This fucking sucked

This fucking sucked

Attached: MV5BMjEzMjcxNjA2Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMjAxMDM2NzM@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,674,1000_AL_.jpg (674x1000, 93K)

And fucked

And chucked

This feeding seed

yeah. it wasnt great

But it's the feminists superbad!

Yaas queen slay!

>Another feminized ripoff of something made by men is bad
I am shocked

its literally the worst movie of the year but 98% on RT cuz muh womyn

are they anything beyond culture warriors at this point

duh, everything that annapurna produces is indier than thou pretentious garbage

Yes they are also Disney slaves

based mouse

its literally one of the best movies of the year but /pol2/ hates it cuz muh womyn

fixed it

Do women like these movies though? I mean the target audience is women and none of us are women so I want to know if it at least managed to reach its goal and appeal to women.
Did women like the female Ghostbusters or the female Ocean's 11?

Explain, I like the chick from Last Man Standing but the trailer looked pretty bad

Not knowing anything about this flick, and can guarantee this is pure trash just by looking at the poster

Attached: Contempuous Bonobo.jpg (572x429, 78K)

>Two women
>"Hurr durr I can just tell it's trash"
Have sex

No, it just wasn't funny or clever, I laughed once

>Two roasties with "le attitude" face
>Edgy tagline

>bad movie is bad but the message is generous to demographics believed to be victims
>therefore bad movie is good because it teaches “good” “victim” worship message

It followed the same beats as Superbad. The basic plot is the main characters are trying to get to a party.
Instead of boys, the main characters are girls and one of them is a lesbian. They ditch their parent's graduation party by making their parents think they are lovers. The first party they find is on a lavish yacht, but there are no guests and the hosts are quirky. Then they go to a murder mystery party but the drugs they were slipped kick in just long enough for them to have to leave the party. They finally find their goal party but the people they have a crush on don't return them. Both main characters find alternatives.
The end.

even the one on the right looks like a photoshopped jonah hill

When did Olive Wilde start "directing" movies?

That's Jonah's sister Beans.

Girl on the left was very good, she has the comedy and drama dominated

Well she was on a sitcom for like 6 years, she should have that down by now. How was the other bitch?

Why would anyone watch this horseshit

when her tits dried up and her vagina stopped bleeding

holy shit you discord trannies are literally in every thread

The tagline alone is enough to know I shouldn't watch it

>Its another badass mothafucka women movie
In other words: nothing but vagina "jokes" and taking jabs at men with Have sex-tier comebacks and at least one mention of either a man cumming too soon or about the size of his dick.

>Olivia Wall'de

Why do all (((women))) have permanent resting angry SJW feminist face now?