Post historical events that deserve screen adaptations
Other urls found in this thread:
Ukrainians later proved being violent savages and Nazi collaborators.
>effectively genocide them
>ban their faith
>steal their shit
>oy vey they are burning down the synagogues with the german dogs why would the Ukrainians do this
I sometimes wonder if Jews understand cause and effect
Didn't they make a movie about this already with dude from Star Wars?? Poe
The brutal rape, torture and bestial murder of the only rightfully, democratically elected Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Congo to this day, Patrice Lumbumba, by the Belgian Terror Regime.
This should be the actual title of the series: "The brutal rape, torture and bestial murder of the only rightfully, democratically elected Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Congo to this day, Patrice Lumbumba, by the Belgian Terror Regime."
This should be a 7-season series detailing the atrocious crimes of the single most evil nation in the history of mankind. Every episode should be 50 minutes long, of which at least 30 minutes should be uninterrupted R-rated extremely graphical depiction of violence. And even then it would not do justice to the objective, scientifically proven fact of how evil Belgians really are.
>Nazi collaborators.
wtf slavs are based now?
Why didn’t you maintain your roads?
>I sometimes wonder if Jews understand cause and effect
You think they care?
belgians do in fact need to be cleansed
I'd like to see Fincher adapt this.
>David Charles Hahn was an American who attempted to build a homemade neutron source at the age of 17.
>Hahn was a Boy Scout fascinated by chemistry, and spent years conducting amateur chemistry experiments, which sometimes caused small explosions and other mishaps.
>Hahn posed as an adult scientist or high school teacher to gain the trust of many professionals in letters—and succeeded, despite misspellings and obvious errors.
>Alarmed, Hahn began to dismantle his experiments—but in a chance encounter, police discovered his activities, which triggered a Federal Radiological Emergency Response involving the FBI and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
>Hahn refused medical evaluation for radiation exposure.
>Hahn became depressed after the scandal, a problem exacerbated by the breakup with his then girlfriend and the suicide of his mother in early 1996.
>After his time on USS Enterprise, Hahn enlisted in the Marines and was stationed in Japan. After a few years, he was honorably discharged on medical grounds and returned to Michigan.
>On April 23, 2007, the FBI received a lead regarding Hahn's alleged possession of a second breeder reactor in his freezer.
>On September 27, 2016, at the age of 39, Hahn died in his hometown of Shelby Charter Township, Michigan. His death was accidental and due to intoxication from the combined effects of alcohol, diphenhydramine, and fentanyl.
raid on st.nazaire.
the brits needed to destory a dry dock, couldn't do it from the air because it wasn't accurate enough, couldn't do it on land because france is occupied and they can't infiltrate the base with the amount of explosives neccessary.
so they fill and old destroyer with explosives and ram the dock gate in the middle of the night
This and Pelzer SC
Guy was tyrant that doomed Congo into eternal civil war.
In Volhynia they murdered 60,000 Poles. And the ones that genocided Jews were mostly Western Ukrainians, the ones who did not suffer Stalinist repression.
Brainlet here but this felt like it went nowhere
Oy goy what is it that you are trying to pull here? We know who sufferd the most leave it at that.
Baww poor polens, genocided for no reason. Should have finished the massacre they made for ukrainians few years before that...oh wait.
>6million jews
>Should have finished the massacre they made for ukrainians few years before that
Literally no such event
Is this supposed to convince me that before any of that happened they were right to be punished for it? Whats the opposite of retroactively? I wanna say preemptively but that would imply the commies knew they would in the future turn against them
>genocided Jews
Never happened
The commies were as unwelcome as the Nazis
Can't blame the Ukrainians for a coin flip
>this is what lefties actually delude themselves into believing to justify the lengths they go to sate their bloodthirsr
Essentially all brutality in Belgian Congo was done by locals. Belgian approach to stuff happening in Congo was pretty hands off so locals started chopping off hands quite literally.
Just an interesting guy. Kind of like catch me if you can mixed with chernobyl.
Just like life.
>no way hitler caused the death of millions of people!
>but Stalin literally killed 200 millions Ukrainians
vatnik pls
this but unironically
Fuck off, pidorashka
>it's gonna be another kino thread ruined by holocaust faggotry
Same can be said about Jews and Israel
>Hitler killed 6 million!
>Stalin dindu nuffin!
Commies are literal niggers
Nothing bad to rap teh butt? Nothing bad no.
Go back to the oven Shekelberg
5 million slavs were killed during the holocaust
This except
don’t exist
Chinks are the real subhumans
If you keep treating people like cattle, forcefully polonize them, seize their churches and murder their intelligentsia, they eventually snap.
Some say Hitler is still holocausting them to this day.
