

>Swamp Thing on the other hand looks pure horror kino.
Why does it look like Swamp Thing is just going to be a generic monster?

no, he's a SLASHER! of prices :)

I'm bisexual, but faggots irritate me to no end.

i really like the wes craven movie and the character did start out horror but i hope they go in a more alan moore direction

I mean, that's literally the original point of Swamp Thing. That he looks like a generic horror movie monster but ends up actually being the protagonist (Along with Abby and Matt, which the tv show seems to be going with) and a good guy.

>and the character did start out horror but i hope they go in a more alan moore direction
Alan Moore's Swamp Thing was still horror, bro. In fact it was extremely fucking good horror at that. it was really after he left and they delved really really hard into the parliament of trees and the past Swamp Things that it became more fantasyish

Likely because she'll be recurring next season and they didn't have an actress for her or her design finalised.

Larry works because it acknowledges that even if he was a victim of how other people would view him his main problem was his own inability to get the fuck over it. It made it a realistic conflict of a character rather than a lecture to the audience. Although the part where a gang of trannies beat up special ops while Cyborg watches and claps was a bit fucking on-the-nose.

The problem is they used Hammerhead way, way too much. Pretty sure she was more active than Jane herself.

She doesn't quit being a teacher just because of the bantz, she quits because the middle schooler is 100% correct.

real premium cable kino

Mr Nobody is easily the best super villain ever portrayed on TV

Cant belive they actually got moonman. Amazing talent just like his rap career


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lmao, dope

nope. not sitting through that again. nooooooooo.

>Showrunner: "k, now we'll need you to do a scene where a giant cockroach and giant rat play tongue hockey in the middle of Danny the Street."
>CGI team: "Say what now?..."

Johns will never make his dead sister inspired character Blacked.