The Terror

They killed him too early

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No, he died just at the right time.

He died too lonely

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they shouldn't have adapted some horror novel with a magical polar bear that doesn't even exist in inuit culture
the franklin expedition and what little we know of it is like a blank slate for screenwriters, could have made it one of the best psychological thrillers on the telly

Show is for gay kids.

tbf it's got some of the best psychological horror ive seen in recent movies/tv shows even if the polar bear is little better than your average gore porn friday the 13th nightmare on elmstreet garbage

No it was very good. Subverting expectations done right

Plebeian opinion. The otherwordly elements were enriched the story and weren't too heavy-handed. By your logic they shouldn't have added the murderous false Hickey and mutiny plotlines either.

>could have made it one of the best psychological thrillers on the telly
It already is.

My only complaint of the show so far (I'm 5 episodes in) is that I'm not convinced of the cold. The sets are great, the show looks stunning, but scenes don't look cold, even when they have frost on their face.

I can't pinpoint it, but I don't feel the crushing weather conditions that I should feel.

>The otherwordly elements were enriched the story and weren't too heavy-handed
i disagree. the tuunbaq was the leading cause of deaths and danger throughout the story.
not sure why you think i am not okay with the hickey and mutiny plotlines, those are all completely fine with me. i just think the execution of the tuunbaq (which again, doesn't even exist in inuit culture) was so dominant that it downplayed the true psychological horror of being stranded in the arctic and starving/freezing to death

There are so many scenes I don't understand. Like what had the men placed outside the room of the woman? captain said they grew tired of her, but what was that outside her room?
Also what were the little specks of dirtballs or whatever that Goodsir found at the end of Episode 5? I have no fucking idea what that is.Am I supposed to know?

You're probably right. But I just really liked that character, sad to see him go so fast.
>show is for gay kids

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guys seriously, what was this supposed to be?

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>tfw you will never be seduced by Hickey

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>that doesn't even exist in inuit culture

are you trolling? it does not exist in inuit culture. they believe in many spirits, but tuunbaq is a fictional creation by dan simmons, the man who wrote The Terror
it is said to be loosely based on existing inuit spirits, with lots of other mythological entities sprinkled in

It should have been aliens.

I thought they were bullets, but I don't remember the context of the scene.
Did he take them from the cans?

He found them after the woman escaped after the monster thing attacked the ship and fucked that dudes leg up.

Maybe they're Lady Silence bunny poops?

No, but seriously, there are a handful of scenes like this on the show where I do not understand what is being conveyed and it makes me feel dumb

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2spooky4u, m8?

Lead pellets from the bad soldering on the cans. That's why LS doesn't eat any of their food, she knows it ain't good.

how the fuck am I supposed to catch that? fucking billion IQ here, I need this shit explained to me like I'm a retard.

goodsir and the other doctor discuss it before he starts his experiments on the monkey you retard

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The last episode I watched was Episode 5, It ends with him feeding the monkey, so I haven't gotten to that part yet.

he talks to the doctor before he starts feeding the monkey iirc

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The Franklin expedition's main contractor for canned meat was Stephen Goldner, who ran a canning factory in what is now Romania.
Goldner won the bid for the expedition because he was so much cheaper than everyone else. It was cheaper because the quality was absolutely terrible and Goldner became the center of a huge scandal in the canned food industry.

I remember reading that some more modern research has suggested that lead poisoning was not a big factor in their deaths it was more likely the fact hat they were simply too far away.

I don't think he does, the episode ends with him getting the idea to feed the monkey, so I'm guessing next episode he'll actually inform him about it.
But then again my memory is shit so maybe it did happen. I just doubt it, because the scenes prior to him feeding it is the utter chaos with the monster fucking their ship up. The only thing Goodsir was up to in that episode was talking to the woman.