>forcefully polonize them
We must unite the allergyan race. All plants must burn.
Oy vey, 20 million? How could the evil Nazis kill 60 million? There must be reparations paid for the 100 million...
>the jew is contagious
Even calling them subhumans is misuse of the word. Nonhumans is more apt. Insects clad in the skin of man.
It's more correct to say that due to Nazi policy more than 20 million people died. Overall the Nazis killed around 10-14 million people if we include deliberate starvation (like in Leningrad).
Not on your life, goy
they should really implement this feature in the latest Total War game
>not eating your whole city to lower unrest
Nazis killed maybe 10 people tops
>muh 50 burkillion Ukrainians killed in like 1 month
Prove to me it happened. Where are the bodies?
>polonize them
>demolish their churches
>arrest some of Ukrainian nationalists (after their terrorist actions)
>this means that violent murder of more than 60,000 Polish peasants, women and children is justified
What about the trauma of circumscision?
In the ground subhuman commie
Hitler was homosexual, so I guess you just proved the gay gene
Don't have to because it doesn't matter. And you can deny it without going to jail.
and those were all indirect and unintentional
Sure. Weird nobody has ever seen these 500 million imaginary bodies
t.someone who doesn't know anything about the region
>tfw no Cortes and Pizarro biopics by Mel Gibson
Why even bother?
Not even history is safe from the international clique
Holodomor genocide denial is illegal in multiple countries such as Ukraine and poland
True. Are there any historical kino that didn't get kiked?
Not blacks fault whites are unlikable betas
And the funniest thing is, it was hardly a genocide. No one ever wanted to exterminate Ukrainians.
Retard logic, I guess cemeteries are empty too?
Ah man that's sad I didnt know the nuclear boy scout died from fucking DPH and fentanyl
It’s not the Jews fault women are repulsed by you
>Stalin killed 20 million Ukrainians in 1 week even though the Ukrainian pop was 10 million at the time
Almost all media is utterly ruined, only the Chinese will be able to stomach movies in the future(they eat dogs)
So the blacks are replacing Jews then? Shouldn’t you cucks be happy?
Stop projecting kikecel, hooked noses hunch backs and pubic hair on your head is Universally repulsive which is why you've been banished over 100+ times in recorded history like a stray dog with fleas, fucking parasite.
Passion of the Christ
Someone is projecting I see lmao
Yes actually. I'd rather a nigger play a role in something I'll never see than a subhuman rat kike.
>pubic hair on your head
Wow this thread went to shit.
>the state of /pol/ and /lgbt/ discourse
And yet you creatures are the ones crying you can’t get laid because the Jews....
I always knew pol loves the BBC. It’s why you goblins spam it everywhere
Blacked.com was polled as the most popular site on pol
Wow imagine being conquered and enslaved by these people. Now that would be pathetic....
Deflection, subhuman parasite
Only ones crying are kikes about the holocaust hahahahahahahahahahaha
Started out as an incel crying thread to remember the 67 trillion the Stalin Jews supposedly killed in 5 days
>durrrrrrrrr don't niggers trigger you durrrrrrrrrrr
>w-why aren't you t-triggered ;_;
The absolute state of Shlomos
Wtf so white genocide isn’t real? Pol lied to me....
Wow imagine getting infested with demonic rats that feed off your body like bloodsucking parasites...
are you prepping your bull right now? Does he order you to spread blacked porn?
epigenetics proves that this kind of thing is true though
>yfw jews hatred stems from being so fucking ugly
Honestly can't even fathom it, God Damn I love being White
You've never been to /pol/ faggot redditor
>deflecting from the fact you were conquered
You sound like a nigger. Maybe that’s why you like them so much
Why do you have pics of little boys saved on your computer?
Projector harder cuckold
Fact: there is not 1 white person on /pol/
All a bunch of fat Hispanics and Muslims
You don't know what that word means retarded inbred kike
I’m not the one expressing my love for niggers and my desire to see them play white roles on TV like you did moments ago
Fact: you've never been to /pol/
They rule you. They enslave you. Stop damage controlling
It’s more impressive that dominate you through intellect and manipulation desu
Except you do, I bet you salivate when they shitstain historical and fictional characters, mentally ill cultural marxist cultist freak
I have it’s mostly fat Mexicans crying that the Jews keep them virgins
Prove it. You don't know what conquer means, retarded inbred kike
That's it. Belgium has to go. I'm getting the rope
Wut? You were the ones saying you want to see blacks on tv before. Wasn’t me man lmao
Is the reason you love nigs so much because you think it’ll finally attract a white woman?
So circumscision has fucked them up?
Yet another thread ruined by goddamn tranny jews
Confirmed for never having been to /pol/, could you be more a histrionic pussy?
