What does this always happen?

Attached: rottenaladdin.jpg (926x382, 96K)

all posters look exactly the same now to the point where when I see miniatures on /tv I can't tell if it's supposed to be star wars, spider man or fucking aladdin
we need to go back

Probably means it didn’t have enough liberal bent to satisfy the (((critics)))

mark my words, this is the beginning of the end for disney

Mainstream audiences have garbage tastes, what else is new?

Is this how the Disney audience looks like?

Attached: S84~2.jpg (799x1071, 137K)

Disney, like Apple, no longer has a Walt/SteveWonderSoy at the helm to lead the charge and keep the drones cranking out good content. Now everything is a copycat, rip-off, nostalgiabait that the (((CFO))) thinks will make more sheks than cost, expense, and IP fees

Critics generally have a different perspective on how they enjoy and evaluate movies to the general public.

Aladdin is a family movie, and if Mum/Dad take their kids to a movie they only care about 2 things:
1) Their kids enjoyed it.
2) It didn't irritate them in the process

I went and saw this movie last night, and whilst there were a lot of things I didn't like, it was decent enough that a general audience will enjoy it. The costumes/sets are good, and the dance sequences are good, Will Smith was also a lot better as the Genie than most thought.

Critics over analyse everything because that's their job, they can't enjoy certain things because they can't stand back and see it for what it is supposed to be, a fun family movie.

Critics want a by the numbers good movie while fans simply want something that dates nostalgia.

I honestly dont expect it to be good, but I think I'm gonna have fun watching the remake of the first movie I ever went to the theater to see with my Mom and Sister

RT's audience rating was rigged a few days ago. It only shows, by default, reviews from Verified ticket holders which can easily be shilled by movie studios who already purchase tickets to their own films. Worse, it only shows ratings that are 3.5 stars or higher, meaning a film can now never have less than 70% audience rating.

>it only shows ratings that are 3.5 stars or higher
so they've given up any pretense of being a review site, and are now coasting on the fact that normies don't know or care what they are. sort of like yelp.

So Doctor Who viewers now have to show their tv licence?

Remember when netflix dropped / deep six’d all the *-star user reviews and switched to the algoeithm?

It's the percentage of people who voted 3.5 or higher, meaning that if everyone voted 2 stars for example the movie would have 0%

Is this bait or do you retards really not understand how rotten tomatoes works.

i very rarely watch movies and don't care about their ratings, i just post on Yea Forums about it anyway

Except Jungle Book is a fun family movie and has 95% on RT critics score. You're just content with eating shit and saying MUH FUN POPKORN MOVIE IM HAVE FUN


He's wrong about the percentages but right about verified holders being shills. I guarantee you that every upcoming Disney production, or highly anticipated film in general, won't score less than 90% even if the film is average or even terrible. The big studios will see to that.

That's not how it works
Here's brightburn which has 69% score from all audience. It means 69% of the people that voted, rated it 3.5 or higher, the rest rated it lower. It's really not a hard concept. Not sure why so many people here can't grasp it.

Attached: zoSmxjL.png (742x323, 168K)

haha 69

Was live action Dumbo good?

Verified Ratings

Attached: 1546316709682.jpg (251x242, 19K)

I hope they purchased their virtue tickets.

(((verified ratings)))

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Audience scores on RT are bullshit, desu.

Attached: caesar.png (743x326, 132K)

Are you retarded? 93% audience score means 93% of the people who reviewed it on there gave it at least a 6/10

Thanks to one fat slit no one remembers now. What a fucking waste.