>trusting a romanian named (((Goldner)))
not even once lads, not even once

happens in EP5 just checket
around 10 minutes in

Yeah, the book Ice Ghosts by Paul Watson (really cool book) claims that the lead poisoning theory has already been debunked by scientists (most Europeans in those days would have some form of lead poisoning, apparently).
The winters the Franklin Expedition spent in the Arctic were so severe that they became part of Inuit legend (they even blamed the white men for bringing bad spirits with them that caused such harsh winters).
He was born in Hungary and migrated to Britain.

I feel quite the opposite, that the tuunbaq didn't play nearly as much a role as I was expecting. He gets a minute or two per episode where his impact is large, but the actual time spent on him by both the crew and the camera seemed lacking considering what he was. I would have preferred he not be there at all, but since he is, I think he should have had a much more ubiquitous and haunting presence that really tormented the crew.

do they mention feeding the monkey?

nah Goodsir did that on his own to test it out

so what was the experiment on the monkey? just to see if it died or what?

to see if the black gums were the result of the lead in the food

to see if the monkey would exhibit the same blackening of the gums, and i guess eventually also die

Watching it for the first time. Finished episode 6 last night. Fucking loving it so far.

to test how contaminated the food really was from the lead. which leads to the most fucked up thing of the episode as Stanley realizes the food, which was their biggest guarantee of survival, is now useless, prompting him to do what he did at the carnival

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>Tuunbaq is a fictional creation of Dan Simmons rendered from the Inuit religious concept of Tuurngait which translates roughly to "killing spirit".
>In the Inuit faith Tuurngait can be either good or evil depending on the person summoning the spirit and the purpose.
>Simmons did this because Tuurngait is copyright protected, administered by Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC).
the only thing that irked me about The Terror was the constant homoerotic subtext in nearly every scene

They're seamen, it's constant homoerotic subtext in real life

How would he know though? if one can is contaminated does that mean they all are?

I'm watching episode 6 now and this dude is becoming my favorite character.

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bluepilled: the magical polar bear ruined the show
redpilled: the magical polar bare was a figment of psychosis caused by low temperatures and lead poisoning damaging the brains of the sailors. There was no polar bear, only themselves and their own terror, driving them mad.

>Simmons did this because Tuurngait is copyright protected, administered by Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC)
>copyrighting your own people's lore

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>the only thing that irked me about The Terror was the constant homoerotic subtext in nearly every scene
Hickey and that dude he was fucking were the only confirmed fags. Everyone else was just friends -- GOOD friends. I swear most men these days are so atomized that they don't have friends they consider their brothers. Sad.

>the faggot is the bad guy

>men are going sick
>black gums
>complains by the cooks saying that the food was spoiled in the cans
>previous experiences with similar issues the doctor and goodsir had
>the men didnt eat directly from the cans but had the food prepared so they never came across the lead or just dismissed it

Penumbra tv adaptation when.
It could be very good coldkino done right.

>the only thing that irked me about The Terror was the constant homoerotic subtext in nearly every scene
>you'll be punished as a boy, mr hickey

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>if only you knew how bad things really are

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Agreed. These scenes keep making me feel weird.

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I'm a brainlet and got bored halfway of episode 3 and stopped


>doesn't stick around for Jared Harris

I guess I really just am a brainlet, but I wish they'd spell this shit out a little more.

Goodsir? More like Bestsir. Top lad this one

>they never came across the lead or just dismissed it
This. There's a scene in episode 1 in which Caesar is eating with Brutus and he takes a little metallic ball from his mouth and just puts it on the plate and keeps eating

who else here is /homoforhickey/

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The problem is Mr. Hickey is too attractive

fuck you I had planned to start watching it TONIGHT
you're supposed to use spoiler tags

>a monster

I apologize, user.
It's not a big spoiler. Please watch the show still, it's fantastic.

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>constant homoerotic subtext
I didn't feel this at all. You have something to tell us, user?

The Terror 2 ℱ will have aliens attacking the Japanese concentration camp.

That scene where the guy that got fucked up the butt by Hickey knocked on the door of a seaman and looked suspicious before entering the room, was that supposed to mean they too are banging?