>prove that the ZOG is real
Nice try JIDF
get outta here tankie
Have sex.
So you posted the nigger washed picture
hmmm what a coincidence
>non whites for the preservation of white people
Holy based
>rule the world
Jeffrey Epstein's rape island costarring Donald Trump
I gape your whore mothers asshole on the reg, kill yourself
Wtf white genocide isn’t real I guess...
What else had pol lied about?
I thought Finns were proud and unaffected by cultural marxism
>ruling anything but a patch of desert
Prove it
you might confuse him with another nuclear boy scout who came much later and is doing just fine
America isn’t a patch of desert.
Already repeating the same shit? This NPC needs a new script
Awww it's ok, your mothers a whore and her asshole is used more than a public bus stop
>prove the ZOG is real
Go to pol they’ll tell you
>Guy was tyrant that doomed Congo
He was elected in July and removed by Belgians in September the same year
Are you fucking retarded, use google nigger
Wasn't it Bill Clinton that took a bunch of trips of Epstein's Lolita Express?
actually yes, it has been proven that the body "remembers" the trauma of circumcision even if the person doesn't.
Literally all of pol is crying about how Jews run everything
>denying white genocide
You sound like the NPC
what HAVEN'T they lied about?
Prove they rule America
Not an argument
You've never been to /pol/, faggot redditor
Battle of Saraghrai. 20 something soldiers against an entire army of mudslimes
>haha we rule nothing goy
Fuck off schlomo
It's ok redditcel, the big bad /pol/boogeyman is the reason you're a virgin and the reason even your own mother finds you repulsive
Yah bra if it’s one thing pol isn’t known for its saying the Jews run everything lmao
>inbred retarded kikes
>capable of ruling anything
Prove it
They both did, but Epstein used Mar-a-Lago to pick his victims.
Will banning it fix these poor people?
>there’s no such thing as white genocide goy
You’re glowing JIDF
He can make a cameo with trump
You've never been to /pol/, faggot redditor
>haha ZOG isn’t real we’re not behind anything prove it goy
How’s the weather in tel aviv
A sanKARA BOGA biopic would be absolute kino
Isn't Epstein famous for using his rape island for black mail? Wouldn't he have pictures of Trump on said island? The only black mail on Trump they had was him saying gold diggers let you grab them by the pussy LOL
there are also finer specimens such as himmler and rudolph hess. look them up too.
I go to your safespace all the time. It’s fun to shit post and watch the incel seething
Silly jew, genocide is for kikes
Not an argument
>cannot kill ideas
Ask the Catharsis how that worked out for them.
So reddit is the one who says the Jews rule everything then?
Sounds redpilled to be vs bluepilled pol
in my opinion it can't hurt. I can't imagine cutting off a piece of someone's body without his consent can ever be construed as beneficial from a scientific or ethical standpoint. We evolved the way we are over a very long time, placing ourselves above nature is hubris.
>The holocaust happened
Wow you’re really being obvious schlomo
Hmmmm I wonder (((why)))
Your mother is a whore and I'm your father, cope with that faggot
No you don't faggot redditor, it's obvious your familiarity with this site is tenuous at best and you're one of the many faggot redditors trying to turn Yea Forums into a pc safespace like reddit, kill yourself
>says BBC porn is good
>says holocaust happened
>denies white genocide
>denies ZOG
Hmmmm...yet I’m the jew....
He doesn't look bad at all here
This is a redditor
Jews always lose, they've been banished over 100+ times in recorded history.
You sound like a proud little incel
Everyone knows you just go to your safe space to cry about your virginity
meant to say "at birth" of course. Sometimes there are good reasons to cut off something.
It's never ever going to go away is it? Two thousand years will pass and Hitler, Holocaust, and Nazi will still be household names flung around in political arguments.
>the holocaust is real goy
Prove it schlomo
>projecting this hard
So this is the power of kikes
We get it, you're a virgin, fuck off redditcel retard
According to pol here ITT the holocaust is very real so why are you butthurt
Kikes died from starvation and typhus after Allied forces bombed supply lines, it was literally anudduh shoah
You have done literally every one of those things. First you argue for black representation then you deny the ZOG and acknowledge the holocaust. I can link to the posts if you want
Not my fault you’ve exposed yourself
If it never happened why do kikes cry about it all the time and why do faggot leftist cry about it too?
Prove it. Where are the bodies? That’s just Jewish propaganda
He was a communist that was against secessionist movements within Congo. Congo isn't a nation state, quite a lot of minority majority areas in country simply didn't want to be part of the country. That is main reason why Congo has been in civil war for most of it's independence.