Spoilers: They all die

He was going there to come clean and spare himself from the punishment and push the blame on hickster

>constant homoerotic subtext in nearly every scene
This is what modern men honestly believe. They've never had to struggle for survival and come to think of their comrades as brothers whom they love lime blood family because they've endured hell together.

>the constant homoerotic subtext
yeah, all the mentions about how hard and long the masts are, the reminders of how the terror will "penetrate" through the ice, and all the talk about in times of cold any hole is warm enough was kinda a bit too much

was that the same guy though? I swear I looked and it wasn't that guy that confronted Hickey.

At one point in the book they force one guy to eat from the canned food to see if it makes him sick or not.

t. no education in antiquated speech

well there's also how everyone recoiled at seeing the inuit woman. and all the "well done!" butt-slapping between the mates and even among the captains

It was. Irving hates homos and walked in on Hickey buttfucking the steward Gibson. After that happened Gibson talked to Irving in his room to try to imply that Hickey was forcing him to have sex.

>recoiled at the savage native
Really not that crazy for mid Victorian Britain.
>constant slapping
That's still a military/navy thing. Physical contact enforces bonding, and you need a tightly bound crew who thought of each other as brothers to survive long voyages. It's all psychology. Reading gay into everything is modern revisionism. Did gays exist in the navy back then? Most certainly. But every night didn't end in a butt orgy on a ship.

>merely mention homosexual subtext throughout show
>tvcels lose their minds
this board has gone to shit

And the punishment for buggery was was often marooning

Fuck you fucking faggot spoiling bitch.

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it really does happen early, which means the bulk of the plot happens after. watch it or be punished. as a boy

>historical event in which everyone in the expedition dies
>franklin's death in 1847 was recorded in one of the only documents retrieved from the expedition
what about this is a spoiler?

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Utter brainlets and plebpilled.

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they strayed too far from the book

>mfw qallunaaq

I never finished it

got memed into it,

thanks tv

Yeah except the show doesn't portray the bear like that at all. They never should've actually shown the bear, it ruined the show.

cesar and mance ryder too

The bear in the books is way better because it doesnt even seem like a physical being and its way more deformed than the one in the show
its described as wind carrying snow when moving
it wasnt a being that lived in the enviroment that was trying to kill them, it was like the bear was the enviroment thats trying to kill them

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Manbearpig ruined it.

fun fact, in the novel it only walks on its front legs, and is strictly spiritual

>it wasnt a being that lived in the enviroment that was trying to kill them, it was like the bear was the enviroment thats trying to kill them
now that would be kino

the first time they see it, the thing emerges from the ice itself to kill Gore
it phases in and out, same just before Franklin dies, it emerges into the blind where the men are hiding

ywn get a hickey from Hickey after he licky your dicky and stabbed you with an ice picky


fucking why? you can't even write a meme line about the show? you can only think of 'bump'?

that was the sound the ship made when it hit ice retard
fucking watch the show you mong

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kek, touche user

>1) went into Yea Forums when you are sensitive about spoilers
>2) clicked on a Yea Forums discussion thread about a show you didn't want spoilers for
>3) loudly announced you got spoiled so other 4channers can spoil you further
I hate spoilers but you dug your own fucking grave you fucking idiot.

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based icemaster

the name is created, the creature itself is not. retard.

Am I autistic or did anybody else notice some inconsistency in quality to some of the shots? I have the bluray 1080p rip and some shots are blurrier than others, it's as if they have digitally zoomed in certain scenes, so far I've only noticed it on close up shots, I assume it was shot at more of a distance and then in post they decided that going closer up to the faces of the characters fit the tone more.

You can see it in this shot by no means does it look bad, but it doesn't look anywhere as sharp as the shot after it.

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best show I've seen in the past few years. I watch ep 1 and didnt come back to it for a few months, but it exceeded all expectations

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It's just the way they focused the camera on the actor, causing the background to blur.

That is one ugly fuck.

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what the fuck is this bloke doing?

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>want to buy a bluray
>only release was in US
>disc is region locked
>europoors canot play it on their bluray players


his best

Is it possible to buy blu-ray players that bypass region locking? There were DVD players that would do that back in the day.

I just pirate everything. Fuck dealing with region locking and DRM.

i couldnt believe that it was a so disgusting pile of steaming shit. It wasnt horror, it wasnt good. it was JUST FUCKING BORING useless shit to fill up an index of a pay-to-stream channel but just to remind you, at the very end, to buy shit that will be dropped right in your house.

It was.

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holy shit, I was not expecting this. I was sure it was Hickey
What a fucking episode that was.

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>doesn't have transforming robot cars or superhero quips
>zoomers hate it

I have only PS4 and Xbox One as bluray capable devices and both cannot play out of region disc if they are locked.
I just wanted to have something from this series, because I njoyed it very much.

Isn't this a historical so they are just following the sequence of who dies first?

How does this compares to actual history? I love the actual history of this, it's super spooky, I don't want to be disappointed by a shit adaptation.

I think three of the surviving men made it to an eskimo village, already crazed. The eskimos were scared of them, though they tried to help, they left the men a seal before they moved village because they were afraid, when they came back, the seal was untouched, but the men who are now dead shown signs of having resorted to cannibalism.

>psychological thrillers

THIS, because the scariest thing I read about the Franklin Expedition is how they went Lord of the Flies on each other. The cannibalism even when they had seal meat: So instead of some visible magical monster, they should have gone with everyone going gradually insane, and you don't know who is going to go insane next.

then keep watching this cheap trailer-bait shit so it keeps people get piled up by amazon garbage, you dumb faggot

It's been pretty much universally praised. So watch it and make your mind up.

Just finished episode 8. FUUUUCK.

Kinda hate that I missed this when it aired. The weekly threads on this must've been glorious

So what rank did Neptune hold

>seething mad that this isn't a batman movie
Grow up, kid.

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I think I read the book this is based on. Can't remember much but the monster was much more ghostly and one of the survivors went native? Idk its been a while.

Are you retarded? The spoiler is literally in the OP.

fuck now you're making me curious, I'm about to start Episode 7 just now. 6 is one of my favorites so far.

Also I wonder if there were weekly threads, because didn't AMC drop all episodes ala netflix? I swear I read somewhere that it did.

>you'll be punished as a boy
That probably was just an expression in that time that mean he will get spanked, like children do...

>franklin expedition
>man fuck you for spoiling that everyone died
do you go complaining into the /RBMK/ threads that you werent expecting a reactor explodion too?

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We had weekly threads until after about ep.5 when the rest of the season was leaked. The generals dried up shortly after.
They were some of the best threads on Yea Forums in years and felt like what this board was like in its golden years.

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leaks always have to ruin great generals.
like how the russians leaked twin peaks synopsis' and that scared away a good portion of /tpg/ leading up to the finale.

/tpg/ was godly as well. and I'm enjoying the chernobyl generals too.

Why did Hollom do it, bros?

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>They were some of the best threads on Yea Forums in years and felt like what this board was like in its golden years.

I know exactly how you feel. The show was comfy and the generals were super fucking comfy. Lots of nice Anons posting fun memes and having good discussions about the show. I miss it so much.

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>Thought you'd want to know

Sounds pretty based to me. If you could protect your people's culture from desecration by the Jews, wouldn't you?

How come the men didn't rape the shit out of the silent lady?

*marches into your thread*

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Chernobyl has had some decent threads in /RBMK/. Solid series too; Jared Harris is one of the leads next to Stellan SkarsgÄrd.

punishment is death

Their cocks had likely retreated to somewhere around their solar plexus, and wouldn't be coming out until they reached proper spring weather again.

it probably wasn't cold on set so that's the reason. TV shows often fuck it up.
In Game of Thrones no one wears hats in the Night's Watch or beyond the Wall, yet it's supposed to be fucking cold.