Wtf so the Jews lied then. But everyone acknowledges the official narrative. Which would mean Jews would have to rule over them to spread the lie....
More like almost the entire population felt anti-Soviet but Germans wasted that and only admitted Ukrainian and Russian allies when it was too late.
Ukrainian Insurgence Army was mostly independent and targeted Polish civilians. It was one of the most brutal acts of genocide during the war. In Europe definitely.
>b-blacks in m-movies t-trigger you right ;_;
>j-j-jews c-conquered y-you ;_;
>d-d-deny the holocaust p-pls ;_;
The absolute state of retarded inbred kike subhumans
Oh so the holocaust is real.
Cool. I don’t think pol would be happy with that opinion tho
Shhh goyim, keep buying our skincare products
Don't know and I don't care, if I knew I would probably piss on them hahahahaha
The official narrative is an American one, history is determined by the victor
Lol are you schizophrenic you’ve literally:
-argues for black representation
-deny white genocide
-deny ZOG
-acknowledge the holocaust
What are you so butthurt about anyway? You sound pretty leftist
Why do you keep bringing up /pol/, reddit?
There's no UIDF so nobody is invested enough. Meanwhile every time someone denies the holocaust in any thread some triggered JIDF cuck has to post over 9000 replies in a rushed panic trying to convince people that the holocaust happened. Which it didn't, by the way. The holocaust is a stupid hoax with tons of Jewish fanfiction.
Why would the US do the Jews bidding? Why would the soviets agree with it when they were enemies?
Sounds like those Jews have a lot of power...
Lol are you schizophrenic you've literally:
Projected all of that
my issue isn't whether or not the holocaust is real you retard it's the way the kikes will be using this shit for centuries to guilt trip npcs into giving them everything they want.
How do I get a gf like the one in the bottom right?
So in this thread JIDF got pol to argue for the holocaust being real and denying white genocide
P hilarious
The pol guy is saying the holocaust happened mate
i feel that there are no jidfs and neither pols here
1) the holocaust didn't happen
2) white genocide is real
wow that was hard the jidf sure are clever
How is it the jews bidding to keep Germany from being the sole European superpower? The soviets were literal mongoloids, they were too busy raping to pay attention to what was actually going on. Sounds like you're a subhuman parasitic jew rat with an inferiority complex, sad.
This lol
So you admit it’s real. How progressive of you
He looks normal. Do you honestly not know how we spot your kind no matter in which race you hide? Look at similarities between Merkel and Erdogan. Look between similarities between Teddy Rosenfeld, Amy Schumer, Mao Zedong. Look at similarities between Macron and Kallergi Coudenhoven. Look at similarities between George Bush, Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz. That is how we spot you. You look like a mixture of animals and race x.
Show her your big uncut goy cock, jew wenches can't resist the BWC. Just remember to not get it pregnant...
So the Jews must rule over whites then which goes against what you’ve been saying this whole thread
I didn't say it was real I said it was irrelevant to what I was talking about. Are you fucking retarded?
More like got JIDF to seethe at "why don't you deny the holocaust and why are you denying white genocide" it's called beating them at their own script, they are too obvious.
Wtf so soviets weren’t controlled by Jews either
What are you butthurt about anyway? Jews did literally nothing wrong according to you
Except they don't, but it's real interesting how you keep trying to push that narrative. Anything you want to tell us sweetie?
You keep trying to do this argument twist and think you're being clever but you're just coming off as a moron. Just stop posting.
>that looks normal
Wow the absolute state of pol mutts
>haha by arguing for the holocaust and denying white genocide were actually beating THEM
Oh yeah you sure showed them lmao
>the Jews must rule over whites then
depends on how cucked the country is but they're sure trying their hardest
Yep, mongoloids subhuman soviets were animals, they acted purely on predatory instinct. Why are you butthurt over subhuman christ killing kike rats? Stupid faggot redditor
Fuck off back to Redit if you deny the ZOG it’s the crutch of all of pol
You’re a fucking JIDF shill insisting Jews dindunuffin and holocaust is real
Never happened. Where are the bodies? Where's the evidence? It's a [[[German]]] propaganda piece.
Their whole point was "j-jews rule you ;_;" and I dabbed on their ass with Facts and Logic
You’ve been arguing for the holocaust this whole thread which is pretty suspicious for le redpilled man
It's cute how you think parasites have any real power over its host body
Why are you so obsessed with Jews if they’ve done nothing wrong according to you?
This thread started out as a holocaust denial thread about 5-6 posts in now they’ve gotten you to argue for it the whole thread. If you can’t see what they’re up to you’re retardes
You think by having endless sarcastic arguments with them you’re winning by all you did was just argue for the holocaust for 300 posts
So yeah great win there man lmao
>Nazi collaborators
You think we forget who was on Hitler's side at the start of WW2, Boris?