I don't know, sounds like Hickey's cock was in fine health.

didn't they bring him back a hundred times in flashbacks and shit

Imagine being Crozier on the Terror having to be all like "damn, James Fitzjames, you fuckin' fine, all charming with your storytelling and horrific smug monster face. I would totally command with you, both as my 3rd and 2nd, when all he really wants to do is down another 16 year old bottle of whiskey in his chambers. Like seriously imagine having to be Francis and not only sit in that chair while Fitzjames flaunts his disgusting rank in front of you, his favorable exploits in the Discovery Service barely concealing his lack of Arctic experience, and just sit there, course after course, hour after hour, while he perfected that Chinaman story. Not only having to tolerate his monstrous fucking visage but his haughty attitude as everyone onboard tells him he's STILL HOPEFUL and DAMN, JAMES FITZJAMES LEADS LIKE *THAT*? Because they're not the ones who have to sit there and listen to his Anglo fucking gremlin accent contort into types of grandiose boasting you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of seaside brothel prostitutes and later Eskimaux alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Ireland. You've never even heard anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the roast duck that's part of climax of his tale as he taps his chest where the cherry sized musket ball struck him, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in his capital (for that is what he calls it) narrative, the narrative he served so hard for with officers in the previous years. And then Franklin asks about policing the guano deposit off of Namibia, and you know you could punish every single person in this dining chamber as a boy before the Marines could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Crozier. You're not going to lose your future wife and knighthood over this. Just bear it.

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>movie snow is still basically cotton balls that stay in people's hair without melting

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>he's never experienced a winter cold enough that the snow that lands on you doesnt melt
must be good living in the tropics

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Which death fucked you up the most Yea Forums? For me, it was Thomas, his hallucination scene fucked me up good.

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You are the retarded one for visiting Yea Forums when you're afraid of spoilers. Go back to plebbit. This is not a safe space.

it wasn't a magical polar bear, just regular ones, but everyone was having hallucinations due to scurvy [/spolier]

the worst part has to be believing that Crozier left him behind
but I believe the guy who died by falling into the ocean in the first episode had it the worst

the people who survived falling into the water when titanic was sinking described it as having thousands of blades plunged into you at the same time
and that was warm water compared to where these guys were

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I shouldn't have to share this board with retards like you.

>tfw Hickey will never shit in your bed out of jealousy

Jopsons death was by far the most harrowing but he wasn't nearly as developed as a character as either Fitzjames or Goodsir.
Their deaths were more emotionally effective to me but Jopsons hit pretty damn hard.

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The men have to be kept away from the woman on the ship for a simple reason; lonely sailors who haven't been with a female in two years and a woman at the end of the world are a recipe for disaster.
The bits of stuff that Goodsir found in the cans is lead, which is poison.

>LS has to write down what to say
took me a minute, got to admit

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Looking at capeshit, it's an absolute necessity These dass.

I get most of these but who is the ''we managed to scrape everything up'' guy and I dont get the John Hartnell one

I think it was fine, they should've just made the monster more otherworldly and spooky not just manbearpig.

>''we managed to scrape everything up'
That refers to Dr Stanley setting himself on fire. He mentions he has a daughter at one point.
>the John Hartnell one
Tom Hartnell is a secondary character who survives until the second to last(?) episode, he gets shot by Des Voux before Crozier is kidnapped by Hickeys gang. His brother was buried on a beach before the ships got stranded. This happened irl and was why historians were led onto the lead poisoning theory.

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Imagine being "Hickey" realising not only that the voyage will take you nowhere near a tropical island, but also that you were being poisoned from the start. Wouldn't you have created total chaos for shits and giggles?

but why scrape most of him up
he was still in one piece and didnt burn compeltely since they put him out

Damn, the opening scene to Episode 8 was fantastic.

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I haven't seen it in a while but I think Stanley set fires in other areas of the tent which led to it engulfing the area he was 'put out' in. I don't remember anything about them moving his body after they tried to save him.
Either way it's just an user making a daft comic, we all make mistakes.

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