It happened, but they were only in internment camps because jews are natural traitors and most of them were communist and the only ones that died was because of starvation and typhus outbreak after Allied forces bombed supply lines. The official narrative is an American one to shame and keep Germany weak and from ever becoming a superpower again and starting another World War.
They don’t even do anything according to you I don’t see why you’re so butthurt
>Except they don't
>Jews aren't the (((democratically elected))) HoS
>Therefore they're powerless
Imagine being this Jewish/retarded, but being it unironically.
noooooo sweetie the soviets didn't do anything bad, that is fascist propaganda
I have not, you've been arguing with a different user. Do you think there only two posters in this thread? How fucking new are you?
>it happened
Cool man.
Okay bros so we've come to a consensus:
1) nuke Israel
2) kill all commies and jews
3) kill all lgbtbbqs
Great thread bros
Didn't Trump actually ban Epstein from visiting Mar-a-Lago?
More like Pol argues that holocaust is real and Jews dindunuffin
>It's cute how you think parasites have any real power over its host body
Yep, it's just all pure coincidence.
jews gotta go
What do you think of that guy saying the holocaust is real and Jews aren’t behind anything? Why are you arguing with me when he’s the one who disagrees with you?
It seems you have no ideological consistency and just say anything to be contrary
Battle of Verdun
The Soviet’s weren’t Jews according to the pol posters ITT
Why the fuck would you want to be seen with an accomplice who is in jail especially if you are complicit?
The Incident
>pol says holocaust is real And there’s no white genocide
This is a bizarre thread
and at some point the Earth was ruled by overgrown chickens. Things change, this is how "time" works. It changes things.
I pity them, imagine being a parasitic rat in human form who has been banished over 100+ times in recorded history, jews always lose.
Nice meme conspiracy theory. I'm sure you'll get Trump next year! Impeached any day now!
>samefagging this hard
LOL someone's pretty butthurt about holohoax posting
Yea Forums.com/r/pole here I confirm that Israel is our greatest ally and jews are the good guys
But aren't you claiming jews rule you, so shouldn't you be butthurt? Interesting
I Know, God I wish I could've been a Nazi guard
Okay but they sound p harmless according to you so why are you so obsessed with a tiny minority with no power or effect anywhere? Been screaming about them for hundreds of posts yet they’ve never done a single thing wrong according to you
But why are you pushing holocaust denial and trying to make the jews out to be some kind of ultra super villains? Aren't you a lefty redditor?
Yah I’m butthurt about Jews they rule over us and made me a virgin. You’re the one saying they dindunuffin
Hence the JIDF
Why are you projecting? You're the one screeching that jews rule you LMAO
Why are you so obsessed with Jews if they’re a tiny powerless minority? Why not scream about Tahitians all day?
We did it reddit
Why are you pushing so hard that Jews are benign powerless victims? Are you a redditor?
Nice false flag, transparent redditor
You're projecting, you're the one trying to make weak jew nerds into intimidating boodeymen, it's just not gonna happen.
According to you the camp guards were nice and chill and tried to help the Jews so basically you want to just be nice to Jews all day
Jesus, reading that gained me a whole new respect for Chinese generals and their loyalty to the emperor. I'm certain that by the time they were captured, most of them were probably already suffering from prions (Zhang Xun gritted all but three of his teeth to a pulp because he wanted to eat the enemy). They literally went battle mad and held that city for two years, allowing the Tang to gather their forces in full and prepare for the full Yan invasion. If any modern director had the balls, he should have made a movie out of this.
These angry roasties will never understand why the loyalists had to eat the women, but that's okay. It's not their burden to know.
Bill Clinton was also treated by a "faith healer" called "John of God" who, as it later turned out, kept a harem of teenage sex slaves, sold their babies on the black market and was a sadist who liked performing surgeries of questionable nature without anesthetic(such as stabbing peoples' eyes with a scalpel and shoving knives down peoples' throats). I can imagine what Bill's "treatment" consisted of, considering his sex scandals.
What? I just asked a question. Why are you so obsessed with Jews and screaming about them for 300 posts if they’re a tiny powerless minority
Is that a problem? Maybe he likes Jews. Maybe if I was a nazi guard I could get a pretty Jewish gf too. The Nazis loved Jews, but unfortunately Zionist propaganda lied about them in order to steal land from the innocent Palestinians.
Why are you deflecting and why don't you answer my original questions? If you're a lefty redditor, which you clearly are, why are you trying to push holocaust denial and a loxist supremacist conspiracy theory?
Reminder that trumptards need to be spayed.
>haha I don’t care about Jews they’re weak nerds that’s why I’ve been posting about them for 2 hours
True. We must all vote for Patrick Little.
He seems to like Jews yeah. They’re being and harmless
Based reddit user
Naw, you're the obsessed one. Seek therapy for your inferiority complex jew, nobody is intimidated by you, fucking parasite
Then the prosecutor of Epstein's case elected to "give him the deal of a lifetime" by prosecuting him lightly, and now said prosecutor, Alexander Acosta, is our Secretary of Labor.
Also, Alan Dershowitz and Ken Starr were defense attorneys for Epstein.
Face the music, the GOP is as corrupt as the Democratic party.
JIDF really aren't sending their best. It's so easy to dab on them.
You’re the leftist reditor. You’re saying the holocaust is real and Jews dindunuffin
So stop deflecting
>haha j-jews rule you, now let me autistically screech about it for posts on end
Interesting Shlomo, anything else?
Based user putting holocaust deniers and anti Semitic conspiracy theorists in their place
>the GOP is as corrupt as the Democratic party.
But wait, you're the leftist redditor and you're pushing holocaust denial plus loxism, or are you just trying to push what you think 4channers think? It is obvious you are not from here and out of your element, you stick out like a sore thumb.
Oh yah dude by acknowledging the holocaust and denying any Jewish wrongdoings you’re sure showing a group whose entire purpose is to do those things
>Face the music, the GOP is as corrupt as the Democratic party.
No one ever stated otherwise. That doesn't mean there aren't a few individuals who still hold on to some semblance of ethics on both sides. I don't even like Trump, hell, I'm not even American, but the accusation that he's a pedo is unsubstantiated.
I haven’t said one Redit opinion. You’re the one reading from the redit script
This, the kvetchers itt want you to deny the holocaust and believe in loxism so they can say "gotchu!", it goes against their ideological brainwashing when you go against their script and makes them short circuit, but such is to be expected of NPCs.
I agree. Holocaust denial and anti Semitic conspiracy theories have no place on this board
>y-you ebil 4channers d-deny the h-holocaust and are meanies to jews who dindu nuffin but r-rule you ;_;
Interesting delve into the schizoid redditor mind
Their whole point is to stop holocaust denial posting and by spending the whole thread fucking around with these arguments they’ve done exactly that.
Seems p based to be
Vatnik vs Hohlosrach aside, I would love to see this shit:
>The prize to be the first pilot across the English Channel
>Louis Bleriot is the quiet autist type who finds out about aviation experiments in 1900 and lives, breathes this technology, sees airplane concepts in his sleep
>Hubert Latham is this middle-class daredevil guy who is successful at anything he does, while barely trying.
>Sets a shitload of naval speed records in Monaco while piloting a speedboat made by a distant relative's engine company (Antoinette)
>in 1905 or so finds out about planes thinks "what if we put the same fucking engine in a plane"
>Founded a company with speedboat relative and another cousin
>Daily Mail does a publicity competition in 1909 for crossing the English Channel by air
>several signings, Latham is the first.
>engine burns 8 miles into the journey
>crashlands into the sea
>wooden plane made by speedboat engineers just floats
>this fucker just sparks up a cigar and waits for rescue
>when interviewed upon his return, and asked if he's discouraged from further tests he goes "it's just an accident, accidents happen to horses, cycles even to bathtubs. We have a machine that can travel on the ground, in the air, in the sea. C'est une triomphe!
>Few days of storm winds. Bierot finds a 5am calm to take off, wins prize. Latham got fucking wasted the night before and sleeps through it.
>After Bierot wins the prize, uses his name to successfully sell a few 1000 of aircraft in France, the UK and Austro-Hungary then company fades into obscurity in 1920s, so he retires rich.
>Latham sets several air speed and height records, is a founder of a French military pilot school, tours the USA in his record-breaking plane.
>Gets bored with aviation, says "fuck this, I will explore French Colonial Africa instead.
>Murdered by nigger guides for his shiny rifle in 1912.
It's a cool contrast of characters, similar to Rush (2013) about Niki Lauda (RIP) and James Hunt.
I’m the one denying the holocaust and saying Jews didn’t dindnuffin. Are you okay reditor?
Holocaust happened but not as the official narrative that's indoctrinates public school children and Ashkenazi and Khazars aren't even semites, so being anti-rat/parasite is not anti-semitic.
He bragged about groping women who were also underaged, wants to fuck his daughter and cheated on her wife while she was pregnant with a pornstar. Even if he doesn't diddle little kids he is already a degenerate on his own and wouldn't be surprising at all if he was at epstein's resorts.
>genocide a bunch of them
>wtf why did they turn against us bros?
If Jews are weak and powerless how do they set the narrative?
I agree, the holocaust happened
You mean to tell me the billionaire playboy who was good friends with Hugh Hefner likes fucking around? Who'da thunk that.
that poor chinese gives me feels all the time
Everyone is going to belive what they're going to believe. They just made the assumption that would one-up themselves by trying to get us to admit to their narrative in ie the holocaust didn't happen and jews rule us. Really interesting narrative they're attempting to push when you think about it
Are you though? Are you really? You have to go back
more actual russians than ukrainians helped the wehrmacht and ss though.
The tragedy here is that had Lumumba won they'd probably have far better roads r
Reminder to the pol posters ITT you’re fucking retards sarcastically arguing against holocaust denial and white genocide with JIDF they literally wanted you to avoid posting redpills
Im ducking disgusted with you plebs
And kikes were commie scum all along but yet the holocaust was more justified, imagine that.
Are you implying jews are strong and powerful and able to set narratives? Why do you think that?
I wish it would happen again tqbh
Not exactly christian values though is it?
>it's an anglos try to destroy an irrelevant balkan nation for the third time in 50 years episode
You don’t even make any sense. You’re calling them JIDF but the whole point of them is to prevent talking about Jewish power or privilege or talking points like holocaust denial. Just trying to be contrary with them is dumb as they still get what they want
You’re basically just arguing for the sake of arguing which is what they do but they get PAID for it you dumbshit They don’t care
show me the kike bodies in the holocaust oh wait they were magically converted into ash by magic ovens
Shut the fuck up Stalin
>waaaa just say what JIDF wants you to say waaaaaa ;_;
Why, and give them what they want? Fuck them
I agree it’s ridiculous that some people think the holocaust happened and that Jews have ever done anything wrong
Fucking plebbit
Dyatlov Pass.
Ummm sweetie haven’t you been paying attention ITT the holocaust is real and if you deny it you’re JIDF
Maybe that's the point elsewhere, not on an anymous message board. What they're essentially trying to do is humble brag and demoralize, don't give them what they want, and it's obvious what they want.
but ukrainians WERE the soviets, and there was NO ''''''HOLODOMOR"""""
(and there were no 'ukraine' until the 1991, it was only a Getmanschina/Malorossiya)
there was a amine on ENTIRE western USSR, from Ural to Belarus
So you think that by arguing the holocaust is real and Jews aren’t behind anything, you aren’t giving paid Israeli agents what they want?
Has it ever occurred to you that they’re fucking with you and want you to say what you’ve been saying to avoid any redpill drops?
Polish goverment, who fled to UK then?
Czechoslovakia officials?
UK, France and USA in 1938 Munich agreements? lol nice american education
No one ever thought he was a devout Christian and he didn't even pretend to be one. His sex life was meaningless to voters, they cared about shit like manufacturing jobs and border control.
Im confused do you think the holocaust happened or not
The holocaust didn't happen. Oops back to step 1!
lol what? they did not had intelligentisa cuz they did not had a culture, except some writers(like 2 famous)
>video length is 1:60
im sorry what
>Holocaust happened
They don’t give a shit about that they want to maintain the narrative they’re not paid to brag in a way that only /pol/ posters would get angered by
You’ve been helping them maintain the narrative this thread, they played you and you’re too dumb to see it.
Except everyone on this site knows the holocaust didn't happen and jew parasites have burrowed themselves into institutions all across the West, the best way to get under their skin is to downplay it
>denying it did
Russians don't change. If you ever trust one, you're a fucking idiot.
So how did they fake it then if they’re weak and powerless?
Wan't there a cooler story about another guy who did the same thing but they decided to stick it inside Berkeley and its the only nuclear reactor at a US university?
>I sometimes wonder if Jews understand cause and effect
They do but their trick is to not give a fuck about consistency and basically fake it till you make it.
They don’t care what you think they want to shut down discussion publicly which is what you helped them to do
They went to the gym and got huge and buff. All the Jews who own the federal reserve are /fit/izens.
>So how did they fake it then if they’re weak and powerless?
They went to the gym and got buff.
There were legitimate internment camps for treacherous kikes and communist, people in camps only started dying to starvation and typhus after Allied forces bombed supply lines
Good goy
Nah, it was obvious from the first jews rule you post
>admits in the end that Jews are smarter than whites and tricked them and actually doesn’t mean it when he says otherwise
Well you just wasted your time
Jeremy Is Dad's Friend
So you think the Jews falsified information at some point to push a lie then. How did they do this if they’re dumb powerless retards?
Then why have they been kvetching the whole thread? Their power lies in smearing their opposers as "conspiracist"
Yeah naw, parasites and rats are not intlligent
>argues for the holocaust and against Jewish privilege
>calls others good goys
Jews aren't smarter, they're just stronger because they went to the gym more often. Once white people start training again then they can beat the Jews. This is why Jews can't take over Japan: they have Goku.
I thought severe malnutrition caused severe permanent health issues, so how come we still have so many holocaust survivors?
>How did they do this if they’re dumb powerless retards?
They went to the gym and got buff.
History is determined by the winners, and America won WW2. It was in America's interest to push the holohoax conspiracy to make sure Germany could never become a superpower again.
They’re not “kvetching” they’re disingenuously shilling to get you from posting what they didn’t want you to post
And now we’re at the bump limit and a thread that would have been about Jewish privilege and the holohoax redpills is about the exact opposite
Great job man I hope you’re proud you sure showed them
Nazino Affair is taylor for a Netflix mini series.
>he didn't even pretend to be one.
Yeah he did retard
>No one ever thought he was a devout Christian
Tell that to these inbred retards
But why have another thread where we post redpills that everyone already knows when you can dab on JIDF? I regret nothing
There's just one problem: literally everyone here knew the Holocaust didn't happen so it would just be regurgitating information everyone already knew. IMO it was better to have fun by dabbing on the JIDF.
My White brother of upstanding character
And note JODF left as soon as they hit the bump limit
GG fellow pedes you sure beat them arguing their script for them but at least you stopped “”””bragging”””””
The holocaust didn't happen.
The CIA colaborated with the coup d'etat and Belgium is France's retarded little brother and also Brussels is the capital of the EU. It just won't happen
>waaaaaa why didn't you give JIDF what they wanted waaaaaaa ;_;
Because fuck them
Cool. But now nobody is around to see it
You dabbed nothing. You said what they wanted you to say which is to shut down any spreading of the truth
I bet Amiri Baraka knew that the holocaust didn't happen.
You retard I’m saying you did give them what they wanted: a complete absence of redpills
You think calling them names hurts their cause more than posting redpills? They don’t give a shit about being called names as evidenced by the fact they called themselves the same names and then fucked off as soon as the bump limit hit while you’re still here
It's okay I'll just post it in literally every thread on the catalog now. Thanks for giving me the idea, JIDF!
Are you really dumb enough that you can't see through a PR photo shoot and lip service? Every politician does, just like all of them do a PR photo of them eating hamburgers. Yet you think that's what he campaigned on? None of his key points during his campaign were about Christianity. He kept talking about tariffs and tax cuts and building a border wall and kicking out corrupt people from government positions. That's what got him elected.
Lumumba didn’t have the education or experience to run a country. He had previously spent time in jail because he was embezzling money from the post office he worked at, and he alienated the US by asking them to supply him some white prostitutes at a meeting held to discuss relations between the two counties. The aftermath was a disaster and overthrowing him was unjust, but he would not have done a good job running the country.
This would make a great "BASED ON A TRUE STORY" drama
The movie would have to show a lot of preparation for Operation Chariot, or make up nuances to make it long enough for a whole feature film.
That's a film already
History of China has so many interesting moments over millenia. A lot of movies exist in Asian cinema already btw.
From the POV of the Aztec nephew of Montezuma who becomes emperor and is then also betrayed and murdered. Showing them as realistic savages as well.
>pic related
>My name is Quahtemoc, Jaguar/JagWire Warrior of Tenochtitlan
Would work, and loved by soft cunts because MUH STRONG BLACK LEADER. I mean Idi Amin was a mad cunt and he got a great semi-fictional film about him (Last King of Scotland with Whittaker and McAvoy)
Would make a great biopic that with the right finances and director could eclipse Saving Pt Ryan. Name it "Blood in the Mud" or something idiotic but catchy.
Basically Rush but in pre-WW1 area of excess. Maybe exaggerate character traits or facts to make it more appealing to zoomer retards.
Would unironically watch a subtitled version if one was made,
>Everyone else ITT crying about /pol/ and reddit like idiots, and parroting their political side's views without understanding them.
We need cunnyposting and gore threads to scare away the fucktards, magapede /ptg/tards, summerfags and discord tranny CTR shills.
The Poles stabbed Ukraine in the back in their fight to gain independence from the Soviets back in 1919/1920.
The consensus is somewhere under six million over the course of two years died due to starvation caused initially accidentally but then deliberately by Soviet agricultural policy of forced collectivization, which massively decreased yields, and then by confiscating everything from the peasants essentially as punishment for not magically making their terrible policy work.
It is one thing to do pr shoots with your fans, But signing an actual literal bible, a book that christians consider a holy text is a next level of autism. His campaign revolved around that boomer evangelical kike alliance for his entire presidency.